campus knight

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by Nightshade

for sarah

Keantha sighed as she walked through the campus quadrangle. 'damn homework' she thought as she staggered along under the weight of her book bag. she was a young human with black hair down to her waist and slightly dark skin from her latin heritage. she blew a strand out of her dark emerald eyes, and staggered a bit as she bumped into someone. they both went down and she scrabbles to pick up her scattered books, when a paw landed on her hand "i'm terribly sorry, are you alright miss?" she looked up at a very handsome young wolf, with silver fur and deep brown eyes. "no, it was my fault." she stammered as she helped her gather her things. as he moved off, she found herself admiring his tail, and his grace despite his size.

"Keantha, stop daydreaming!" her boss snapped. she shook her furry head. "sorry boss." she said, setting up her bottles behind the bar. she was at her night job, tending the off campus bar. she was in wolf form, her fur jet black with silver chest fur. her ears jingled slightly with her peircings all the way to the top. in the dimness around, many furres jostled and drank, the music throbbing loudly. she smiled to herself, thinking of the wolf she had bumped into that morning. she had let him go, but hadnt seen him any more that day.

"gin and tonic please." a voice said and she mixed one quickly.

"here you are sir." she said, then looked up and froze. it was him, the wolf from earlier.

he took his drink then smiled, tilting his head slightly.

"is there something wrong miss?" he asked. she shook her head.

"no, no, i'm fine, enjoy your drink."

'he didnt recognize me.' she thought, then looked at her paw. 'oh, forgot'. she chuckled to herself as a fox with a scar across his nose came up. sidled up to the bar. "hey sweetcheeks, gimme a beer." he smiled nastily. she slid it across to him and he grabbed her wrist. "how about having one with me, cutie?" she pulled her paw away, with a shiver of disgust "no thanks."

he frowned and moved away, and she brushed off her wrist. 'yecch'

after her shift was over, she left by the service entrance at the back. as she walked along the alley, two large furres stepped across the entrance.

"hey look, it's that hot bitch who tends bar." one of them, the fox with the scarred nose sneered. "i got a special drink for you honey." they moved closer, and then a voice said.

"leave her alone." it was him again, coming from the street. as they turned towards him, Keantha's paw shot out, kicking the fox square in the nuts. as he went down, clutching himself, the wolf subdued another with a blow to his neck. they turned and fled, as she turned to her would-be rescuer.

"hi, thanks for the distraction."

he chuckled "youre welcome." he offered his paw. "my name is Jonas Silverpaws."

"Keantha." she replied, taking it. she smiled and tilted her head. "i suppose you expect a reward?" he laughed.

"no ma'am, just as long as youre okay." he reached into his pocket and took out a small card.

"in case you need another distraction." he tossed it to her and left. she turned it over and chuckled. "quite a way to give someone your phone number." she murred.

a few days later,she picked up the phone. "hello? oh hi janie. what? well, i dont know... okay okay, i'll see you tonight then." she hung up and thought. "why not." she smiled and picked up the card with Jonas phone number on it.

later, she met him outside the local college dorm. "hi, thanks for coming." he smiled and bowed. "ladies in distress are my pleasure." he looked up and winked. she giggled. "cmon, lets go in."

midnight came and they walked out of the door, arm in arm and laughing. "i can't believe she did that." she giggled. he chuckled nodding, "i didnt think you could do that with a glass of beer. i don't want to have her drycleaning bill." Keantha giggled as they walked along to the park. "cat noses just arent made for balancing things on, especially when she's that drunk." they sat on a bench and she murred. "you know, i asked you to come tonight because i needed a date for this party, but i was looking for an excuse anyway."

he smiled. "really?" he hesitantly took her paw. "i was hoping you'd call too."

she murred and laid her head on his shoulder.

she held his paw till they got to her appartment. "well i guess this is goodnight." he smiled and nodded. "guess so." he stroked her cheek and she murred. "c'mere a scecond." she murred. he leant down and she kissed him softly. "goodnight." she sighed happily, slipping inside with one last backwards glance.

she did call him again, and they had a few very good dates. she found him to have a delightful sense of humor, and she felt herself getting closer. when he spoke she felt her heart beat faster, and she caught herself looking him over on more than one occasion.

about a month later, they were out dancing. it was a slow song and she was moving with him, close to him. she felt warm and safe, and a little tingly. after the dance was over they retired to a table. she smiled as she gazed into his eyes, the tingle beginning to spread. she shifted a little in her seat and bit back a gasp as she felt her pussy twitch. he was looking at her his nostrils twitching, his tail flicking a bit as he put a paw over hers. she looked up, her breathing faster, and he nodded.

they returned to her apartment. she opened the door with a shaking paw, and once they were inside she clung to him, panting hard. "Jonas," she moaned and he held her close. "yes Keantha, i can smell your heat." she lifted her head and he kissed her. the kiss lengthened and im a moment they were pressed together, Keantha groaning deeply. "Jonas, please." she pleaded, as she tugged at his clothing. "yes." he panted, opening her top.

both of them naked she leant back against the bedroom wall, panting hard. "oh Jonas, mmm." she gripped his ears as he licked up and down her body, lapping at her nipples, his paws stroking her thighs. "are you sure?" he asked her, trying to hold himself back in the wave of heatscent coming from her. she stroked his face and nodded. he stood fully and kissed her, lifting her up , her legs moving round his waist as she slid his wolfhood deeply up into her cunny. "ohhhmmmm." she bit his shoulder and gasped. he was so big, and it had been a long time for her. he held her, his shaft throbbing inside her as she adjusted, then began to move in and out, making love to her against the wall. she moaned and whimpered, her breathing coming in harsh gasps, then she stiffened and howled, her cunny rippling round him as her juices ran down their thighs. the full effect of her musk hit him then and he snarled, answered by her, their eyes flashing as he carried her to the bed. she lay back, him still inside her and they gripped each others paws, the room filling with growls and snarls as they made furious love, thier bodies writhing together. she came several times, howling and snarling, and when he came at last she screamed and he roared, his shaft pouring thick gushes of wolf cream deeply ino her bucking body.

the next morning, Jonas half-opened his eyes, murring deeply. he moved his paws over her body then frowned. he couldnt feel any fur. he opened his eyes fully and bit back a gasp. he was laying with a naked human. she opened her eyes and murred happpily. "mmm, mor..." she saw his expression and looked down. "oh god!" she scrambled out of bed and ran for the door. he was out of the tangled sheets in a moment, catching her arm. "dont go." she sank to the floor by the door, covering her face and sobbing. "i'm so ashamed, i didn't want you to see me like this."

he knelt by her, stroking her hair. "shhh shhh its okay, i already knew." she looked up at him with surprise. "what! you knew?" he nodded and smiled a little. "of course. youre scent is too similiar in both your forms." she clung to him. "you must hate me for not telling you." he held her, helping her to her feet. "i can't hate you, for two reasons. the first is that i'm half fox myself." she blinked at him and smiled. "and the second reason?" he laid her on the bed and lay with her. "is that i love you." he murred. she looked at him for a moment then squealed with delight. "oh Jonas i love you too!" they held each other and kissed deeply.

after a moment, the kisses began to deepen and Jonas moaned softly. "mmm, youre skin is so smooth and warm." she giggled quietly. "have you ever made love with a human?" he shook his head, then groaned as she reached down to stroke his sheath. "want to?"

that was only the beginning. as their relationship grew, they made love much more often and in both of her forms. they got more adventurous as well, sneaking off to places such as the club washroom on her breaks. once they even got into the deans office and fucked on his desk while he was away. his secretary was at a loss as to why his papers were all over the floor and the wood was sticky. a month after that little adventure, Jonas called her up.

"hey beautiful, like to go out tonight?" she smiled to herself. "i'd love to hot stuff, but im not feeling up to it tonight. how about tommorrow?" at the other end of the phone line, he frowned with concern. "you okay love?" she murred. "just feeling kinda tired, i'll be okay. i'll call you tommorow kay?" after he hung up. she bit her lip and got up, heading to the bathroom. when she was almost there a wave of dizziness swept over her and she leant on the wall a moment, then dashed into the room and promptly lost her dinner. 'what was that about.' she thought as she wiped her mouth and got up, leaning over the sink. a thought struck her and with a trembling paw she opened the medicine cabinet and reached in for the small white box near the back...

"ohh ohh mmmmm." it was the next night and keantha moaned softly as she finally came down from her raging orgasm. she laid over his chest, shivering as the aftershocks rippled through her enjoying the warmness of his load in her cunt. he stroked her hair softly, panting and murring. "ohh glad to see nhh youre feeling better." he chuckled and she giggled. "and with good reason." he lfted her head and looked down into his eyes. "Jonas, my darling, i love you more than anything, and i have wonderful news." taking one of his paws, she raised up a little, kissing the paw softly and put it on her tummy. for a moment he looked blank then grinned. "you mean..?" she nodded with a sweet smile and he kissed her hard. "oh keantha! oh my beloved!"

the prospective parents got married right away, though they had planned on it anyways. he was there, and even managed to keep from fainting, when keantha delivered a healthy little silver wolf girl, the image of her father. "lets call her Sara." he murred and she nodded, tears of happiness running down her cheeks as she tenderly stroked the tiny cheek of their child.

the end