Love Won't Leaf Me

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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Still in 2006. It was quite a productive year for me, my most productive actually.

Love won't Leaf me

By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

Chapter 1

Ash, Brock and Misty arrived at the entrance to a new town. The sign said, 'Carnation Town' and there was also a second notice underneath.

"What's this?" asked Misty.

Brock read the notice, "It says that there will be a competition for grass pokemon in three days, The Daisy Cup. Anyone can enter."

"Great!" exclaimed Ash, "I'll enter and win it."

"Ash," Misty said, "You can't just enter every single competition you see."

"Why not?" he asked indignantly.


"Well I'm entering."

Misty rolled her eyes.

"Let's go to the pokemon centre and find out more about this," suggested Brock.

The three entered the pokemon centre.

"Hello, Nurse Joy!" called out Ash as he entered the building.

"Oh my!" gushed Brock, clutching his chest melodramatically, "I think you're the most amazing Joy in my life."

"It would be a joy if you shut up," said Misty, dragging Brock away by his ear.

Joy just stood there looking stunned.

"Don't worry about him," said Ash, "He's always like that. Can you please tell me about the Daisy Cup?"

"Of course. The Daisy Cup is held once a year here in Carnation Town. Trainers may only have one grass pokemon with them for the duration of the tournament and battle to see who has the strongest grass-type pokemon."

"Sounds like fun," commented Misty.

"It's the main attraction here. Do any of you want to sign up?"

"I do!" shouted Ash enthusiastically.

"Okay. All you have to do is fill in this form. Once you've signed it you may only carry around the pokemon you'll be using in the competition."

"Okay. Brock, will you look after Pikachu?"

"Sure Ash."

Pikachu jumped from Ash onto Brock's shoulder.

"I'll look after the others," said Joy.

Ash handed her his balls and filled in the form.

"There," said Joy, "Most people like to train on the mountain outside of the town because the rock pokemon there re weak against grass."

"The mountains? Maybe I'll train there too."

Chapter 2

"Ash," Misty was saying, "There are only two days left. Drop out of the contest."


Ash was packing his gear to go to the mountain.

"Misty's right, Ash," agreed Brock, "All the other trainers have been preparing for a lot longer than you have."

"I don't care. Bayleaf and I will do fine."

Ahs adjusted his cap, "So I'm leaving. I'm going to train and win."

Misty put Togepi down and sat Ash down on a bench in the pokemon centre. Unnoticed, Pikachu led Togepi away with a trail of crumbs.

"Ash. I know you want to be a great pokemon trainer but do we really have to stop at every single competition involving pokemon?"

Pikachu had now gagged Togepi in a different room and tied it to a miniature rack.

"I have to battle to gain experience. Anyway, we waited for you when you battled in the Princess Festival Competition."

Pikachu was now sadistically breaking eggs in front of Togepi and tightening the rack.

"We're talking about you Ash," said Misty crossly, "If you want to be better you should rather try to get some more pokemon."

"She's right, Ash," Brock said.

"Hey! Where's Togepi?" asked Misty.

Pikachu untied Togepi, pushed it near a table and smashed a plate over its head.

"Pi Pikachu!" called Pikachu.

The three trainers ran in.

"Togepi!" exclaimed Misty, "Did a plate fall on your head?"

Pikachu nodded sadly. Misty picked up the unconscious egg. When they turned their backs on Pikachu he grinned evilly.

"I'll think about what you said while I'm on the mountain," said Ash as he left.

Misty sighed. She'd hoped he wouldn't go but at least he had sort of listened to her.

Chapter 3

At the foot of the mountain Ash let Bayleaf out of her pokeball.


"Hey, Bayleaf. We're going to compete in the Daisy Cup."

"Bay! Bay!"

"So we're going to spend two days training on the mountain. Let's go!"


The trainer and his pokemon headed up the mountain pathway, prepared to train hard for the daisy cup.

"Dodge it, Bayleaf!" cried Ash as the wild rhydon charged at Bayleaf.

Bayleaf leapt to the side and the rhydon harmlessly sailed past her.

"Razor Leaf!"

Bayleaf swung her large head-leaf, sending three smaller leaves slicing through the air into the side of the rhydon. A bit of blood trickled from where the leaves had cut. The rhydon bellowed in pain and charged again. Bayleaf dodged again and sent a stream of leaves at the rock pokemon.

"Finish it with Vine Whip!" called Ash.

Vines shot out from the base of Bayleaf's neck and hit the rhydon, pushing him off the edge of a cliff. Luckily for him it wasn't a sheer drop and he rolled really fast until he stopped after a painful impact with a tree.

"Well done!" congratulated Ash, hugging Bayleaf. Bayleaf pushed back against him, glad to be so close to her trainer.

"Hey," Misty said happily, looking at the calendar, "Look Togepi. There're only a few more weeks till Easter. I love Easter. All those eggs."


"Um, Togepi?" she asked.

Pikachu just grinned to himself. Easter would certainly have some possibilities.

"I'm going inside," Ahs told Bayleaf as he climbed into his tent.

Bayleaf nodded and looked up at the stars shining brightly in the deep blue sky before following.

Bayleaf lay down next to Ash. She was extremely happy. Ever since he had captured her as a chikorita she'd had a crush on him and now she was finally in bed with him. She nuzzled his neck. He only snored, he was already asleep!

The next day Ash and Bayleaf did a little more training but at lunch Ash decided to stop.

"I think that's enough, Bayleaf. Tomorrow is the Daisy cup and I don't want either of us injured or too tired. Let's go to bed early and get some more sleep."

"Bay," agreed Bayleaf.

She also thought that they should get in bed as soon as possible; she wasn't too sure about getting much sleep though.

Chapter 4

Ash lay down on his travel mat and pulled the blankets over him, he was only wearing his boxers. He put out the lamp and plunged the tent into semi-darkness. Then he felt something round, thin and long sliding over his chest in a pleasing way.

"Bayleaf?" he called.

"Bay," she answered quietly.

"Is that you?"


Bayleaf sent her second vine out so that both gently massaged Ash, slowly moving over his sides, arms and torso.

"That's nice," he commented.

Bayleaf retracted her vines and crawled onto Ash's body, staring down into his eyes. It finally dawned on Ash what she was up to.

"You ... you want to ... to 'do it', don't you?"

Bayleaf answered by licking his cheek. Ash was slightly unsure but reached up to stroke her neck. She lowered her head and placed her lips on his. Her tongue came out and Ash allowed her to slip her tongue into his mouth. He tasted her warm saliva as he ran his tongue along hers. Ash pushed her head away and began to kiss her neck. Bayleaf murmured softly but walked back, giving Ash's body small licks as she went, her hind legs kicking his pants off as she went. Her tongue ran down his bare skin, over his neck, his chest and his stomach until she reached his erection and closed her mouth gently over it and started to suck. Ash moaned in pleasure as wrapped around his cock and stroked it as she suckled him. Ash was wondering how long he could hold himself back when Bayleaf suddenly stopped and released him. Ash looked confused until Bayleaf turned around, asking to be taken. Ash got up and knelt behind her, hesitating for a moment while his hands stroked his pokemon cum lover. His mind made up Ash thrust into his pokemon. He moved in and out rapidly, resting his chest on her back and his arms clasped around her chest. Bayleaf met Ash's thrusts and the two moaned in unison as their climaxes approached. Ash pumped faster and faster into Bayleaf's wet tunnel until he reached his orgasm and ejaculated into her. His seed spraying into her and her walls clamped tightly around his throbbing cock. Ash was panting as he pulled out of Bayleaf and lay down. Bayleaf stepped backwards over Ash, her cunt dripping cum onto him. He weakly stuck his tongue out and let it glide over her belly until she passed his head and lay down on his naked body and began to lick his face tenderly.

The next day Ash and Bayleaf prepared to leave for the Daisy Cup.

"Well I certainly learned something on this trip," said Ash, smiling, "How about you?"

Bayleaf agreed heartily and nuzzled Ash's leg.

The End