It's gonna be a long night

Story by Niro_Razorfen on SoFurry

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"It's Gonna be a long Night..."

Today was turning out to be a total drag. After waking up at 6am, leaving his nocturnal life mate to sleep through the day, Issashu, or Issa, as his friends called him, really did not have the energy to deal with the seemingly never ending onslaught of customers coming into the bank. Some wanted to take out a loan for a winter getaway, while others had wanted to simply deposit their newly obtained pay checks into their accounts. These tasks had become so repetitive and tedious, and Issa was beginning to wonder why he chose this line of work in the first place, as now it seemed he was only doing it because the wages were good.

Issa is, at first glance, a rather gruff looking brown bear, complete with the short stub of a tail. Like all bears, he had something of a belly, however, he was entirely in proportion, and he carried the weight well. His boyfriend Niro, a Husky, and more recently, a Vampire, found Issas tummy rather attractive, and he loved nuzzling into it and even falling asleep on it.

Issas working day was almost drawing to a close, and he was busy dealing with a customer who wanted to withdraw more money that his daily limit allowed, and as such, was kicking up a fuss. Issashu was just about ready to smash through the pane of glass that separated him from the source of his irritation and strangle the life out of them, but he controlled himself. Something like that would not look very good on his monthly work review. Fortunately, Issas manager came over and took control of the situation, leading the customer away to the small seating area in the corner to explain about the limitations in place on his account, which the customer seemed to refuse to understand.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Issa checked his watch, and could not stop a smile spreading across his face as he noticed it was three minutes till closing time, which meant that in less than half an hour, he would be back home, and most likely sharing a meal with his mate while they watched TV.

However, any plans for any naughty fun had to be put on hold, as unfortunately for Issa, Niros mother had decided to pop over for a visit. This made it her second visit in as many months, as she constantly felt the need to check up on her son after his recent 'lifestyle change'. She knew he was a Vampire, as he could not keep it a secret from her, as he always shared important things with his mother, and he would be damned if he didn't consider becoming a Vampire important. She had taken the news better than both Niro and Issa had expected, and promised to stay out of Vampire affairs, and not to go looking for them. But, like any mother, she worried about her son, and wanted to keep an eye on him, even though he was reluctant to allow her to.

Niros mother was staying until the end of the week, and admittedly she was nice to have around, as she always ordered Issa and Niro to sit down and relax while she took care of the cooking and cleaning.

Issa looked around as the automated PA system suddenly echoed around the bank, stating that all customers should head to the nearest exit, as the bank was closing. Standing up and pulling on his jacket, Issa pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and checked for any new messages as he always did when he finished work. Recently most of his texts had come from Niros mother, to keep him up to date on what was in the fridge, or that she might pop out for a walk. Issa was pleasantly surprised when he found that there was a message waiting to be read; however, instead of being from Niros mother, it was from Niro himself.

This was a little odd, as usually Niro could barely muster the strength to do anything when the sun was up, never mind send a text. Issa assumed that there must have been clouds covering the sun or something like that, and Niro may have had a brief moment to grab his phone and send his bear a message.

Pressing the 'OK' button on his cell to read the message, Issa read it carefully, and when he had finished, several dirty thoughts popped into his head.

The message read: "Fridge has been restocked. Mom gone out with friends. See you at home."

This was Issas chance. If Niros mother had gone out, then that meant that they would have a chance for some fun, something which Issa really needed, as he had been starved of it the past few days. It seemed that Niro was thinking the same thing that he was; otherwise he may not have sent the message in the first place.

As it was getting into the winter months of the year, the nights were much longer than the days, which meant that the sun was already down, and Niro would be awake and ready for his bear when he got home.

After heading into the staff room and grabbing his briefcase and car keys from his locker, Issa completely blanked his manager, who had finished dealing with the troublesome customer, and was walking over to him, looking like he had to tell him something.

As Issa left the bank via the staff entrance which led into the parking lot, his mind had already begun to wander off to a dirty place, as he imagined all the things he and his Husky were going to do. All the kissing, all the touching... these thoughts made Issa wish he was wearing his jeans instead of his smart work trousers, as he had to put his jacket over his lap as he sat down in the driver's seat of his car, to hide the tent that was forming there.

Also, Issa was secretly hoping that Niro would bite him again. Niro had only done so once in the past during sex, and even though it had hurt at first, after a few seconds it just felt like Niro was nuzzling into his neck. Issa had said it had felt weird and was unsure if he would want to do it again, but since then he had thought about it quite a bit, and he had begun to like the idea of being so close and intimate with one another that he would allow his mate to drink from him. He knew full well that Niro would only take a few sips of blood, never enough to make him pass out, or even feel light headed for that matter.

All the while he was lost in his dream world; Issas body seemed to be on auto pilot. He had put his key in the ignition, started his car, and was already on the freeway, about seven minutes more drive until he reached his apartment where his husky awaited him.

* * *

Just like before, the remaining drive back to the apartment seemed to fly by, and it also seemed that every traffic light Issa passed was working in his favour, always turning green as he approached them.

As he finally reached the turning that led to the parking lot of his apartment building, Issas phone vibrated once in his pocket, making a quiet ping noise to signify he had received a text message.

Pulling into the first available parking space, Issa quickly pulled out his cell once again to check the new message, which, again, was from Niro.

"Zipping to HQ for a quick bite, will be back ASAP."

Reading it aloud to himself, Issa couldn't help but suddenly feel a little disappointed. Not only did this mean that his plans for the evening would be delayed, but it also meant that Niro would not be hungry enough to bite him when he returned.

The Vampire HQ was a place Issa himself had yet to visit. Niro had said he would take him there, once he himself had gotten used to going there whenever he needed blood, or when he was summoned by the Vampire Elder to perform odd jobs. "Every Vampire is required to fulfil their duty to the covenant", Niro would always say. Even though Niro had killed the Vampire which turned him, a crime which usually carries grave consequences, he was let off the hook, as his Vampire 'Sire' was a rouge, and therefore considered fair game for the Vampire hunters.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, Issa began walking towards the door that led into the apartment block foyer, which had an elevator and stairs to reach the upper floors. As he got closer, Issa watched as the tree planted at the corner of the building suddenly rustled quickly as if a strong breeze had hit it. Issa immediately recognised the blurred figure that raced past it as Niro, as no other person in the area could move at such a lightning quick pace. At the speed he was moving, Issa knew that it wouldn't be long until he returned.

Heading inside and straight to the elevator, Issa stood watching the digital numbers change as he ascended up to the fourth floor. After leaving the elevator and letting himself into his apartment, he closed the door behind him, and found a note left for him by Niro, written rather hastily, explaining that his mother had called him a little while ago to see she had gone out clubbing with some old friends, and she would be staying the night with one of them as she would probably get a little too tipsy to drive home.

Issa chuckled to himself as he put the note down on the side table that rested by the door, followed by his car keys.

Issa decided he would make himself a little snack while he waited for Niro, but first, he wanted to get comfortable. After kicking off his shoes in the hallway, he walked into the bedroom and started to strip. Off came his jacket and shirt, and then his pants, until he was standing in nothing but underwear. Now, the only thing that covered him was a pair of black briefs, which really didn't leave much to the imagination, something which Niro loved about them.

Once happily stripped, Issa walked back into the kitchen, turning on the small counter top TV and flicking to the local news channel as he opened up the fridge, and started pulling out the ingredients for a sandwich, which he prepared quickly, and then sat down to eat it.

"Police today are currently looking for any information regarding the whereabouts of 18 year old Lucian Endale, who has been missing since Monday. This appeal comes after an explosion ripped through his home. For some unknown reason, several armed men were at his house at the time of the blast, and at least three perished as a result. It is believed the blast was the result of an abduction attempt gone badly wrong. Police officers are hoping that whoever tried to take him have not succeeded. Also, police would like to speak to Lucian about a fourth man, who was killed at the scene by a gunshot to the head, prior to the explosion. They would like to hear his version of events, and rule out any possibility of..."

At this point Issa had switched off the TV after finishing his sandwich, as he wasn't really paying attention to what the new reporter was saying, his mind still occupied with naughty thoughts.

Issa stood up to put his dish in the sink for washing later, and let his mind wander once again, somewhat glad that the curtains were drawn on the kitchen windows. If they were open, and someone had looked in, they would have been greeted by the sight of a pleasantly chubby bear standing by the sink, rubbing his crotch through a very tight fitting pair of underwear.

Issas crotch rubbing continued as he walked once back into the master bedroom, grinning wide as he knew that his bear hood would be getting plenty of attention fairly soon.

Sitting on his side of the bed, Issa put his head down on his pillow, still rubbing himself, and maintaining the semi erection he had. His plan was to lose the undies as soon as Niro came through the door. As much as he wanted to simply paw off right now to the thoughts in his head, the desire for physical contact outweighed it.

Issa closed his eyes and imagined the look on his husky's face when he came in to find his mate lying on the bed, ready and willing to submit. Issa had noticed that since Niros change into a Vampire, the two of them had switched their preferred sexual roles, with Niro becoming more dominant, and Issa loving to bottom, to take his mate inside of him and ride him with all the energy he had.

While Issa was thinking away, he had gotten so lost in his dream world that he had begun to doze off, as he was now quietly snoring.

* * *

Issa didn't know how long he had been asleep, most likely for only ten minutes or so, yet his recent thoughts had played out into a very sexy dream. He could still feel the dream image of his mate caressing his chest, even pulling off his briefs and licking his cock...

It took Issa a few moments to realise that he wasn't asleep. The events he was now thinking he was imagining were actually happening! Niro had returned, and noticing his mates dream induced erection, had decided to take care of it. Opening his eyes, Issa moaned a little to show he was awake, and Niro responded by taking his bears shaft into his muzzle, and sucking on it happily, making Issa moan even louder.

Issas paws automatically moved atop Niros head, laying there gently and guiding him as he sucked away. Issas tongue was now lolling out of the side of his mouth, and he loved every second of this.

After a minute or two, Niro pulled off of Issas cock, making him whimper a little. Instead, Niro began kissing up his mates belly and chest, before finally reaching his bear's muzzle, and locking him in a passionate kiss.

Instinctively, Issa wrapped his arms around his mate, hugging him close as their tongues danced together. Their kissing was so fiery, yet tender at the same time. For several minutes this continued, until it broke apart, both of them smiling, gazing into each other's eyes, Issa , as always, entranced by the bright sky blue of his mates eyes, and also admiring his fangs that had fully extended in his lust, yet, he fully saw the love for him that Niro held aglow within them.

"Welcome home love" Issa said as he snuggled his mate closer to him. Niro smiled and gently pecked Issa on the lips, before replying.

"I'm guessing you were dreaming about me?" He said, gesturing towards his mate's crotch, where his erection was starting to soften.

"Was it that obvious?" Issa chuckled, moved a paw down to gently rub his now exposed cock, in an attempt to get it hard again.

Niro noticed this, and decided to help out. He stood up off of his mate, and began swaying his hips from side to side to an inaudible beat, running his paws up and down his chest, and then grabbing the base of his shirt, and pulling it up and off of himself, and dropping it on the floor. "How about a little show?" He added.

Sitting up, Issa smiled cheekily at his mate, as he returned to stroking himself.

On an on Niro danced, swaying and caressing his own body as he undid the clasp on his ever so tight jeans, and turned so that his back was at Issa as he slowly slid them down, showing off his little surprise underneath.

As his jeans fell to the ground, Issa let out a loud murr as he drank in the sight of his mate's underwear. Niro was wearing a small white lycra thong, that was made in such a way that it cupped his sheath perfectly, which Issa caught a glimpse of when Niro bent over to show how thin the string was that ran down his ass crack.

Turning around, Niro held out a paw to help his mate to his feet, who eagerly stood up to join his mate.

"Why don't you help me get this off?" Niro asked in a sultry tone.

Always happy to oblige, Issa dropped to his knees so that he was face to face with the growing bulge at the front of Niros thong. Taking a hold of the strings, he wasted no time and yanked it down, mumbling 'Oh god' when his prize was suddenly presented to him. How badly he wanted it.

Determined to repay the favour, Issa leaned forward and buried his nose in his husky's pubic fur, inhaling deeply the musky scent which he loved so much.

As if he was drunk from the smell, Issa began kissing all along the shaft of Niros cock, which was now almost fully erect. Grabbing it at the base and eliciting an 'Ah!' from his mate, Issa licked it from base to tip, before engulfing it in his muzzle.

"Someone needed this..." Niro moaned, as Issas head bobbed up and down on his cock, sending an electric feeling up Niros spine, which made him hump his bear's mouth ever so slightly. Issa responded by synching up his sucking with his mates thrusts, and he knew he was doing well by the increase in volume from his husky's moaning.

Niros thrusts began to increase as he could feel his climax approaching, but he was not ready to cum, and he wasn't planning on doing it in Issas mouth. Kneeling down, Niro pulled his mate off of his cock, and kissed him again, letting his urge to climax die away somewhat.

As they stood there and kissed and caressed each other, Niro had an idea. Since acquiring an increased strength, he had been dying to try something out. Placing both paws on the small of his mates back, he guided one of Issas legs to wrap around his own, and then, with a grunt, and a surprised gasp from his bear, He hoisted Issa into the air, balancing him around his waist, and moving back slightly so that Issa was pinned up against the wall.

Issa moaned and his cock throbbed in anticipation. What Niro was doing was turning him on immensely. It reminded him of the first time they had had sex, where he had carried Niro to the bedroom, and now, his mate was carrying him. Issa nuzzled into his mates neck and took in a shuddering breath as he could feel his mate's cockhead press up against his tail hole, lubed up from the blowjob he had given him.

Nuzzling Issa back so that he could lock eyes with him, Niro leaned in and kissed his bear for the third time. Issa held his breath as he felt Niro thrust forward and slide inside his ass, the familiar feeling of being stuffed making him moan into his lover's muzzle.

Once inside down to his knot, Niro began slowly, thrusting into his bear and then sliding out again, only to slide back in. Niro went on, building up a steady rhythm, all the while holding his mate in a French kiss.

Issa broke the kiss only for a moment to let out another 'Oh God!' this time it sounded more like he was shouting. The amount of pleasure the two were sharing was immense, and Niro was just about ready to unload. With a loud grunt, he slammed hard into his bear, his knot sliding past the walls of his tail hole and burying itself inside of Issa.

Feeling the sudden increase of pressure on his prostate, Issa broke the kiss once more, only to pant, "Niro...I'm gonna, I... gahhh!"

His sentence was cut short as he came hard, coating his own belly and Niros chest in his cum, while some of it dripped down between his legs and onto the floor. As he came, Issa had clenched down on Niros cock, who suddenly howled, and with one final thrust, came inside of his bear, filling him with his hot canine seed, and giving Issa the feeling of internal warmth which he really enjoyed.

Niro stood there, still holding Issa in the air, who had leaned over his husky's arm to look down, and see that he was at least 2 feet off the ground, to which he then started laughing.

With all of their sexual energy used up in an amazing session, the two lovers both remained where they were, laughing away, their usual goofy smiles on display.

After a few minutes, Niro carefully took a step backwards, and then lifted Issa even higher into the air, so that his knot, which was now not as swollen, left his mate with a pop, and a few drips of cum that followed it.

"Clean up time!" Issa commented, as he took Niros paw and led him into the bathroom to shower and wash up.

After spending a good 15 minutes showering and chatting away about Issas eventful day at work, the two emerged from the bathroom, with towels round their waists, still paw in paw.

"Up for a snack love?" Issa asked, gesturing towards the kitchen, "and I don't mean me." He added, making Niro laugh with a nod of his head.

As they entered the kitchen, Niro went over to the fridge to make some toast. Issa meanwhile had been distracted by his cellphone, which had a small message displayed on its screen, which read '1 missed call.'

After a swift examination, Issa discovered that the missed call was from his manager, who had also gone ahead and left a voicemail message. Issa recalled that his managed had come over to talk to him while he was on his way out, and that he had completely ignored him.

"Hmmm... message from the boss." Issa mumbled, as he dialled in the numbers to access his voicemail inbox.

The message left read: "Hello Issashu, I tried to catch you before you left, but it seemed like you were in a hurry, so I called instead."

Niros ears had perked up, as even though he was on the other side of the room, he could hear every word that was coming out of the small speaker.

"Anyways, I'm just letting you know that as tomorrow is Nationals day, you won't be required to come into work tomorrow, so enjoy your day off."

As the message ended, Issa put his phone down with a grin, and another one matching it was on Niros face.

Looking over at his mate, who still had his back to him, yet had stopped what he was doing, Issa grabbed his towel and dropped it, walking over to Niro and removing his as well, and then pressing his already semi erect bear hood against Niros tail hole.

"Looks like I've got some more free time" Issa said, as he kissed his mates neck.

Niro responded by turning his head slightly, eyes aglow once again to their vampiric colours, and his fangs extended again. He started grinding his ass into his mates crotch, knowing full well what Issa wanted.

"Lucky you have a day off tomorrow..." Niro said as he leaned forward to expose his tail hole more to his bear.

"...because you are in for a VERY long night."