Tya's Family Fun - Welcome Home

Story by Tyaishia on SoFurry

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#20 of Tya's Family Fun Folder

I hadn't been home from the visit to Geoff's college for more than an hour before Ryan's hands were all over me. I had been lounging on the couch in the living room by myself when Ryan had sauntered into the room and flopped down on the floor in front of the couch and his hands started to wander all over my body as he told me how much he had missed me. I blushed and whispered a reminder that dad was just in the other room making lunch. Ryan smirked and reminded me that it was so much more fun when we were risking getting caught.

My family was still living with secrets and Geoff and I seemed to be the only ones who knew everything that was going on. Dad didn't want anyone to know about our sexy adventures, Mom and Ryan were determined to keep things from Dad, and Geoff and I decided to join the fun and not tell anyone that we were practically dating now. So, since my family still seemed content keeping all the sexy and taboo moments we have together a secret I played along.

"But Ryan, if dad walks in," I played my part, acting as though I was actually scared our father would discover Ryan with his hands inappropriately groping at my most sensitive places.

"Come on, Tya. You and I both know we'll hear him coming way before he's able to see anything." Ryan spread on the charm, whispering that while sliding his paw up the inside of my thighs. His other paw had already found it's home squeezing and playing with my breast. He moved in close and nuzzled against my neck, I couldn't help but exhale a soft moan and spread my legs. Ryan's hand slid up under my skirt to discover I was completely without any underwear. "Mmm, such a dirty little slut, aren't you Sis?" His whispered words turned me on even more than the combination of his touch and breath on my neck.

"You know you fucking love it," I smirked, playfully raising my voice above a whisper so as to catch the attention of our father who was busying himself away in the kitchen. Ryan growled softly and nipped at my neck as a warning. I bit my lip trying to stifle a moan, which got even more difficult to do when he suddenly thrust two fingers into my tight wet cunt. It hurt a little, as I was pretty damn tight and hadn't been expecting two fingers. But the pain brought with it an idea. Something I had thought about a lot but never asked of any lover. I wondered if my brother would be up to the task or not. "Ryan," I whispered, my eyes already glazed over with pure lust.

"Mmm, what?" He mumbled into my neck, he had gone from nipping it to licking and kissing it tenderly.

"Add another finger," I purred softly, and smirked when Ryan looked up at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Like this?" He grinned as he suddenly shoved a third inside my tight cunt. I moaned happily, the only responce he needed as he started to slide all 3 fingers in and out of my pussy. It was slow going at first, I was tight and he had thick fingers. Three fingers were thicker together than his cock, thats how big my brothers paws were. But I was clearly enjoying it, as it started to get easier for him to push his thick digits into my slippery pussy. It felt so good, the way his fingers stretched out my lips and it wasn't long before I was begging him for more.

"Another, please Ryan." I had to grab a pillow and press it against my face to keep from moaning out too loudly, so I had mumbled this request into the pillow.

"What's that? You want me to stop?" Ryan teased, pulling all three fingers out of my cunt suddenly. I growled into my pillow then unburied my face to glare at him.

"You're such a shit," I grinned and he leaned in and pressed his muzzle against mine, forcefully and roughly kissing me. When he puled back he had my bottom lip between his teeth and refused to let it go.

"You love it," he managed to growl this out with my lip still between his teeth before he pulled too far back and my lip pulled itself out roughly.

"Mm, I do. But I'd love it more if you'd fucking put your god damn fingers back inside me and add a fourth!" I hissed quietly. Ryan had long since moved his hand from it's place on my breast to sit tenderly against my thigh and he had been rubbing it softly the whole time he'd been fucking me with his paw. But now he moved it. I watched as he used it to readjust his cock inside his pants, they were clearly becoming too tight. "Undo them," I purred lustfully at him, "and I'll stroke you while you treat your little sister to more of you in her cunt."

"Undo them yourself," Ryan smirked clearly taking on the role of dominant with pleasure. "If you want anyore attention to your dirty little whore hole, you'll have to make me cum first." He stood up in front of me and the couch, the crotch of his pants struggling against his growing erection. So I obeyed, reached forward, unzipped his pants and his cock popped out, rock hard and dripping pre. With a murr and a smile I flicked the tip of my tongue against the tip of his cock. He shivered slightly before grabbing a handful of my hair and pushing his cock head into my mouth. I had to push against his hips with both paws to keep him from ramming his cock down my throat, but happily accepted his cock further into my muzzle with a moan.

I love sucking cock, just the thought of a nice hard dick between my lips makes me wet. I would happily service every male in my family nonstop if I could. So Ryan's command was not something I wouldn't happily do. I licked and sucked and squeezed his cock between my lips completely content, purring the entire time. As I bobbed my head back and forth along his shaft he stared down at me, watching the whole time as his slut of a sister sucked him off. I looked up and we locked eyes as I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to me, successfuly shoving his cock into the back of my throat. He shivered again, smiled down at me and then wrapped both his hands with chunks of my hair. Without warning he was pulling my head back and forth, thrusting his hips in perfect rhythm with the movement of my lips against his cock. My brother let out a groan of pleasure as he fucked my mouth, his cock head hitting the back of my throat every time he thrust forward.

Then suddenly he stopped and pushed me away from him. I flopped back onto the couch just as he sprayed cum all over my face and chest, coating my red tshirt with splotches of white. He stood there for a while, panting and steadying himself while I licked my lips and tasted his delicious cum. I wiped some off my shirt with a paw and as I brought my fingers to my lips I locked eyes with my brother once more and slowly licked his seed from my fingers one at a time.

"Ooh, fuck Tya," he whimpered quietly. "It was so hard to keep so silent. I just wanted to yell the dirtiest things at you while I fucked your face." He lowered himself down to his knees and leaned in for a kiss. I paused for a second, as my heart skipped a beat from what I saw above Ryan's head. Then with a smirk I leaned in and kissed my brother passionately as our father stood in the hallway, mouth agape, eyes wide with shock and a slow smirk spreading across his lips as he watched me kiss my brother. "Mm, a promise is a promise" Ryan murred as he slid his hand back up my thigh after breaking the kiss. I grinned and tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck to my brother. He knew what I was silently begging for and he leaned in to kiss and lick at my neck.

I had successfully killed two birds with one stone. I wanted to feel Ryan's touch against my sensitive neck again, but I had also wanted to be able to look back into the hallway to see if our dad was still there without Ryan noticing where my eyes went. To my glee he was still there, now leaning against the doorway as he watched, mouth watering, as Ryan's hand disappeared under my skirt. I watched as he brought a paw down and started to rub it against the bulge in his pants, then moaned out softly as Ryan pushed all 3 of his fingers back inside me. He struggled to get them all in at the same time for a while, as my tight cunt had only remained stretched while they were inside me the first time. But the pain of it was amazing. I spread my legs wider, reached down and hiked my skirt up to give my Daddy a better view of what was happening as Ryan finally managed to push all 3 fingers inside my tightness. My pussy lips were straining against his paw, my fathers eyes almost popping out of his head in surprise at how wide my cunt must be when stretched across the girth of my brothers large fingers.

Then he moved, silently and steathily across the floor to sit in a chair at the end of the couch. Giving himself a better view while simultaneously allowing himself the comfort of the chair. I couldn't see him pull his cock out of his pants, but I knew he had when I saw his arm start moving up and down. My daddy was clearly jerking himself off while he watched my brother slowly pushing and pulling his thick fingers in and out of my tight, wet, stretching cunt. He was surprisingly skilled at staying perfectly silent as he masturbated to the sight before him, I was impressed. But I was not so skilled and moaned a little louder as Ryan started twisting and bending his fingers inside me.

"Oh fuck!" I growled, clamping a paw against the back of his head and holding his muzzle against my neck as my body spasmed, my pussy walls clenched and pushed with my orgasm. I was cumming harder than I ever had before, I was no longer being quiet as I growled and screamed out in ecstacy while Ryan, clearly excited at having me cumming so hard against his paw kept thrusting, twisting, bending, wiggling his fingers inside me against my orgasms. I kept cumming, every movement of Ryan's paw pushing me further along until finally I had to bring my other paw down against his wrist, a cue for him to stop. I panted, whimpered, shivered and moaned softly as I started to recover from such a powerful orgasm. When I looked back down at the end of the couch, Dad had vanished. I glanced around the room franticaly trying to find him, but he had gone.

"Jesus christ!" Ryan growled at me, "I know that was intense, but did you have to make so much damn noise?!" He was panicking and it was amusing to me. He was clearly frustrated by the grin on my lips.

"You okay sweetheart?" Came Daddy's voice calling out from the kitchen. I smirked as Ryan looked dumbfounded. It was clear he was wondering how Dad couldn't have known those were screams of pleasure, but at the same time accepting, out of fear of the alternative, that maybe they could have sounded like pain.

"Yes, Daddy," my voice was barely hiding the purr of joy the whole situation brought me. "I just stumbed my toe." With a smirk I winked down at Ryan and he rolled his eyes, not believing I had just blamed such noise on a simple toe injury.

"I'll bring you some ice for it. It sounded like it was pretty intense." I could practically picture the smirk on my dad's lips as he said the word intense. Ryan panicked as the sound of footsteps was clear. Dad was moving to the fridge to get some ice. He pulled his fingers out from between my pussy lips and scrambled to his feet to disappear down the basement stairs. A few moments later my father stepped back into the living room. His shirt was also covered in cum as he had clearly climaxed sometime during my own orgasm. In his paw he held an ice cube and as he came closer to me he just smiled.

"Enjoy the show?" I grinned, certain Ryan couldn't hear us anymore. My father's smile widened as he motioned for me to sit up and make room for him on the couch. As I did, he lowered himself down to sit next to me. Then he quickly stood back up.

"Gods child, it's like you dumped a bucket of water on the couch." I grinned, proud of the mess my orgasm had made all over the couch.

"It felt like I was," I giggled. "Why did you bring the ice cube Daddy? I know you didn't believe I stubbed my toe." He just smiled.

"Spread your legs sweetie," his voice purred out and I obeyed. I always obeyed my Daddy, though what he did next momentarily made me wish I didn't. He pressed his paw against my slit. The paw holding the ice cube. It was so cold I almost screamed, but bit down on my lip instead. He murred quietly before pushing the ice cube inside my pussy with a single finger. As the cold moved from the sensitive outer lips to the warmer insides, I noticed how good it felt and couldn't help but moan. "You like that little girl?" My daddy whispered into my ear.

"Oh yes Daddy, that feels so good."

"I bet, especially after having your prescious little cunt stretched and abused so much."

"Oh but it felt so good Daddy. I wanted more, but I guess the fear of being caught scared Ryan off before I could get him to put his whole paw inside me." I blushed deeply. I hadn't ever told anyone about my desire to be fisted, but now I was whispering it out, confessing it to my father as his paw pressed against my soaking wet vagina, a single finger between my lips holding the ice cube in place between my pussy walls.

"I didn't know my daughter was such a naughty little girl," he grinned and I smiled back. He did know, because he had fucked me, licked me, and even filled me with both his cum and his pee in the shower. Thinking back on it made me want him to do it again.

"I think I need a shower," I said softly. "Come join me Daddy. Let's shower again, like last time."

"Mm, my naughty little girl," I could tell he was resisting the urge to drag me upstairs right then and there. "No baby, lunch is ready. But after lunch." He smiled again, pulled his hand out from between my thighs and stood. "Now come eat." He walked back into the kitchen before shouting for Ryan to come upstairs and eat. I made my way to the dining room table slowly, a mixture of water from the melting ice cube and my sweet cum juices running down my thighs. And as my brother and father sat down to eat I couldn't help grinning, I was so happy to be home.