Happiness is the weight of my collar:conclusion

Story by TheBustyHusky on SoFurry

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#4 of Happiness Is The Weight of my Collar


Chapter Ten



Chapter Ten

Aneko awoke hours later snuggled up to her master's naked form, memories flooded her mind of what had happened before their shared slumber. Her sex was sore but she felt pleasant. She was overjoyed that he had accepted her and given touched her like she so craved. She still hungered for more; she wanted to experience this kind of pleasure in her true form. She hastily made up her mind and concentrated on the joyous feelings that had pulsed through her body only a few short hours ago and she felt herself shift and change. Once she was in her true from she fetched a blanket from the bedroom and settled back against her mate and drifted back to sleep.

Aneko stirred as she felt her master move beside her, she could feel his hands start to stroke her sides, ruffling her soft fur. She could hear the change in his breathing as he began to wake, she opened her eyes and gazed up at her loves face and met his gaze.

"I knew you were more..." he mumbled sleepily and snuggling towards her. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest, still expecting his refusal. All doubts soon erased from her mind as his hand drifted lower and settled on her soft inner thigh, his finger lightly stroking her and sparking a familiar heat between her legs. "Let me love you like this Aneko, let me show you I can," he said, his voice low and husky all traces of sleep removed.

Breathless and shaking, her eyes locked with his piercing stare she could only manage to nod her head. Not wasting anytime he rolled over on top of her and pinned her arms together and held them there with one hand as he used his other to move her head closer to him as he gave a tiny maw a warm kiss. Her tongue darted out tasting his warm breath and his soft tongue. His hand left her cheek and he slowly drug it down her neck and shoulder, turning and back up along her arm, down her chest settling between her perky furred tits. As he stroked her she could feel sex growing wet and achy. Arching her back she tried to bring her needy sex closer to his now hard and wet cock. Her master's response was to move his finger to one pick nipple and rub it gently, hardening quickly from his touch. His scent was weaker in this form but she could still smell his arousal as he settled his mouth over her nipple and lick and suck it as he used his other hand to pinch and fondle her other.

Aneko couldn't stop the a moan from escaping her lips, this only encouraged her master to tease her longer and rougher, biting and nipping her tit as he slowly positioned himself between her legs and pressed his head against her swollen clit and began rubbing himself against her. She gasped and moaned as she felt the need growing inside her. Finally she couldn't take it anymore.

"Please...master," she gasped, thrusting her hips toward him trying force his entry. Feeling his need grow along with hers he thrust deeply, parting her lips and shoving himself deep inside her making her scream with pleasure. Her legs wrapped around his waist, she strained against his hand that was pinning her down. Moaning with nearly every thrust she quickly felt herself surge with the first wave of pleasure, her sex closing tighter against his. A moan escaped his lips as he quickened the thrusting and sent her soaring on the second wave of release that flooded through her. She could feel his thrusts becoming harder and his breathing heavier, signaling he was about to follow her on the blissful waves of pleasure. Moaning together as she felt her sex tightly milking him for his seed, she felt him burst insider her pumping her full of his love and throwing her into her third orgasm. Her legs were still wrapped around her love as her master collapsed between her legs and laid exhausted on her chest, chin resting between her breasts.

"I accept you Aneko, every part of you and I want every part of you..." his voice was rocky and still husky as he spoke to her but she could tell his words were sincere. "Aneko, I'm your master and you're my pet, I want you to stay here and let me love you like this."

She shivered at the tone in his voice, needy, rough and commanding. She had no hesitation; she knew what she wanted so she simply replied, "Yes master."

Chapter Eleven

Time passed and Aneko settled in to her new life of being a pet. Sometimes her master would come home and they would spend the evening talking and then have a passionate night together in her true form and other days he would come home and command her into her dog form and order her to do whatever he wanted, he'd demand her obedience and force her to submit, but no matter how they spent the evening her always would pet her and cuddle her and let her into his bed at night.

She'd experienced so much with the time spent with her beloved master. He'd shown her how even though his tongue wasn't canine how it could still be wielded masterfully against her sex in both forms. He'd shown her just how committed she was to pleasing him when one day he'd come home and ordered her to change. She quickly obeyed and rushed to him, he led her to the couch and pushed her maw down on his hard member and ordered her to suck. Her tail wagged frantically with excitement as her tongue lapped at his wet tip and snaked his way around his shaft sucking and licking him until his hands pulled at her fur and he thrust deep into her throat spurting his seed into her maw filling her with his tasty seed. Her sex was wet but she didn't feel achy and needy, pleasing him had in a way satisfied her need.

Her heart seemed to flutter when she saw him and she always yearned for his touch, she loved him with every inch of her heart and she could feel his love for her. Christmas fast approached and their mating became rougher and more frequent, fueled by need and passion. One night, after a day of petting and talking he called her into his room, she could feel how pleased he was that she was in her dog form, she could clearly make out the scent of his erection.

"Up here pet," he ordered, patting the bed in front of him. She obeyed, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she gave him a doggie smile. "Turn around," he ordered again, harshness in his voice. She was confused but she obeyed, turning herself away and moving her tail presenting herself fully to him. He bent forward and thrust his tongue as deep as he could into her smooth cunt; she whimpered and pushed back towards him. He began licking and nibbling lightly, making her sex slippery wet. He quickly withdrew and took her hard and fast, gripping her collar and using it to thrust her back into him as he thrust forward. She howled with pleasure time and time again as he sent waves of pleasure through her entire body. He grunted and thrust deeper and deeper, ignoring her howls and whimpers. Suddenly she felt him burst his seed inside, and felt her collar snap and release from her neck.

She felt a stab of loss, and emptiness without its familiar weight around her neck. She turned and looked at him, breathing heavily and clutching her discarded collar in his hand. She whined pitifully trying to convey her sense of sadness to him. He frowned at her.

"I'm sorry Aneko, I will make it up to you I promise," he patted her as he promised to fix his mistake.

A few more days passed and she yearned more and more for her missing collar, she'd never realized how much it signified her belonging to him. Her cravings for him even began to fade as she was consumed with despair. She could feel Torben becoming sad along with her but she couldn't make herself seem happy for him. She ignored everything going on around her, her mind racing with paranoid thoughts, was her master going to leave her now that she didn't have a collar showing everyone she was his. Locked in her thoughts she heard Torben's call from the living room. She forced herself to make her way toward him and sat before him.

"Aneko darling, I can't stand you looking like this, here," he presented her with a box wrapped in shiny red paper. She cocked her head at him giving him a questioning look. "It's a present pet, here I will open it for you, close your eyes."

She could hear him tearing at the paper and she heard him snap the tape on the box and toss it to the side as he removed what was in the box. Her eyes remained tightly clamped shut but she felt his soft hands brush against her neck and she heard a click. He drew back and she felt a comforting weight on her neck. Her eyes sprang open and her tail waved madly. She let out an excited howl and rushed to the bathroom, transforming as she ran. She pulled herself up and looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the beautiful black leather collar hanging loosely on her neck. It had red jewels spread every few inches and had matching red stitching. It was gorgeous and she loved it.

She rushed back to her master and lovingly threw herself onto him, kissing and licking him, her tail waving madly. "It's perfect master!" she shouted. She felt him chuckle.

"I thought you'd like it my love." He reached up and petted her head, a tender look in his eyes. "Merry Christmas my pet, you're my one and only now and forever."