Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 8

Story by Kausn_Husky on SoFurry

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#8 of Cant Take My Eyes Off You

Sorry i havent been active lately, i have exams this week and im finding less and less time to write. Anyway, here's chapter 8, and i hope that its as good as i think it turned out. This is my first attempt at writing yiff, so it may not be the best. Anway, enjoy. And if you don't like this kind of M/M thing, please dont read.

As soon as I heard Seigi's mother, I knew we were in for it. I instantly darted up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, trying to find a towel. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seigi jump to the other side of the bed, retrieving the clothes he shed last night. As I found a towel and wrapped the lower half of my body in it, I heard his mother knock on the door again, this time a little more forcefully, clearly irritated that no one had come to answer her. "I'm sorry, I'll be right there!" I yelled as I tried to make myself decent. My erection had thankfully gone down, and I felt that I was presentable now. I walked to the door, opening it just enough to poke my head out, finding Seigi's mother standing right there. "Hello, Mrs. Reeyes. How are you?" She glared at me for a second, and then her glare turned into a smile.

"I was wondering how you guys are doing. May I come in?" I glanced back into the room, and I saw Seigi up and moving around in the kitchen, fully clothed.

"Sure." I opened the door the rest of the way, stepping aside to let her walk in. "Sorry, I just came from the shower." Luckily, my fur was still wet, so it was very believable.

"That's fine. So how is Seigi doing? Any luck on getting his memory back?"

"Sadly, no. But he does seem to believe that we were together, and seems to want to be together still, so that makes me feel better." I glanced to my right just in time to see Seigi walk up to me and wrap his paws around my waist, resting his muzzle on the top of my head. His mother smiled and started to laugh. This act surprised me, which made me drop my towel. I quickly retrieved it, my white fur starting to seem red. "Sorry, let me go get some pants on." I ran to the bathroom and threw on a pair of pants. I walked back out, walking right up to Seigi, giving him a hug from the side.

"I swear, you two are the cutest couple I've ever seen." My tail started to wag at the compliment. Seigi blushed, and I decided to embarrass him even more. I licked his muzzle, and he grew an even deeper shade of red. His mother just looked at us and smiled. I'm glad someone actually accepts us. His mother left us standing there, walking over the kitchen table and sitting down. She motioned us over there, telling us to sit down. We sat down across from her, hold each other's paws. "Now, Kausn, I can see that you love Seigi, and I'm certain he loves you back. I want to know, would you ever hurt him? Because, if you do, I swear I will hunt you down and make you pay for what you did to my son." Her words rolled off her tongue with a hint of anger in them. I knew that I would never, ever hurt Seigi, and I was sure he knew that too. I didn't heasitate to answer her question.

"I would never hurt Seigi, Mrs. Reeyes. I love him, and he loves me. I would never want to hurt him." Slowly she smiled, and I looked up at Seigi. He gave my nose a lick, and giggled slightly. I turned back to his mother to see her beaming, her teeth radiating white. I smiled back at her, and she spoke again.

"Well, now that settled, I want to try to help you guys. I want to see if we can revive some of Seigi's memory. Is there anything that you two did or something that was really sentimental to both of you?" My mind was racing, trying to figure out what was so special that could possibly jog Seigi's memory. Then, the perfect idea hit me.

"Mrs. Reeyes, I may have just the thing." I ran to the bedroom, grabbing my portable stereo and my IPod. I brought it back out, and put it on the table. "We do have a special song. It was the first song we danced to. It's our song." I plugged the stereo in while simultaneously searching for Lady Antebellum on my IPod. When I found the song, my heart skipped a beat. Maybe now Seigi will actually remember me. I pressed play on my IPod, and Seigi just sat there listening. When the chorus came around, nothing yet had happened. Then suddenly, Seigi grasped his head and collapsed to the floor. "Seigi!" I ran over to where he was, crouching down, trying to decipher what was wrong. He was still clutching his head, moaning in agony. I tried to get a response out of him, but my eyes were filling with tears, and the words caught in my throat. I can't stand seeing him in this much pain. His mother looked shocked, but didn't move from her seat. Soon, the horrible moment passed, and Seigi just lay there, gazing distantly at the ceiling. "Seigi, are you alright?" I asked him, slowly reaching out for him. He turned his head and smiled at me, making my heart melt.

"I remember you, Kausn. I remember us dancing, kissing, and singing together. I remember everything. I can't believe I could have ever forgotten you." His smile slowly got bigger as I felt a smile creep up onto my face. I looked into eyes, and almost cried at there beauty. They were full of energy and life, and I could tell Seigi was back. I lost myself in his blue eyes, and he lost himself in mine. We sat there, just staring at each other lovingly when his mother coughed. We both jumped up, startled. She started to laugh, and I turned red for the second time that day.

When Seigi's mother finally left, she told us she'd be back in a couple of hours to see how Seigi was holding up. We bid her farewell, and I closed the door behind her. I turned around to see Seigi staring at me, grinning at me like a fool. I grinned back, just as excited as him.

"I'm glad your back, Seigi." I walked over and hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad to be back." It felt like the world had stopped turning, and it seemed like an eternity before I let go of him. I just then happened to glance out the window and gasped.

"Seigi, look! It's snowing!" I ran to the window, my tail wagging and an eager look in my eyes. It must have been snowing for a while, because there was a fair amount on the ground. I already saw some snow drifts forming. "We need to go out there." I ran over to the door, grabbing my coat, telling Seigi to hurry up and follow me.

"Jeez Kausn, it's like you've never seen snow before. It's actually a pretty late start, considering its Michigan."

"Well, I'm just excited. I love the snow." With that, I opened the door, running down to lobby and out into the parking lot. I saw the snow hit my fur, laughing as I was soon covered in white. Seigi soon followed me out, laughing at my childish antics. I soon hid behind a snow drift, waiting for Seigi to walk by. As soon as he came into my vision, I jumped through the drift, scaring him and tackling him to the ground. We rolled around for a while laughing before we finally settled down, laying on the ground, looking up at the snow falling upon us. "I love you Seigi. I just wanted you to know that." I looked over at him, and he was giving me a funny look. My tail instantly went between my legs, wondering what I had said wrong.

"I've always know that, Kausn. I love you too." Now he was giggling, and I relaxed, letting my wagging tail create a snow angel in the snow. He came over and gave me a kiss on the head. I leaned over to him, brushing our noses against each other. Suddenly, I could feel the chill in the air, and I wanted to get back to our room.

"I'm getting cold. Let's head back to our room."

"I agree." Seigi got up, and he was grinning with that evil grin I saw he had earlier. Oh boy. Here we go. I followed Seigi the entire way to the room, entering it just before he closed the door. I was just able to get my coat off before Seigi wrapped me in a kiss, trying desperately to get my clothes off. We didn't break our kiss as Seigi took his shirt off, and we started to take our pants off, still wrapped up in each other's arms. We finally broke away when we were both standing in our boxers. I stood there, my eyes hungrily taking in the wolf standing before me.

"God, you're gorgeous."

"So are you honey." I blushed slightly, and Seigi walked over to the bed, gesturing me onto it. After some rustling around, we found ourselves both naked, lying on top of each other, nothing but fur separating us. "So, what do you want to do?" I lay there, staring into his deep blue eyes, contemplating on what I want. What exactly do I want? I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I know who I wanted to do it with.

"I don't know, why don't we...." But Seigi stopped me as he grabbed my already rising member, causing a moan to escape from my lips. I looked down, and I saw a little bit of red escaping from his sheath. I decided to try something I've only ever dreamed about.

I slunk down his body until my muzzle was less than an inch from his emerging wolf cock. Slowly, I gave it a lick, taking in the taste of it. Seigi moaned, which only prompted me to go further. I played with the tip, working my way down until I reached the knot forming at the base. I did that a few times, tasting all the salty pre that was coming from him until Seigi started panting, seemingly ready to release his load. "Not yet Hun." I got up, giving him a kiss, letting him taste his own pre. We parted, a string of saliva still connecting us. He smiled at me, grinning that evil grin.

"Let me return the favor." Before I could do anything, Seigi was already at my member, licking it from base to tip. I shuddered at the feeling, it was so brand new. I moaned as he took the tip in his mouth, sucking on it slightly. Slowly, his muzzle engulfed my cock until I could feel his breath on my fur. I moaned, and copious amounts of pre cum started to leak out. He stopped just as sudden as he started, he lifted his muzzle off and slowly licked his lips, and small trace of pre still on his face. "That was fun."

"You know it was. Hey, you got a little something on your face." I leaned in and licked my pre off of his muzzle. The salty taste filled my mouth, and left me wanting more. I put my muzzle right up to his ears, playfully biting and licking them. "I want you to fuck me Seigi. Fuck my brains out." I stopped playing with his ears, getting off of him and lying on my belly on the bed, my tail raised as high as it would go. I felt Seigi's weight press against my backside, his tip right at the entrance of my pucker. Slowly, I felt Seigi slip into me, and it was like nothing I had ever felt before. I moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was the most painful yet the most pleasurable thing I had ever felt. Seigi then put the weight of his body on my back, leaning over me and playing with my ears while slipping further into me. After a while, the pain was replaced with only pleasure. As Seigi started thrusting faster, I started meeting his thrusts the best I could. With every thrust, I could feel Seigi's knot forming at my entrance and his member hitting my prostate. Soon, we both began to yip, growl, moan, and anything else you could think of. All the stimulation was too much, causing me to throw my head back in a howl, releasing copious amounts of cum onto the bed sheets. I clenched onto Seigi's cock, which in turn sent him over the edge, thrusting into me one last time, tying us together. I felt Seigi release his cum inside of me, filling my insides with a large amount of warm liquid. We both collapsed on the bed, enjoying the after glow of the orgasm we just had. Seigi was the first one to speak.

"That was the best thing of my entire life. I love you Kausn." He gave the top of my head a lick, nuzzling to the back of my neck.

"I love you too honey. So what now?" I tightened up around his cock again, making him gasp.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I want to sleep." Within two minutes, I heard snoring coming from Seigi. I chuckled and moved around, trying to get comfortable. I felt a little bit of cum escape from me, but Seigi's knot held most of it in. I started to feel me slip off into sleep, thinking about how great today had been.

"I'm glad your back Seigi." With that, I let my mind drift off into much needed slumber.

When I woke, Seigi wasn't next to me. I sat up and looked around groggily, but I didn't see Seigi. At first, I thought that maybe he had gone to school, but then I realized that we both had tested out of school. We were just barely able to pass, but I was thankful for the newfound freedom. While others were in school, Seigi and I were able to share every waking moment together. But, there was another reason that I was desperate to get out of school, and I had told no one except Seigi. Some how, word got out that I was gay, and my life turned into a living hell. I was beaten almost every day, to the point of where I almost couldn't walk. When I came home, my parents always asked what was wrong, but I just told them I fell down the stairs at school. Everyday, I would lock myself in my room any cry until I fell asleep. The only time I never got beaten was when I was walking with Seigi, but even then I was called names, ridiculed, and usually shoved into lockers. One day, Seigi just go so fed up with seeing me hurt, he went crazy on the group of people that usually beat me. They called him a faggot, and he told them that they should stop torturing his boyfriend, or else they would all get a foot up their ass. That left all of them speechless, but only for a moment. They soon tried to ridicule both of us for being boyfriends, but Seigi would have none of it. He kicked the first person in the mouth, and punched the second one in the gut. The rest of the group scattered, and Seigi dragged both of the bullies to the office. There, they were dealt with, and Seigi talked to the principle, who thankfully was very understanding. She gave him a detention for beating the kids, but they were given community service for beating me, and the leader was suspended from school. For the rest of the week, all eyes were on us, and I felt so out of place. Seigi tried a few times to show affection during school, and I accepted until a teacher walked past us, and whispered 'faggots'. What hurt the most was that was one of my favorite teachers, and she totally ignored me for the rest of the time I was there. When we tested out, I finally felt free from all the judging eyes, free to do as I pleased. I was insanely happy that I would get to spend the rest of my time with Seigi.

I search the entire suite, but I couldn't find a trace of Seigi anywhere. I sighed and slumped onto the bed, turning on the T.V, flipping through channels mindlessly. After a while, I turned off the T.V. and took a shower, the hot water doing wonders for my fur. When I finally got out, I heard stirring in the kitchen, and I figured Seigi was home. I dressed in some jeans and a red t shirt and went out to greet Seigi. I over to the kitchen, but noticed something was off. I didn't smell Seigi, but something else. The scent was vaguely familiar, and as I stepped into the kitchen I found out why. Standing there was my father holding a gun, and pointing it at my forehead. I instantly froze, searching for a way to escape. Before I could even think about running, he spoke, with a hint of smugness in his voice. His voice sent chills down my spine, and the gun pointed at my head didn't help the situation any.

"Hello faggot."

Comments, constructive critism is always welcome. Thanks for reading. :)