Beyond Expectations 06 - Offers

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#1 of Beyond Expectations

This is the last in a series of six commission-turned-gift pieces for a friend of mine! Enjoy!

  • Faora


Paul knew that life was never as simple as it looked. There was always something to screw with it, to skew it one way or another. Political shifts, natural disasters and even internet movements were capable of major changes. Then there were the actions of the individual, just doing their own thing. It didn't make the shifts in life any less major for the people it affected, but the man never really stopped to contemplate exactly how he'd found himself affecting others until he received the call from Sam.

His neighbour had called. The panther had actually called him, in the middle of the day, and asked him to come around to take a look at something. That was the first little oddity. Neither Sam nor his wife Maxine had called the home phone as long as they were actually at home themselves. They know that they were allowed to just walk around. Maxine had barely left during her heat, after all; she'd ended up heading home just long enough to grab the barest toiletries before she headed back to Paul's bed.

The man rubbed his eyes as he stepped out his front door and into the bright sunlight. He'd heard that her heat had only lasted a couple days longer than the week she'd spent with him while Sam was out of town. He'd also heard that Sam had been more than willing to go at her pretty damn eagerly after he'd sat in, so to speak, on Paul's last time with her. It was odd to Paul that he'd not seen or heard from Maxine since that last time he'd sated her, while her husband pumped away at his backside. The phone call just compounded the confusion.

There really wasn't anything that Paul could think of. There was no good reason as to why Sam would call instead of running over and actually grabbing him. The panther couple were very intimate in their greetings, and he'd learned that they were much more fond of face-to-face communication than via telephone. It was just so out of character. Something was up, he was sure of it. He just didn't quite know what it was, exactly.

That all changed as Paul pulled up the door to Sam's garage, just as he'd been told to. He froze in the middle of the driveway, and found himself almost pulled up by his grip on the garage door. "Uh... hi, Sam."

The panther was naked, from the tips of his ears to the claws at his footpaws. He sat astride the same bench Paul had seen him lifting weights on just a few weeks earlier. The dumbbell was off to the side, ignored. All the junk in the little makeshift gym was a frame around the naked panther, with any lingering remains of the panther's modesty barely covered by a pair of folded paws in his lap. "You came! I was startin' to worry."

Paul tossed a quick glance over his shoulder at the street, thankful that it was empty and quiet. Last thing he wanted to do was to get Sam in trouble for flashing at the street from his garage. "Yeah, and I don't know what it's about," he replied as he quickly slipped into the garage and pulled the door down shut behind him. "You don't call, and I've not heard from you or Max in a while. I thought she'd be back around, too. You said you didn't want to risk accidentally knocking her up at the end of her heat, after all."

With a shrug, Sam waved a paw through the air and shook his head. "It only lasted a couple more days, and what can I say? I missed my wife. We got through it just fine on our own, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate what you did for us." He glanced around the garage and chuckled quietly to himself. "Thanks. I remember how uncomfortable you were with the idea when I first tossed it out to you, and Max told me about the little practice run she had with you. I really appreciate how you tried to do right by me, and by our marriage. Not all guys would have."

"Definitely not any anthro guys who had to be around her," he replied with a shake of his own head and a smile. The shake was more to try and clear Paul's mind, though. His eyes kept drifting down the panther's chest, beneath his belly... "I mean, I was happy to help, but... well, I didn't want to overstep any bounds or anything."

Sam nodded. "Don't be silly. You didn't overstep nothin'. You kept my Max safe and sound, and she'll be getting a pregnancy test sometime this week just to make sure I didn't fuck up anything myself!" He smiled again as he looked up and over Paul. "But then, that's not exactly why you're here now. It's not why I called, though I'm kinda glad you're feeling good about the whole thing."

An uneasy shrug rolled off Paul's shoulders, as curiosity tinged with some lingering concern over the whole situation flicked back into his mind. "Well yeah, I had a good time repeatedly fucking your wife, heh... I guess I just want to be absolutely sure it's what you wanted and what had to be done." When Sam nodded, Paul nodded right back. "So, what did you actually call me over for?"

The answer came as the panther lifted both of his paws back up from his lap to reveal his sheath. It was a little thicker than Paul had imagined it, and there was good reason for that, too. Even as his gaze drifted down over it, he watched the tip of the feline's malehood peek up out from within it, pulsing as it started to grow. "Called you over to ask for a little help with this side of the marriage, now," Sam replied.

Everything that Sam had told Paul about how much trouble he had in bed the majority of the time flashed through the man's head. His eyes remained glued to that growing length, and Paul fought to contain a shiver as he worked his eyes up to Sam's face again. "You... what? I'm sorry; it must be a bit warmer than I thought and my brain must be fried. That, or you've become your wife sometime in the last couple day- hey!"

"You heard me just fine," replied Sam. The panther was completely unfazed by Paul's freeze. It might have had something to do with the way he'd reached out and gripped at the waist of the man's jeans, tugging him closer even as he pulled them down a little further along Paul's hips. "And I know you swing both ways and have a thing for me."

If Paul's cheeks could burn any hotter any faster, he never knew himself capable. He knew he hadn't exactly been secretive about the way he found husband as attractive as wife, but he'd not expected in a million years that Sam would be so willing to start something. It was enough of a surprise that he didn't even realize that the feline had begun to unzip and work his jeans down. "I... hey, whoa now, Sam, I- ooh..."

No sooner had his jeans dropped down to his knees than Paul felt a warm, gentle paw press up between his legs. The flex of toes drew Paul's gaze down to his crotch, and it was only then that he realized that it was the feline's footpaws rather than his fingers that wriggled into his lap. It took only seconds for the usual effect to result from the contact. His manhood was already thickened, pulsing harder as his heartbeat began to race. "Ah... Sam, we... we..."

"Are gonna have some fun," the feline replied. His smile broadened as his toes flexed again, closing and squeezing lightly down and around Paul's growing shaft. His own slipped fully out of his sheath and hung in the air, exposed fully to Paul. The panther's musk reached the man's nose and mingled with his own growing scent. A new little thrill raced through his body, and Paul groaned as those smooth but firm paw pads slid down along the length of his manhood. The sound drew Sam's smile wider, and his toes twitched and shook as they stroked up and down. "Max's idea. You don't have to question it... it's all good. Don't want to stay? You don't have to. I'd like you to, though."

"You already know I can't go anywhere now," Paul answered with a slow shake of his head. His legs shook as Sam's footpaw pressed up tighter against him, the base of that paw run slowly up and down. "That's... oh, that's good..."

Sam smirked as he nodded and dropped the paw slowly down again to the floor. He grinned at Paul's gasp as the warmth of those toes vanished, and he slowly lay back along the bench. "Come on, get those jeans off. If you want to come ride me, you can't do that with them around your ankles."

The nod from Paul was almost mechanical, and he almost tripped over himself as he bent down to free himself from them. When his eyes lifted up again, he caught the panther lifting a little bottle of lube from beneath the bench. Paul shivered at the sight of it, and as he watched as Sam squeezed some of the cool liquid down and out onto his shaft. "Are... you are sure about this, yeah?" Even as he spoke, he reached out to help spread some of that slick fluid down over the feline's sensitive flesh.

"Doesn't seem like you wanna give me a choice," purred the panther, as he ground himself up lightly against the man's wandering fingers. "Gonna have to let go for now. Maybe you could give it a squeeze with something else? If you still wanna, that is."

For a very, very brief moment, indecision played through Paul's mind. He watched that slick shaft glisten in the light of the garage lights, a pulse and an errant drop of pre brighter for a moment as it slid down the underside of his malehood. That robbed him of any potential backing out. Toys were one thing, and they were good enough most of the time. But with the real thing right there, all but begging attention from him? There was no decision to really be made. Equally briefly, it occurred to Paul that Sam was just as bad as his wife. He was completely under the spell of both panthers.

A few moments later found the man slid up slowly along the length of the bench. He remained mostly upright as he set his palms down lightly on Sam's shoulders, and he looked down over the feline's face as he wriggled back and down. With legs on either side of the bench and either side of the feline's body, it only took Paul another second to find the panther's tip and push himself down experimentally against it. A little of the lube, warmed by the eager and horny panther's body heat, rubbed off and between the man's cheeks. He clenched down around that wet length and smiled as he watched Sam shiver.

The fact that the panther was just that eager and the sound of his groan at the feel of Paul's body against his was even more enticing. For all of Sam's teasing and forwardness, Paul couldn't help but grin. This was what he did. This was his element, and this was what he was used to. If the panther wanted his cock ridden by a guy - and a specific human guy at that - then Paul knew he was the best possible option for him. He knew that Sam wouldn't be disappointed, as he reached back to guide that feline tip down again to press against his entrance.

If not for the recent time where Sam had taken him while he'd bred Maxine, Paul might not have been ready for the sharp thrust up into him that the feline made. Suddenly and briefly thankful that the event had spurred Paul to bring out a few of his old toys, he cried out and hissed with a brief burst of pain at being so quickly spread. He felt Sam immediately start to draw back from him as best he could, but a quick clench of his muscles and a push down by his hips was enough to settle Sam down. The sting of the sudden penetration began to fade as Paul wriggled down lightly against the quickly-stilled panther, and he sighed quietly as he watched Sam himself begin to relax. "Bit quick, there. That eager to get up in me?"

A somewhat sheepish expression crossed those feline features as Sam shrugged, and Paul shook his head with a quiet chuckle as he watched Sam flatten himself fully against the bench again. He wasn't about to move too quickly again, concern clearly written across his face. "Well... kinda. I'm sorry! You felt so good last time, so..."

"Last time I was a little distracted with Max," Paul replied. He smiled as he reached down to pat lightly at the panther's shoulder. "Hey, you wanted me to give you a little ride, didn't you? You just lay back and relax. I should be able to take care of that for you."

Sam nodded, and Paul smiled wider down at him. For all of the feline's forwardness and for how quickly he'd taken on the dominant role, the man knew exactly what position the formerly-straight Sam was in. Everyone, after all, had a first time. He squeezed down lightly around the panther's length as he began to push down again, taking in the last few inches with a slow groan.

Paul wriggled his hips down as he felt himself filled up as completely as possible by Sam's shaft. The panther remained silent, though the man sat back a little more firmly as he watched the expression shift on Sam's face. His muzzle opened slightly as his nostrils flared, head leaned back while his jaw began to tremble. Paul grinned as he watched Sam begin to squirm, and he leaned back a little more heavily on Sam's length as he felt the panther's hips shift and grind up against him.

It was obvious that Sam was more than a little bit worked up. Almost as soon as Paul slid up an inch or two, he felt a quick buck from Sam's hips. He shivered at the feel of being stuffed completely full again as the panther under him grunted. Paws closed down around Paul's hips as he opened his muzzle to protest, and that tight grip pulled him down firmly into the feline's lap. "Ah... I thought I was riding you."

"You are," came the panther's reply. Those furred fingers squeezed tighter at Paul's hips as they lifted him again. "You looked like you were handling it better," he continued, as he worked himself up into the man's lifted body. "Is it too much for you?"

The shake of Paul's head was all that Sam needed to see. He purred through his smile as his hips began to move, not as sharply as they had before but still faster than Paul himself would have shifted. The man was right, though; it wasn't too much for him to handle. His back arched as his face contorted into an expression of pleasure. A little hiss slipped out from between Paul's lips as he felt himself tugged back down hard onto one deep thrust. It mingled with a soft purr from Sam, and the panther's fingers trembled against Paul's hips as he ground himself up against the man's smooth skin.

A droplet of pre fell from Paul's tip. Pleasure tingled along the length of his shaft as every thrust of Sam's hips drove it down through that soft, ebon fur. Paul's grip on the feline's shoulders tightened further, squeezing down on them even as he clenched himself tight and hot around Sam's invading malehood. His mouth opened with the intent to speak, but all that he could produce was a short, panted moan as Sam humped up again.

The panther's tail lashed down beneath the bench and dragged across the floor as Sam's grip kept Paul upright. He was more than happy to do all the work in that position; so long as Paul was able to remain on his feet, Sam was easily able to thrust up into him. Slick shaft popped into view only for a moment before it was sheathed once more within the heat of the man's body, driven by an eagerness that only grew with every thrust.

Paul's hips took a moment to respond, so wrapped up in every other sensation was he. He started out slowly at first, with little rolls and sways of his hips that ground Sam's length up at different angles inside him. Sparks of pleasure from a prodded prostate set Paul shuddering, and it was only the feline's paws that kept Paul on his feet. By the time Paul had steadied himself though, Sam was ready with another thrust. His manhood pulsed against the warm fur of the panther's belly as he groaned, and his fingers curled in as another little spurt of pre was loosed from his tip.

Sam was relentless, and pleasure surged through Paul's body as he realized that it was exactly what he wanted. For the better part of a week, he'd needed to, essentially, fuck Maxine like an animal. For too long, he'd been without that feeling. He'd forgotten what it was like to be taken properly, like no human could ever really do. He moaned, back arched, as he squeezed tighter down on Sam's length.

The man's need matched the feline's. Every grind against that furred body, every buck of those needy hips, every inch of that hot shaft fanned the fire. It spurred Paul's body into greater motion. It rolled his hips and clenched his fingers, it set him panting as his knees bent to bring himself down harder along Sam's malehood. His eyes closed to better immerse himself in the feel of the panther's efforts and needs vented on his body.

Any of the restraint that Sam had been willing to initially display was stolen away when he felt Paul begin to let himself go like that. He was forced to greater speed and vigour, driven physically by the efforts of the man above. Sam was forced to react, to thrust up harder and faster into Paul in order to keep up with the bucks of the man's hips. Pleasure surged as he squeezed tighter at Paul's hips, and his teeth bared in a sharp little growl.

The animal was loose, and it was what Paul needed then as much as what Maxine had needed earlier. The rake of Sam's claws along Paul's hips left little marks on his flesh, though they were held back enough not to draw blood. The raw strength in that wiry feline form became apparent to some primal corner of Paul's mind, as the sight of Sam's bared teeth induced an ancient fear response. The thrill of it was lost behind a torrent of pleasure, and the adrenaline it provided was just that much more fuel to the passionate bucks of his hips. No words came from his mouth, but his body screamed more loudly enough for both of them to hear.

Sam received the message, loud and clear. The last vestiges of humanity fell away from the panther as he rose up slightly from the bench. He held Paul up in those big arms as his hips began to jackhammer up to the tightly-clutched man. The sound of slick flesh on flesh and panted grunts and groans filled the garage as Paul was held at Sam's mercy, left to squirm and writhe as he was taken. The panther's shaft vanished again and again into that squeezing backside, and their moans grew more heated with each thrust.

Paul felt himself rush towards the breaking point, even though he never thought it possible in the heat of the moment. All that he could concentrate on was the sensation of being rutted, of being taken and bred by the animalistic male beneath him. All he could discern was that it had to be how Maxine had felt in the midst of her heat, so desperate to feel more, to feel it deeper, hotter and harder. He felt like a female in heat himself, so powerfully were those feelings and needs bubbling over inside him. Everything was building up towards the point where the dam would break, but Paul was too far gone to realize it. All that mattered was the pure, base need Sam had, and how he could satisfy it.

The panther was closer than he'd even realized. Even held up, Paul's hips twitched and swayed and fought against the tightness of his grip. It shifted him, it squeezed and tugged and held his shaft in a way he'd never felt before. For all his difficulty, for all his troubles and frustrations, the moment was overwhelming. Sheer pleasure overtook everything and blanketed his concerns. Freedom rushed through him as pleasure tingled up his spine, and his growls deepened as he felt himself teeter and fall over the edge.

It set Paul off, as the man felt the pulse of the panther's malehood push against his clenching walls. It struck him, the feeling of being bred and mated and seeded in that moment, and it sapped him of any will to resist the explosion he knew was about to come. He welcomed it, surrendered to it as he had Sam's renewed dominance. His cries almost drowned out the feline's growls as streaks of white were painted across Sam's chest and belly. His body shook atop Sam's trembling own, a pair of twitching forms wrapped up in the heat of the moment.

It lingered, as time seemed to freeze. The moment stretched out and left Paul and Sam trapped within, subject to the pleasure of their tryst far, far longer than they'd expected. Flesh tingled and rippled with the sensation as pleasure peaked and ebbed, only to flared up again with a renewed surge of seed. With every pulse that Sam filled Paul, the man presented a fresh spurt of his own across the married feline's chest. Each clutched tightly at the other as they rode through the pleasure together.

The world took a moment or two to come back into focus for Paul. Even as the pleasure began to fade and his body ran dry, he found himself completely unable even to slump. His arms were locked, hands pressed tightly to the shoulders of the spent panther beneath him. He gasped as he felt Sam give beneath him; Sam's hips came back to rest his backside against the bench, and Paul fell down firmly along that still-entrenched length of feline flesh. Eyes fluttered open after a moment as the intense little spark of sensation buried in his backside subsided again, and he smiled down at Sam's contented expression just as he heard a click.

Paul's eyes opened at the sound, and his head tilted to glance at the door in the back of the garage. It was open, and his eyes quickly widened as he caught sight of Maxine. The female feline stood there almost silently, leaned against the frame of the door. A typical Cheshire grin was spread across her face, and it only widened as she caught Paul staring at her.

He immediately started to squirm, to rise, to get out, but he needn't have bothered. As quickly as he'd seen Maxine in the doorway, she slipped back out of it and closed the door quietly behind her with another click. It was a good thing, too; Sam's grip tightened quickly to keep him in place and filled with the panther's shaft.

"She knows, remember?" came Sam's voice from beneath Paul. His eyes were open again, and they fixed on Paul's concerned features as he smiled. "I told you she knows. It was her idea, like I said."

A little frown spread across Paul's features as he settled back down again. "It was a hell of an idea, heh..." He chuckled uneasily as he glanced back at the closed door once again. "Why'd she want us to do that, then?"

Sam shrugged and smiled as he wriggled up a little harder against Paul's backside. The smile turned into a smirk at the man's gasp. "Really? Just to get us a little better acquainted. You know, the kinda way you two have been over the last little while. She didn't think it was fair that she got to have all the fun, while I was stuck working away from here."

The frown threatened to return to Paul's face, but he kept it at bay. "But you've never said anything about... well, you know. Liking guys. Or even humans in general." He shrugged a little as he looked down and held the amused panther's gaze. "I'm usually a bit better at picking up on that sorta thing, Sam."

Again, the feline shrugged. His eyes left Paul's face and drifted across the makeshift gym. "It was just idle curiosity at first," he explained. "And it wasn't other anthro guys, either. Just you, and more for who you are than anything else. The way you've been treating us, the way you've helped out Max and me? Just a little more endearing."

"Endearing isn't usually enough to make a straight guy dip his dick into another's backside," Paul pointed out with a smirk of his own.

The smirk and comment earned him a little grind from Sam's hips and a refreshed spark of pleasure. "Smartass. Well... filled-ass anyway. Anyway. Endearing's not, no. But things worked better for me than I thought they could, when I was humpin' you while you fucked Max. You know I usually have some troubles in that regard."

Paul nodded slowly. He remembered the conversation clearly and how it'd briefly come to him as he'd ridden the panther; it had been the same day Sam had first put forward the idea of helping out with Maxine's heat. "You didn't feel like you had all that much trouble then," he said with a smile, as he wriggled back down against the feline's hips. "Not now, either."

"That's because I didn't have that much trouble then or now," Sam replied. "At the time, I chalked it up to Max's heat. Like I said, that gets me going no matter how bad things get. She suggested it might have partly been you though, and said that I should find out." He shrugged as his ears flicked, and Paul caught a brief flash of red inside them. "And I had been curious, and you're not so bad, so I figured you might want to see about helping me..."

Paul nodded slowly as he smiled down at Sam. "Well, would it be silly if I told you that it was a pleasure?" His smile grew as the panther began to chuckle, and Paul nodded again. "I really didn't mind it, and I'm glad I could help you out this way. Max was really okay with us doing this?"

"You think she'd sit back and let me play if she didn't want me to?" Sam asked with a grin. When Paul grinned right back and shrugged, Sam nodded and continued. "She wants me happy, just like I want her happy. You were able to help out with her heat when I wasn't here, and you've been able to show me a whole new side of things for me to enjoy, too. You're kinda in the middle of it now, and I think we're both pretty okay with that."

Something in the panther's tone piqued Paul's curiosity. He looked down at Sam's face, but there was nothing in the feline's expression that betrayed what it might have been. "Okay, you've got me. I've got no idea what you're getting at, here."

Sam tilted his head to the side as his tail began to flick from side to side beneath him. "Max and I like you, Paul. We like you a lot, and that should show since we've been so willing to do all this stuff with you so far. We really hope you feel the same way about this whole situation, too."

There was a hint of unease in the panther's voice, and Paul caught the concern in his face. "So what's bothering you?" Paul asked, his own tone guarded.

The query widened Sam's eyes for a moment. Then they closed and chuckled as he shook his head. "Oh, nothing's bothering me. It's just odd to ask." He took a breath and shrugged as he pushed on. "What we're asking is that you keep doing this. Us, actually. For us." Sam paused again for a quiet chuckle. "Do us, for us."

Paul's jaw dropped, and Sam continued when it was clear the man wasn't able or willing to speak. "You like anthros, you find us attractive enough... and we do you too, for the record. You're a good guy, and... well, we think that it might be a nice thing to have you a more permanent fixture of our sexual experiences in the future."

"And you guys are both sure about that?" Paul asked. He was just about stunned by the offer, and didn't even really feel the way Sam shifted against his backside.

"Yeah, we're both sure about it. Max suggested it when I agreed to see what I can do with you when we're on our own. If it was just going to be her getting some fun with you, it wouldn't work. If it was just going to be me getting some fun with you, it wouldn't work." The panther's muzzle opened to reveal all his teeth in a broad grin. "We don't mind sharing you, if you don't mind being shared."

A quick wave of elation burst up and through Paul, before he forced it quickly back down. "That sorta thing's not going to be popular in this town," he pointed out, though he couldn't contain the excitement in his voice. "They don't like me for being a human as it is. If they find I'm sleeping with a married couple-"

"Then they can take it the hell up with us," Sam interrupted. "It's none of their business, and they'll get reminded of that fact if they try to stir up trouble." His featured softened a little further as he smiled back up at Paul. "It's not their decision to make. It's yours, and yours alone. So what do you say? Don't mind being stuck between a couple horny panthers on a regular basis?"

The possibilities danced through Paul's head. Every possible scenario, every single outcome flicked through his thoughts within the space of a couple moments. The town could berate him and kick up a stink, he could find himself accidentally and unwittingly damaging or destroying a sound marriage, he could stick his neck on the proverbial chopping block again with socially unacceptable relationships... but even with those thoughts, there wasn't any hesitation. All that possibilities paled in comparison to the fact that it was just what Paul wanted. There wasn't really any question in the first place. Paul knew his answer.

He knew that Sam knew it too, from the grin on the panther's face. It was a grin he'd not expected to see on any anthro's face around him, since he'd moved to the town. From moving into his house in brilliantly hot summer weather to being teased with the panther's footpaws, to being enticed to repeatedly fuck that panther's wife for her own good to being the focus of both feline's sexual needs, one thing had remained in Paul's mind: things can always get better. If it could get better than that, Paul wasn't sure he could handle it.

That didn't mean he wasn't damn eager to try.

Do let me know your thoughts through comments/favs/watches/cums/scores, and check out the rest of the series if you're interested!