I love my master, Part 3 and 4.

Story by Rai_Samil on SoFurry

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Hey everyone, here's the next part. I hope you all enjoy this as much as i did writing it. =3

Part 3

The day finally came, Samil decided today that he would make his master pleased in the way he had dreamed about all night, It started like the day before. She got up nude and made their breakfest, although what happen afterwards was different. Instead of getting dressed to go somewhere she went and sat on the couch and started watching tv, calling Samil to join her. "looks like it's going to be a us day, Samil, I dont have anything to do all day" she said as she patted the couch next to her signaling him to lay beside her. He did as he was told, trying to control himself from doing anything to his naked master just yet. It didnt help that he could still smell remains of the liquids from her fun the night before.

His focus on keeping himself from doing anything to her was broken when he heard her talk again. "samil, you havent gotten a bath yet have you pup? How would you like to join me?" she said as she started walking towards the bathroom. He couldn't resist himself, he hated bathing. But he just simply had to be with her, so he followed her into the bathroom. She grabbed a few bottles of shampoo and soap and sat it in the shower and waited,"you go first, Samil". He did as he was told and and felt the touch of her leg beside his belly as soon as he stepped in. When he looked up to see what she was doing, he bumped his nose on one of her nipples which he previously didnt know were erect and hard. "I'm sorry pup i was going to rub some soap on you," she said as she started rubbing some of the shampoo into his fur which was so dirty that she just now noticed it was a handsome shade of dark blue. "well aren't you just the attractive thing," she teased him as she got to his belly and lower. He tried to controll himself, but between his master's breasts rubbing agaist his back and her warm lips touching his tail, and her hand rubbing right beside his sheath. He couldn't control himself anymore and he felt his cock slowly come out of it's hiding place, he was worried his master would be mad. "Oh pup, i'm sorry for exciting you, mmhmmm you do have a rather large gift there" she teased him.

They finished up in the shower and got out, Sarai gave samil a towel to dry off and started drying herself off. Samil shook himself clean and laid on the towel watching his master dry off and get dressed in just a hoodie and shorts. After that he followed her back out onto the couch and laid by her while she found something for them to watch. "i guess it won't happen just yet," he thought as his cock retreated back into its sheath. They spent the rest of the day laying there watching movies and eating snacks, only stopping for dinner. Which tonight for dinner Sarai just decided to order pizza for them, and when it got there she divided it evenly. "that half is your's, pup. Eat up". He swallowed each slice without chewing much, the following events were still running through his head. How he was going to make his move... What would happen afterwards...It would all change tonight.

Part 4

It was finally here, the time he was holding himself back all day for. Sarai went into their room, and he followed. When she laid down, he kept whimpering beside her bed until she gave in and let him lay with her. He expected her to have lost her clothes by now but, he would work his way around that. He started to smell the familiar smell of her liquids, she was horny he thought. Just from this his cock started to draw from it's sheath, He had to move fast before she noticed. He jumped up and held her hands down with his paws, just above her head. "Sa-Samil, what are you doing..?" she asked looking at him hovering over her, just barely noticing that his cock was showing... From seeing it,she started to get wet. Samil could tell this and started pulling her clothes off with his mouth, accidently ripping them off of her. He looked at her with a sad face, he didnt mean to rip apart her clothing but he couldnt stop himself. Before she could say another word he shoved his tongue into her mouth.

At first Sarai was hesitant, she had never thought of doing anything like this before. But she wanted it so badly that she gave into her desires, and met his tongue with hers. He was suprised by this, but knew what it meant. She was willing to do what he had wanted all day... His mouth left hers and started moving down her neck, giving little kisses as he went. Stopping only when he was at her breasts. Again her nipples were erect he decided to tease her a little for earlier, and started to suckle on them, and giving them gentle little bites, Being careful to not hurt his master. She let out loud moans as he did this and thrusted herself agaist his body. He felt that it was finally time, he rubbed his cock on her wet lips, hearing her whimper and a faint "please Samil.." he thrusted himself in her as hard and deep as he could, Howling while she screamed in pleasure as his knot hit her lips. He kept repeatedly thrusting, faster each time, until he was stopped the sound of his master. "down samil." she said while panting, Had he done something wrong? "roll over pup", He did as he was told, confused by this. Watching his master crawl ontop of him was confusing him, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he saw that she had a few fingers in her pink pussy rubbing her clit. she moved her hand and lowered her hips to his mouth."lick boy, lick". He understood what she wanted but didnt understand why they had to be like this. After he started to lick her insides he heard her moaning until he felt something, She started rubbing his fully hard cock. "Samil,How long have you wanted this?.." she said as she put his cock in her mouth and begain to lick the tip. He howled as loud as he could, What she was doing felt amazing. She kept licking the tip as she began to put it deeper in her mouth, as far as she could get it to go. And then she began licking the part she couldnt fit into her mouth, down and around the outer part of the sheath, and around his knot. she suddenly stopped and stood up and moved to the floor, and got on her hands and knees with her butt and pink puss pointing at Samil, Inviting him in. "Samil, mount me.." he quickly did what he was told, and started thrusting again, smacking his knot on the lips of her puss faster and faster until she stopped him. She reached down and pulled her lips down, "put your knot in boy" he thrusted as hard as he could, even her pulling the lips back didnt help much, he was alot larger then she could take, until finally it stretched and he went in, followed by a loud moan and yell of his master. He howled in delight too and continued thrusting, not as hard as he was, But enough for them to enjoy it. both of their moaning started to speed up, they both knew they were nearing their end. Samil gave one final hard thrust as he came inside her, the shock from this made Sarai orgasm too and they were both spent. Not even bothering with the bed they collasped on the floor and cuddled. the last thing Samil heard before passing out was "Samil, I love you".