Hide and Seek

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#1 of Learning the Game

My first posted story! On a losing streak against her friend Emily, Stephanie finds more than she bargained for after she discovers the perfect hiding spot.

If you like it, please leave a comment, I'd really like to hear from you. :3

Hide and Seek Vert Fonsay

Stephanie hurried through the house, anxiously looking around. The chipmunk, all of eight years old, wrung her hands together on the hem of her skirt. She couldn't hear Emily counting, but the house wasn't that big, and the clever girl had managed to catch her every time so far. Stephanie hadn't had a single turn at 'seeking' today because she wasn't very good at the 'hiding' part of hide and seek, but she was determined to stump the otter at least once. Suddenly she realized that the door to Emily's teenaged brother's room was open. She'd thought he was home, but there was no one inside. Emily would never look in there! Grinning, the munk dashed into the room just as she distantly heard Emily cry out, "Ready or not, here I come!"

The room was kind of dim, there were clothes scattered on the floor, and there was an unfamiliar (but not offensive) smell tickling Stephanie's nostrils. Nevertheless, she still thought it was the perfect hiding place, and hurried to the closet. Unfortunately, it was jammed full of random stuff. 'Robert must not be a very tidy boy', she thought to herself. Turning around, she saw Robert's desk, which was topped with a quietly humming computer (the monitor currently displaying a rather plain starfield screensaver) and some random clutter. There were parts on the left and the right full of drawers, and a big, deep gap in the middle for a person's legs. The drawers would perfectly block the view of that gap from the door! She thought she heard someone coming, so she hurried over, crawled into the gap, and sat quietly against the far wall, wondering as she did why there was a towel draped over the floor under the desk. Maybe Robert spilled his drinks a lot.

She did indeed hear someone coming closer and closer, so she sat very still and held her breath, but the footsteps didn't stop at the doorway, like Emily walking up and having a peek inside. Someone walked into the room and closed and locked the door. From her angle, she could see that it was Robert, not his sister, but he couldn't see her under the desk. He was facing away anyway, muttering as he fiddled with something. "Oh man, I needed that. You'd think I hadn't pissed in a week..." It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Stephanie had just happened to come by while he was in the bathroom. She thought about crawling out and making her escape, but just as she leaned forward to make her move, she heard Emily running by in the hallway, gleefully crying out; "Oh Stephanieeeeee, come out, come out wherever you are!" The chipmunk hesitated for a moment, not wanting to get in trouble for being there but not wanting to lose the game yet again. While she tried to figure out what to do, there was suddenly a sharp click, a zip, and Robert's pants fell down. Blushing fiercely, the girl backed up against the wall again, certainly not wanting to come out while he was undressed like that. As she watched, Robert, who at 15, seemed mysterious and kind of scary to Stephanie, tugged off his shirt and tossed it onto the bed - and then casually yanked down his boxer shorts, stepping out of them and turning around.

Blushing harder than she could ever remember doing so before, and covering her mouth with her hands to contain her shock, Stephanie could not help but stare; she only had sisters, no brothers, and she'd never seen her Daddy naked, so this was the first time she had ever seen a penis in the flesh. She swallowed a yelp as the otter casually reached down and scratched an itch, jostling the fuzzy orbs of his testicles around as he did so. Stephanie knew, of course, what these parts were, she had been taught where babies came from, but looking at a clinical diagram in a health book was very, very different from seeing a naked teenager touching his privates, unaware she was even there. She was starting to feel warm all over, especially down in her tummy for some reason, and wondered if there was just too much blush going on for her cheeks to contain. As she watched, enthralled, Robert walked towards his desk, sat down in the chair facing the gap, and pulled it up to the desk, ready to use his computer. Fortunately, he didn't discover her; he sat with his legs spread wide, so no part of his body came in contact with her. His penis was now close enough that she could have reached out and touched it if she wanted, but of course she didn't dare. Stephanie came very close to whimpering; this was a very new situation and she wasn't sure what to do, so she just sat there and stared, completely oblivious to Emily's cries as she ran by the room again.

Robert typed on his computer for a bit, leaning back in the chair and bobbing back and forth slightly, causing the tip of his penis to wiggle up and down just a little bit. Stephanie shifted uncomfortably. She was very warm now, and wasn't sure why. Just when she finally thought to wonder why Robert was using his computer without any clothes, he reached down and began squeezing and massaging his privates, running his hand along the shaft of his manhood and squeezing and rolling his testicles around in his palm. As she stared in amazement, his phallus began to twitch and grow, becoming longer and fatter as he played with it. Those clinical descriptions of how the body worked came back to her then, and she realized she knew what was happening, thinking to herself 'I - I know this part, the p-penis has to get big before it can put a baby in a woman.' Robert spoke up, and for a terrifying second, the chipmunk thought he had heard her thoughts and was addressing her, but he seemed to be talking to no one. "Alright ladies, show me what you got!" Music started playing from the speakers above her, along with the sounds of several women sighing and moaning for some reason. She was curious as to what in the world he was watching, but she was distracted by the sight of the otter's fully erect manhood jutting proudly out of his groin. His hand briefly returned to the top of the desk, and then returned, his fingers smeared with what looked like petroleum jelly. As he began to smear it up and down his shaft, making the skin slick and shiny, Stephanie shifted in her seat again. She wasn't blushing as much anymore, but the other warmth had dropped from her tummy to between her legs, and it was getting stronger, it felt... itchy, but not itchy. She reached down absently and began to scratch herself through her panties, but that just made it worse. Weirdly, even though the feeling was getting stronger, not weaker, she didn't want to stop. So she kept idly rubbing at herself. Either way, it wasn't strong enough to make her tear her eyes from her friend's brother's prick.

Robert let out a sigh of his own as he soon started a rhythm of stroking his erection, running his tight fist from the base of his manhood all the way to the tip and back again. His other hand dropped down and joined the first, squeezing and rubbing his balls. As he did, that peculiar smell grew stronger and stronger and Stephanie realized that the musky, yet oddly pleasant odor must be coming from his privates. She also observed that he was starting to thrust his hips forward a little bit, over and over. What was he doing? At first she'd thought he was moisturizing, but his skin was long since saturated and he kept stroking. Boys were so weird. She started to think she was glad she didn't have a penis, if they required such odd maintenance, but then wondered if she would still have this distracting heat between her legs if she were a boy. Robert started muttering to himself again. "Ahh, shit, I'm not gonna last... Jesus, yeah..." He was breathing loudly and shallowly now, and his whole body was twitching, making Stephanie a little afraid that he was going to touch her and discover his secret audience. "Ohh... ohh... oh shit... ohh_... ohhhhhhhh!_" Suddenly, Robert thrust his hips forward and moaned out loud, his hand a blur on his shaft, and Stephanie's eyes widened as his penis began to throb, spurting some kind of white, gooey cream from the tip. He grunted in time with each release of cream, which fell to the towel-covered floor silently - except for one, which landed on the hem of her dress. Eventually, he stopped, sinking back in his chair and breathing heavily, his penis shrivelling and drooling that odd cream out onto his testicles.

He sat there, catching his breath, for a few seconds, then reached somewhere she couldn't see and produced a second towel, which he used to wipe off his hand and privates before leaving it on the floor next to his chair. He pushed back from the desk and stood up, walking to the side, out of her view, and from the sounds she guessed he was drinking from a bottle of water somewhere. Without the naked boy to look at, she directed her attention to the cream that had come out of his body. She'd certainly never produced anything that looked like that, and even if he'd been a girl, that sure didn't look like milk. She reached forward and hesitantly dipped a finger in one of the puddles on the towel. It was very warm, and felt just as gooey as it looked. She brought her finger to her face to inspect it, sniffing curiously. It didn't smell like that musky scent that still filled the room, it smelled... actually she'd never smelled anything quite like it before. She stuck her finger in her mouth, but didn't taste much of anything except an odd salty tinge. She decided that was because she was just licking it off her finger, and held the part of her dress that had been splattered with the cream up to her face, hesitating just a bit before extending her tongue and licking Robert's cream off. The taste was much stronger than on her finger, and the poor girl wasn't sure if she liked it or hated it, letting out a muffled yelp of confusion and surprise. It wasn't muffled enough, though, as she instantly heard Robert gasp in shock. "What the f- is someone in here?"

She was still quite hot between her legs, but now the blush returned to Stephanie's cheeks as she shamefully crawled out from under the desk, stopping to sit on the carpet next to the chair. Robert, who belatedly hid his shame with his hands, looked about as thrilled to see her as she felt to be discovered. "Holy... y-you're Emily's friend, Stephie. You were - oh my God, were you under there when I was - N-no, I wasn't doing anything, it was just..." He trailed off, realizing that there was no way she could possibly believe that nothing unusual had happened. "Oh man, this is bad..." She stared at the floor, picking out a relatively mundane part of this unusual situation to focus on. "S-Stephanie..." Given the unpleasant scenarios playing through his mind, he was understandably confused. "What?" "Stephanie, p-please. Emily only calls me Stephie when she's upset at me, because she knows I d-don't like it." "...Oh." There was an intensely awkward silence. "So you, uh, you saw the whole thing, huh?" "Y-yeah, I'm sorry." "Did... oh God, did any, you know, get on you?" "A - a little. On my dress. But I licked it off." She whimpered in embarrassment as he sat down on the bed, and to her surprise he let out a whine of his own, looking at her sorrowfully. "Oh God, this is so bad... If anyone finds out I - I jacked off on a kid, I could go to jail! And they don't like guys who mess around with kids in jail..." The girl's intense curiosity managed to overpower her embarrassment. "Is that what you were doing? Jacking off?" His own problems seemingly forgotten for the moment, he looked over at her in confusion. "What? Y-yeah, you didn't know?" She shook her head. "I still don't know what it means. Could you explain it, maybe?" "God, this is so weird... alright, alright, so, uh, you know where kids come from, right?" She nodded. "My parents taught me." Robert was the one blushing and avoiding eye contact now. "Okay, so, uh, you know how the man puts his, you know, his sperm inside the woman? Well, what they don't tell you in the books is that it feels really good when the sperm comes out. That's why people fu- have sex even when they don't want to have a baby, because it feels really good. But when you don't have someone to have sex with, you can, uh, touch yourself, and sort of trick your body into making it happen even though there's no woman there." She turned around and looked again at the cooling cream, which was slowly absorbing into the towel. "So that's your sperm? I - I've never seen any before." He actually laughed a little at that. "That's probably a good thing, kid. Look, I didn't know you were there, it was an accident, and I could get in a ton of trouble if anyone finds out, so could you promise me that you won't tell anyone about this? Please?" "Well... could you answer some more questions?" "What, really? Can't you just ask your parents?!" "They didn't tell me it felt good, and I really want to know everything." "Alright, alright, jeez..."

And so Stephanie found herself sitting on Robert's bed, across from the blushing otter, who had retrieved his pants and boxers. "Alright, kid, shoot." "You said people have sex (merely saying the words caused her to blush beet red under her fur) because it feels good when the sperm comes out. But why do the girls do it? Is it just because they want to make the boys feel good?" "N-no, girls can't, uh, shoot sperm, but they do, uh... oh God, I can't believe I'm explaining this to an eight-year-old... when a guy shoots his sperm, it's called having an orgasm, and girls can have them too, even though nothing comes out when they do it. Uh, usually..." The mysterious word even sounded important. She quietly sounded it out to hear it in her own voice. "Orrrrgasm. It sounds funny." "Yeah, well, I didn't make up the word." "So... I could have an orrrgasm?" He blushed even harder than he had been before. "Y-yeah, I guess..." Her curiosity was piqued. A way of touching herself that made her feel really good, and she'd never known about it? She knew that he'd made one of these mysterious orgasms happen by rubbing his penis, but that of course did her no good at all. "Show me how to make it happen." "Excuse me?" "I want to have an orgasm, show me how to do it!" He shook his head. "No way. I'm drawing the line here, kid, I'd be in huge enough trouble already for coming on you by accident, no way I'm gonna touch a little kid on purpose!" She was really frustrated now, wanting so desperately to know what it felt like but having that knowledge denied her by the only person she'd ever known who knew the secret. "W-well, if you don't help me, I'm gonna tell my mommy that you did know about it, and that you held me down and shot your sperm on me, and stuff!" His eyes widened in fear. "You can't do that! I'll go to jail! Everyone will think I'm a child molester!" She was bluffing of course, she'd never lie to get someone in trouble, but she sensed that if she kept this up, he would cave in and teach her the secret. She crossed her arms and looked away. "Well, if you don't show me how to have an orgasm, I'll tell everyone you molestered me." She had no idea what that word meant, but it seemed to help, as he sighed resignedly and slumped down, defeated. "...Okay, okay, fine, you little blackmailer. But you have to promise me that if I do this, you'll never tell anyone about what happened here this afternoon. Not your Mom, not Emily, not your brothers and sisters -" "I only have sisters." "Whatever! Promise me you'll never tell anyone about this, ever! Not even if they ask you about it!" She was getting excited, a smile growing across her fuzzy face. "I promise!" He swallowed nervously. "Alright then... t-take your clothes off."

Stephanie felt that odd warmth coming back as she laid her tiny purse down on Robert's desk chair, then lifted her dress over her head and put it on top of the purse, feeling self-conscious about baring her chest to a boy, even if it was perfectly flat. She pulled her socks off one by one and added them to the pile, and then took a deep breath and tugged her Hannah Montana panties down her thighs, past her knees, and then stepped out of them, smiling shyly at the otter as she topped off the pile of her clothes. She climbed up on the bed, fighting the urge to hide herself with a hand, and sat down. "Okay, now what?" "Well, you should lie down on your back, and - and spread your legs." She did as he asked as he crawled towards her, his gaze locked on the perfect line of the puffy lips between her legs. He shook his head as he reached down towards her, and said, "God, I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this..." "Wait!" He couldn't hide the relief on his face. "You want to stop?" "N-no, I want you to be naked too. It's only fair!" When she refused to concede the point, he reluctantly ditched his clothes and was once again nude before her. "Happy now?" "Yup!" He sighed. "Alright, now, I'm not exactly an expert on how girls do it, but I'll do my best, okay?" As soon as he placed his hand on her crotch, she started. No one else had ever touched her there, not even her parents, and it felt deliciously naughty. He spread her virgin lips with two of his fingers, revealing the pinkness within. "Wow, you're already wet." "Am not! I haven't done that since I was a little kid!" "N-no, I don't mean that way, I mean, uh - when girls see something they find sexy, their - oh hell, just call it your pussy - their pussies get wet with their special juice." As much as she loved the new word for her parts, she was more intrigued by the other part of that statement. "Special juice?" "Yeah, only girls make it, it's like how only boys make sperm. See?" He ran a finger on his other hand along her parts, causing the girl to shudder, and then held it up to her. It was coated in a thin, slick liquid that smelled new and exotic. "Ooooooh..." He grinned, clearly warming up to the idea of what he was doing. "Cool, huh?" "Yeah! Now show me how to make myself have an orgasm!"

Robert chuckled. "Don't put it that way, it sounds silly. When you make yourself have an orgasm, it's actually called 'masturbating'." "That's kind of a long word. I don't really like it. And you called it something else earlier!" "Well, yeah, there's all kinds of nicknames for it. Like, when a guy does it, some people call it 'choking the chicken'." She giggled, thinking of how the way he was squeezing his penis earlier did look like he was trying to choke it. "I like 'jacking off' personally. But there aren't as many for when girls do it. Hmmm... Let's call it 'jilling off', okay?" She giggled again. Jack and Jill had been one of her favorite nursery rhymes when she was very young, and the idea of using those names to refer to this wonderful secret was delightful. "I get it! Okay, show me how to - to jill off!" He spread her lips again, and she leaned forward to watch. "Alright, a big part of it is playing with this hole right here. That's the hole where the boy puts his penis when people have sex." Stephanie's mouth felt dry, and her parts felt hotter than ever as his fingertips played over them. Her eyes darted from the hole her Mommy had called a 'vagina' (another word she didn't especially like) to the flaccid penis hanging between Robert's thighs. In all the time she'd seen those charts and read about baby-making, she'd never really imagined a penis actually going inside her. She was a little worried; he had seemed huge when he was hard, much bigger than her little hole, but then she remembered that he was almost twice her age, and relaxed. Surely the pieces would fit together better when she was grown up. She was snapped back to the lesson at hand when Robert, holding her lips open with the first and ring fingers of one hand, pushed his middle finger into her hole, causing the munk girl to moan in surprise. "Oh - oh wow..." Stephanie had of course poked a curious finger in there once or twice, all girls did, but it hadn't been very interesting. Now, though, when that heat was in her parts, it felt wonderful, and sent another shudder down her spine. "See? You go like this..." He started gently pushing his finger into her hole and pulling it back out, and the feeling of his digit rubbing against her virgin walls was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. She couldn't even talk to tell him how good it felt. "And the other important part is in here." With his free hand, he tapped that funny bulge at the top of her pussy, the one she'd never paid much attention to. It was just there, like her belly button or her little toe. "Your, uh, your clit is in here, under this hoodie bit, and when you get really turned on - uh, that is when you feel really sexy, it's supposed to come out." He gave it a little boost, pulling back the hood himself, revealing a small, dark nub that Stephanie realized, to her amazement, looked a lot like the end of his penis. She watched intently, wondering if it was going to grow out, but it didn't get any bigger, it just wiggled a little bit and got darker. She vaguely remembered one chart that labelled the lump as the "clit-something", and she'd asked her Mommy what it meant, and she'd received the ever frustrating answer of 'I'll tell you when you're older'. Now, as the otter boy squeezed it between his fingers, rolling the nub around and stroking the sides, her whole body went stiff as more pleasure than she knew what to do with emanated from the tiny button to fill her body. She groaned loudly and Robert looked up at the door, worried. "I know it feels good, but if you make too much noise, we could get caught. Could you, like, cover your mouth and try to be quiet? Please?" Not wanting him to stop, she instantly nodded and clamped both her hands over her mouth.

She writhed on the bed, swallowing several moans and groans and whimpers of joy as her teacher continued to work her parts. She felt the heat building inside her, and just knew that whatever an orgasm was, it was going to happen soon. It didn't feel like as much time had passed as when Robert was jacking off, but even though she held on as best as she could, before too long, she arched her back off the bed and it felt like she was exploding, white hot joy flooding through her entire body, dancing along her nerves and filling every limb as her tight virgin hole rhythmically squeezed down on Robert's intruding finger over and over. She couldn't contain the moan within herself, so she held her hands over her mouth as tightly as she could to muffle it. Eventually, it was over; she slumped to the bed, hands falling weakly to her sides, breathing hard, a huge, tired smile on her face. Robert looked down at her, grinning. "I'm guessing you liked that." She giggled tiredly. "Uh-huh." Stephanie glanced down the bed and her smile widened just a bit. "You're all big again." Discovering that it was true, Robert self-consciously covered his erection and shrugged. "Well, that was pretty sexy..." She felt very grown up at that moment. "You think I'm sexy?" "M-maybe a bit, yeah. Just don't go spreading it around, okay?" She just grinned and nodded.

As she got dressed again, she glanced over at the otter, who was likewise putting his pants back on. "So that's what it feels like when you have sex?" He wasn't really paying attention, focusing on his stubborn belt buckle. "Nah, sex is supposed to feel way better than doing it by yourself." He glanced over at her and stopped, not liking the contemplative look on her face. "Could you maybe -" "No. And I mean it, I'm not going to sleep with you, that's a whole new level of illegal. And don't go threatening me, you're way too little to have sex, it would really hurt you!" This sounded logical, and she remembered earlier how she didn't think his penis could ever fit inside her, but she was still a little disappointed. He walked over and rubbed her still-bare shoulder. "Oh come on, I showed you how to jill off, didn't I? That should be more than enough for you until you're old enough. If it makes you feel any better, I've never had sex either." That did actually cheer her up a little, but before she could say so, her purse started buzzing. She pulled out her adorably undersized cell phone and checked the text she'd just received. Emily was admitting defeat, having looked everywhere she could think of without being able to find her. That news cheered her up a lot. She quickly pulled her dress over her head and turned to hug the surprised otter. "Thanks, Robert! I learned important things, saw a naked boy, and I won the game! I'll see you later, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I promise... but maybe since I'm already not telling anyone, you could teach me a little more sometime." She giggled at the embarrassed look on his face and grabbed her socks and purse, dashing out of the room before he could respond. When she got downstairs, Emily threw up her hands in exasperation. "There you are! I looked all over the house! Where were you?" Stephanie smiled and sat down to put her socks back on. "I'm not telling." Emily pouted and looked at the floor. "Well, I guess you win, you get to be the seeker." The chipmunk stood up and hugged her friend, who was quite caught off guard. "Cheer up, Emily. Being the hider's not so bad... if you find a good hiding spot."