(1. strange days

Story by Spiral_Ink on SoFurry

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#1 of stranger worlds

This was a little idea I came up with, I don't remember how, when, or where. But I liked it and I decided to go with it. All the characters are mine. And as far as I know I didn't use anybody else's stuff. So I hope you enjoy my first REAL story.

i know its not very long, but i'm proud of it.

(1.Strange days.

It was a normal day when the tom's alarm clock began its ear splitting yelp. The cat rolled over with a groan and slapped his hand to the top of the annoying machine, cutting off its series of wild noises. He then back for a moment and closed his eyes. Resting his head back on the pillow and cuddling back down into the blankets, his mind slowly falling back into dreamland. And just in time for his clock to start again, the screeching beep resounding through the room as he groaned and sat up, bringing his fist down on the timepiece and silencing it with a click of its on/off button. He then stretched and rolled out of bed, his soft beige and brown fur ruffled from his time under the blankets.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes tom walked slowly down the hall to the bathroom, slipping inside and closing the door tight with a little 'snick' of the latch. Inside he stripped of his boxers and reached into the shower stall, turning the handle almost all the way around so a stream of warm, and quickly getting hotter, water shot out of the nozzle and sprayed across the stall. As the water warmed up tom turned to the mirror over the sink and stared into his own sapphire eyes. His fur was the typical beige of a Siamese with the dark points on his ears, tail, and paws. His body was slim, not muscular but definitely not high on the fat scale, leaving him with a slim build and a rather pleasing figure.

A moment later he broke the trance with the mirror and looked down, picking up his toothbrush and spreading a generous coating of the minty toothpaste across it before running a stream of cold water over the brush and shoving it into his mouth, scrubbing it about for almost a minute as steam filled the room, fogging up the mirror and making it warm and damp. A moment later he spit out the toothpaste, washing off his brush and setting it down in its rack before stepping back and turning to step into the shower. A little sigh escaping the cats lips as the warm water played across his fur, soaking in and smoothing it down. He only stayed in the shower for a few minutes however, not even soaping himself down he simply let the warm water wake him up and clean out his fur before stopping the water flow. He stood for a moment in the shower then, letting the water drain around his feet for a moment before shaking himself, letting the water in his fur spray about the little chamber, leaving him damp and fluffy. Feeling with one paw along the wall he found the little button and pressed it, a stream of warm air shooting from above and all around, acting like an extremely large hair dryer. After a minute he reached over and pressed the button again, letting the air come to a stop as he opened the door, walking back through the bathroom proper, stopping only to relieve himself on the way.

Stepping back out into the hall he took an immediate left and headed back to his bedroom, popping open his dresser when he got there and pulling out a pair of his more favored black jeans and a blank t-shirt, pulling on the pants and popping his tail through the hole in the back as he slipped a studded leather belt through the loops. As soon as his bottoms were secure he reached down and slipped the shirt over his head. With a little sigh he headed out, slipping his phone, keys, and wallet into his pocket he left the room. Heading to the little kitchenette he grabbed an apple out of the fridge and set off, slipping his satchel over his shoulder and heading for the door.

Outside it was bright and sunny, the warm sun beat down on the street below and a pleasantly cool breeze blew up the street. The street was a nice little place, filled with easy, moderate housing and at least moderate people. He lived about half way down the block in a smallish brick building right next to a little grocery store. The owner of which was outside as he went past and gave a him a little smile and a wave as he passed, tom returned the gesture and continued on his way, nodding and smiling to the people he passed. Once he got to the main road though things got busier, he buried his hands in his pocket as he wove between people, all species passed him by on the sidewalk, felines, canines, vulpine's, dragons, and a million other species, some to diverse or so hybridized that it was hard to tell what exactly they were. But it was one in particular that caught his eye, a pure white arctic fox. There was nothing to remarkable about him, he had on dark, baggy pants and a grey t-shirt with angel wings across the front. Purple headphones adorned his ears and there cord snaked down his chest to his right pocket. Tom stopped, luckily it wasn't too crowded or he might have been in trouble for that. But he was just astounded at the fox, tom was not by any means gay, but he liked to say he was bi, even so he had never really looked at men much, subconsciously preferring to stick to the natural order of things. But this fox was just... downright sexy! Lean and lightly muscled he had to just about 5'10 or maybe a bit more, the same height as tom. And his fur almost sparkled in the light, if the Siamese hadn't had more sense about himself he might have started drooling.

Just in time he realized that the fox was right in front of him and he desperately tried to move, but he wasn't fast enough. Expecting a collision he almost fell over even as nothing happened, the fox walked right through him, not paying him any mind, as if he wasn't even there. Tom stumbled and was caught by a hefty looking bear leaning against a wall who muttered, "Watch it." Before shoving him back into the street. Tom stumbled again and looked about, just in time to see the fox's tail disappearing down around a corner almost a block away. The Siamese blinked and followed, he didn't know why he followed, he should have just kept going and dismissed it as an illusion. But he was sure he had seen the fox walk through him. Though he hadn't felt anything he knew that it had happened. But even then that wasn't the reason he followed the white fox, he just felt... well drawn to him for some reason he didn't quite understand.

So he followed the vulpine. He quickly wove his way back through the crowd, moving at a rather fast clip as he tried to catch up with his quarry. But as he rounded the corner he found the vulpine nowhere in sight. The street he was looking down was long and had no shortage of ally's and doorways but the fox was nowhere to be seen. So with a rather strange feeling in his chest tom turned and headed back into the crowd.

Two and a half hours later found him shuffling out of class, a rather large bump on the back of his head from the professor his hitting him with a book. He had probably deserved it, seeing as he was staring off into space, and had been for about 5 minutes, not even noticing as the teacher tried to get his attention till the book hit his head with a 'thunk'. It was a rather heavy book too. One of the large psychology textbooks that they all had, and it had hurt a lot. But it had gotten him to pay attention for the rest of class, and now he was headed off, he didn't have work today so he thought he was just going to head off and spend some time in the park.

The park was a rather large affair, it was actually the campus center, but the building was underground, leaving the top to be covered in grass, trees, flower beds, and benches. His usual spot that he and few others hung out at was on the edge of one of the rec fields, it was a nice little spot with a few benches under a large old oak. However tom never made it to the spot, he didn't even make it 10 feet into the park before he felt a little tingle up his spine. He looked about and there, trudging down one of the paths and off out of the park. Needless to say, tom followed, booking it down his own path and taking a sharp right, running as fast as he could with his heavy bag, dodging past a group of giggling girls who shouted something insulting that made them all laugh, after him and out of the park. Once he was out he looked around wildly, just spotting the bright white tail slipping through the closing door of a café. Tom looked around to be sure there was no other white fox in sight before trudging over to the café and peering inside. There he could see an array of chairs and tables with several furs sitting around, some talking, others reading or simply sitting as they enjoyed there drinks. And there by the counter was the fox, no one seemed to notice him, not the crow behind the counter, not the wolf at the counter, not anybody. And as tom watched, another strange thing happened. The crow lady behind the counter who was making a drink for the wolf finished and pushed it across the counter to him, and just as the wolf was about to pick it up the fox grabbed it, he simply reached out and snagged it from between the wolfs paws. Tom immediately expected the wolf to be angry and grab it back, but he didn't, instead something seemed to snap, and the wolf was looking back at the crow behind the counter as she made him his drink. It was the exact same as it was before, only now the fox had a drink and was walking out the door. He turned right and started off down the street, the cup in his hands steaming slightly as he went.

And tom followed, close behind the fox, who for all he was didn't seem to notice him at all, even when he walked right up next to him and asked, "how did you do that?" the fox seamed to ignore him, or not hear him anyway. It wasn't until he waved his arm in front of the fox's face that he was noticed, the fox looked over at him, and blinked, Tom stared right back as they walked. The fox looked to his other side, then behind him, then back at tom, then blinked again and spoke, "umm, y-you want something?" his voice was nice, a little high for a boy, but none the less masculine.

"Well, I asked how did you do that." Said tom

The wolf looked around again, this time slightly more worriedly, and then responded, "Do what?"

Tom sighed, "You know what, you took that drink and no one noticed, and earlier today you walked right through me. Now how did you do it?" Insisted the cat.

The fox's eyes grew wide and he licked at his lips, his hands tight on the drink in his hands, "well, I-umm...you shouldn't be able to see me..."

Tom raised an eyebrow, "oh? And why not? You're here aren't you?" he asked

"Well yes and no." the fox responded, "I'm...well look it's too difficult to explain at the moment, but the point is, how can you see me, nobody can see me. That's the point of what I am." He said.

"Well what exactly are you then?" asked tom. "its not every day someone just walks through me."

The fox sighed and hung his head, "look, i can't telly you here, and to be perfectly honest i'm not the best one to explain it." he said, "but i can take you to the person wh can, you can see me, and i can't just leave you here. Because if you can see me theres no telling what you might see or do, and the last thing i need on my hands is the blood of an innocent who i just brushed off. hell, you might even prove useful, now do you want to go and see the person who can explain it all?"

Tom blinked then, and looked around for anybody. But there was nobody, so he swallowed and nodded, "y-yeah I would."

The fox grinned, "Good! Not come over her" he said, reaching into his pocket and drawing out a rather old looking brass key, "now then, if I'm correct you're going to able to see this. When you do, don't freak out, just stay calm and follow me very closely. Have you got that?" he asked.

Tom nodded and watched as the fox pushed the key through the air, it seemed to meet resistance for a moment, then with a twist of his wrist the fox turned the key and a click was heard, then suddenly a sparkling light filled toms vision, it was strange, he could see it but at the same time he couldn't see it. He had to squint or peer from the corner of his eyes to see it. It was like sparkling dust moat in the air, the color of twilight and it almost seemed to tang the air with the smell of something like a long lost dream. But he could see it, and that was all that mattered.

The fox smiled as he saw the look on tom's face, he then stepped forward and through the dust moat, his body seeming to disappear as it entered, "well? C'mon and follow me." He said. "Or I'll leave you behind."

Tom blinked and started forward, "w-wait!" he said, and the fox looked back at him, just his head sticking you of the space in the air.

"What?" he asked.

"Can I know you name before I go with you. I'm tom."

The fox grinned and said simply, "you can call me Ren." And with that he disappeared. Tom looked at the light for a second, then followed, walking through the dust moat and after Ren.

After he was through the dancing lights slowly dissipated and the key fell to the ground, when it hit it shattered into copper dust which blew away on the breeze.


A well folk that's it for the first chapter of this, I plan to write more on it...I hope.

So please leave feedback!