Ancient Rites 2

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#4 of RoP

The next morning the little gem-scaled dragoness woke up to find herself in her parents' nest, curled up under her mother's wing. Her father was nowhere to be seen or smelled. Yawning and stretching she looked around, noticing her mother's belly still bulged a bit with daddy's cum, but not nearly as much as it had been last night. Looking down at herself she smiled and sighed happily, rubbing her own full belly. It felt warm again for some reason. Jade yawned and stretched as well, looking around sleepily before lifting her wing to smile at her daughter.

"Morning Keelee. Sleep well?"

"Mhm...much better than I have before." She rolled onto her back and purred, stroking her cum-filled belly. "I love how full this feels..."

Jade giggled softly. Kilara looked utterly adorable with a full womb and a happy, content smile on her face. No doubt she'd be a proud mother when the time came. "It's a wonderful feeling. I can't tell you how much I pestered my father to fill me every day. He would have if I didn't have three other sisters all wanting the same thing."

Kilara laughed. "But can't daddy fill me every day?"

"Daddy can only make so much cum, sweetie, and he's probably pretty empty after how much he ejaculated yesterday. If males have sex too much it hurts them inside because their bodies can't make semen fast enough to replace what's been lost. Semen isn't made instantly, it takes several days. Daddy's gonna need a lot of water and food. Of course, this happens when a female goes into heat too, because when she's in heat a female needs to mate a LOT."

"I see...what am I gonna do when I'm in heat if daddy can't mate with me?"

Jade shifted and Kilara looked to see her mother's vaginal slit. "You just use your tail like this," she explained, easing her tail into herself, biting her lip to stifle a moan. "Your tail is much more flexible than a penis, so you can do a lot more with it. It doesn't fill your belly, but it offers an alternative to a male's penis." Kilara looked at her own tail quizzically, then stuck it into her pussy and moaned loudly.

"Ooohh!! Oh wow that feels so good!"

Jade laughed and nuzzled her as Kilara pumped her tail in and out of herself. "I know this is all new and it feels awesome, but don't masturbate too much. Too much sexual stuff can make you sore or even sick, plus you won't be as tight for daddy. The tighter you are, the better it feels for both you and him, though if you're too tight it hurts you to have something inside your vagina."

Kilara nodded and reluctantly pulled her tail out of herself, panting a bit. "What's masturbate?"

"Pleasuring yourself. Using your paw, mouth or tail on your vagina to feel good is called masturbating. It feels good, but don't do it too much. If you mate or pleasure yourself too much it loses that 'good' feeling over time."

" that why you and daddy said I can't have his penis in me every day?"

"Tht's one reason, yes. The other is that...well...I'm his mate, and he should be mating with me more than anyone else...even his own daughters. When you have a mate, you'll understand."

Kilara was about to reply, but her stomach interrupted with a loud gurgle. "Did daddy go hunting?"

"I think so. Let's surprise him and go foraging. But first we need to sun and drink."

"Okay!" Kilara eagerly waddled out of the nest, unable to walk properly with her belly so full of hr father's cum. Her decision last night came to mind and she paused. "Mommy, I'm gonna go wash off and get a drink, I'm really thirsty."

"Okay. Just be careful." Jade watched her leave, following suit shortly afterwards. "I wonder if I can still handle her napping inside me."

Kilara stretched her wings wide and swooped off the cliff, gliding down to the garden patch. What was there astonished her. The garden was still brown and wilted, but where she'd had her accident, green shoots were just barely beginning to peek up through the soil. They were a deep, healthy green, something Kilara had never seen before. They also smelled...fresh. It was a good scent, the ind that invigorates those who take it in. Glancing at the slightly wilting red flower she'd sniffed yesterday she sighed. "Wonder if it's just coincidence...I wish it weren't..." she mumbled to herself. She took a step and then froze. There it was again, that strange contraction. Before she could think it through, another one forced her into a crouch again, pleasure assaulting her from her crotch, but this time she felt minutely aware of her pussy pushing something out. Panting in the aftershock, she glanced down. Just like yesterday, she'd just pushed out her father's entire load...and sitting right under her dripping vagina was another jelly-like egg- ...wait. She shifted to the side a bit and stared. Two eggs, both slightly smaller than the one yesterday.

She walked her hindquarters away from them and leaned in close to study them. They were identical. A thick gelatinous translucent skin housing an unnaturally white, pearly fluid. It smelled like her father's fluids, wasn't. Cum wasn't this thick or this pearly. She reached towards one curiously and touched it with the tip of her claw. Just like yesterday, the skin seemed to instantly dissolve from the point of contact, the pearly fluid oozing out over the soil. Tilting her head in confusion she reached for the other one, but paused just shy of it and instead laid her pawpads on it. It remained intact, conforming under her paw with a squishy feeling. Very carefully avoiding touching it with her claws she picked it up with both paws, almost dropping it as it seemed to shift freely. Finally she got it balanced atop one paw, using the other to play with it. No matter how much she tried to squish it, it refused to burst. She even placed it on the ground and laid down on top of it, watching in wonder as it squashed flat under her yet still would not fall apart. Wondering about this "egg" she carried it carefully to another section of the garden, well away from where her father's semen had sunk into the soil, and proceeded to set the egg down and pop it with her claw. Just like the others, the gel dissolved and the pearlescent contents flowed over the soil, sinking in quickly.

She didn't have time to wonder though; her ears picked up the distinct sound of her mother's wings catching the air. Kilara scrabbled over to the creek and flung herself in, yipping at the chill, and quickly chugged a decent amount of water, trying to look like she'd been there for a while. Jade backwinged over her, the wind chilling the little girl's wet body briefly.

"Boy you really were thirsty weren't you?" she asked, stepping into the water and leaning down for a drink as well.

" said you'd be going into heat again soon. Do you really want more kids already?"

Jade nodded slowly. "I really want to try for more children, Keelee...I've always dreamed of having a large family. And to be honest, sweetie, I miss being pregnant. It's a wonderful feeling, knowing you're creating and carrying life." She sighed sadly. "Of course, we only got lucky with you...for all we know I might never be able to have children again."

As her mother bent down to drink again, Kilara glanced from the garden to her, a sudden curiosity striking her. It was worth a shot at least... "When are you going into heat again?"

"I'm feeling a little off today, I think it might be as early as tomorrow."

"Can I nap in your womb today then?" she asked with a smirk. Jade glanced up at her, then smiled back.

"I know that look. What are you planning?"

"Oh, a little surprise for daddy when he gets back...I think you'd like it too." She trotted up and whispered into Jade's ear. Jade laughed.

"Oh my...I've always wondered about that. Are you sure?"

Kilara nodded eagerly. The two dragonesses flew back up to the cave, but before they could put their plan into action, they needed to do some foraging. Before that though they needed to check their inventory. Some of the stored dried fruits and veggies were starting to get a little soft, so they got those out of the storage room to use as dinner, then flew back down to the forest. Jade spent several hours teaching Kilara about various plants and edible things, and how to tell them apart from similar poisonous varieties.

By the time they finished and brought everything back, they were more than ready for some rest. Jade was definitely nearing her heat too, she was feeling very frisky and Kilara noticed a slight but odd smell coming from her mother. After they finished preparing the stuff to be dried and seasoned for storage, they retired to the nesting chamber, Jade rolling onto her back.

"I think we've earned ourselves a nap...think so baby?"

"I think so." Kilara eagerly approached her mother, straddlign her tail and eyeing her mother's vent.

"Just be careful, you're far bigger than you used to be," her mother warned, spreading her legs and spreading her labial scales, exposing her entrance.

Kilara giggled and nuzzled her mother's vaginal entrance. "I'll be careful," she whispered. Jade purred and spread her legs even more, teasing her daughter's vent with her tail. Kilara moaned, inadvertently bumping her mother's clitoris. Jade gasped and shivered. The little girl noted the reaction and leaned up a bit, licking her mother's sensitive nub as she eased her paws into that inviting entrance.

"Oh sweetie...that feels wonderful..." Jade groaned as her daughter nuzzled and suckled her clit. Kilara found herself enjoying pleasuring her mother, yet despite that she felt uncomfortable with it, wishing it was her father's penis she was licking instead. She persisted though, feeling her mother's vent getting wetter and more relaxed. "He'll be back soon..."

"I know, I just don't wanna hurt you," she replied. With that she nuzzled her mother's stretched entrance, slowly easing herself in. Jade's back arched off the floor as she moaned loudly, her vagina stretching more than it ever had as her daughter managed to wriggle her upper body past those light-green labial scales. A lot of moaning and squirming ensued but finally Kilara was curled up in her mother's womb, listening to her mother panting from the action.

"Oh my you're a lot bigger than I expected..." Jade mumbled, stroking her belly. "In a few months I won't be able to do this, you're gonna be too big!"

Better make it count then, Kilara thought to herself, her ulterior motive at the front of her mind. She smiled and closed her eyes, eagerly awaiting her father's return. She had her tail pulled off to the side, her vagina lined up with her mother's cervix.

Only a few minutes later did Jade hear Diamant's powerful backwinging as he landed on the cave precipice. He came inside panting softly; she could hear him dragging something. "Wow...that was heavy..." he grunted. "Jade? Keelee? Anyone here?"

"Back here," Jade called. Diamant headed into the chamber and paused at the sight of his mate lying on her side with a huge belly, then smirked.

"So you're able to handle her?"

"Mmmm...just barely..." She shot him a seductive grin, hiking her tail back. "It really turned me on though...I need your help..."

He trotted over, purring, and nuzzled her neck. "Sounds like someone's going into heat can a mate resist?" he whispered, walking himself over her, his silver shaft erecting from the pouch between his legs. She moaned and wrapped her wing over his back as he penetrated her, the two of them kissing until he reached her cervix...far sooner than normal. "Heh...seems having her in your womb brings your cervix closer...I'm gonna enjoy this."

"You're not the only one," she whispered lustfully, bucking back and moaning as he entered her womb. Her cervix seemed a lot tighter than normal, but he continued easing deeper. Kilara shifted inside her and he paused, then broke out laughing.

"What is this?" he asked, giving an experimental thrust, the three of them moaning softly as he speared through another barrier. "I can't believe you two!"

Jade giggled. "Didn't think it was possible to mate with two dragonesses simultaneously did you?" she asked, teasingly clenching herself around his penis. Inside her womb, Kilara giggled quietly, murring as she was spread around her father's shaft again. He was up to his hilt, completely buried in both his mate and his daughter. He chuckled and kissed his mate passionately, purring.

"Well this is a very welcome surprise...I thought I was gonna give her a bath but this is even better."

Kilara purred softly, her throat tightening in a squeal of pleasure as her father pulled out. Jade moaned loudly, not used to being so full while mating. He thrust back in slowly, passing through Jade's tunnel and cervix straight into his daughter's tighter passage. Unable to move much in the confining space, Kilara relaxed and let herself enjoy the pleasure of her father's steady rythym, his shaft pumping in and out of the two with increasing speed. Diamant was in paradise as he fucked his two beloved females at the same time with each thrust of his hips, their tight silky warm depths massaging his entire shaft like nothing he'd ever felt before. Kilara wasn't used to such a vigorous pace and was the first to climax, shuddering inside her mother as her body clenched around that wonderful penis. Jade soon followed suit, crying out loudly and gasping for breath as her whole body shook in ecstasy. The two pussies milking his shaft was too much and Diamant lunged in to the hilt, spearing his daughter's cervix once more and spewing fire as he came hard, filling Kilara's womb with his delightfully warm, thick load. Oh how she loved that feeling! He pulled out a little early though, just enough that he was clear of her passage, and finished his ejaculation in his mate's womb, bathing Kilara in the last of his load. She didn't mind, in fact she enjoyed it, purring as his cream surrounded her.

They laid there, purring and basking in their afterglow. "Looks like we all need a nap..." Diamant whispered, nibbling on Jade's neck softly.

"Indeed..." she whispered back, yawning. "What did you bring back?"

"You'll see." He smiled and curled up with her, the two of them stroking her belly. Kilara smiled, feeling their paws faintly Very carefully she turned herself around, hearing her mother moan loudly in pleasure. Her smile faded though as her mother's words repeated in her head....

I really want to try for more children, Keelee...I've always dreamed of having a large family. And to be honest, sweetie, I miss being pregnant. It's a wonderful feeling, knowing you're creating and carrying life...Of course, we only got lucky with you...for all we know I might never be able to have children again...

The little girl sighed, feeling herself drifting off to sleep in the aftermath of their romp. It's a crazy idea...but I have to try... she thought to herself. If her conscience was right about this...she might be able to make her mother's dream come true.

An hour later Kilara awoke to the familiar sound of her father snoring. Judging by the steady, strong, slow rise and fall around her, her mother was also fast asleep. In her position in her mother's womb her paws were already on her cum-swollen belly...and just as expected, it felt warmer than usual. My body must be making these weird eggs every time daddy cums inside me... she thought. I_f my idea is correct...I'll have to be very careful here..._ Reaching down to her pussy she murred as she stroked her slit with her pawpads, careful to keep her claws back. _ I wish I could help mommy become fertile again... _

A few seconds passed. Then, right on cue, a contraction. She couldn't crouch, but her legs still tensed anyway. This time she kept her paws against her vagina and tried to focus on her body. There it was, that tensing...her womb was pushing something out...she shivered, trying to slow herself, it felt amazing! She could feel the strange jelly-egg conforming and squishing between her vaginal muscles as they pushed it out. With shaky paws she caught it, feeling fluid gush over her paws as her father's semen once more left her. As luck would have it, she was facing down, so she carefully let the egg down, keeping her paws around it to track its motion as it settled. When it finally stpped moving, she grinned and pricked it with her claw, her other paw feeling the skin dissolve. She couldn't see what was going on, so she kept as still as she could be for a while, trying to mentally picture the pearly white fluid seeping into the ground. If it worked the same way with her mother's flesh...but then again it might take longer to absorb, since mommy's bulginged bellies usually took a while to subside...

Crap. I think I just trapped myself... Kilara thought. Ugh! I'm gonna have to stay still like this until mommy wakes up!

Unfortunately for her, she had another hour or so before Diamant finally yawned and stretched, pulling his flaccid penis free of his mate's folds, which woke Jade up. Jade groaned and stretched; Kilara could feel her belly tighten around her as she arched her back. "Wow...that was awesome..." she whispered to her mate with a smile. He chuckled and kissed her.

"I'll was definitely unique...not to mention incredibly arousing. But I think Keelee needs to be let out, poor thing is probably all cramped up."

You have no idea...

Jade nuzzled her belly firmly, feeling Kilara's shoulder. "Time to wake up- oh!" she meeped, gasping as Kilara eased her head through her mother's cervix. Jade involuntarily pushed, squealing as her daughter slipped out into the nest. The little girl inhaled sharply, then yawned and groaned in achy pain as she stretched.

"Ow...I hurt all over..."

"Are you okay sweetie?" Jade asked, leaning over to lick the cum off her body. Kilara did a quick check and mentally sighed in relief, none of the pearly white stuff was on her. Hopefully it stayed in her mother.

"Yeah...I think I am...I'm just sore all over and I feel really stiff..."

"Let's go get you a bath and some water Keelee, your body probably needs it," Diamant suggested. He turned to Jade and nuzzled her softly. "I'll take her to the stream."

"Take your time. I'll work on dinner." She kissed him and watched as he laid down again.

"Climb on my back sweetie, I'll take you to the water."

"Okay daddy..." she yawned, then shakily climbed onto his back, her legs and wings aching all over and not very willing to move. As her father carried her out of the cave and spread his wings though, the fresh air in her nose reminded her that this discomfort, if her idea was correct, was only a small price to pay for a much greater reward. She held on tightly to his neck as he flew lazily over the forest, taking his time and stretching his wings to shake the sleep out.

"Are you okay sweetie? You're holding on rather tightly."

"Yeah, I'm okay now." She smiled and hugged his neck. "Daddy...thank you so much...ever since you started mating with me I've felt so much better..."

He smiled lovingly. "I'm happy to hear that, be honest, if food weren't a problem, I wouldn't think twice about breeding you, I've always kinda dreamed of giving one of my daughters her first clutch. Maybe even having her as a mate. But with the way things are it can't happen, I can't support more than one family."

"If...if mommy can't get pregnant anymore...maybe I could give you two eggs instead when I'm old enough?"

He fell silent, processing this idea. "It's...a thought. I'm uneasy about it...I'll talk to mommy about it tonight. But...are you sure you'd want to give your children to your mother?"

Kilara nuzzled his neck. "It would be both your dreams come true...she wants a large family, you wanna be mates with your daughter too and give her eggs..."

He fell completely silent. He couldn't dispute that at all. Shaking his head in amusement he smiled softly...his little girl was so mature already... but an idea came to mind that he couldn't resist. "You do know that they wouldn't technically be my and your mother's children, but our grandchildren rather, if you did that?"

She paused, then burst out laughing.

heh...lame ending is lame, but this chapter's finished.

I'm having a lot of trouble thinking... I'm posting these from my parents' house while I take care of it for them. I think it's been about a week now? They were both in a really bad car accident and are both in the chapters are kind of a stress vent and something to distract me when I'm unable to visit them. They're in serious condition but recovering rather well, according to the doctors...I just pray no serious health complications arise from this.

Don't text and drive. The asshead who caused the accident was a 40-year-old ditz who refused to put her phone down. She got off with only minor injuries and is trying to press charges against MY parents for hitting her car when SHE was the one not paying attention. And every time I've seen her she has that fucking piece of shit in her hand, thumb blazing away. Don't be dickwads like her. Put the phone down and keep your eyes on the road, driving safely is more important than the person on the other end of the phone. They can wait until you've reached your destination. If it's truly important, set up a voicemail so they can call and leave a message. There's no legitimate excuse for texting while driving. None whatsoever.


*sigh*...I'm fine...I hope...