Inuyasha X Kohaku (part 4)

Story by gatto on SoFurry

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While Inuyasha slept, Kohaku was unable to sleep, got up and walked to distract, while Kaa continued to observe them from above. Kohaku could not understand the reason for this agitation. Watching Inuyasha everything was clear: the half-demon was there, beautiful, naked and asleep. Kohaku began to observe his friend and, more he looked, more he wanted him. He lay back on the grass, standing in front of Inuyasha who now sleeping on his back, and thought what to do to satisfy his desire without waking the half-demon.

He reached out and began to pass the index finger on the sole of the foot of Inuyasha. Inuyasha laughed lightly in his sleep, for he suffered the tickling and hoped that no one ever discovered his "weakness". Kohaku stood as not to wake the half-demon, and he noticed one thing: he liked the contact. He took courage, went even further and extending the tongue began to lick the feet of Inuyasha. Inuyasha moaned in his sleep while his penis began to harden. Kaa watched that scene in question: it was time to act!