Year of Chaos Chapter One

Story by Tyron Starmage on SoFurry

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The feel of cool moist air flows over the body of the young male brings him slowly out of his sleep. With a yaw he reaches up rubbing his eyes, he blinks a couple times as he notices that he no longer in his bedroom. He lays completely naked in the grass, he looks around noticing it seems to be a large open field. Standing up he looks over his six-foot one inch frame, he reaches up running his through his brown hair that long in the back. His hazel eyes look down his body as he notices his cock is limp, but seven inches when fully hard. Looking back up he scans the area around him to maybe get an idea where he is. He looks around at the white fog, then down at the grass below his feet. He follows the grass to the edge of the fog, which is about six feet from him. Looking up he notices that there are stars in the sky, but off in the distance he notices dark clouds rolling in the distance. As he watches the clouds, he notices flashes of lighting jumping between the clouds and from time to time to the ground. He stands there watching the cloud, as they seem to move quickly across the sky line. He looks back from the cloud as he notices the ground around him seems to be light up dimly. But at the same time the ground doesn't seem to be lit at all, he stands there looking for a second as he got a confused look on his face. He looks up at the clouds again as he notices the storm seems to be on top of him now. He shakes his head as he wonders if this place is real or maybe this is all some kind of weird dream.

The sound of footsteps in the fog brings his back from his wanderings. He looks around as he works on figuring out where the sounds of the footsteps are coming from. Turning slowly he scans the fog hoping to maybe see an outline of what was making the sound of the footsteps. He shakes his head, as he looks around unable to figure out of the source of the footsteps that sounds like it getting closer. He keeps looking but the more he tries the harder it is to find. The sound seems to just come from all around him and nowhere at the same time. He opens his mouth to say something, when out of nowhere comes an evil sounding laugh that echoes all around him. "If you're trying to find me, you can stop. For I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time, I can be anything and anywhere in this realm." The voice says, as it seems to come from all around him in the fog. As the voice finishes, he noticed that the fog seems to have a slow move meant to it. As if it was watching him as he was looking back at it.

"Who are you and how is it you can be everywhere and nowhere at the same time?" the young male says as he looks into the fog, he notices that it seems to twitch and move. He studies the fog as he wonders if maybe he is the fog or maybe it just the fog itself moving around in this weird reality.

"Who I might be isn't something you need to trouble yourself with right now. How I can be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, well maybe in due time I might tell you how that is done. But for now it not something you really need to worry yourself with." The voice says as it once again seems to come from all around them, but this time he notices the fog seem to react to this voice. Moving almost as if it was moving to the sound of the voice all around him, he stands there as a cold shiver run up the length of his spine.

The young male turns slowly as he can still feel the effect of the chill. Almost like someone running ice cold fingers up the length of his spine. He stares into the fog hoping maybe, whatever or whoever is speaking to him will slips up and he will cause a glimpse of them. His eyes narrow as he stares deep into the fog, opening his mouth he starts to say something but then stop. As he feels the cool fog brush against his leg, he looks down getting this confused look on his face, as he notices there nothing there but the grass itself. Shaking his head he turns back to look at the fog, "will if you don't mind, me asking what so important." The young male says as he looks around, and then begins to move forward. He steps two steps forward as he does the fog moves away from him. He steps forward again then it does the same thing it moves forward. He shakes his head as he notices no matter how he moves he doesn't seem to get anywhere.

The voice in the fog chuckles softly as it seems to be watching him trying to reach the fog. "That will do you little good for you could walk for hours and never reaches the fog. For what is important will that is an easy enough question to answer. I want you to come west, that right now is all I want of you." The voice comes from somewhere deep within the fog this time. Once again, the fog moves as the voice comes out of it.

Mark sighs softly as the thoughts running through his head is why this voice wants him to come west so bad. He then turns to look into the fog studding it trying to see if maybe he can see some kind of movement within the fog itself. Not being able to find anything he give a bit of a growls as he standing there looking at the fog. Unsure where to look for as he said more than once he can be anywhere and any place he wishes. "Why don't you come out here and show yourself to me. Also there must be something more to all this, why do you want me to come the west." He asks as he looks around the fog again, hoping maybe the person would slip up and show himself. He looks to his right out of the corner of his eyes as he thinks he heard movement from that area. He growls under his breath as he notice it nothing but more fog floating by slowly.

He hears a bit of a laugh, as the fog seems to become a bit more active. Off in the distance he sees a flash of lightening flowing shortly after by a clap of thunder. "So you want to know the reason I want you to come west, well there might be many reason but then again they might be no reason. One of the reason might be that I scene something great with in you. Then again, it could be any number of reasons. The only way you ever know for sure is to come and learn the reason." The voice says as it cut off much like it began with a soft laugh that seem to echo then slowly fades out. As the laughing comes to a stop, the fog goes back to it slow movement. Deep within the fog, a pair of glowing eyes appears then disappears almost as quickly as they appeared.

Mark eyes narrow a bit, as he seems to notice the eyes within the fog. But play it off, as he didn't even notice them. "So that is all you're going to do is give me riddles and not straight answer. And you want to me trust you based off this riddles you keep giving me to get me to come west." He says as he keeps studding the fog hoping to catch a glimpse of the eyes deep within the fog. He shakes his head softly as he doesn't see them again, he can't help but wonder why him and not someone else. He shakes his head softly as he comes back from his thought the cool night air flowing over his nude skin.

The fog begins to dance around him, but just out of reach by a few feet. He watches the fog as he know when the fog begins to move the person or whatever it is able to speak to him again. "Even if I gave you a straight answer you would only ask more questions. I have told you what you need to know right now come west and learn the truth." The person in the fog as this time without a laugh or anything else just silence. The fog slow return to it slow moving crawl across the grassy field. Mark opens his mouth to say something but doesn't get a chance to as the voice begin again without warning. "Why don't you go turn on the TV and watch the news. You might learn something from the news or you might not that is up to you." The voice says, as the fog seems to be slowly disappearing from sight. Leaving him standing in the damp grass of the felid. Mark blink twice then the world seems to disappear and he awakes in his bed. Yawning, he notices that he needs to go to the bathroom. He looks around to see where James is laying at. Seeing him lying on his left side away from him, he slowly slides out of bed. Making his way to the bathroom, he takes care of his body's needs. With a bit of a sigh he steps out of the bathroom as he gets this weird feeling he needs to go somewhere. Then he gets another feeling that he should go down and turn on the TV. Slowly and quietly, Mark makes his way down stairs to the front room. Walking into the front room, he sits down on the couch completely naked. Reaching out of the remote, he turns on the TV. He turns on the local TV station to see the news is still on. Looking up at the clock, he notices, it only eleven o'clock.

"This is our latest in our nonstop coverage of this new virus to hit not just the USA but the whole world. We are now going live to a sister station out in Los Angles." A mid aged white male wearing a grey color business suit says. His hair seems to be in a mess from running his hands through his hair as he watches the world quickly sliding into total chaos. His blue eyes are blood shoot, he look into the camera with a look of why I'm I still here. His eyes quickly being to dart around the station as he looks at the different away to get out of the station.

The camera changes to a woman standing out in the middle of one of Los Angel's many streets. She is wearing a woman's business suit while all around her seem to be total chaos. Somehow even with all the chaos and madness around her, her brown hair is still laying prefect on top of her head. He green eyes move as she watches the people running around making sure no one going to try to rush up on her. Not far from her in the video of the camera is a burning car as she starts to talk people go running by shouting things about the world is ending and other weird stuff, as people seem to have lost their minds. As Mark watches, he notices that not all the people running around are human. "This is Lisa Carington reporting to you live from the once great city of Los Angles. I say once great for as I'm sure you can see the city has degraded into total chaos." Lisa says as her camera operator turns the camera to show all the chaos around her. Just down the street from her four people are working to roll a car over. To the left of that is a building burning out of control. The camera turns back to her as she gets this look of why am I really out here. "As you can see, the city is totally out of control. Most of the police, medical, and firefighters are out of action because of this virus. We have gotten word that one of the high-rise buildings in the downtown area has been transformed into some kind of mid evil looking tower." She says as she looks to her left as the sound of a car being rolled over can be heard. She turn just in time to see the four people roll the car over, they give a cheer as they watch the car roll over into it top. The high five each other than run off to look for more way do to damage.

Mark gets the feeling that she should head for that tower as she talks about it. Shaking his head, he goes back to watching the news. Lisa looks into the camera, as she gets this look like it not safe for her there anymore. "I'm going to give you back to the main news room now. This does not look to safe here right now for me. This is Lisa Carington reporting live from Los Angles, back to you Dave in the studio." Lisa says as she, ends her feed and her and her camera operator head for the van, and gets out of there. Dave sits there for a second, as he hadn't noticed she set it back to him in the newsroom. He is a young man, late thirties maybe wearing a light blue suit. He works for the Los Angles TV station in which the Zanesville station was getting it feed from for that report.

"Thank you, Lisa for that live feed. This just in the C.D.C. has put out this report on the virus. It seems it some kind of new virus no one has seen before. They are working on a cure for this new virus. However, at this point, they have little idea of how to fight it. They have figure out that is not a natural virus this one seem to be manmade. This just in it seems they have figure out where this virus might have started. It seems it started ..." He starts to say before the signal goes dead.

The video stays on snow for a few second before it switches back to Scott at the Zanesville TV station. "I'm sorry about that but we seem to have lost the signal between us and out sister station in Los Angles. One second I'm being hand a report, it seems they narrowed the starting point of the virus down to about 10 miles. It seems that the virus started in the ..." before he could finish the statement the signal goes out yet again.

Mark growls as he picks up the remote and begins to check all the stations. He sighs as not a one of them works anymore all he get his snow. Turning off the TV, he gets up and walks over to the radio. As he turns it on, he starts going through the stations on it but all he gets is static. Shaking his head, he walks over to his computer turning it on he waits for it to boot up. Once it boots up, he tries to get on line only to find out the net is also down. He growls softly as he stands up, so close to learning something about this virus. Only to have every way of learning blocked or shut down. Shaking his head, he remembers that weird voice. Walking back over to the couch, he sits down for a minute. As he sits down, he hears James come walking down the stairs. As he turns to look at him, he notices, he completely naked also. Walking up behind him, he reaches out running his hand over his back. "Is there something wrong?" James asks, as he looks a little concerned. As h notice him sitting there naked and with the TV off, he look around and notice the pc is also turn off.

"I had the weirdest dream." Mark says as he looks up at James with a soft smile. As his thoughts goes back to that weird voice floating within the fog. He sighs softly as the more he thinks about it the more he want to know more about the voice and what he might want of him.

"It must have been some dream if you got up out of bed and walk down here to sit in the dark." James says as he turns on the light using the switch by him. He blinks a couple times as the light comes on. He looks down at Mark who got this confuse look on his face, as he seem to be lost in thought.

Mark shakes his head as he brought out of his thought by the sound of James voice. "I'm still working on figuring it out myself. I had this dream I was standing in this grassy field with this weird fog was around me. I was standing naked then I heard this weird voice. It wanted me to come west and I am unsure why. It also told me to watch TV because it would answer some question I think. But, it seems to have caused more question then answers. What worse is ever since he asked me to come west I had this feeling that I need to go west." Mark says with a soft sigh as he looks at the TV. He shakes his head as he look over at James who seem just as confused by this weird dream as he is.

James looks down at him as he notices Mark seem to be still thinking about this odd dream. "Why don't you come to bed with me we can figure this all out in the morning? Then we can try and make sense of it all after a good night sleep." Reaching out James lightly scratches his back as he finishes off his statement. He watches him as he can tell the dream seem to be getting to him a little.

Mark let out a sigh, as he can't seem to help but think about the crazy dream. He looks up at James with a weak smile, "ya I guess sitting around here trying to figure out what going on while half asleep isn't going to do any good." Mark says as he stands up heading for the stairs. James follows him up the stairs reaching the room they both crawl back into bed. Pulling the cover over them self they work on relaxing to try to fall back a sleep. Mark yawns softly as he slowly slips back off to sleep, after a while; Mark awakes again in that grassy field. Standing up he looks around the field with a soft sigh. "Ok where are you hiding this time and why have you brought me back to this place?" Mark asks as he just stands there waiting for a reply. As he wait he look around seeing if maybe he can notice the person that belong to this weird voice he keeps hearing. He sighs, as all he can see is once again the fog flowing around him.

"I see you haven't given up on trying to find me in this fog. For why I brought you back here, that one is an easy answer. If you remember when we last meet, I said we might meet again before this night was out. So we are once again." The voice says from in front of him, he look into the fog since he figures out where the voice is right now. But like always, he sees nothing but more fog flowing by.

"Yes I remember you saying that part. But, you still have not answered my question. Why have you brought me back to this weird place?" Mark asks as he cross his arms looking a little bit on the upset side. He eyes stare deep into the fog as he works to make out a shape or anything of the person the voice belongs to.

"I brought you back here because I wanted to ask if you learn anything while watching TV." The voice says as the sound of footsteps starts to move. Frist the sound of the footsteps is to the right. Then the sound of the footsteps comes from behind him, he turns to where the sound is coming from. Only to have them move to his right this time, he grumbles under his breath at these games he seems to be playing.

"Did I learn anything from watching TV? Well, I learned that Los Angles is a total wreck. I also learn that this weird virus is manmade. Hmm oh yes then there that weird tower that just pop up. And I almost learned where this virus started." Mark says as he hears the person he talking to moving around in the fog. His eyes follow the sound of the footsteps.

"So did that answer any of your questions or did that just make more questions for you?" The voice asks as it moves with in the fog, it eyes watching Mark as he can see him trying to track his movements. The voice grins as he enjoys the game he playing.

Mark's eyes narrow as he looks into the fog, his passions running out with this game this thing seem to want to play. His ball up his fist as the long this thing toy with him the more he starting to want to go west, just so he can find him and kick his ass. "Answers, oh I start to get some answer but then for some unknown reason the TV stations all cut out. Something tells me that wasn't by accident, something tells me that was you're doing. Wasn't it, so why don't you come on out and show yourself. Before I came over there and kick your ass, from here it next Sunday." Mark says with a loud growl, his eyes searching the fog as he temper is starting to get the best of him. He hears the sound of footsteps as he can tell whatever is in the fog is not finish playing it game yet.

"So I'm guessing you now have more questions you would like answered?" The voice asks him as he watches Mark from deep within the fog, a grin slowly slides a cross his face as he watches him. Know that he pissing him off and hoping that this anger well carry over into the real world and help to drive him to make him want to come west.

Mark takes a deep breath as he work on claiming himself down, he look into the deep as if he can see the person standing with in. a slowly a grin begin to slide it way across his face as he watches the fog. He thinks to himself, two can play games in here. "But you never answer my last question, did you or did you not stop the station from transmitting. Or maybe you just block the signal from reaching me." He says as he looks deep into the fog at the last place he hear the footsteps, he almost chucks as he can feel the wind shift. Much like that of something passing by him as he standing there staring into the abyss.

The thing within the fog stops for a second as he seems to notices he staring right at him. Decide this little game is becoming fun. He rushes right at him, he almost laughs as he pass right behind causing him to feel the wind of his pass. He grins, as he knows the only thing he could was nothing, all he could feel from his passing was the wind. He moves into the fog, with a bit of a laugh he turn around to face Mark's backside. Which he does so enjoy looking at, he stares for a few then blink a couple times as he work on bring himself out of his lustful fantasies. "Well I guess you might say I did, but then again how would I be able to do something like that. I guess that is one more mystery you have to finger out as you go." The voice within the fog lets out a deep, loud laugh as it looks at Mark's hot tight look human ass. He shakes his head as he wonder if he get the chance to see it for real and not just in some dream.

Mark turn around quickly as he heard the voice behind him, he give a bit of a grin as he figures out that wind he left was whatever it is passing him. He thinks to himself, so this thing is real and it does have a form of some kind. He pulls himself back from his thoughts as he looks once more into the fog for a hint of what is hiding in there. "Well if you can pull me into whatever you wish to call this world or realm, why can't you stop the stations from transmitting.

The voice within the fog chuckles softly as he watches Mark, it eyes roaming over the front of his form. He thinks to itself, I wonder what form he'll take as the virus has it way with him. He brings itself back to the matter at hand, as it brings he eyes up from his groin. "If you want answers to your question, you're going to have to come west." The voice says with another chuckle as it eyes roam down on his groin again, he rubs his hands together as it really want to get him into his bed.

"And what would happen if I said no and didn't come west like you want me to do?" Mark says as this evil looking grin slowly slides across his face. He watches the fog waiting for a reaction so that he can get a look at the one who seems to get playing games with him.

The voice laughs softy as he look up into Mark's eyes, he shakes his head as he can see that look in his eyes. He can see that want to know the answers to his question, the want to know who been talking to him. And will he remember the want to know why this voice wants him to come west. He knows now that Mark's is just playing games with him in here. Then again when he awakes well he remember any of this and well that want to come west still be there or will it be lost like a fading dream. He give a soft sighs as he decides to answer the question lay out before him. "Well if you don't come you'll never have the answers for your burring questions. And for number two if you don't come think about all you might miss out on. The tripping getting here the people you might meet, and on top of that all you never know who I am." The voice says with almost an evil laugh at the last part of the statement. He stands there watching Mark standing before him, as he seems to stare right at him, almost as if he was staring right into him.

Mark watches the fog, in the back of his mind he wonders what this thing is up to. What does he want, why does he want him going that way so badly, there to to be a reason, but for some unknown reason he well not say what is. "So are you going to tell me why or you just going to keep playing your little game. Also, what is with this feeling I've been getting of wanting to come west, I been feeling it for a bit. Is that your going or what and don't get me this vague answers." He says as he can almost hear the thing with in the fog moving from foot to foot as it works on figure out it answer. He grins a bit, as he thinks that maybe he's starting to get to the thing hiding in the fog.

"You might be right, but you might be wrong. I am not going to say one way or the other. That is for you to figure out since the feeling to come west it caused by you. Your wanting to know the answer to your question and you know those answers might lay to the west. So the answer to your question is all up to you." The voice says from the left of Mark's as he managed to slip to the side of him without him noticing it. He grins, as he notices, Mark hasn't felt his movements, he watches.

Mark hears the voice coming from his left and turn to look that way. He growls under his breath has he looks at the fog trying to see the person or thing hiding in the fog. "Oh I'm sure some how some way you got a hand in that to. Since it seems to me for whatever reason, you want me to come out there." Mark says as he listens for the sound of the footfalls. He keeps staring into the fog hoping to maybe make out an outline of the figure hiding in the fog.

"I might or I might not like I said before I'm not going to get into that. Now off with you back to your sleep. You're going to need your rest for the upcoming days." The voice says with a laugh as the fog begins to spin, then fades out.

Mark sighs softly as he shakes his head as he disappears from the field. Morning has come to their home as Mark begins to stir from his peaceful sleep. With a softly yawn he crawl out of bed walking over to the windows he rubs his eyes. Reaching out he takes, the curtain into his hands as he opens them looking out the window. He sighs softly as that feeling of needing to go west return to him. He stands there a minute as he wonders what might await him out there. For that matter, he thinks to himself what well James think of me wanting to just pack up and head out west with no real idea where he going. Well he got a bit of an idea as he remembers that weird tower they were talking about in Los Angles. There something about that tower, maybe that is where he is. Mark thinks to himself as he releases the blinds. Shaking his head softly he walks into the bathroom to take care of his morning business. Finishes up with his piss he walks back out into the bedroom. He looks over at James still sleeping softly. With another yawn of his own, he makes his out of the bedroom. Walking down stairs, he picks up the TV remote. Turning on the TV he start going through the different stations. However, he finds the same thing as last night nothing but dead air.

Turning off the TV Mark sets the remote down before walking into the dining room. Walking through the dining room, which is a nice size room. In the middle of the room is a table possibly made out of oak, big enough to sit six people easy. All six chairs match with the table itself. About the table is a four light chandler type light. Walking into the kitchen Mark looks around the room. In the middle of the kitchen is an island. To the right of the island is the sink with a window above it. On the left side of the island is a bar with bar chairs on the other side of it. To the right of the sink build to fit beside the counter is a side-by-side stainless steel fridge. To the left of the sink on part of the counter that goes to the left is the shove. Walking over to the cabinet beside the fridge Mark reaches up opening it placing a glass on the counter. He opens the fridge door as he reaches in pulling out the orange juice. Pouring himself a glass, he puts the juice back as he turns around holding the glass. Leaning up against the counter he starts to wonder what to do next. He sighs softly as that feeling of heading west just well not go away. He asks himself is this really my doing or his. Whoever this person is, Mark sighs as he wonders about this person. What does he want with me that he is willing to drag me three thousand miles to meet him? Hearing the fridge doors open, as Mark returns from his thoughts as he looks over to see James standing there also naked holding the jug of orange juice. With this look like would you mind moving so I can get a glass.

"Would you mind handing me a glass since you're standing there?" James says as he looks over at Mark as he sits the jug on the counter. Then look over at the cabinet as he wonders if Mark will get the glass or just step to the side so he can get it.

"Oh sorry, I was kind of lost in thought there." Mark says as he blinks a couple times trying to get his thoughts back in order. He turns around and grabs one of the glasses out of the cabinet. Turing around he hand it to James as he works on keep his thoughts in order, as they want to go back to the person or thing from his dream.

James takes the glass as he smiles softly at Mark. "That much I saw I was hoping to be able to get a glass without disturbing you. So you want to tell me what you were thinking so hard about?" James asks as he pours himself a glass of juice. Putting the lid back on he walks over to the fridge to put that jug away. After putting the jug away he turn to look at mark to see if he going to give him a reply to his question. Taking a drink from his glass his eyes fall on Mark.

"That person or whatever it was that showed up in my dreams again after I went to bed again. It seems I got more question than answers. He didn't answer my question about this weird feeling I got. He says I could be his doing or it could be my doing he wouldn't answer either way." Mark says with a sigh as he shakes his head. "You can see what I mean by more question than answers. I feel like I'm about to drive myself crazy trying to figure this all out." Mark says as he takes a drink from this glass, his mind racing as he works to figure out that thoughts running through his head. Along with this weird feeling of wanting to go west, he sighs softly so James doesn't hear as he trying to figure what he should do next

"I guess you trying to figure the answer to the big question, do you go west. And if you do, is it because you want to go west or is it because he wants you to. And you're trying to figure out if you're going cause it your idea or cause it an idea he planted in your head." James says as he takes a drink from his own glass, he can't help but wonder what going on with Mark. For that, matter what going on with the whole world, after what he heard on the news himself. He looks over at Mark as he works on studding him trying to figure out what he might do.

Mark look over at James he start to say something but stop as he work over this thoughts in his head. He shakes his head a little as he not sure what to say or if he should even reply to what he said. "Your right I'm not sure if it me wanting to go or if it whatever was in that fog wanting me to go. But no matter how much I think about it the same thing keeps coming up is what I want to do. I guess I could use some help figure out what to do, I guess what I'm saying is what do you think maybe I should do. Should we just pack up everything we need and head west? Since from what I saw on TV before it went out I say we got time off. It seems the world is coming unglued cause of this virus. So now that question is, do we sit here and do nothing or do we go west and see why he wants me out there." Mark says as he takes another drink from his glass. Sitting down on the counter he looks at James as he waits his reply.

"Are you even sure this person you where dreaming about is real. I mean you said someone in a dream told you to watch TV. You did and then all the station went out. For all you know it was just a dream nothing more than a dream." James says as he finishes off his glass of juice. Walking over he sits it in the sink as he turns to look at Mark.

"That's the thing, I've had dreams before, but none of them where ever that strong or for that matter that real. The grass, breeze, even the fog itself felt more real than anything I felt in a dream before. I do not know if we should go or not I guess I will leave it up to you. Should we stay here or should we head out and follow this weird dream I had. Along with the weird strong feeling I got telling me to go west." Mark says finishing off his glass of juice. Turning he sits it in the sink with James's glass as he looks out the window.

"I guess the only thing I got to ask you is this. Do you really want to do this? Do you want to pack up out life and just head out west with only a feeling that you need to go west?" James says as he watches Mark, he standing there as he wonders what he thinking.

"By the looks over things our life's are about to be totally turn upside down." Mark begins to say but before he can, finishes the phone rings. He look over at the phone with this looks of you just had to ring now, didn't you.

James sighs softly as he was about to get an answer to his question. Walking over he picks up the phone. "Hello." He asks as he listens to the voice on the other end of the phone. "Uh huh I understand it no trouble. Thank you for calling." James says as he hangs up the phone. He looks over at Mark with a gently sigh. "It would seem that we are now free to go west if you would like to. Since the store is shutting down due to the fact that most of Zanesville is closed. The reason being the virus and the madness they seen going on out west. It seems the people in charge of Zanesville want to try to keep a lid on thing there." James says as he walks over looking out the window with Mark. He looks out at the wind blowing thought the tree leaves out side. His thinks about this person or thing that was in Mark's dream last night. And as to why he would want him to come west.

"Well I would like to go yes, but are you willing to just pack up and go. We are heading out on just a weird feeling I have and nothing else really. It is hard to say when we get back home. So as I said before are you sure you want to do this?" Mark says as he turns to look at James. He smiles softly as James turns to look back at him.

"Well as I just said we are now both free to do whatever we want to now. We do have some money for a trip but it hard to say if we have enough money. Then again, this does sound like an adventure. What the hell let's do it we only live once as they say." James says as he leans forward giving Mark a gently kiss on the lips.

Mark kisses back softly as he looks into James's eyes. "Are you sure about this cause if so I say we start getting our self and our home ready for our trip. I guess with all the craziness going on we're not going to have to worry about the mail too much." Mark says with a soft chuckle as he grins at James.