All Dolled Up: Getting Out

Story by KlonoaPrower on SoFurry

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Written by the amazing felekar and commished by my wonderful friend anovakovic

The next chapter in such a wonderful series that Felekar has been working one, and it's just as great as the other two. I've been hearing a bunch of people clamoring for more, so maybe I'll work on getting another part from him in a while. Until then, be sure to enjoy this one!

"I can never get those two out of the house," the youngest brother of a trio of dragons, Dema, spoke as he stepped outside. "Oh well, more fun for me". He was dressed well in a pair of black casual slacks and a too-tight, grey button up shirt. The dull tones of his scales and clothes matched the gloom of the evening. The front yard of the estate was lit poorly by a pair of lamps near the driveway, just over one of three luxury cars, and the lamps highlighted the fine misty drizzle in the air.

In stark contrast to all this gloom, were the pair of figures that followed subserviently along behind the young dragon; Rick and Klonoa, a jolteon and bi-tailed fox respectively, victims to curiosity. Both were covered head to toe in a sheer layer of rubber, one yellow on purple, the other his inverse. Water beaded on their bodies, though they felt no cold. The two friends had been trapped in these suits for nearly a month already, and had fallen into a daily rhythm of pleasure and denial, of being mounted, used, and treated as toys and means of release for the brothers and their exotic pets. They felt only what the suit allowed. Even hunger and thirst seemed strangely minimal. The only constant was the teasing and pleasure the latex thrust upon them.

"In the back." He looked at the pair and pointed at his car with the key fob in hand. A brief chirp of the horn and flash of headlights told them where to go. Both had gotten used to movement within the suits, and found that if they just went along with what they were supposed to, their sexual torments were lessened. Settled in the rear passenger seats, the safety belts were the only thing that kept their slick boding from sliding around the leather surface. The teen was a somewhat reckless driver, but he at least had a decent taste in music. The heavy, thumping beat of the sub-woofer right against their backs almost tickled, but no smile crossed their smooth-featured, their cock-toy stuffed, latex-coated faces. Rather they looked to each other, both certain the other was as worried as themselves.

Soon after the car pulled out, a nondescript, white van nearby started its engine and followed behind. Behind the wheel sat a husky-wolfess hybrid, Schala, with a very determined look upon her face. She had been looking into recent disappearances, and she was certain that she had just found two of them. Beside her on the seat was a terminal, a keyboard and screen, connected to a custom built rig just behind. After a short trip into a downtown district, the car ahead pulled into a parking lot. She continued past, and parked just around the corner beside the alley. After turning off the engine, she checked the screen. "Good, still close enough to sort out their signals from the rest."

Inside, the dragon led his pair through the check, to the club proper. It opened into a large, two leveled room, the center opening right up to a skylight on the roof. Along the walls on either side, large booths were set in place, enough to seat four or five comfortably in a U shape around a sturdy center table. On this level every single one was taken, most with just two to three occupants. Their shadowy faces were hard to distinguish, but that was not what caught the eye. Atop many of the tables were others in the same situation as Klonoa and Rick.

Nearest to them was a fennec, only slightly taller than the table he stood upon. Had it not been for the rubbery sheen all over his body, the sand-colored latex might have gone unnoticed. The vulpine was in the middle of an intricate, subtle dance. His paws slid down over his body, up over his ears, and in to cup a sheath and balls well suited for his small stature. A finger of bright blue shaft poked free of its home, but it was left wanting as he continued his beautiful routine, modeling his butt and tail with a swish. The trio that sat in the booth spoke to each other all the while, hardly even watching.

The back wall was dominated by a stage which had a round platform extending toward the center of the room. Another lewd dance took place here as well, this time a duet between a tall, lanky ferret and a wolf that looked strong and well built. Mottled, glittery jade, and a vivid turquoise respectively, and as they moved, the tinted lights pointed at them caused ribbons of color to dance along with the pair. Their rubbery, slick bodies flowed over one another, the ferret supported off the ground by his lupine partner at all times. Over and over again their shafts were put on display, both fully erect, and again and again the pair ground their hips against the other, until they ended in a vertical sixty nine.

Rick and Klo heeled behind Dema as he walked around to the right, and up a flight of stairs that overlooked the ground floor. More booths lined the walls here as well though in one corner the table had been replaced with a wide clear plexiglass tube that extended into the nearby ceiling, twice as high as he was tall; a shelf attached around the side to rest one's drinks. As he approached, he plucked his cell from a pocket and sent a message out to a few people to inform them of his arrival. Then, with no regard for either of his latex-coated toys, he sat and continued to mess about with his phone. The pair stood at attention, both pondering their fate. As far as either of them saw, there were no other booths like the one in front of them.

After a few minutes more the dragon stood, closed his phone, and looked at the two. "Now, let's see. Itsty, eetsy, bitsy, bo," he pointed back and forth at them with each word, until he finally ended on Rick. "You in the tube, and reabsorb that plug in your muzzle. As for you," he turned to Klo with a grin, "go downstairs to the check desk." The two tailed fox turned on his heel and took off as directed, almost thankful to be away from the dragon. Even though the dragon had put Rick and himself through so much since this whole thing started, made them endure more romps with his exotic pets, the times on display as impromptu art in their room, and just generally toyed with, He was also the only thing familiar in this place. Through it all, a guilty part of him had to admit one thing. It was almost a little fun.

Behind him, the dragon hooked both hands under the rim and gave it a solid push upward. Though it was clearly heavy, there was a counter-balance system in place it allow it easy movement. The jolteon had control of his movements for a while already, even so, he had learned, the hard way, to obey orders immediately and efficiently, lest he suffer the suit's near torturous teasing punishments. He ducked under the rim, and his ears made a sharp squeak as they brushed against it. Once inside, Dema dropped the shell back to the floor. As soon as it thumped down, the music of the club was muted to a persistent dull thumping. The view from within offered few clues as to its purpose. He was a little distracted by the sensation in his muzzle. The plug had been in place for so long that it felt like it was supposed to be there, so as the rubber liquefied and drew away from his maw he found the ability to move his jaw almost foreign. He attempted to form a word, but the back of his throat was still coated and his vocal cords were as suppressed as ever.


Rick blinked several times as the words appeared. This was new.


'What now?' He thought to himself. He had no idea that this latest message was from outside. Schala had cracked through the suit's security and was in the process of disabling its countermeasures. Had she known that it sent out a warning signal the moment she connected, and what would happen, she would have started the van and gotten out of there.


As these words of hope appeared his eyes went wide. Freedom?

The steady thumping against the glass was suddenly muted by another sound, a steady whirr. It was accompanied by strong vibrations that tickled his rubber-coated feet. Moments later a cool sensation brushed at his pads. When he looked down, he saw the multi-colored lights reflected in the ever-rippling surface of water. In only seconds it was up past his ankles, and it threw him into a panic. The latexed-jolteon pounded on the wall, but the dragon and three others seemed rather intent with each other. Quickly it rose over his knees, and as it swept up past his crotch he gasped internally. He could only watch and wait as over the span of a minute, the tank filled right over his head to the brim.

There was no panic that he may drown, the suit handled that matter. Rather, he was concerned over their intention of putting him in here. The heavy rubber kept him sunk to the floor, and he was left wondering and worrying. After a moment a ring of LEDs around the base of the glass sparked into light. They were arranged red, green, and blue, spaced a short distance from one another. In that same second a plethora of diminutive bubbles trickled out from beneath him. The tiny pockets of air clung to his body and rolled up along its surface. Others stuck in place and gathered in size before they broke off to continue their journey. The tank looked like a million tiny, flickering balls, each lit up on its own as they reflected the light from below.

His suit translated their every Individual touch through the rubber, and intensified it many times over. While each and every bubble tickled, the sensation they brought was as undeniably pleasant as it was strange. Quickly, he found his shaft hardening and emerging from his sheath, tickled to raging full by their onslaught. Though it was still coated thickly in the same rubber as the rest of his body, the suit made him feel every tiny touch all the same. Made thicker and longer than his normal canid shaft, he could now wrap both paws around the shaft, and still have his hefty, engorged knot free to show off to those distorted, grinning faces around him. The two-toned jolteon was so distracted by all the activity from below that he never noticed what emerged from the just opened hatch above.

It was a special creation, sent from Rabbit Hole Industries by Dr. Mertezi himself. Reminiscent of an octopus, it had ten muscular tentacles that were as long as Rick himself was tall, as wide as his paw at their bases then tapered quickly down to only a fingers width. Each was lined on one side with three rows of powerful suckers that twitched in waves that ran the length of its limbs, and flexed individually as multicolored bubbles played across them. The thing's body was a spheroidal mass with no distinguishing features, with the tentacles aligned along its equator evenly. The entirety of the bizarre creature was semi-transparent, save for an opaque orb that floated freely in its center that gave off an eerie, fluorescent purple glow that carried right to the tips of its extremities. Its violet light caught Rick's attention and drew his gaze upward.

As he looked to it, the strange creature hovered in space as its arms unfurled in all directions. Rick's jaw drooped wide in astonishment at the spectacle, were he not in the tank with it, he might have marveled at the thing. Trapped as he was, he could think of doing little else but to throw his arms forward in a bid to protect himself. In that same moment the decapod's limbs thrust back and its mass was propelled forward at terrific speed. The jolteon didn't even have time to react before its firm body slammed into his paws. His elbows buckled slightly, but he stopped it.

Unfortunately, that did nothing to stop the tentacles.

Before he had any time to think about what to do, the ten limbs whipped around through the streamers of bubbles and enveloped him from all sides. It was surprisingly almost hot to the touch, but he was concerned little about their temperature, for the suckered tentacles began to latch onto his latex coated form. The cups had surprising strength, like hundreds of sucking hickies, they latched onto his rubber skin, flattened against his hapless form and enveloped his body on all sides, the trio of rows holding firm wherever they grasped.

It went for his legs first, four long tentacles ensnaring his calves and thighs, both pairs coiled upon one another as they explored, wrapped backwards and forwards and back again, leaving little exposed. Were the creature not transparent the limbs would not be seen in the chaos of his struggles. He lashed out at the creature, but his strikes had no apparent effect, aside from ripples that swept out over its slick body; it was like punching a hot water bottle. Then, after only the second blow, tentacles ensnared him around the elbows and pulled his arms out to his sides, level with his shoulders, while they snaked out around the back of his hand and across the front of his fingers. Each digit was gripped separately from one another. He clenched around it defiantly, balling his paw into a fist, but that only played into the creature's plan. In an instant, the rest of the tendril looped back around and trapped his fingers in place, the helpless Jolteon had no time to curse his mistake. With his limbs secured, the thing pulled its center of mass flush to his body, the heat of the thing and its suckers an incredible stark contrast to the comparatively chilly, bubbly water. It was a sensual overload.

His muzzle flew open in an inarticulate scream of frustration. Was the message a trick, or was he really this close to freedom? Maybe he just had to endure this and the beast itself was his way. No, that made no sense. That blasted Dragon that had been using him and Klonoa as toys over the last many, many days had put him in here the first place.


'These things do video?' He thought incredulously as yet another powerful tentacle thumped solidly against the side of his face and wrapped itself against the back of one ear, then flung about behind his head in a whip-like motion. By the time he recoiled from it, the thing was already latched on all the way around his skull. He clamped his mouth shut immediately and endured in indignity while the last arms-length of tentacle placed itself delicately down the side of his muzzle to his nose over the top, and down into the crux of his neck. The bizarre creation held him still as it manipulated itself under his arm, then up onto his back between his shoulder blades. This tipped his mass forward and floated him higher in the water. Though much of his vision was obscured by florescent purple, there was no mistaking the looks of amusement on the faces of the people watching him. It was putting on a show for them and he was the star.

Even through the panic, Rick could not ignore the constant onslaught of bubbles. They tickled, maddeningly, and with this beast holding him outstretched, the jolteon had no way to prevent their sweep up along his delicate pawpads, through his toes, then on up over his sides, and under his arms. Worst of all of them was the constant flow of tiny air pockets that seem drawn to his balls and cock as though they were attracted magnetically. While their torment did keep him hard, and seemed to make him harder and more sensitive by the moment, he knew all too well that it would not lead to any sort of release.

A worrying flurry of movement around him diverted his attention. A tentacle wrapped down over his other shoulder, looped out into open space in front of him, then double back upon itself and cradled gently under his chin. The hold of the suckers upon his smooth, slick latex hide was as powerful as ever and the beast used this well to its advantage. Though he tried with all his might to keep his jaw clamped shut, it hardly made any difference. As soon as his teeth parted a fingers width, the tip of the tentacle that pulled his mouth open poked past them. While the suction cups this far down the creature's arm were smaller and more delicate, they still gripped with surprising force as it snatched at his tongue.

The tentacles around his thighs shifted subtly as Rick felt heat spread over his ass, on either side of his tail. The Jolteon knew what this thing was after, and there was not a thing he could do about it. Sure enough, he felt something leading down the length of the underside of his tail. His muscular cheeks were pulled aside, and the nimble tendril sank hotly against his hole. With naught but the grip its dexterous cups provided, the creature pulled and manipulated his rubber coated ring until it managed to stretch him open, a sucker on each side, pulling its own direction. His body locked up, and he let out a muted scream as cold water rushed into his parted pucker. Inside too, there was a layer of latex. It amplified every little sensation, just like everywhere else on his form.

None too soon for his liking, the creature changed its focus. The tentacle manipulating under his tail pressed forward, rather than pushing inside. As the three rows of suction cups passed, each one in turn grabbed and tugged, and each was progressively larger than the last, their grip that much stronger. Its path took the glowing thing between Rick's legs, flush with his body as it explored forward. The tip brushed past his overfull sac, and made for his sheath. In a slow, deliberate manner it pressed itself entirely around his prides tender home, pulling it open as well, and once again he was shocked as cold water was exposed so suddenly to such tender spots. The tip looped around the very base of his canid shaft and gave it a firm, constant pull, with the bulk of the pressure set squarely upon the bottom of his knot, and soon made him see stars.

The jolteon felt the tentacle snake forward and loop round and round his length. All the while, the cups held firm to his most sensitive regions, only letting go as they bridged the gap between his stretched sheath and his throbbing knot. The powerful suckers soon encircled his shaft completely, and he was left almost wishing for the bubbles to come back. Rick thought he was hard before, but this brought him to an entirely new level. It worked with incredible finesse as waves traveled up and down, around and back again, waves of focused, powerful suction that drew the blood up into his slick rubber shaft and did not let it go. Once it seemed satisfied that he would not get any bigger, it changed tactics by randomizing its pattern, and in the same moment thrust the tentacle in his muzzle forward, half way down his throat in an instant.

One final free tentacle made its presence known by tapping him on the nose. It teased over his forcefully-parted lips and redoubled the thicker base across the flat of his chest. Large suckers settled neatly over either of his nipples and latched on tight, the nubs already hard from the cold water and ever growing forced lust. Unerringly, the tip sought out his gaped entrance and simply plunged inside, already well stretched and prepared. As they had done everywhere else, the cups explored around and tugged at his walls until they aligned themselves with his prostate. Then, ever so slowly, it continued forward and probed deeper and deeper into his body. When it bottomed out the tentacle simply followed the curve and pushed ever deeper until the jolteon felt he was full to bursting.

A new message was typed out across his vision, but it took him nearly a minute to read and process.


Over the course of the hour that Rick was trapped, Klonoa had been set to a much more menial task. As soon as the two tailed fox arrived at the front desk, a platter covered with little cupcakes was shoved into his paws. He was told to distribute these to the guests, and not come back until the tray was empty. It seemed like a simple enough request, but he knew all too well that the suit would not let him off easy. After a moment, the rubber on his hands bound to the tray and there was an odd surge in his loins that caused his shaft to rise until the tip pressed firmly against the underside. The vulpine gave the tray a tug, but it was firmly affixed in place. What made it all the worse was the fact that no matter how he moved, no matter how he adjusted, he could not escape the constant teasing, bouncing tug the latex provided. Every little motion caused the stuff to shift around his length. The icing on the cake, for him, was the fact that he had to walk around inside the club and attempt not to ogle at all the lewd acts and naked forms all around him.


'This is new,' Klonoa thought to himself as he paused to look at the messenge. A series of messages instructed him to go out the back door, through the kitchen, and into the alleyway behind the building. A part of him was skeptical, thought that this could just be a trick. He looked out across the club up at the tank booth. His friend was still trapped, at the mercy of some strange thing. Whoever was helping him might be able to get his friend out as well? at least that's what he convinced himself of through the desperate haze of lust and need. With a brief glance around, and another up at the dragon, he pushed back through the door into the bustle and chaos that always filled places like this. People were barking orders to one another across the room left and right, but not a one of them paid him any attention. In no time he was outside.


Chilly wind made the fox shiver and draw his tails around himself. He looked around the poorly lit backstreet with a nervous gaze. Down at the end Schala had parked the van, its side door thrown wide. As soon as the wolf-dog spotted him, she waved him over urgently and called out to the awkward fox.

"Hurry! Hurry, get in! And put that tray down, you look silly." With a little surprise, Klonoa found he could let go and tossed it promptly to the ground. He rushed forward to give his savior a hug, but she held a paw up and motioned for him to stop. "Whoa, whoa there Mister Excited, there'll be time for that later. Hop in the back, I need to get your friend away from this octopus... thing." With a spring in his step, the vulpine leapt into the vehicle and settled on the floor behind her. Out of morbid curiosity, he looked at the video feed from Rick's point of view as Schala slid the door shut once again. "You just sit tight, still a few layers of weird protocols in the suits I need to get through, but I should have that thing off of you by the end of the night." On the screen she had a pair of windows open, a console window with lines of code beyond his understanding, though he did spot the words 'go left,' along with other messages she had sent. While she was typing away, muttering to herself, Klonoa took the time to simply sit and stretch out. It was the first time in ages he had been able to do so under his own power. The suit seemed inactive in its current state. Even so it still restricted the blood flow from his loins and kept him hard. He leaned against the far side of the van, the steel cold against his back, and let out a gentle sigh through his nose. It was over, at least for him.


The message meant little to him, though had he been paying attention to what she was doing, the fox would have realized that Schala had not sent it to him. In fact, she was completely unaware of it. Her frantic white paws were kept busy in an attempt to bring the decapod inside under control, and bypass the emergency lock for its tank. A few hundred gallons of water going everywhere would act as a perfect distraction for their daring escape.

Unbeknownst to either of them, the hacker's activities had been observed ever since she started the video feed. The bandwidth spike had caught the attention of security inside. While they were deciding what to do about it, they observed another toy leave through the back door.


Klonoa perked his ears and wondered what it might look like on her screen, but when he moved over to look, it wasn't there.


'What is that supposed to mean?' The fox looked at what she was typing, but held no clue, nor did it show the latest messages.

"Could you step back, please, you're crowding me." Never one to antagonize someone that was helping him, Klonoa shifted his weight back. Problem was, he didn't move. He couldn't move. All he could manage were muffled utterances. "I thought I asked you to..." The wolf dog would never finish that sentence as her console window filled suddenly, a single word repeated over and over again. "Checkmate?"

Out of his control, Klonoa's muzzle darted forward and pressed into Schala's, while his arms were thrown around her shoulders, behind the neck. The half wolf attempted to throw him off, but it was a futile effort. His surface had liquefied, and her paws simply sunk in against his chest. In her frantic struggle, she got mired in tangled threads of goo. Then all at once they pulled taut and restricted movement considerably. Eye to eye, she could see the sorrow in the eyes of the one she was supposed to be here to save. Like a puppet, the fox pulled the door open and dragged her back inside, through the kitchen once again. They stopped behind the stage.

"Well, well? what have we here?" From the other direction, a calico cat strode towards them in a suit, his paws clasped around a small tablet, behind him stood a rhinoceros that was built like a wall. "A thief trying to get off with stolen property," he tisked. "For shame. What has the world come to? No matter..." The man turned to his associate, "Get them up on stage would you? Behind the curtain. We're going to put on a special show tonight," with a cheshire grin he leaned down and looked Schala in the eye. "And if you cooperate maybe I won't press charges." She simply glared at him and growled as best she could, but when the bouncer?s heavy hands settled on her shoulders she could not see any way around it. A few taps was all took for most of the rubber to retreat back to Klonoa. What was left behind was enough to keep her muzzled shut, and her arms bound at her sides. The idea to kick the guy behind her came to mind, but a cursory glance at the imposing figure gave her pause.

The Calico had left but he wasn't gone even a minute later before she heard his voice again, this time amplified over the loudspeakers. "Distinguished guests, as the proprietor of this establishment, I would like to thank you all for being here this evening. As you know, your security is paramount to us. So, you can imagine my anger to discover a thief attempting to spirit away one of your delightful toys tonight." This sent the crowd muttering, "Fear not, fear not, we have her in custody, and what?s more, we are going to make an example of her. Right here, right now, all for you." A round of applause was his reply.

Schala shivered in fear as she was dragged through the curtain, out to center stage. Eyes were upon her from all around, shadowy faces murmuring their displeasure. Klonoa's suit gave him unnatural traction, so her struggles to pull away were futile, and with her muzzle clamped shut the half-husky had to cease in order to prevent herself from fainting from lack of air. She stood there, feeling defeated, as she racked her brain for something, anything she could do to get out of this.

The club owner continued. "As you know our benefactor, RHI, is constantly working on new technology. Today will be a demonstration of his latest release." He looked to the operations booth and gestured for them to begin.


It took a few moments for Klonoa to understand with this message meant, when it dawned on him. That night, that fateful night when he stumbled into this mess in the first place the suit had gone through stages one through four. This worried him, the only indication of that was the state of his tails; both were fluttering down between his legs, coiled about one another. The vulpine's head was turned toward the wolfsky against his will and to look at one another, concern in both their eyes. Then, with force enough to throw Klonoa's head back for a moment, a stream of purple rubber shot from his muzzle. It was the entire mass of the knotted plug that had been stuck in his maw. Schala attempted to dodge, but the latex hit her squarely in the side of the face all the same, just at the base of her muzzle. Although her jaw was held shut as tight as she could manage, it made no difference, and the stuff seeped inside. The impact left her reeling for a moment, one eye forced closed, covered in it.

Vigor returned as her panic grew anew; the muck moving on its own and slipping under her jowl. Around her arms her bindings gave way, and without thought her paws flew to her muzzle in an attempt to scrape it off with her claws. One paw came away with a handful of the violet sludge, with the streamers strung between her digits to her cheek. With great effort, she managed to stretch her paw open wide once again and whipped it down, but the stuff had a mind of its own and did not release. The bright stage lights gave her a perfect view of the coated extremity. All of her fur had already been dissolved and converted, more flowing up her arms.

Then, panic turned to terror when an intense tingling swept through her fingers, followed by complete numbness. Her eyes were wide in rapt horror as she could do little more than watch her digits vanish and melt away to join the mass the moved to envelop the rest of her. If it were not for the fact that her muzzle had been filled with rubber, the wolfsky would have been screaming. She made another attempt to pull away, the latex in her maw reached the back of her throat and spread not only down into her stomach and lungs, but up into her nose and sinus cavity. Soon, lack of air forced her to her knees as she clutched her throat with what remained of her other paw, and the vanishing mass that was her arm.

Confounded, she opened her maw wide as the cohesion within her neck vanished and her wrists sunk inside. In an instinctual struggle for breath, her diaphragm convulsed before it too was converted along with the rest of her organs. Though the process was painless, it did little to belay her fear. Her melted body oozed down over her legs as rubber flowed out through her nose, and back along her muzzle to meet the rest that covered her features. Soon her vision failed her as her eyes were consumed by the rapid change. With her ears gone, she could not hear the sounds of amazement from the audience. Only a minute had passed, but she was already almost entirely a puddle on the floor, save for the vanishing shape of her skull. The wolfsky could feel herself slipping away as her brain was converted from outside in. Neurons fired off randomly, sparking impossible sensations, memories of her past, and muscle movements for a body she no longer had.

Save for the pulse of the music in the club, the room was silent. Klonoa looked down at the shapeless purple puddle on the stage in shock. He didn't know what to think. Was she alive?


As though climbing out of a pool, a pair of slender arms emerged, then the pointed tips of her ears; head and shoulders soon after. The wolfsky's form had been converted entirely to latex, but for the moment she was unaware, just happy to be alive. She felt as though every sensory input had been muted somewhat. With her arms stretched out upon the floor from the edge of her mass, she made the motions of heavy breathing, though moved no air.

Klonoa was made to lean down and grasped her by the paw. Once again they looked eye to eye, but this time there was no detail to see in them. As the fox pulled her up, her puddle shrank and formed her chest, torso, hips and tail, then finally her legs. Head to toe she was a solid mass of purple rubber. Upon looking down, Schala noticed that her ankles and feet were still a single mass. It took some effort for her to lift the limbs one at a time, her squishy paw clutched firmly around the vulpine's. They stood there, side by side, entirely nude as the crowd burst into cheers and applause. Modesty caused her ears to flat to the sides, and embarrassment made her want to cover herself, but her new form had other ideas. They were up there to put on a show, and whether either of them liked it or not, they were going to.

Before she realized what she was doing, Schala felt a teasing between her legs. Unconsciously her hand had betrayed her will and dipped down to her clitoris, fingers teasing it from either side. Though she was made entirely of rubber, the sensations were still all too real. All of her other senses dulled, this little touch seemingly magnified a hundred fold. The wolfsky wanted to close her eyes, but found she no longer had the ability to. Her gaze lingered upon her busy paw for a moment before she was able to pull it away, and the moment she did, a primal urge swept through her body. Her focus rose slowly as she realized once again that she was not alone on stage. Across the way, Klonoa watched on in a mix of amazement and worry. The fox had yet to move, uncertain what to do. Then his indecision was struck a fatal blow as Schala threw herself upon him.

Startled, her target threw up his arms to block the semisolid mass that flew at him as though tossed from a bucket, but she simply poured around them. The bizarre freedom of movement was both exhilarating and liberating. No longer bound by skeleton or even skin, the wolfsky wrapped her mass around his upper limbs and pulled Klonoa's forearms together in a mockery of a hug. While she moved, her features were indistinct, but as soon as Schala splattered against his front, the woman's body reformed, curvier than before, slightly taller than the matching vulpine. Alien desires fueled her actions, and the newly transformed woman was entirely unable to control herself.

Muzzle pressed to muzzle, she forced him into a kiss. For a moment she merely swirled her partly formed tongue about with his own, but as she got more and more lost in these new feelings, the latex being became increasingly aggressive and lost her humanoid shape. Schala's mass oozed around his torso, flowing over his shoulders as it covered his stomach and finally reached his sheath. Because the vulpine he never gotten the chance to go soft, the sensation of heat enveloping his shaft came as little surprise. However, that made little difference, for as soon as she came in contact with it, her drive magnified. Without the wolfsky's knowledge, the fox's suit had imparted her with the knowledge of all of Klonoa was weak spots, and she made full use of the information.

In the heat of the lights, his knees wobbled from the additional burden of her weight as every time she moved it threw him somewhat off balance. He squirmed where he stood, bound in place by the same traction that was used to trap his savior on stage. Klo's eyes went wide when, without warning, the mass that had half engulfed him rushed around to his lower back. To keep from tipping, the todd bent forward and had to whip his duo of tails about wildly to counterbalance as it continued to shift.

A firm mass thrust into his muzzle and sought after his tongue. Though he pulled his head to the side, it coiled about the muscle all the same and forced him into an approximation of a deep kiss. Moments later she struck out with a pair tentacles, each of them grabbing a tail unerringly and pulling them up forcefully until they were flush with his midsection.


The message was out of character, but the fox had other things to worry about at the time, and did as he was told, though awkwardly. Upon impact with a wooden deck, his knees made a pair of thumps that blended in with the music of the club. As the latex around his member danced and swirled, a familiar feeling made its presence known under his tails. Similar to the tendril that played relentlessly with his tongue, another traced around his coated hole before it plunged inside.

Schala found that while every movement felt wonderful, and every touch pleasant, they were nothing at all compared to the delightful sensation gifted to her when she caused Klonoa pleasure. She wanted more. She needed more. She would have it, now. Complex thought and consideration cast aside, the former wolfsky allowed herself to do what came naturally and just enjoyed the ride. More of her mass pushed into his body from either end until she felt he was stretched right to his limit, his belly distended visibly over the course of nearly an hour. All the while she toyed with him and constricted his shaft, forcing him to endure the most torturous pleasure to date. Before, when the suit did something like this to him, he could simply change what he was doing, obey the commands he was given, and it would stop. What she was doing soon had him seeing stars and reeling.

The pair was kept on stage for an hour longer before the MC returned to stage, and the volume of the music dropped, "Now how about that folks? Enjoy the demonstration?" The calico stopped a few paces behind them. Klonoa had checked out. Though he was still conscious he could no longer process what continued to happen. Of course, that made absolutely no difference to Schala.

"I always hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is getting on in the evening and we will be closing shortly. Of course, we will be open the same time next week, so be sure to drop by again. Additionally, if you would like to purchase, or upgrade to, our latest model then please talk to our attendants before you leave so we can start processing your order. In the meantime, we will keep this toy here as our demonstration model, free to use any time you like. Good night."

^^ Thank you very much for reading! if you have liked this story then by all means, I love feedback. Any comments or criticisms I get I usually will be corrected in future stories. so if you have the time a comment is appreciated, or even a favorite if you like.

Finally I must thank Arron Cass the fox for editing this story for me. This bit of fiction has been the first I have had to write entirely by dictation, as such there were a few errors that had to be fixed.

All Dolled Up: Delivery

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All Dolled Up

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