A Vulpix's Desires 2

Story by 2vdog on SoFurry

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#2 of A Vulpix's Desires

Hello again, I've decided to make "A vulpix's desires" into a series! I have no Idea how long the series will be, it could just be these two parts! However I'm also considering writing a spin off story about each of Brandon's new pokemon. So again this story has adult stuff, read in private,not for kids et cetera. and without further a due, enjoy the story!

It had been a years time since vulpix's first dream, and it certainly wasn't her last. In fact, she had dreamt of him every night. Wishing something would spark between them someday, praying it be someday soon. Not to say nothing has changed though. In fact, Brandon has picked up several injured or lonely pokemon since then. Including;an eevee, a poochyena, a plusle and minun and a mew. Brandon himself has also changed quite a bit. His touch went from clumsy with good intentions, to soft, and nurturing, with nothing but love in his heart, and his face became more chiseled, but more loving. She couldn't even remember the last time he frowned. Vulpix loved the change in Brandon, and only fell in love with him more. Except the new pokemon did mean more competition...

It was obvious that vulpix wasn't the only one who craved Brandon anymore. She had witnessed mew, plusle and minun making advances on him. And every time she would breathe a sigh of relief when he brushed there attempts aside, but that didn't stop them from trying again, and again,and again. How Brandon managed to stay in ignorance she'll never know. Of course the girls weren't the only ones who wanted someone in ignorance of them, and that's where our story begins...

... It was a rather chilly day, for spring. The snow had just finished melting the other day, and the temperature hadn't quite adjusted back to normal yet. Leaving a cold, wet and unpleasant wasteland outside. And a bored, group of pokemon inside. With outdoors not being an option, and Brandon being out on his weekly grocery run. The furry creatures were forced to find other ways to entertain themselves. While mew, plusle and minun sat in the far corner obsessing over brandon again, eevee and poochyena were huddled up in the their room talking about other things.

"this sucks" sighed an exasperated poochyena. Catching the attention of a curious vulpix who happened to be wandering the house. "I know." Replied eevee "it doesn't matter what we do, the girls don't even notice us." Vulpix gasped. She knew something was amiss with those two lately, but she never thought they might like one of the other girls. Against her better judgement, she pressed her fuzzy ear up to the door so she could hear them better. eevee sighed. "maybe weed be better off if we just forgot about the girls." "nonsense!" poochyena snapped. "there are four girls and only one Brandon. Eventually they'll realise how silly they're being and give up on trying to get him." "are you sure? I mean Vulpix hasn't stopped wanting brandon for a year now!" eevee said. letting out another sigh.

Vulpix tried to press her ear closer to the door, wanting to hear what they were saying about her, but ended up falling flat on her face, opening the door in the process. She looked up to see poochyena and eevee staring down at her. Vulpix tried to let out an excuse for why she stumbled into there room. But sighed to herself as she couldn't think of anything. "I'm really sorry, I just heard you talking and I couldn't help myself." she stumbled over her own words, hoping they wouldn't be too mad at her. Instead of the yelling she expected, she just heard an exasperated sigh. "well theres no sense hiding anything now." poochyena said, sounding more tiered than angry. "would you mind coming in for a bit"

Vulpix was reluctant to say the least, but in the end she decided she owed it to at least talk it over with them. "ok, I don't see why not" vulpix lied through her teeth. As she was lead in to there room, she didn't know what to expect. In all honesty, the last thing she expected to see was nothing. No sports stuff, no magazines, and nothing even remotely suggesting what she feared. poochyena chuckled "expecting more sex dolls?" vulpix blushed. "umm. well you guys kind of were" she stumbled over her words trying to retaliate. poochyena laughed again "don't worry, were not going make you do any of that," "yep, we just want to talk." eevee said. Finishing poochyena's sentence for him

Vulpix knew she should have been relieved,, but she felt more offended. Was she not good enough for them? "now," poochyena said cooly. "what all did you hear?" Vulpix thought back to the conversation. "lets see... I heard you complain about the girls not noticing you... about how they'd have to come to there senses eventually.... and that's about it." eevee let out a sigh of relief. "good, so she didn't hear everything." This if course, peaked vulpix's curiosity.. "What do you mean I didn't hear everything" She asked. Poochyena looked down at eevee, signaling him to say something. "well..." eevee took a long moment to collect his thoughts. "we were talking about what girls we like and... I ended up admitting to thinking you really cute... and that I kind of like you..." eevee's cheeks were turning a burning red. Vulpix chuckled to herself, eevee was the only a month older than plusle and minun, making him too young to know stronger words.

And yet, Vulpix faltered, partly because she noticed eevee's "growing" situation, but also because she always pictured eevee too young to have those feelings yet. At this point poochyena dropped off the bed, and told them he'd leave them alone for a bit, Closing the door behind him. Eevee looked at vulpix, hit tail wagging a little as he looked at her pleadingly. "and..." he continued. "I was kind of hoping you might... sort of like me a little as well?" eevee was fully erect now, and his scent was starting to overpower Vulpix. Vulpix really wanted to be with Brandon, but when she looked into the eevee's eyes... she saw the same childlike innocence and hearted look she saw in Brandon so long ago.

And seeing that, she slowly moved forward and gave eevee a gentle lick on the nose, causing eevee's cheeks to go an even brighter shade of red, and his member to spurt a little bit of pre. Which of course, ended up right in the dead center of Vulpix's chest. Instead on wiping it off as she might have, she imagined it to be Brandon's, collecting some in her paw and lapping it up seductively. Leaving eevee watching dumb struck as she did so. Vulpix stared into eevee's eyes, a new feeling overtaking her "I think I just might like you back." She said in a hushed tone. eevee's tail was wagging like crazy now, as he stared at the Fox like figure slowly moving closer.

Vulpix then kissed eevee on the forehead, not knowing what was coming over her, and started kissing lower and lower, leaving a trail of saliva as she did so. Until finally she reached her destination. Admiring his shaft a little before giving it a long lick from the knot to the head, causing another spurt of pre to shoot off which she happily lapped up. She looked up at eevee, his eyes completely closed, lost in the pleasure. She then proceeded to putting his member into her mouth and gently suckling, just as she had done in her dreams with Brandon. Eevee, being young, didn't have the willpower to hold back as the simple suckling caused him to shoot several thick streams of his warm seed into her muzzle.

Vulpix released her mouth from his softening member and looked at eevee again, who was just calming down from his first orgasm. "I take it you enjoyed it?" Vulpix asked, her sex drive still not sated. Eevee nodded his head furiously, wanting more. "I loved it!" He said, not caring who heard him. "well, would you mind doing the same for me" Vulpix asked the obviously confused pokemon. It only became clear what she meant after she bent over and presented her moist and needy sex to him. Eevee faltered slightly "you want me to lick that?" He asked. Vulpix responded with a moan and a nod of her head

Wanting to repay the favor for vulpix, he slowly started feeling her outside folds with his paw, massaging every inch of her it, pushing up lightly against it to test it's barrier. This caused vulpix to moan out in passion as she felt her barrier being caressed by someone other than herself. Then she gasped as she felt a rough tongue now lapping up her arousal eagerly. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, she felt him push his entire tongue inside of her. She had dreamt of this hundreds of times, but she never imagined it would be this amazing. His tongue wriggling around inside her, giving plenty of love to her starved caverns, and retreating every few seconds to claim his prize. She couldn't stand it anymore!

"Take me eevee!" She shouted, not caring if the people downstairs could hear. She felt eevee's tongue retreat from her needy sex, leaving her feeling empty. Then eevee took his position, and vulpix prepared to receive him, not caring that he wasn't Brandon anymore. She bucked her hips and felt the tip of his member tease her entrance... Then the doorbell rang, causing eevee to fall off of vulpix and onto his back in surprise. Vulpix cursed under her breath as she realised Brandon was home again. She helped eevee up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you. Then she ran downstairs to greet Brandon, as she didn't want to be caught with eevee, and she didn't want the other girls to greet him first.

Eevee however, sat in his room. Waiting for his arousal to go down and contemplating what just happened, hoping it would happen again...

Thank you for reading, I'm not sure it that counted as cub because I didn't specify the age, but I could be wrong. Also, I know I said it'd be a week untilpart two, but once I started writing I couldn't stop!