
Story by Bachalon on SoFurry


Jenna sat at the top of the hill; the setting sun caught her crimson fur and seemed to set it aflame: the tips and bristles were sheathed in light. Balto sat next to her, his fur shone in much the same way.

They kissed; muzzles locked; celebrating his return.


The next morning, freshly fallen snow reflected the sun as it rose, glittering like shards of broken glass. Balto looked out across the frozen lake that trapped the derelict he called home. Jenna was nestled beneath a blanket beside him. He had slipped out from under it and was standing at the window. He yawned gently.

A pallid orange light painted the sky. The clouds were a low blue as the sun rose, slowly burning into the early morning chill. It was almost like twilight. Details around him were still shrouded in darkness but it was always darker in that small room towards the rear of the deck. He looked behind him at her still form. The blanket was draped across her side. Only her head and one paw poked out from underneath it. Her mouth was open; her tongue was still held in her bottom jaw, but he could see her lips expand when she inhaled deeply.

He dropped down from the sill, his claws clicking gently against the wood, and went back to her. He lifted a corner with his muzzle and wriggled below it until he was next to her.

Jenna was warm against him.

Balto smiled. He'd been warm, nearly hot when he'd first woken up. He got up and extricated himself from the blanket, mindful of the body next to him. He stretched, breathing deeply, coughing when the cold air bit into his lungs. He'd spent his time at the window, contemplating nothing, and had realized he was cold. Now, he was glad to have the warmth. When he was alone, it would have started to fade, leaving him shivering on the floor for a few minutes before falling to sleep for a few more hours.

His smile grew; he may not have considered it at the window, but last night had been good.

When he fell asleep it was the last thing on his mind.


They kissed. Their breath shooting out of their noses, pale mist in the diminishing light. The kiss had lasted a long time. Both had their eyes closed, the image of the other still fresh against shut eyelids. When they were open, it was the same beautiful face they expected to see. They broke and sat on the hill, watching as evening descended into night.

"Beautiful," Balto's voice startled Jenna.

She looked out at the twilight sky, "Yes it is."

He grinned insolently, "I wasn't talking about the sky."


He looked at her, running a large paw down one of her legs.

She batted her eyes.

There they sat, contemplating the sunset. A few stars winked into the gathering gloom. Jenna shivered and inched closer to Balto. He wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her closer still. Huddled together for warmth, they lingered, leaning into each other. The last traces of the sun disappeared, leaving only a dull glow that blended gradually into the sooty night sky.

Even with the gone sun and the night in full bloom, they remained, grateful for even the small respite together. The cold was endurable, but they weren't immune from its effects. It wasn't long before they decided to move in to where the humans were.

For once, far from being nervous around Balto, they celebrated him. He seemed to be welcome anywhere he pleased until he proved otherwise. They knew nearly every building would have a fire burning or a furnace running; it was simply a matter of finding a place that would admit them. Jenna knew that her girl was probably curious to her location now that her fever had broken.

Regardless, she owed that to Balto. Spending some time with him seemed an easy way to make amends. She knew he wouldn't ask, but it seemed the best thing to do. Balto wasn't complaining, but then he hadn't specifically asked for her company. His gentle flirting was a positive. She took it as a good sign.

It was easy to take him for granted. He'd been unimportant to everyone but her. Even when he had wrested a chance to prove himself, Steele had sabotaged his chances. Privately, she'd been glad that he'd been forced to stay, but she wanted him to go nonetheless. When the dog team had been lost in a blizzard and Steele had abrogated his leadership, she'd been stricken. It seemed unlikely that any dog, even Balto, could navigate the winds and unfamiliar scents through the trees to their destination.

Now that he was back and hadn't lost any of his edge, his quips were evidence of that, she could be happy. Let Sylvie and Dixie have their way with the inconsiderate husky. He'd quit pestering her when Balto had come back. Somehow, Steele had managed to convince the other girls of his status as a victim and landed some tail. At least he would be too tired to irritate them for the rest of the night.

She would have Balto all to herself.

They padded back to the village, wandering down the streets in search of an unlocked door and a roaring fire. It didn't take them long. Jenna scratched at one door, which swung to admit them immediately. She was amazed to realize they had been heard. The men were laughing and rowdy, drinking and joking. They managed to sneak to the front of the fire where they lay on the hearth.

Neither spoke. Between the men and the fire, their voices would have been inaudible. It didn't matter; nothing needed to be said. The heat from the fire was nice. Balto had done the generous thing and positioned himself close enough to Jenna to shield her back. He had wrapped his arms across her breast. True, he was cold, but he didn't care. The cold that was created by a lack of proximity to the fire was nothing to the biting cold of the outside.

They lost track of time as they rested. Every so often someone would come by to stoke the fire and a wave of fresh heat would splash across them. As the night wore on, and sobriety started to return, the men left little by little. The noise abated. The only ones who continued as they came in, together, were Balto and Jenna. A few persistent stragglers still drank, but it was slow. The night was wearing thin. The morning was still long hours away, but it would pass slowly for them. To the couple, the last hour or so had passed quickly.

The night would prove to advance quicker.


When the last two men were still there, the bartender polishing glasses and setting his cabinets to right for the next day, and a stubborn barfly, Balto sat up.

The fire had been reduced to embers. The heat was there as the coals simmered. The light was softer and the shadows were deeper. The walls were obscured, and the moonlight filtering through the frosted glass were the only indicators to the location of the door. Their eyes accustomed to the relative darkness made it easy for them to navigate between the legs of the chairs and tables, a maze of disarray.

Going to the cold again, wasn't as difficult as they would have guessed.

They walked at an even pace through the cold streets and closed buildings. They wove through the alleys and side streets towards the hills. Balto's home was out there, near the ice. Both had made the walk innumerable times, but they were taking the long route. Regardless of the time they would expend getting there, they were in good company.

The boat loomed large. The frost caked walls glistened and sparkled as they approached it. The windows inside were dark, but Balto had managed to sneak a lantern in there. It wouldn't be much, but it would sufficient.

He lit it expertly. The bare layout of the room made navigation easy in the dark. There was nothing to bark his shins against, and the lantern was firmly in one corner. He knew how to dip the wick into the gas and get it lit. He could grip a match between two digits of one paw and strike it against one wall. It lit and the first bright flare illuminated the lantern in front of him. It was ungraceful to move his paw into place, but he'd done it before and he'd grown flexible through repetition.

Once it was lit, he adjusted the brightness so the room could be seen to the corners. The ceiling remained dark. The clearest area was closest to the lantern, but sight wasn't entirely necessary for what was to come.


Jenna had sat on top of the blanket that he had tossed to one side when he had last left. He could understand that. The floor was cold, and didn't enjoy the first few minutes whenever he lay down to sleep.

Rather than keep her legs hunched, she let them slide out straight in front of her. In order to manage an awkward she had to slide her rear into the light. Balto could see a faint glint between her legs.

He grinned and sidled over to her.

Their kiss this time was a quick peck of the muzzle. Their mouths stayed closed, but their lips met.

Balto nuzzled with her, rubbing cheeks. He licked her face. His tongue was warm, and the heat lingered as he moved down, brushing his nose against hers. Her face dried quickly but not before a small chill caused her to shiver. She thought about saying something to him about that; she didn't want to contract hypothermia from foreplay, but she decided to enjoy it rather than dwell on consequences slim to happen anyway. Her skin may have been cold, but her fur would keep her warm enough.

Any doubts or fears she had concerning Balto were allayed. He had never complained about his living quarters or the weather. If he was cold now, he didn't show it. He'd just braved a blizzard. He hadn't shown any signs of discomfort and hadn't told her that he'd been so.

It was easy to assume other wise, so she put it out of her mind.

While worries were playing through her mind, Balto hadn't stopped. He continued with his gentle licks at the sides of her head and down her arms, her ribs and to her hips. She didn't notice the cold, or perhaps it wasn't as intense now that she'd experienced it.

A thin trail of wet fur shone in the dull light. Balto was moving as quietly as he could. Even so, his claws clicked against the wood. Despite being the only noise aside from shifting fur, neither of them really heard it.

He reached the splay of her hind legs. Her body looked wider there because of the way her legs were spread. Her thighs were bunched near her lower abdomen..

Balto stopped to admire her form. She was beautiful. Her curves swept. He rubbed his cheek against her stomach. The fur was thinner there. It felt softer. He her heard her sigh.

Reverie done, he continued



Her fur tickled his tongue. He suppressed a giggle.

And came to her vagina.

Her lips were still closed, they looked almost puckered, a pink dimple separate from the fur. He lapped at the skin, adding his wetness to hers. He wriggled his tongue at her. It slipped between the fold. Jenna's hips shot upward as Balto probed her depths. She was tighter than he'd imagined. The walls of her cunt pressed in. There was little friction; his saliva worked well as a lubricant.

He moved his tongue in tandem with his head, his neck shooting forward and back to simulate penile penetration. It worked.

Jenna's moaning grew louder. It didn't echo much in the small room. Balto struggled to move his tongue, to stretch her, to test her limits. It made her jerk and twitch. But it also opened her up wider to him. Her lips spread, her anatomy was visible.

She was a pale pink that could barely be seen in the light. Inside, she was a darker red, and the half-globe of her clitoris bulged white against the shadows, it's elevation made it visible.

He pulled his tongue and licked at her pussy. He lit his tongue shift into the inviting gap of her openness.

Somehow, she managed to reach down and stroke his head, running her claws through the fur at the top of his head and the thicker clump around his shoulders. He paused. The claws on his skin felt good.

He pulled away, his eyes lingering on her, on her stomach and the downy fur there, on her heaving chest, and the peaceful smile that had blossomed across her snout.

"I love you," she whispered.

He grinned at her, "I love you, too."

Jenna rolled onto her side, one of her hind legs happened to brush against him. He flashed a conspiratorial look at her, and rolled onto his back.

His cock came into full view, the tip was exposed to the cold air. Balto shivered just a bit.

She bent down carefully, resting her weight on the floor beside him so she wouldn't hurt him.

Her head was sideways on his torso, her eyes looking straight at him. She brought a paw up onto him, onto his sheath. She rubbed slowly, coaxing it out.

Balto had his eyes closed and was enjoying it.

The pads on her paws were rough, but her actions were smooth, and he knew what was going to happen from the motion of her paws on him.

His cock started to slither out. The end of it was thin, but it's girth grew wider. It was a bloody red, a few branch like veins snaking their way over it. It emerged slow. A few centimeters here and there with each successive rub. It was long already, Jenna knew it would be huge when it had come out fully. As it was now, it was growing wider. The tip wasn't small, it was a point and smaller in a relative way, but was large for that part of his cock.

Each time she reached the end of his sheath, his cock exited a little more.

It was more than half out/. It had reached it's widest point until the knot. It was huge. It was round and red, the curves on arcing towards the nexus of his legs. She kept rubbing nonetheless. He started bucking up and in the few thrusts he was drawn fully out.

His knot was a gargantuan swelling where his cock rejoined the sheath. Jenna could swear she could see heat radiating off of it in the cold. Her breath plumed, misty, in the room, but she only noticed when she stopped to think about it. Her head was close to him.

She scooted forward, her mouth wrapped around his cock as much as they allowed. Her jaw was forced open as wide as was possible. There was no strain since she wasn't actively doing it. Mindful of her teeth, her head began to bob.

Her tongue felt like silk to him. It was warm and soft.

Though he made a natural lubricant (as soon as she started on him, precum oozed out), the saliva helped. It made her motions easier.

Jenna could feel the point and curve of the tip scraping across the roof of her mouth. He tasted different than she would've expected. He was muskier, but it wasn't an overpowering stench like Steele or the others. It was a wild scent, yes, but more subtle. The wolf and the dog were both distinct, but not irreconcilable. Each was unique and exotic in its own way. The normalcy of the dog was offset by the wolf, but the wolf was foiled by the dog.

It was enchanting. She drank the scent through her noise. It filled her senses. With wisps of the sent occupying her lungs and that cock in her mouth, she was mired in that wonderful aroma.

She sucked deeply, trying to pull as much of him in as her mouth would allow. Where he widened is where she reached trouble. She didn't want her teeth scratching at the sides of him ruining the mood. Instead, she put her attentions on what she could, playing with the tip. She ran her tongue over it, pressing deeply into the crevices, the bowl of the tip, the slight fold where the head terminated, the trenches between thick, bulging veins that ran across it.

Balto moaned and slid a paw across her head. He couldn't even concentrate on words of encouragement. From the intensity, it would seem she didn't any.

He grinned at a thought: this would make masturbation no fun.

But it was quickly shoved away. He vocalized louder, his pleasure caught between a groan and a growl.

Jenna glanced up at him. If she'd had the room, she would've smiled. Balto, usually passive, never extremely emotive, didn't seem in control of himself.

She tried her best to gauge where he was. How close he was to climaxing. She didn't want to push him over. There would be plenty of time for that.

She worked him over. Slow and easy. Letting him tell her what he liked.

Sometimes, a move was rewarded with a large thrust that would come close to gagging her. She managed to keep him at bay; if she lost control, he would get hurt. Her teeth would dig into him. That would more than kill the feeling.

The last thing she wanted.

His movements increased in frequency. He was becoming frenzied. She was having a hard time controlling him. She felt his cock swell.

Pulling him out was easier than getting him in. She dropped her lower jaw and let him come out.

His breathing mellowed. He opened his eyes and his chest stopped heaving so heavily.

"Oh yeah." His voice sounded like it had been coated in honey. It was more of a croon than a declaration.

Jenna knew she'd done well.

She raised herself off of him, surprised to find a large pool of drool on his stomach.

One claw dipped into it, circling a few times before emerging. She licked her paw.

Balto licked his chops as he stood.

It was an easy transition. She just moved aside while bending down, shoving her rump into to air and letting her tail curl around her side. Balto wrapped his paws around her back legs, holding her tight. He almost squatted. His legs were curled in as he hobbled forward to penetrate.

She was dripping with anticipation. Her eyes were closed. Her jaw was tight. She could feel him behind her. His paws clutched in the crook between her thighs and abdomen. He took aim and thrust into her.

Jenna gasped and Balto moaned again.

Despite a warm tightness, he slid in to the knot easily. His previous ministrations had made her loose and ready. Even though he couldn't feel it, she was still producing juices. His cock dammed her, and she clenched involuntarily. When he was on the outstroke, a little bit dribbled out. Sometimes it fell onto the wood and cooled instantly, else it ran down the part of his shaft that was exposed, over his knot and then fell.

Already there were two distinct and growing puddles.

She groaned whenever his cock struck her clit. It made her clench tighter, and despite that, he kept up his quick pace.

Jenna rested on side of her head on the wood, ignoring the cold of it. A gentle not-quite-heat was starting to radiate from her pussy, spreading down her legs and up her stomach.

Her breath came in gasps; she was going to come.

Balto could feel it happening. Instead of the irregular but frequent clamping of her walls, they were completely closed. He could swear it that he was having even less trouble than before fucking her.

Legs, hips, ass, all quivered under him.

Not wanting to disappoint, he redoubled his efforts, forcing himself to go so fast he thought they would both burst into flame.

When she came, she shrieked loud enough to rattle his teeth and squeezed hard enough to make him slow for a moment.

Her cum shot out in a squirt when he withdrew for a moment. He could hear her breathing, ragged wheezing.

Rather than give her time to recover, he kept on. Her squeezing was harder this time, he had to work to bring himself to climax. She must have been dizzy with pleasure if she were as sensitive as her were after he came.

He kept at it, humping, in and out. His cock was a red blur. His knot smacked against her pink lips with every few thrusts as he sought to come.

Jenna couldn't move. She thought she actually was drowning this time. After she had cum, she assumed that Balto would remove himself, but he didn't. Obviously, they hadn't had simultaneous orgasms. He was still pounding away at her. It was too much. She could barely breath and couldn't see. The walls were a box of edged shade around her. She wondered if she could come a second time. It was something that she had never done before, but she supposed it could happen.

She shut her eyes.

Balto, too, had his eyes closed. He was enjoying the feeling rather than the sight. He had seen her back, and the way she moved gently, the way she would glance at him and look away. He was getting close, he could feel it mentally as well as physically. When he stopped for a few seconds, he lost nothing; there was no work to make up lost ground. He was able to continue where he left off.

All that mattered now was stamina.

He continued pushing at her, pushing as hard as he could. He didn't want to tie with her, but it felt better to get his whole cock involved.

It happened sooner than he thought it would. He was concentrating on movement, when he shivered, the cum drained from his balls and he rammed her with all his might and came.

He meant to howl, sucking in a deep breath, but what came out was a windy whimper.

Almost immediately afterward, they both collapsed. Balto didn't even mean to withdraw, it happened as he fell onto his side. All Jenna had to do was bring her ass down.

When he caught his breath, he rolled over next to her, throwing an arm around her back.

It didn't take long for slumber to overcome them.


A pregnant moon was pasted in the sky. Stars danced from horizon to horizon between translucent clouds, disappearing against the shadow of the hills.

Just before falling into welcome sleep, Balto perked up; somewhere in the distance, a solitary wolf was howling mournfully.

The end.