Earth's New Masters Part 16 Victory At Last

Story by firefromheaven on SoFurry

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#21 of Earth's New Masters

This chapter is from Jeff's point of view

I went to my room when everyone else went to bed and lay in my bed unable to sleep. I really missed being with Loki, and having him hold me tonight was making it even worse. Why couldn't I just accept being his pet? When I just let him take charge I was happier than I have ever been in my life. He was so strong and protective of me, I always felt so safe in his powerful arms. As I was pondering this I heard a haunting melody coming down the hall. I realized it was coming from Loki's room. Soon someone started singing:

"There's distance between us And you're on my mind As I lay here in the darkness I can find no peace inside I wish you were here holding me tight If I had you near it would make it alright I wish you were here 'Cause I feel like a child tonight

There's rain on my window I can count the drops But I can't help feeling lonely There's no way I can stop I wish you were here holding me tight If I had you near it would make it alright I wish you were here 'Cause I feel like a child tonight

Each moment is a memory Time is so unkind Every hour, filled with an emptiness I can't hide There's distance between us And you're on my mind As I lay here in the darkness I can find no peace inside I wish you were here holding me tight If I had you near it would make it alright I wish you were here 'Cause I feel like a child tonight"

("Wish You Were Here" Fleetwood Mac from the Mirage album )

Damn did that cut me to the quick. It was exactly how I felt and it seemed how Loki felt. We belonged together, why couldn't I just swallow my pride and make us both happy. Why was it so important to be a real man... That was the last thought I remembered as I fell asleep.

I slept fitfully and had lots of uneasy dreams that I couldn't remember. I woke up in the middle of the night and I knew what I had to do. This had gone on too long, why shouldn't I have what makes me happy. I got out of bed and didn't even bother putting clothes on. I left my room and ran down the hall to my Master's room, opened the door and went over to his bed.

"Master?" I said in a quavering voice, partly because I was nervous and partly because I was freezing. The Sheps with their heavy coats keep the house COLD and I was naked.

Master opened his eyes groggily. When he realized it was me he shot bolt upright in bed. "What's wrong Beau?"

"What's wrong Master is I'm not in bed with you." And with that I crawled up onto the bed and threw myself at my Master, clutching him for warmth. "Master, I was wrong. I miss being with you, I realize now that my place is here with you."

"Are you sure you can handle it Beau?"

"Master, all I know is I have been miserable without you." And with that I put my arms around my Master and kissed him. My Master pulled me on top of him and took charge of the situation like I was desperate for him to do. His big rough Shep tongue parted my lips and dominated my mouth. I sucked on it, trying to keep him from removing it. It wasn't necessary, it was obvious that my Master missed this just as much as I did. I had been hard from the very beginning, and now my Master was stiffening. I reached down and started caressing the object of my desire. It was so big, I had almost forgotten how large it was. I pulled away from our kiss.

"Beau?" My Master said with hurt in his voice, thinking I was rejecting him again. But I smiled and started sliding down his body until my mouth was even with his doghood. I stuck my tongue inside his sheath and started running it around his huge member. It had a slightly gamy taste, it was obvious that he hadn't been "taken care of" in a while. I didn't plan on letting that happen anymore. I peeled back his sheath and took him all the way into my mouth. Soon I was bobbing up and down on my Masters precious shaft. This was where I belonged. I grabbed his sheath with my right hand and started stroking his shaft with his sheath. I weighed his big balls with my left hand, they felt so full, and caressed them. I was immediately rewarded with a big spurt of potent precum. The effects went right to my head. I was light headed but my Master took charge, placed his paws on the back of my head and guided my head up and down on his massive member. I was painfully erect, the built up sexual tension was unbearable. I went to reach down with my left hand to stroke myself when my Master grabbed my arm and said, "No Beau, leave it for now."

He pulled me back up so he could kiss me. My little boner was pressing against his solar plexus and the head of his massive 10 inch python was brushing against my ass. As he kissed me his massive paws each grabbed one of my butt cheeks and kneaded them. Then he spread them apart and the head of his maleness was rubbing up and down my crack oozing precum. With the middle finger of his right hand he pushed some up my ass. I hadn't been penetrated for a while so I was really tight. He lubed me and stretched me then added another finger. I was on the verge of begging him to put it in me when I felt his head try to enter me. It took a few tries but on the third thrust the head popped into my rectum. I gasped. It hurt at first, but I wanted it sooooo bad. My Master paused for a second and then rolled us over so he was on top, where he should be. I pulled my legs up to my chest to give my Master full access to me, and with that he slowly sank into me balls deep. My Master was again where he belonged, deep in me and in full control. I looked up at him with a worshipful gaze, and said, "I love you Master."

"I love you too, Beau. I've missed being with you so much."

"I've been so stupid Master, I should have never let my pride get in the way. Being with you is best thing that ever happened to me."

"It's the same with me Beau. I felt so alone when we stopped being together." And with that he bent his neck down and kissed me. While we kissed he tenderly started to slide in and out of me, slowly opening me completely up for him. Oh how I had longed for this very moment where I could completely surrender to my handsome virile Master. He was in charge, dominating me, and I was giving myself to him unconditionally. On about the fourth thrust I felt it, an intense gush of effects loaded precum that just about blew my mind. It had been a long time since I had last felt the effects, but it all came rushing back to me as the effects coursed through my veins. I went light headed, like I had drank too much firewater, but only so much better. Any pain that was lingering was instantly gone and my little boner jerked on the verge of blowing my seed. As my Master thrust into me, his firm fur covered six pack rubbed against my member, carrying me along with him! Soon his hips were a blur as he got ready to tie with me and claim me. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as he started the final short intense thrusts that would tie him to me. He was so deep in me, right where he belonged. His knot was starting to form, it was already bigger than my fist and pressing on my prostate. He grunted and cried out "Aaarrgh!!! You're MINE feral!" as his balls jumped up and he shot huge gushers of effects laden cum deep into me. And that was enough to send me over the edge. My little balls contracted squirting my seed into my Master's belly fur...

Knock... Knock... Knock... "Jeff get up, It's time for breakfast!" Fenrir yelled into my room.

I shot up in my bed, my seed still dribbling out of me, and realized to my great disappointment that it had only been a dream. I was so disappointed, I just sat there and started to cry silently.

"Hey Jeff, are you OK?" Fenrir asked.

I collected myself and replied shakily, "Yeah, I'm just not quite awake yet, I'll be down in a few minutes. I could hear him running down the stairs. I sat there thinking, despite the fact that I had spooge all over my chest and belly. Why couldn't my Master own me again... Why couldn't it be real... Well it could be real if I could just let it be, but I knew I would be an emotional wreck afterward no matter how good it was when it was happening. The guilt, or whatever you want to call it, over it would haunt me again, because in reality nothing had changed. I felt guilty enough as it was now, a real man wouldn't even want it to happen. But at least I could be enough of a man to deny myself from acting on it. I went into my bathroom and jumped into the shower to rinse the cum off of me, dried quickly, dressed and ran downstairs, just as the first batch of pancakes were coming off the griddle. I think my eyes were still red from crying, but maybe I could pass it off as still being sleepy. I looked over at Loki, he looked like he hadn't slept well either.

"You alright Jeff?" Fenrir asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Looks like Daddy didn't either." Fenrir added pointedly. I didn't reply. "Well eat a good breakfast, we've gotta go kick Arnold's ass at War Games." He continued with enthusiasm.

"I'm not sure I should go..."

"Yeah Fenrir, I'm not quite sure Jeff is up for that yet..." Loki replied.

For some reason Loki's lack of faith in me, was like a flint hitting steel. Sorta like when my Dad didn't believe in me. It always made me want to prove him wrong. And without even thinking what I was doing I replied. "What the hell, I'll go." I said as I flashed Loki a challenging look.

Loki cocked his ear, but didn't make a response.

As we finished breakfast, Fenrir discussed our strategy. His brothers just joined in and gave their opinions but Fenrir always won out. I just kept quiet and listened. After breakfast was over we grabbed the paintball rifles, hopped on our bikes and pedaled over to the War Games field. I was kind of proud, I only fell once when we had to stop to cross a street.

When we got there David and his "Brothers" were already there waiting. Everyone was saying hello to each other and then Fenrir introduced me to everyone. "Hey guys! This is our "Brother" Jeff. Jeff this is Arnold, Drogo and Grimald." I shook each of their hands. Arnold looked just like his father, and seemed just as dominating in his quiet confidence as his father was. "And of course you know David."

"Good to see you Jeff." David said sincerely sticking his hand out to shake. Which was the thing that was maddening about David. It made me want to hate him more, but it made him hard to hate at the same time.

"Yeah, good to see you too." I said halfheartedly as I shook his hand.

"Well it's just us against you guys this time." And with that we each went to our flag and waited for 9:00 AM to start. Fenrir told me to stay on the edges and use my hunting skills to snipe off the other team, while Adelwolf, Baldwin and Odo assaulted them up the middle. I was off to the left and slightly behind them and tried to stay hidden but still have a good view of the playing field. It looked like they had the same strategy because Arnold and Grimald were in the center of the field running from cover to cover while David was nowhere to be seen. Grimald was on the far side and Arnold was in the middle of the field. I moved carefully toward Arnold trying to crawl across the open spaces. It appeared Arnold wasn't paying attention to me, he was busy pinning down Adelwolf. I was still trying to get into position when he caught Adelwolf with a 3 shot burst right on his chest.

"Shit!" Adelwolf said clutching his chest, it had to sting a little, that was where the Sheps fur was thinnest. He trudged away to the kill box to wait out the game. I continued to try to position myself for a good shot at Arnold. It was obvious that Arnold was trying to crowd them to David's side of the field so he could snipe them. He was herding Odo that direction when he stepped out into the open. I had a clear shot at him. I was resting against a tree so I had a good shooting base and I switched the selector switch to auto and squeezed the trigger. I nailed him with a 4 shot volley, right in the ribs.

"What the FUCK!" he yelled clutching his ribs as the blue paint oozed out through his fingers. Then he looked over in my direction and said, "Nice shot Jeff." As he walked off the field. That meant that we were back on the advantage four to three.

Grimald was then able to pick off Odo from the other side. I was working my way toward him but before I could get near he had herded Baldwin out into the open and David nailed him from his hiding place in the treeline. That kinda gave away his position. Then he yelled to David, "Stay here and take care of Jeff, I'm gonna try to get the flag." Then he took off toward our flag. I guess Fenrir would have to deal with him, because I would have my hands full with David. My advantage was I knew where he was and he didn't know where I was. I knew there was an open space that he would have to run through to get out of the copse of trees he was hiding in and I positioned myself so I have a clear view of it and got in a prone position resting my rifle on the log I was taking cover behind. I saw him get ready to make his dash, he obviously didn't know I could see him from my position. I aimed and squeezed the trigger before he could make his break and I hit him with three paint balls in the left shoulder.

"Shit! I can't believe it." David exclaimed as he started walking toward the kill box. "Good shot Jeff."

"Thanks." I replied. Now the only thing to do was try to capture the flag. There wasn't time to chase Grimald, hopefully Fenrir would be able to hold him off. I made my way toward where I thought their flag would be. I stealthily made my way over to the area that I knew had a good possibly of being where their flag was hidden. I had to work my way in slowly, if Drogo found me first it would make things lots tougher. If I got shot we had no chance of winning. I looked for about 5 minutes when I finally saw the flag, with Drogo close by, behind a boulder. It didn't seem like he saw me, but it would take a few minutes for me to position myself to be able to get a clear shot at him without being seen. There was an outcropping of rock over to my right that would ,let me shoot down on him. I worked my way up to the outcropping, Drogo was still carefully watching the valley floor for a frontal assault. Soon I was in position. It would be an incredibly difficult shot, and if I didn't get him on the first shot I would lose the element of surprise. I got myself a good prone position with a good sight line on Drogo. I put the rifle on single shot, this was going to take a single well placed shot to take him out. I was worried if I had it on auto the second shot would start before the first one was out of the rifle and the recoil would throw off the first shot. I took a few good breaths, then I held my breath and squeezed off the round... And it hit him square in the chest.

Drogo jumped and yelled, "What the FUCK! Jeff is that you?"

"OORAH!" I yelled out like my Dad always did when he did something he was proud of. He said that's what he Marines used to yell. I stood up and ran down to the flag and grabbed it. We had won. We had beaten Arnold and David.

Drogo shot off the flare gun to let everyone know the game was over and came over to me, I was worried he would be pissed about losing, but he shook my hand and said, "Congratulations! That was a really good shot. You caught me completely off guard."

"Thanks." I said. And we started walking toward the others at the kill box together.

"You did a great job for your first time playing."

"Nah, just beginners luck." I said, but I couldn't help but have an ear to ear smile.

We made it back to the kill box and I saw someone laying down with the others bent over him. When we got there I realized it was Grimald. Drogo ran over and asked "What happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I stepped in a gopher hole while I was running and sprained my ankle." Grimald said with a grimace. Arnold was wrapping it with some stretchy kind of bandage. "I can't really walk on it, but I'm sure I can ride home if we go slowly."

"So what happened?" Arnold asked.

"Jeff made his way up to that rocky crag and hit me with one shot. I didn't think anyone could get me from there so I wasn't really watching it. It was a really great shot!" Drogo announced to the group.

Fenrir came over and hugged me. "Way to go Jeff! I'm really proud of you."

David came over and shook my hand, "Good job Jeff. It's good to see you again." He then came up and hugged me and continued. "I'm glad to see you're alright. We were worried about you."

Back when I was more immature, meaning before my "incident", I would have gloated insufferably. But somewhat to my surprise, I felt proud but humble. I also found it was more satisfying to have the pups praise me rather than tooting my own horn. "Thanks for the concern David. Things are a lot better now, Fenrir has really been helping me out."

"Well if you ever need to talk to another human, you can always talk to me if you need to." David added.

"Thanks, I'll remember that." I replied cordially. But in my mind I thought, there's no way in hell I'm coming to talk to YOU! Then I felt guilty, as always David was trying to bridge the gap and I was shutting him out. It wasn't his fault that my Dad was always saying he wished David was his son instead of me. Why couldn't I just let it go.

We said goodby to Woden's kids and got on our bikes to head home for lunch. Of course we were filthy again so we went out to the pool house to shower up. I wasn't so self conscious this time about my size or rather my lack of it. I could still see the pups trying to catch peaks at my manhood, but I realized that it was just curiosity on their part. I was feeling better about myself so I didn't try to hide it this time, but lunch was getting close and we had to hurry back to the house so there was no fooling around.

We raced up to the house, despite their size the pups beat me fairly easily. But it didn't bother me like it used to. They playfully teased me about being a slow poke but they were laughing with me, not at me. When we got there Loki was already sitting at the table with Sigyn. The pups rushed in all talking at once.

"Daddy, Daddy, we beat Arnold and his brothers!" Odo yelled gleefully.

To my embarrassment Fenrir corrected him, "No Jeff beat Arnold and his brothers. He shot Arnold, David and Drogo and captured the flag."

"He did?" Loki asked with a look of surprise. I wanted to be mad that he was surprised but it was hard to be too angry since I was surprised too. He got up, came over to me and hugged me. "I'm proud of you Jeff." I couldn't help but bury my head into his chest fur, damn did I miss being with him. I could hear his big heart beating, just like I could always hear when we were tied. It reminded me of the blissful oblivion of effects, my Master's knot locked deep in me throbbing like a second heart, while our hearts synchronized. There was nothing I had ever experienced in his life quite like being tied and in my Master's loving embrace. But I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to experience that again, as much as I loved it the guilt afterward was just too great.

"Thanks Loki." I said and I could feel him flinch when I said his name. The closeness of the moment was broken and we released our hold on each other. We sat down for lunch, I sat next to Fenrir, sitting next to Loki would have been too painful right now.

Fenrir told the story of the war games to Loki and Sigyn, making me sound more like a hero of the game than I even felt, which was saying something. Loki kept looking at me and smiling, why couldn't I let us be together. Fenrir finished the story just as Butler was serving lunch. He served us chili and cornbread. I wasn't used to spicy stuff yet, our food was pretty bland since we didn't have access to spices, so he brought me out a special bowl that was very mild. Beans were something we didn't have either so they were also something new to me. They actually tasted pretty good, there was just so much good new stuff that I never knew existed.

After dinner the pups had 2 hours of school, so I had some time to kill. I went up to my room and broke out the Nintendo console. Since Fenrir had shown me some of the tricks I had an idea of how to find some of the other secret passages and blocks and other hidden things. Before I knew it, I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey Jeff, can I come in?" Fenrir asked.


He came in the door and to my surprise he locked the door behind him. Then he came over to me and watched me play. "Hey, you're getting loads better. You want me to show you a few more tricks."

"That would be great!" I said with enthusiasm.

He took the controller and showed me a new secret passage that I could get about 50 coins. Then he gave me back the controller and I continued playing until finally I got shot by one of the Piranha Plants. Fenrir took the controller out of my hand and turned to face me. "I was really proud of you today Jeff." He said as he hugged me around the waist, nuzzling into my chest. "I can't believe how wrong I was about you."

"Well it was part my fault, if I wasn't being such a shit, maybe we could have got along together from the start." I opined. Fenrir was starting to rub his paws across my back then down my sides. After a slight pause at my waist his right paw made it's way down to my member. I realized that I had a semi hardon from the caresses, but I tensed up when his left paw joined his right and untied the drawstring of my shorts. "Fenrir, are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Why not?"

"Well for starters you're just a pup."

"So? It's not like I'm gonna let you fuck me. This is just fooling around, Sheps do it all the time."

"Second, even though we aren't together right now, I still belong to your Dad."

"Actually you don't, as he said you are a guest at our house right now. Plus Daddy wouldn't have a problem with it as long as we don't bugger each other."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. Now lift your hips up so I can get these shorts off of you." I complied and he slid them down my legs and off of me. "OK, lie back and enjoy it, I want to give you a reward for today." He said as his little paw (well it was actually larger than mine already) slid up and down my now rock hard little boner. He seemed mesmerized as my foreskin covered and uncovered my glans. As he stroked me he said, "That was a really impressive shot today, Jeff. That was the kind of shot a real man would make." He said as he smiled and winked at me. And without further adieu he bent his head down and took me into his muzzle. He took me all the way down to my root, and then to my surprise his long tongue snaked out and licked my little balls as he sucked on my manhood. I moaned and put my hands on his ears and started rubbing them as he continued to give me one fantastic blow job. He was really making me feel like I was a man, which was a turn on to some extent, but to my surprise not nearly as much of a turn on as being taken by Loki. Why did I like being the submissive, if I was a real man I couldn't possibly like being dominated the way I longed to be. But being only 21 it still didn't take a lot to make me blow my load, and the buildup to an impending orgasm soon drove that all from my mind. As always I was soon brought back to the here and now. Fenrir was eagerly sucking on my prong, it was obvious that he was enjoying it as much as I was. I was getting so close, I closed my eyes...

"Aaarrghhh!" I grunted as my balls slammed up against my body and my dick jumped in Fenrir's mouth as I spurted out my man fluid. He didn't swallow, he just let me cum in his muzzle. When I was done I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Fenrir was savoring the flavor or something about my semen. He had a dreamy look on his face and then he finally swallowed it. I was breathing hard as I lay on my back recovering from a really intense orgasm, when Fenrir climbed up on my bed next to me and hugged me. He nuzzled into my broad chest, acting like a young pup that looked up to an older mentor. It was then I noticed something, when I had body contact with him I could feel us becoming closer. It was so soothing, almost addictive. I had thought that it was only the effects that had bonded me to Loki, now I realized that there was more to it than just that. I bent my head down and kissed him gently on the forehead. Then I smirked and said teasingly, "It seemed like you liked my juice."

"Hell yeah! There is just something about human cum to a Shep. Sorta like catnip to a cat. I am definitely going to get my own human when I grow up." He replied nuzzling against me even more intensely. We lay there cuddling and fell asleep in each others arms...

We woke up about an hour later. There were still about 2 hours until dinner. I woke up first and started rub his tummy. He looked so innocent and vulnerable, nothing like the ogre I had thought he was. He opened his eyes, yawned and smiled at me.

"I bet your Dad would have been proud of that shot." He said, then he licked my nose.

"Maybe... But my Dad has always kinda disliked me I think, I think he never forgave me for what happened to my Mom."

"What happened to your Mom?"

"Well from what I've been told my Mom was a petite little lady. She was less than 5 feet tall and less than a hundred pounds. Everybody says they were made for each other. She was very submissive and from what I've been told she worshiped my Dad. I guess they were made for each other, he was a very dominant man, a real man's man. He wanted everyone to defer to him, and my Mom fit that to a T."

"What do you mean everybody says? I mean they were your parents..."

"Well that's part of the problem, my Mom died in child birth delivering me. My Dad was shattered and he really never forgave me for it."

"How could he feel that way, you were just an innocent baby."

"Well he almost had a break down. He found another woman in the tribe that was nursing a child and I lived with her and her husband until I was 5 years old. That was when my Dad finally took me back. Well sort of I guess, I still stayed at their house during the day and when my Dad was out hunting. It became obvious rather early that I took after my mom. I was tiny, almost elfin in appearance when I was a little boy. It was bad enough that I reminded Dad of my Mom and how much he missed her, but he always said that I was an embarrassment. On nights when he was drinking which was most nights after my Mom died, he would complain that a real man like him should have a big strong son, not some fucking little pansy like me. Sometimes he wondered out loud if Mom had cheated on him, and I was someone else's bastard, but since he and I were the only two red haired members of the tribe it was kinda obvious that I was his kid. Which actually made him dislike me even more, since my shortcomings made him feel like less of a man, which was ridiculous because he was a real man's man.

It wasn't until I was about 16 that I was able to put on muscle like my dad, after that I worked my ass off working out until by the time I was 18 I was already the most muscular guy in the tribe, well other than my Dad. Between that and the fact that I had worked hard at being the best at hunting and fishing I had become the second most respected man in the tribe. My Dad was actually a little bit proud of me at that point, occasionally he would say he ALMOST wasn't embarrassed to have me as his son. For two years things started getting a bit better then..." I started to choke up.

"What happened then Jeff?" Fenrir encouraged me to continue.

"That was when David started to come into his own. He was just a natural at everything, plus he worked as hard or maybe harder than I did. By the time he was 15 he had passed me, and that changed everything between me and my Dad. At first it was just when he had been drinking in the evening that he would tell me that, 'You call yourself a man when you can't beat a fucking orphan boy who's 5 years younger than you. You should be embarrassed.' I worked even harder, but no matter how hard I worked I kept falling farther and farther behind.

The only thing I was better than David at was that I was much stronger. I used that to my advantage at first, and would beat him up using brute force. It was wrong to do but I was frustrated and I took my anger out on him. Even that didn't last too long, he had a growth spurt and with his height and reach advantage he was able to fend me off with his fists before I could get close enough to get a grip on him. So even there he got the better of me. My Dad saw me get my ass kicked by him one day and told me, 'I can't believe my son is such a fucking Pussy that he can't even beat up a little 15 year old orphan.' Then he proceeded to kick my ass. I ended up with a black eye and a broken nose. Plus my Dad wouldn't speak to me for two weeks other than when he was drunk to call me a 'Pussy' or say something like 'Why can't I have a real man for a son?' or 'I thought I had a son instead of a daughter, next thing you know I'll probably see you taking it up the ass like a fucking fag.'"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Fenrir said and he hugged me closer. "No one should have had to go through that. He should have been proud of you... My Daddy would have been proud of you..." He looked me in the eye and said, "I'm PROUD of you." Then he hugged me again.

For some reason I couldn't stop talking, it was like a dam breaking,once they started coming out the words wouldn't stop flowing. "The worst thing happened not long after that. One evening when I had been out late hunting deer but I hadn't gotten one, I walked into our teepee. There was my Dad laying back on his pile of furs, obviously more than a little drunk. He had his eyes closed and was stroking his big cock. It looked huge at least 8 inches long and really thick. He had his big hand wrapped around it slowly sliding it up and down. It really caught me off guard, I gasped and said, 'What the fuck?'

'What's wrong Pussy Boy, never seen a real man jerk off before?'

I stood there staring with my mouth open, mesmerized by how big he was. I had never seen one that big before and it started to turn me on, much to my embarrassment. All I could do was stare as his foreskin covered and exposed his big fat purple angry looking dickhead.

'Why don't you join me?' He said obviously more drunk than I even thought. I just shook my head no. 'You too good to jerk off with your dear ol' dad?' I just stood there dumbfounded. He stood up and ripped off my loincloth, then just gawked at me for a second. Then he burst out laughing. "You call that little thing a dick? I was bigger than that before I went through puberty, and you call yourself a man? I wish you would have died instead of your mom, now she knew how to take care of this monster! Hey maybe you can take her place..." He said and got an evil look in his eye. He grabbed me and dragged me over to his bed and fell onto his bed with me underneath him.

I finally came out of my trance enough to say, 'Dad, no! Please stop!'

He replied, 'Shut the fuck up you little pussy, its your fault that I haven't had someone to take care of my needs for the last 20 years. I'm tired of beating off.' And with that he put my legs up over his shoulders and I felt his big dick poking around my ass hole. I was so afraid of my dad that I didn't put up much resistance. Fortunately since dad had been jacking it before I got there he was already pretty lubed up with precum that he wiped across my pucker with that huge dickhead, then he started to push in. There was nothing gentle about it. I tried to resist, but his head popped through my hole. The pain was terrible, and I screamed out in pain. He punched me in the side of the head and told me, 'Shut the fuck up or I'll really give you something to scream about!' He thrust again and drove his entire manhood into me balls deep. 'Hell you're tighter than your mother ever was, and she was the best lay I ever had.'

He pulled out and then drove it in hard, almost sadistically, like he was punishing me for my mother's death. It hurt so bad, but after a few thrusts the pain started lessening. And in a perverse sort of way, it sorta turned me on. I couldn't believe it but I started to get hard. Why do I get turned on when someone dominates me? That wouldn't happen to a real man..."

"Jeff, what he did to you was awful." He hugged me tight, it was becoming more and more obvious that he really cared about me.

"Like I said he was pretty drunk and he just started really hammering me, that big fat dick of his just beating away on my prostate, although I didn't know what it was at the time. I only knew that despite my pain and humiliation, I was incredibly aroused, maybe more than I had ever been in my life. I could tell my dad was on the edge and completely out of control, careening toward his peak. His eyes were glazed over and he was grunting with every brutal thrust into me. I know deep down he wanted to punish me for my mother's death, but I was racing along to my climax with him.

I finally felt him tense up and then he cried out, 'Aarrghh... Take it Bitch!' and I felt his huge jets of seed shooting deep into me, the same seed that he shot into my Mom to make me. And that sent me over the edge too and I spent myself shooting all the way up to my chin. My father collapsed on top of me and we were both panting as we recovered. Soon my father recovered and noticed there was something sticky between us. He reached down and ran a finger through my spooge and brought it up to his face. A look of recognition dawned on his face, then a look of horror as he jumped up and said, 'You sick fuck! You got off on me fucking you. What kind of man are you.' He grabbed a skin from off of his bed and started to frantically wipe my spooge off of him like it was poison.

While he was distracted I jumped to my feet, grabbed my loincloth and ran out of the teepee naked. Fortunately he was too drunk to follow, or he might have killed me. I moved back in with my foster mother and her husband until I was able to get enough skins to build my own teepee. He hasn't spoken to me since that day. Why did I have to be such a big disappointment to him? Why am I such a failure?" I said and broke down crying. I guess Fenrir couldn't think of anything to say. He just held me and cried along with me.

After a few minutes Fenrir said, "Jeff, there is nothing wrong with being submissive, ALL Sheps are submissive to other Sheps that are alpha to them. Hell even Daddy loves getting it from Woden, I know because he's told me about it, but he doesn't bottom for anyone else. But what your Dad did was just wrong and evil."

"I don't know Fenrir. That may be OK for Sheps, but that's not what a man should do. As far as my Dad... He was a real man and he deserved a real man for a son. I was such a disappointment to him. Near the end he started telling me he was sorry he hadn't adopted David when he had a chance, then he would have had a son he could be proud of."

"It's a shame you couldn't have had a Father that you could be proud of." Fenrir said with disdain. "But that's all over now, your with us and we love you. I know my Daddy loves you and would never feel that way about you."

"I should have never told you this... Please Fenrir, promise me you won't tell anyone."

"But Jeff, you really should tell Daddy. Maybe it would help."

"NOOOO! Especially not Loki, I'd never be able to face him again! Please, promise me!"

"OK, but I still think you should tell Daddy."

We regained our composure, then went downstairs since dinner would be ready soon. Loki came into the room and Fenrir broke away from me and ran over to his dad and jumped into his arms. Loki hugged him tight, set him down then came over to me. He hugged me and said, "I was really proud of you today Jeff."

"Thanks." I didn't say his name because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He herded me into the dining room and made sure I sat next to him at the table. We had steak, creamed corn and mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. Butler came and asked me how I wanted my steak done and I said rare. He wrinkled his nose disapprovingly, then he left to tell Chef what our orders were.

Loki laughed, and I gave him a quizzical look. "The CBHs were only given processed food, the thought of nearly raw meat turns their stomach. They have kinda accepted that Sheps like raw meat since we are part dog, but the fact that a human would like it kinda blows their feeble minds."

"Are they really THAT bad?"

"Yes they are, we really are baffled on how they degenerated in such a short time. We really thought we would be able to come back and release them from the collective and they would recover. But they act like a completely different species. They can't decide anything for themselves and they have no drive or ambition. They can't even decide what to wear without being told."

"What happened to them?"

"That's the $64,000 question." I looked at him quizzically and he replied, "It's a cliched reference to an old game show. It means the answer is really hard to figure out." I still didn't understand the reference, but I understood the gist of it.

Dinner continued and I really can't remember what we talked about, I was still somewhat introspective about what I had told Fenrir, I had never meant to tell anyone that stuff, but somehow it was somewhat of a load off of me to share that burden with someone else. Then I felt a foot paw playing footsie with me, breaking me out of my reverie. I looked up and looked at Loki who had a twinkle in his eye. I smiled back at him, and I felt his front paw come to rest on my thigh. I couldn't help hardening, he was so masculine and dominating which of course was a big turn on. He then took my hand and pulled it over towards him and set it down on his huge member. It was hard as a rock and I blushed badly, but didn't immediately remove my hand. I stroked it up and down a few times then slowly pulled my hand away. Damn I wanted it so bad... But a real man wouldn't want it... Dinner finished and Butler and Maid came out to clear the table as we got up.

Loki said, "Why don't we go out back and shoot some hoops."

"I don't think Jeff is ready to play a game yet Daddy." Fenrir added protectively.

"I'm aware of that, I just thought we could go out and shoot around."

We each grabbed a basketball and went out back to the court. I started practicing my hook shot like Fenrir taught me while the pups practiced jump shots from various spots. Loki was working his way around the three point line swishing nearly every shot he took. Then he dribbled to the other end of the court and we knew he was going for a monster dunk.

Odo yelled out, "Do the windmill slam, Daddy!" The others screamed their agreement. He dribbled down the court picking up speed until he got to the top of the key and then he jumped. He didn't do a 360 in the air this time, he just flew toward the basket, palming the ball at his hip. Right as he came to the basket he windmilled his arm and threw down a thunderous dunk that bounced higher than the rim after it went through. All of us cheered, and Loki was all smiles. It hit me again about how praise motivated Sheps could be, it must come from their German Shepherd ancestors. This time I wasn't about to miss the opportunity to make him feel good.

I ran up to him, hugged him and said, "Wow, that was amazing!" And I meant it, Loki was pretty amazing and not just at basketball. It would be so easy to look up to him if he was my Master again, but I wasn't sure if that was ever going to happen.

"Thanks Jeff, you're doing much better yourself. Now that you are getting better with the hook shot let me show you some low post moves." He proceeded to show me how to fake a finger roll and then swing back around and shoot the hook shot when the opponent went for the fake. I tried it a few times until I got the hang of it. Then Loki showed me how to shoot the finger roll. It really wasn't a good shot for me because of my small hands, but I just needed to shoot it good enough to keep the defender honest. After about an hour of basketball we all went up to the house.

I needed to shower, but the Sheps were like dogs so they didn't sweat through their skin, they panted when they got hot. But I knew I would stink like a smelly old goat if I didn't take a shower, so while I showered they got ready to watch a movie. When I got up to the house they were ready to start the movie. Loki had saved me a spot on the love seat next to him and he had a big bowl of buttered popcorn. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for me to sit down.

"You smell nice Jeff." He said as he put his arm around me, he had the bowl of popcorn on his lap with lots of napkins for our hands. The lights dimmed and the movie came on. The movie was a comedy, and most of the time I didn't understand it but the pups laughed like lunatics, and then laughed at me because I didn't understand it. But I was OK with it because they were really laughing with me instead of at me. In the darkness Loki took the opportunity to put his hand on my belly and slowly slide it down underneath the waistband of my sweats. All the way until he reached my member, which as you can imagine was already hard. He gripped me and then ran his thumb around and around the head of my cock under my foreskin. I was trying to be quite, but it was everything I could do to alternately keep from moaning and giggling. The pups knew something was going on but they weren't sure what was going on so they kept making furtive glances at us. Soon he was wanking me rapidly, I was definitely not going to last. Finally I made a barely audible gasp and spent myself into Loki's huge paw. To my surprise he reached into the popcorn bowl with that paw and grabbed a handful of popcorn with his spooge covered hand and proceeded to eat the now spooge covered popcorn all the while smirking at me. When he finished he made a big show of licking the last of my load off of his paw, just as the movie was ending.

And with that he lights went bright again and Loki said, "OK everybody, time for bed."

"Do we have to Daddy, can't we stay up longer?" Adelwolf asked.

Baldwin chimed in, "Yeah Daddy can't we watch another movie?"

"Nooooooo! It's time all pups are in bed so they can grow up to be big strong alpha dogs." He said winking a them.

I had got up from the love seat and started for the door, "Goodnight Loki." I said as I made my way out of the door looking over my shoulder. I could see his face droop at the mention of his name, he knew I wasn't coming to bed with him.

I made my way to my room and closed the door. I lay in my bed, melancholy about my situation. Things were much better as far as getting along with everyone, even to the point that I was somewhat happy. But I missed being with Loki, it was fucking lonely in my bed alone, but I new that I wasn't ready to be his sub, maybe I would never be ready. Then all of a sudden music started coming from Loki's room again.

I'm dancing, to the music Of a simple melody And I wonder are you thinking Of a single memory And I know when I see them swaying I can hear myself say Come a little bit closer (come a little bit closer) Cause I remember the time When you held me in your arms (come a little bit closer) And you wanted to be mine Everything good, everything gold And now all that's left is a sweet memory If you love me, let me know Why don't you show me which way to go Please don't leave me all alone Cause I can't make it on my own And I know when I see them swaying I can hear myself say Come a little bit closer Cause I remember the time When you held me in your arms And you wanted to be mine I might but wrong but that's where I belong Why are you just a sweet memory Come a little bit closer Cause I remember the time When you held me in your arms And you wanted to be mine Everything good, everything gold Why are you just a sweet memory (Come a little bit closer) (Come a little bit closer) (Come a little closer) (Come a little closer)

Damn this was breaking my heart! Loki wanted me badly and I wanted him just as much. But it was all wrong, no matter how right it felt. A real man doesn't take it up the ass, no matter how much he likes it. So I stayed strong and cried myself to sleep.

("Come a Little Bit Closer" Fleetwood Mac from the "Heroes Are Hard To Find" Album In case you haven't figured it out yet Loki is a Fleetwood Mac fan and also a hopeless romantic. The Sheps like the old human music because Sheps can't carry a tune in a bucket)