A Rare Sight Ch.8-Lights Please

Story by wxyzz on SoFurry

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A Rare Sight

Lights Please

"Ow! That's my tail!" Chole said, slapping my arm.

"Sorry I didn't mean to," I said, letting go of her tail.

"Don't be touching my tail, its real sen....EYYYYYYY! That's not my hand you pervert!"

"Well sorry, I wouldn't be touching all over you if I could see where the fuck I'm going."

"You would think a flashlight would come to your mind before we entered this cave."

"MmEeveemm," Buddy said, holding on to my pant leg with his teeth.

"Even Buddy agrees dumbass," Chole said, thumping me on the forehead.

"ALRIGHT, I'm sorry I forgot to bring a flashlight. Stop for a second, I got an idea."

I then take out my Pokedex and turned it on; instantly, the cave is flooded with light; we were finally able to see.

"Finally, I can see....LET GO OF ME!!!!" Chole yelled.

"Treeco Tree," Treeco said, drooping off of Chole and falling to the ground.

Going deeper into the heart of Granite Cave, a half an hour passed when Zigzagoon's Pokeball opened up.

"Zagoon, Zigzagoon," Zigzagoon said nudging my leg.

I didn't need a translation to know what Zigzagoon wanted, "You hungry boy?" I asked Zigzagoon.

"Zagoon!" Zigzagoon said, jumping around.

"Vee," Buddy said.

"Yeah, same here," Chole said, rubbing her stomach.

And so, by majority vote, we all sat down for lunch. Chole turned into a Charmander to provide light so the batteries to my Pokedex don't run dry.

I poured Pokemon food into three bowls, one for Buddy, one for Treeco, and one for Zigzagoon. For Chole, I gave her a handful of berries; for myself, two hot pockets that Chole gladly heated up with her tail which turned the frozen cheese into molten hot lava, sadly, I didn't notice that.

"Thanks Chole, finally I ca...JEESSUUUSSSCCHHHRRRIISSTTT THHATTT IIISSS FUUUCKKKINNGG HHHOOTTTT!!!!!!" I quickly grab a water bottle from my backpack and start chugging the whole damn thing down.

Everyone started to black out from the lack of oxygen because they were laughing too hard. I then put away the food bowls and being very cautiously, I began to slowly eat my lunch.

Using some string, I wrapped the Pokedex around my neck. I then put Treeco and Zigzagoon back in their Pokeballs; while still sleeping, I picked up Buddy and Chole and placed them onto my shoulders. With everything packed up I began to make my way further into the cave.

20 minutes pass

"Damn Buddy *gasp* you are heavy *gasp* I'm officially cutting the amount of food you get by half," I said.

"mmmmm," Buddy responded.

"ughhhhh, where am I?" Chole asked with a mumbling tone.

"On my shoulder princess, now get off before I catch you and leave you in a Pokeball."

"Uhhhhh, fineeee," Chole said, and began to slowly float into the air.

Another 20 minutes pass

"Chole do you mind turning back into a Charmander, these batteries are about to die."

"Sure thing," Chole began to glow and change shape, the glow faded and she was now a Charmander.

I then turned off the Pokedex and began to rely on Chole's tail for light.

"Jesus, I wish I had some music to listen to, these water droplets are driving me insane," I said, while adjusting Buddy on my shoulders.

"I can help you with that *GASP*"

"Don't you even dare."


I slapped Chole on the back of the head, "I told you don't do it, your singing makes me wish I had a gun to the head."


5 minutes pass

Further into the cave we go; at long last, Buddy begins to open his eyes. He begins to lick my face as thanks for carrying him.

"Hey boy, glad that you're awake, can you walk now? My back is killing me."


Buddy then jumped off of my shoulder and began to chase Chole around.

A few minutes go by when all of a sudden I feel a tug on my pants, "Larrrrrrr."

"Chole I thought I told you to stop with the singing, your voice makes puppies cry."

"That's not me you bastard!"

"Well who is it then, come over here, I can't see behind me."

Chole walked over to my position; when I turned around, I could see the shape of a small green reptile begin to form.

".....Is that a..."

"A Larvitar?" Chole interrupted.

"Yes I no Chole, I don't need to be informed."

"Well you were about to ask if that was a Larvitar."

"Just shut up."

"What's that around her neck?" Chole asked.

"It looks like a necklace, with a small ruby in the middle."

"Can I have one?"

"Sure go find one."


As our little argument went on, the little Larvitar stared up at me, silently waiting. I knelt down to eye level to talk to the Larvitar.

"Hey there girl, do you need something?"

"How do you know it's a girl?" Chole whispered to me.

"She's wearing a necklace with a gem inside, I don't think a boy would be wearing that."

"Lar, Larvitar, Larvi, Lar, Lar, Larvitar, Lar, Larvitar?"

"She said that she's hungry and can't find any food, and want to know if you have any," Chole said to me.

"Of course you can, I don't think you'll like this type of Pokemon food, but I have these berries that you may like," I placed a handful of berries down next to her.

The Larvitar picked one up and took a sniff at the berry. She then quickly popped one into her mouth and began to eat it. After swallowing the berry, she smiled and her face began to light up.

"AWWWWWWW SHESS SOOO CUTTEEEE," Chole ran over to the hungry Larvitar and gave her a bear hug.

"Come on Chole, we need to keep moving," I pulled her away from the Larvitar.

"What?! Can't we keep her, she's so cute and-and."

"Sorry Chole, it's not my decision if she wants to be caught or not; besides, we need to get out of this damn cave, we've been in here so long that we'll look like albinos after leaving the place."

Chole began to form a frown, "fine."

We then walked away from the still eating Larvitar.

Night time

After several hours of walking, we decided to camp for the night near a small lake that just happens to be inside the cave. We all ate dinner and began to get ready for bed. After talking for a few minutes, we all finally drifted off to sleep.

Time for a dream

This dream was a little different than the ones I usually have, instead of one long scene of something I have no idea what it was about, it was a fast montage of scenes that I have no idea what it's about.

A giant rock smashed into tiny pieces and all came down onto a group of Zubats.


A white hooded women handing me a card, "Call me," she said.


Chole tapped on my shoulder, "turn around," I turn around and it was Jake.


"We know what you're hiding," Jake said.


A bag covers Chole's and my face.


I hear an intercom, "we have a break in. red alert! This isn't a drill!"


"You must finish what he has started," said a blonde haired lady.


"Let me try to relive a past memory of yours."


"What have you done Garrett."


"Garrett," Kyle said.


"Garrett," John said.


"Garrett," Allen said.


"Garrett," Ethan said.


"GARRETT!!!!!" Chole yelled at me.

I can fell Chole shaking me violently, I open up my eyes to see Chole over me.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I yelled back.

"Look around."

I then begin to look around the cave, surrounding our campsite is a mass army of Zubats, and Golbats.

"...ohhhhh shit."

"I packed all your stuff, and put Treeco and Zigzagoons in their balls, pick me and Buddy up and get the hell out of here," Chole whispered to me.

I slowly got up and picked up Chole and Buddy. All of a sudden, the Pokemon began to charge at us. That was my cue to start running.

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" I said as I was running.

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" Chole said as well.


I turned left and right, everywhere I turned, there was another fork in the road; well, maybe not.

"DEAD END!!!" Chole yelled.

"Then there's only one more option," I then throw Zigzagoon's Pokeball into the air.


"Zigzagoon, use Sand Attack!"

Zigzagoon began to do a little break dance and surrounded our team in a dust cloud. I then threw out Treeco's Pokeball.

"Treeco Tree!"

"Treeco use Bullet Seed!"

From outside the dust cloud, you can see a barrage of seeds flying everywhere, hitting multiple Pokemon and getting one hit knock outs, unfortunately, there were so many of them that it didn't look like it even made a dent.

The dust cloud faded and we now were in full view, the Zubats and Golbats took the advantage and started to continuously use Tackle on Zigzagoon and Treeco. After the 36th hit, both of my Pokemon were down.

"Oh shit, Zigzagoon, Treeco!" I called for them but they were just groaning and rolling on the floor.

"Buddy, use Quick Attack while I help them both."

"EEVEE!" Buddy responded and disappeared. All you were able to see is Zubats and Golbats, falling to the ground like rain.

I quickly ran over to Treeco and Zigzagoon and applied a couple of potions to their wounds, their cuts and bruises were healed but they were both on the ground, pretty weak.


"Oh no...GARRETT!!" Chole called to me.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back.

"LOOK!" she pointed at Buddy lying on the ground.

"BUDDY!!!!" Tears began to form as I saw my three friends lying on the floor in pain. I started to hold Buddy, trying to wake him up.

"Buddy, wake up! Buddy!!!"

Chole walked over to Zigzagoon and began to shake him, hoping that it would work, sadly, it didn't. She then turned her head to see the Pokemon circling around me and Buddy, although they were closing in on us, I never looked up, I kept my eyes focused on Buddy.

Chole turned back around and began to whisper words into Zigzagoon. Slowly, Zigzagoon's eyes began to open, when he saw us, tears began to form in his eyes.

"Zi-Zig, Zigzagoon! Zagoon! Zig, L-Li-Linoone!!!!" All of a sudden, Zigzagoon's body began to glow bright, lighting up the whole cave. Zigzagoon's body started to change shape, his body stretched and his fur began to become smoother. Finally the glow faded and standing next to Chole was the energetic Linoone.

"Linoone!!" Linoone then disappeared and reappeared multiple times, knocking out the Pokemon in only a split second. Apparently, Zigzagoon learned Quick Attack after he evolved into Linoone. Linoone was quick and made these 'Bat Pokemon seemed so weak, but they still overpowered by number.

Linoone then reappeared in front of me; I looked up to see Zigzagoon's new form.

"Z-Zigzagoon?" I ask.

"Linoone!" Linoone said, as he turned around to face me.

"LOOK OUT!" Chole yelled.

A Golbat was heading toward us when Linoone disappeared and knocked out the Pokemon.

"We can't handle all of these Pokemon, we're screwed," I said.

It seemed all hope was lost when out of nowhere a boulder flew, hitting over twenty 'Bat Pokemon at once.

All at once, Chole, Linoone, and I, looked toward the direction the boulder was thrown with a "holy shit" face.

In the distance, we could see the form of what only could be the little Larvitar, she has come to save us and used Rock Throw on the Pokemon. She was kicking some ass, every time she used Rock Throw; it would end up taking out over twenty Pokemon.

With the loss of their friends, the Zubats and Golbats all focused their attention on Larvitar.

With a grin, Larvitar raised her fist and slammed it onto the rock next to her.

All of the sudden, the ground began to shake; rocks at the top of the cave fell down. Right on top of the attacking Pokemon. With one Rock Smash attack, she had caused a mini earthquake and almost every single Zubat and Golbat were crushed from the rocks. The rest who were lucky to survive were blocked from the rocks and they flew away.

After the fight that Larvitar won, I became speechless; in fact, everyone was. We just witnessed a little innocent Larvitar girl become a fighting machine in a matter of seconds.

"I...don't know...what to say...." Chole said, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah...no kidding," I responded.

"Eevee," Buddy replied back as well.

"You can say that again Buddy....BUDDY!" I shot my head down to see Buddy's eyes open with a smile. I began to hug and kiss his head, I didn't care who saw, my best friend was okay.

"Garrett, you're forgetting someone," Chole pointed toward Treeco.

I stood up and walked over to Treeco, I picked up his tail and grabbed the potion that was hiding from underneath it. I then sprayed the potion over Treeco's wound, he wasn't as badly hurt and so after applying the potion, he was fully healed and awake.

"T-Treeco, Tree!" Treeco thanked me.

"Hey boy, are you feeling better now?" I hugged Treeco.

"Treeco!" Treeco responded.

I look to my left to see Linoone, his body reached up to my waist if he were to stand on hind legs. His main fur color was a very light brown surround his body was streaks of dark brown stripes.

"Linoone, look at you, you evolved, and you learned Quick Attack, you surprise me almost everyday boy," I hugged him as well; he gave me back a hug as well.

I went back and picked up Buddy and placed him on my shoulder, I then walked over to the Larvitar and knelt down to make eye contact with her. I then held out my hand to give her a hand shake, she was a little cautious at first, but she obliged.

"Thank you for saving us, we really owe you one," I said to Larvitar.

"Lar, Larvitar, Lar, Larvi," Larvitar said.

"She said, nah you don't, just think of it as a we're even now because of the berries you gave me."

"You can really fight, your parents must be proud of you."

"Lar, Lar, Larvitar, Larvi, Lar, Lar."

"She said, my parents were captured and taken away from me, I actually taught myself. AWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" Chole ran over and gave Larvitar another bear hug.

"Poor thing, I wish we could help her out," I whispered.

"AHEM!!" Chole pointed to a Pokeball and then to her.

"*sigh* alright," I then pulled Chole away from Larvitar again.

"Hey Larvitar, can I ask you something?"


"You really have potential, you fight really well, and you have a good heart as I can already see. Listen, I doubt you would want to do it, but, I would be honored if you would come along with us and be part of our team."

I look to my right to see Chole on her knees, begging her to come.

"Lar Larvitar."

"She said on one condition," Chole said.

"And that is?"

"Lar, Lar, Larvitar, Larvi, Lar, Lar, Larvitar."

"If I can be fed with those berries."

I take out an empty Pokeball, "deal. Larvitar, welcome to our team."

I held out the Pokeball to Larvitar and she pressed the button. Suddenly, she disappears in a red light and is absorbed into the Pokeball. The ball didn't even shake, it just dinged.

I pressed the button again and Larvitar came out with a white flash. Chole then tackled her to the ground.

"Welcome to the team you cutie pie."

Larvitar laughed and then slammed her fist into the ground; a rock was tossed up and flung Chole over the whole party.

"I think I'm going to enjoy you," we both gave a quick hug.

"You know, I think I would like to give you a nickname if it's alright by you."


"What do you think about Ruby? I think it fits because of that ruby that's put into your necklace; besides, that was the first thing I noticed when we met you."

Larvitar thought about it for a moment, thinking about how it would be like being called that from now on. She then smiled and nodded her head.

"Great, from now on, we will call you Ruby."

Buddy, Linoone, and Treeco all tackled/hugged Ruby as an official 'welcome to the family' greeting.

I had to pull all of them away from Ruby before she suffocated.

"Alright Ruby, we need to get out of this cave, I'm becoming insane from being in here, do you have anyway of getting out of here?"

"Lar!" Ruby said.

She lifts her head and began to sniff around the place. She began walking around the borders of the cave, continuously putting her ear to a rock.

After ten minutes, Ruby places her ear to a rock. All of a sudden, she waved us over, pointing to the rock.

"Lar Larvitar, Lar, Lar!!" Ruby said.

"She said she hears a horn," Chole said.

"That must be the cruise line that leads to Slateport. Ruby, we need you to make a hole right here so we can get to the boat," I say to Ruby.

"Lar, Lar!" Ruby swished her hand, telling us to stand back. She then cracked her fingers and raised her fist. Ruby then punched the rock, sending it flying the opposite direction, we were immediately flooded with light. It was like someone was welding right in front of my eyes. We all stepped out of the cave and took our first step out of the fucking abyss.

I pick up Buddy and place him on my shoulder, I then held out my hand.

"Ruby, I think you earn a shoulder ride."

Ruby looked around and noticed a flower patch; she told me to wait a second and ran over to the flower patch. She then plucked a flower and wrapped the stem around her little head spike. Ruby ran back and climbed up to my shoulder.

The horn of the cruise line sounded its final warning for whoever wanted to go to Slateport.

"Come on guys we need to hurry."

Chole quickly changed into a Pidgeotto, after her change, we all began to run to the boat so that we could make it to Slateport and then make our way to Mauville for our 3rd gym badge.

A Rare Sight Ch.9-There's Always a Good and Bad Side

A Rare Sight There's Always a Good and Bad Side "Beautiful isn't it?" I said, while rubbing Ruby's back. "Larrrrrr," Ruby said in awe. "It's always like I'm seeing this for the first time," Chole responded. We all sat at the edge of...

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A Rare Sight Ch.7-A Fighting Chance

A Rare Sight A Fighting Chance "Oh my god, where is he!?" Chole yelled while waving her arms like a mad person. "He's a fat ass what do you expect," I reassure her, brushing Buddy's fur as I talk. "Well damn, I don't think it takes a...

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A Rare Sight Ch.6-Reunited with the Fatass

A Rare Sight Reunited with the Fat Ass "Damn, this day is just getting better and better," John slapped my back. "No kidding," I replied, still a little shocked to see him. "You look good dude; I see you got some new clothes." ...

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