Star-Crossed Lovers Act II

Story by Mr Timber on SoFurry

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Star-Crossed lovers (act II)

The sun still hangs high above as the people move about their business some viewing the latest apparel in the market others on their way to the tavern to have a flagon of ale and participate in other debauchery. Though on the horizon were two dots growing bigger and bigger until it resembled the shape of two men clearly racing for the gate to the city as if there lives depended on it. Laughter erupted from the man in the lead as he was gaining a lead on the other, slower, man looking behind himself as he checked to see how far ahead he was though he was unaware of his surroundings and ran head first into the great gates knocking himself flat on the ground. The other man burst into laughter as he walked over to his fallen friend looking down at him from a position of knowing he had lost yet won at the same time, sticking his hand out he began to life the man up.

"Amir, what would I do without you?" Adam jokingly asked.

"You probably still be courting the ground. I honestly don't see how you missed that door, it's very large." Amir responded.

"Well than I'd better be off then I'm going to go see how Mary's doing, I'll meet you at the tavern in the evening ok."

"Ok, give Mary a hug from me alright." Amir asked.

"Will do, Amir, will do." With that Adam rushed off to his fiancé's home, a beautiful home that sits across from his own, with the intention to tell her the wonderful day he's been having. Walking up to her door and begins to knock when on the first knock the door slowly opened he crept inside.

"Mary, my love where are thou?" Adam said but, receiving no response he was just about to repeat himself when he heard a soft moan coming from upstairs. Adam slowly walked upstairs still hearing the soft moaning getting louder as he neared the door from where the moaning was emitting he then put his hand on the slightly ajar door and with one swift push opened the door to a horror he dared wished wasn't true his fiancé, Mary, in bed with Bosco of nightingale - his own uncle!

"Tell me this is a dream from which I will awaken, Mary please tell me my eyes deceive!" Adam cried out startling the two lovers in bed.

"What you see is true Adam."

"Mary may I please see you in the hallway." Adam asked in a sorrowful voice.

Mary then with slight hesitation grabbed one of the blankets of the bed and walked into the hallway where Adam was already standing staring at her like she was not even there.

"Why Mary, how could you do this to me?"

"Adam you are one of the most romantic people I have ever met but, you are far from powerful, Bosco is next in line for holding the title "Head of House". You are only the son of Romero nightingale you may be in line for the throne but, you are far from being "Head of House"."

Adam was stupefied at what he was hearing his fiancé, his love, was with him only to get closer to his uncle so she could be with him in order to achieve a higher state of power. She used him like he was a single rung in the ladder of power so nearly on the verge of tears he marched back into the bedroom where Bosco was still lying on the bed.

"Uncle I want to congratulate you on your new_lover_." Saying lover as if it were a curse, he continued by saying. "May you and your fair maiden have happy days." Bosco confused at what just transpired could only respond with a quiet thank you, and Adam, tired of being around his traitorous ex-lover and his betraying uncle, ran out of the house with a red face and eyes that look like two lackluster stones floating in a sea of despair. Adam blinded by sorrow ran out through the gates of nightingale and fled into the nearby mini forest that is the lies in between the twin cities, unaware of how night was quickly descending on the Valley of Valomir.

The next Act will finally include the fosmer (foxes) as Adam finds himself in unexpected territory.