South Hills: Hot Winter Nights

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#4 of South Hills Stories

The following should not be viewed by anyone under 18, those offended by graphic sexual material, or those living where laws prohibit viewing such material. The accounts are completely fictional and any resemblance to actual events or real sexual acts is purely coincidental.

"He really showed you his cock!?" Felina exclaimed. "Shhh keep it down," Desai admonished. "Did you touch it?" Nalogia asked, curiously. "He made me, but I ran before anything else happened." Desai recalled the events of a few months ago. "That good looking stallion was naked in front of you and you chose to run? I would've fucked him so hard." Felina lustfully responded, licking her lips. "You would've what!?" Desai exclaimed in shock. "Not everyone is a total whore like you, Felina." Nalogia added. "You've had sex before?" Desai asked with confusion. The other two simply looked at one another before erupting in laughter.

The three girls were all enjoying one another's company in the modestly sized living room. Felina, the oldest of the females was a 12 year old tigress. She stood about 5'6 with bright orange fur and well defined black stripes. Her eyes were emerald green and she sported modest mounds of flesh on her chest. Nalogia was a buxom young mare, slightly younger than Felina, having turned 12 within the week. She was about 5'11 and strong. Her progress through maturity gave her well defined thighs and calves beneath painted brown and white fur. Her eyes were a hazel-green that seemed to brighten and dull with the lights. Her recent maturity had given her large, supple breasts that were nearly as big as Desai's head. Desai was a rabbit and the smallest of the trio. She was also the younger at age 11. She was 5'0 and had soft, snow white fur like her mother. She had soft brown eyes and long pointed ears. Desai was slender and sleek with the well-defined body of a gymnast, but small muscles and toned stomach and rear. Unlike her counterparts, she wasn't as far along in the pubertal process and only possessed small developing buds beneath her small night gown. The other two girls were equally sporting small, thin night gowns.

Felina had been friends with Nalogia since the two were 5 years old. The pair had spent many a night together at one another's houses in the South Hills district. Desai was the newer to the friendship, knowing the pair for only about a year prior to this event. The three were spending a night together during the winter break in school. The wind was biting cold outside and the girls were comfortable in Nalogia's quaint den with a roaring fire to keep them warm. The plan was for Nalogia's parents to enjoy a quick night out and bring back some films for the girls to enjoy after. In the meantime, Nalogia's older brother Rifkin was to stay behind and keep watch over the trio during their absence. He was keeping to himself in his room with an ear out for any trouble.

"The feline has been getting fucked for almost a year. I can't even keep track anymore, who was the last one? Mr. Straglin wasn't it?" Nalogia commented, her laughter subsiding. Desai just remained in stunned silence, scarcely believing her friend had slept with the school's health/PE teacher. "Second to last, but he was a thick one, Nallie." Felina responded, using her friend's nickname. "A big cock on that boar?" Nallie interrupted. "That too, but I meant that he couldn't take the hint at all. No matter how strongly I came onto him, he seemed oblivious. I couldn't fail such an easy class, my parents would kill me so I had to take drastic measures." Desai listened, still speechless from all the new sordid details she was learning about her two friends. "You skipped and slacked off so much, I bet you had to let him fuck you in order to pass." Nalogia chided. "Yeah, well the last day of PE, you know before the health final and grades were due to be calculated, I went to his office while everyone was changing. I didn't have any panties on and after begging and claiming to do anything to help my grade I accidently dropped my book." Felina continued her story. "The day neither of you showed up and his teaching assistant had to run everything? Must've worked," Nalogia commented, encouraging Felina to finish her story. "Better than expected, as I was bent over, he didn't say a word and just stuffed his cock inside me. He was no Mateo, but the old man wasn't bad and knew he had me over a barrel so to speak. Had to let him put me over the desk and literally fuck me in the ass to get out of that mess. Spent the whole period getting filled with boar cum," Felina finished her story.

"You let him fuck you in the ass?" Nallie was now shocked at this newly revealed piece of gossip. "Had no choice really, plus I'd been curious for a little while, you know." Felina added. "I thought it was just talk, didn't think either of us would seriously do it. How was it?" Nallie gushed. "Different, but not so bad. At first it hurt a lot, but felt a little good. By the end it felt pretty good and hurt a little. Don't know if I would say it was better than having your pussy filled, but definitely something I'd do again at the very least for a change in pace." The tigress reflected on her experience. "You really are a total whore!" Nallie nearly exclaimed. "You're not so pure yourself there, snow white. Still making the whirlwind tour through your brother's old friends?" Felina insinuated. "It was only two ..." Nallie started before Felina cut her off. "Don't lie to me, bitch." The tigress joked, "I know about T.J. and Jaquellin." Nallie surrendered the point, but shot back, "So, it was four guys, but for you it's called a slow Tuesday!" The pair started laughing, no real malice in the entire exchange.

The two laughed for but a moment before they almost simultaneously realized that Desai was not partaking. "What's the matter, Desai? You didn't know we were having sex?" Nallie asked. "No ... I had no idea, I've never ..." The rabbit trailed off. "You've never had sex, your past due honey. I had 4 notches by this time in my 11th year." Felina boasted. "Easy, not everyone is as advanced as you." Nallie chided her friend, recognizing that the comment could've been hurtful to the young rabbit or at the very least very uncomfortable. Neither Nallie or Felina disliked Desai, Felina just was much more impulsive and far less calculating than the other two. "Sorry Desai, so do you even find boys attractive yet? If you don't find Mateo to be good looking, then you may not be old enough." Felina asked the young rabbit. "Well, he does look pretty, but he is such a jerk I can never think of him in that way again. Now when I look at him, all I see is ego and hurtful comments." Desai stated with disgust, having a little more dignity than Felina. "We're not talking hanging out with him, we're talking about letting him fuck you with that juicy cock every once and awhile." The tigress responded. Desai gave Felina an appalled look. "Felina!" Nallie, sensing the awkwardness of the moment, again had to correct her friend.

Felina realized she was being too forward with Desai who had always been more shy and reserved than herself and Nallie. "Well, what about Nallie's brother, Rif? You find him attractive?" Felina asked. "Ewww, he's my brother!" Nallie responded quickly. "And!? Have you even looked at the guy, he's way cuter than the guys on your posters upstairs." Felina commented, referring to the generic teenage actor who was the flavor of the month. "I'm not supposed to think of my brother that way, do you think of yours that way?" Nallie asked. "Fuck no! But then again my brother is ass ugly." The three girls had a good laugh at Felina's comment. "Your brother is super hot, but he's also very sweet. I guess that's why I like him so much better than Mateo." Desai added, responding to the tigress' original question. "So do you touch yourself while thinking of him the way I do?" Felina asked bodly. Both Nallie and Desai were dumbstruck and blushing deeply. However, only Desai's embarrassment could be seen through her white fur. "Yes ..." Desai responded meekly, shocking Nallie even further. "Does the thought of his hard body fucking you with his cock make you cum? I get off faster touching myself to his pictures than from any other male I've fucked." Felina added, hand rubbing her covered sex as she recalled the nights of wanton lust. "Cum?" Desai asked innocently.

"Can we please stop talking about Rif like this? it's awkward!" Nallie asked after a brief moment of thinking about her sibling's hard body. "What kind of question is that, you touch yourself to cum right?" Felina asked, scatterbrained and abandoning Nallie's brother for a moment. Desai remained silent and stared at the floor. "Shit, she's never cum before Nallie." Felina extrapolated the rabbit's silence. "Just because she didn't learn as fast as you, doesn't mean there's anything wrong. You floundered through misguided groping just like me." Nallie stated sliding next Desai who was hugging her knees in silence. "It's okay Desai, we both went through it too." The mare comforted the shy rabbit with a warm embrace. Relaxing the grip on her own knees, Desai rested her head against the mare's warm shoulder. "What does it mean to cum?" The rabbit's voice trembled as she asked. Nallie kept one arm around the slender rabbit and responded, "it's hard to explain. You'd know it if you felt it, so I suppose the best way is to show you." Nallie almost whispered into the rabbits sensitive ears. Her right arm still holding Desai against her shoulder, the mare moved the left down the hare's flat belly and lightly caressed her covered sex.

Desai gasped at the stimulation and turned to Nallie, eyes wide. "What are you doing?" The rabbit asked innocently. "Showing you what it means to cum, you have to touch it in the right way for the right amount of time before it happens. No words can describe it." Nallie spoke in a soft comforting voice. "But, we're not supposed to do this, only boys can ..." Desai trailed off while turning her head away in shame. She clasped her spry legs tightly around the mare's hands, but the rabbit made no attempt to move away from Nallie's caress. "Boys are better in my opinion, but don't discount what we can do for each other. Felina and I have made each other cum several times." Nallie explained. Desai looked toward Felina who was sitting across the den from the cuddling females. "I was thinking of Rif most of those times, but it's true." Felina confirmed with a nod. Nallie responded with a quick dirty look. With her right hand, Nallie gently nudged the rabbit's cheek to allow their gaze to meet. The rabbit's soft, brown eyes begged for understanding and Nallie's gave a reassuring, yet determined glare. "You want to know why some boys drive you insane? Why you feel the need to touch yourself down there when you see or think about some of them? You need to let this happen ..." Nallie's voice gradually lowered before she pressed her soft equine lips toward Desai's

The rabbit's whole body tensed up at this new stimulation. Her mind telling her everything was wrong, but her body remained frozen. Could they still be friends if she retreated? Why was she enjoying another girl's touch as much as her own? Why was her body fighting her mind's request to break the embrace? Desai's mind raced with several questions as she attempted to calculate the best move. She had always been very thoughtful with her decisions and tried to apply the same process here. However, she found it hard to focus with her lips enganged in a passionate kiss with her friend. Not to mention the steady stroking of the mare's fingers against her young slit. As her thought process raced, she lost focus on keeping her body rigid and almost completely relaxed. Nallie, focused and more experienced took the opportunity to slide her hand up the bunny's small night gown and rub her sex through the thin layer of the girl's panties. Desai both relaxed and exhilarated by the closer touch gasped during the kiss allowing Nallie's tongue to explore her mouth. It was now futile for Desai to attempt rational thought in this haze of sexual stimulation, but she tried anyway. This allowed her body to fully embrace the advances of the mare as her inhibitions were drowned out by her warm sex.

The pair continued for a minute or two, allowing Desai to form a very wet spot on her little panties. Nallie finally broke the prolonged kiss, a small strand of saliva connecting the two young girl's lips. Desai's hips ground instinctively against the mare's gyrating hand as her small chest heaved with pants of pleasure. "That a girl. Embrace it and you'll find the answer." Nallie cooed, continuing to stimulate the bunny's preteen cunt. Desai simply nodded her submission to the pleasure flooding her small body. Nallie turned her gaze to Felina who was lewdly spread eagle on the other side of the den, fingers deep inside her pussy and thumb rapidly stroking her swollen clit. Nallie gave a wink as she slid off the sofa and came to her knees on the floor. She gingerly wrapped her fingers around the bunny's panties and slid them over her small, tight rump. Despite the cold season, Desai was flushed and removed her thin night gown as well, fully bare before her friends. Nallie leaned close, her hot breath against Desai's now bare pussy sent shockwaves through the rabbit. These sensations were nothing to exploding feeling she received as the mare's broad, wet tongue lapped across her moist folds.

"What ... are ... you doing?" Desai asked between uncontrolled pants. She pushed with both hands against the mare's forehead, hoping to drive the mare's tongue back from her swollen cunt. Nallie was determined and grasped the rabbit's soft ass and pulled her wanting sex toward the mare's muzzle. Desai was overcome both mentally and physically from the mare's tongue lapping her tight slit. Her body writhed and she bucked her hips against the mare's muzzle uncontrollably. Now even though she wanted to withdraw, her mind was so clouded with need for sexual gratification that her body would not even mount the feeble attempt against the mare's strong grip. Satisfied that Desai was finished resisting, Nallie wrapped her arms under the bunny's thighs and allowing her hands to reach over and spread Desai's swollen lips. Torrents of nectar poured from the virgin flower as Nallie forced her tongue deep inside the bunny's folds. Desai's back arched and she let out soft moans of pleasure as she experienced penetration for the first time. Desai closed her eyes tightly and was now instinctively pushing Nallie's face against her thrusting hips. Copious amounts of Desai's pussy juice flooded Nallie's mouth, causing the mare's own young cunt to start dripping as well. The mare happily swallowed the offerings, but streams of the fluid dripped from her chin as the small bunny produced significant volumes of lubrication. More than Felina had ever given up. "YES, I never thought it could feel this good!" Desai attempted to moan, but could only squeak between pants of pleasure. Spurred on by her approval, the mare thrashed her tongue violently against her pink, moist walls. Her fingers pinching and teasing the bunny's engorging clit as Nallie hungrily helped herself the bunny's virgin pussy. Desai may have lacked the curves and breasts of maturity, but Nallie knew her sex was ready for a cock with how easily she probed the pink flesh. The two were in complete lust, eyes closed and senses only heightened to the pleasure being produced by their young flowers. So much so that they didn't notice their third was no longer in the room.


Rifkin was an 18 year old stallion, the elder and only brother of Nalogia. Their parents were simple, spending 3 generations in the poor areas of Valenburg. Rifkin was lucky though. A very nice private prep school in the sub-urban area surrounding the cities had a program to provide a full ride to underprivileged students. A calculated PR move by the schools, but certainly a great benefit in Rifkin's favor. He vastly exceeded the academic requirements and even put the "higher standards" of Spring Vale in their place. He was also quite athletic, starring on the football team at running back and winning back to back championships for the school. He was an exceptional student athlete that went above and beyond the requirements for his scholarship. The stallion worked hard in practice and the classroom, wanting to use either of those skills to finally move beyond the generations of poverty his parents and grandparents endured.

It wasn't easy, and he didn't do it alone. His father, the owner of a small grocery store in the South Hills lobbied hard for his son to be considered when Rif "didn't exactly fit the demographic they were looking for." Posturing, feel good bullshit was how his father referred to it. He wasn't looking for a handout, and made sure Rifkin knew that as well. In his early teens, while working in the grocery store, Rif was reminded ad nausem that he was to earn everything he received if he were accepted. Being poor was a fairly good thing for the stallion, there was little he could do to distract himself outside of study and practice. What little money he or his parents could muster was spent on supplies not covered by the school and transportation home during the breaks.

Rif was fairly close to his sister, although they had very different personalities. He was always more quiet and subdued, while his sister was much more outgoing and active. While his father was working extra for both money and lack of adequate help at the grocery store, Rif became the prominent male figure in the house. He was patient and always calm with his sister, but also took the role as fierce protector when it came to bullies and the like. This extended to her friends as well with even Desai falling under his blanket of protection a few times in her brief friendship with the mare. Nallie would never play with him growing up, but when hurt, scared, or upset he was the first one she approached for comfort.

Rif had grown during his 3 and half years away into a statuesque stallion. He stood at 8'9" with mostly black fur that was intermittently splattered with white. He had large muscles, but on his large frame, they made for a sleek, lean figure. He had his sister's eyes. He was the most sought after male in his prep school, but his personality did not allow him to take advantage of this. Very fortunate for the other males at Spring Vale as most would be an afterthought to their girlfriend's if Rif came calling. Instead, he was cultivating a romance with a lovely dragoness from the school after dating for nearly a year. For the last two months, they had finally started having sex on a regular basis. The stallion longed for her touch in this cold night as he stroked his 30 inch member. He stared out the window into the cold, windless night watching plump snowflakes lazily drift toward the ground.

Rif was broken from his thoughts by a gently rapping at his door. He quickly slipped on a pair of gym shorts, remember his charge of the three girls down stairs and cracked open the door. "The fire is out down stairs and there is some smoke coming into the den, we need help." Felina relayed with noticeable worry in her voice. Concerned that something had blocked the chimney, a problem he had no idea how to fix, he opened the door to at least make sure the house wasn't filling with smoke. Felina was almost caught gawking at the shirtless stallion and the large bulge beneath his shorts. Rif motioned for Felina to quickly lead the way and followed her down stairs.

Rif couldn't help but notice the round curves of the tigress beneath the silky night gown. His nostrils catching the scent of her wet sex, but in his mind had not yet identified the scent. The stallion eagerly followed the tigress down stairs and approached the den from the hall. As he approached, he could see the flicker of what was likely a fire on the carpet across from the entrance to the den. Perhaps one of the other girls restarted the fire, he thought, although the idea that some fun was being had at his expense did cross his mind. Although as he approached, another sound tickled his ears and before his mind even registered what he was hearing, Rif was greeted with a shocking sight.

In almost petrified awe, the powerful stallion stood just outside the den observing his younger sister force her tongue into Desai's dripping cunt. Nallie was on her knees, legs spread wide and two fingers thrusting in and out of her pink folds. Her firm, round rump high in the air, practically begging to be taken from behind. The mare's other hand was extended and stimulating the Desai's erect nipples as her tongue lapped at the bunny's inner folds. Desai's eyes remained shut as her body writhed and her hips grinded against the mare's intruding tongue. Nallie's inner thighs were moist from the juices her flower produced. "I think ... I think ... I'm going to cum!" Desai moaned as she arched her back. A splash of warm juices rushed from the rabbit's moist folds and coated Nallie's tongue. The mare simply redoubled her efforts in response to the taste. The bunny's body rhythmically tightened and relaxed as the first ever orgasm sent her to heights of pleasure never imagined. The mare's stimulation only prolonged the feeling which lasted nearly a minute before her body completely relaxed. Nallie's tongue continued to probe the rabbit's folds even as her orgasm subsided. Desai simply slumped back, a thin smile across her face as she kept her eyes closed to savor the moment.

Rif finally opened his mouth, wanting to confront what was going on before a small finger was pressed against his lips. Felina was on her tip toes reaching as far as she could just to do so. "Let them enjoy the moment. Plus, this isn't any worse than what I saw you doing with this big thing." Felina whispered her bluff while running her other hand across the stallion's covered cock. Rif batted her hand away, but didn't confront his sister either. Rather the male simply watched, trying to accept the sexual creature his sister was becoming. He was also surprised that the little bunny had any interest at all as her naked body seemed far too immature for such things.

"That was amazing! You're right, words could never describe that." Desai breathed, chest still heaving from her recent orgasm. "The only way you'd understand, glad you went along." Nallie stated as she finally removed her muzzle from the rabbit's dripping cunt. "I know it bothered you, but while you were doing that I was thinking of ... RIF!!" Desai's voice cracked as she opened her eyes midsentence to see the stallion standing just at the entrance to the hall. The bunny attempted to cover herself as Nallie whipped her head around and laid eyes on her brother. The mare too tried to cover herself, pulling the night gown over her exposed rump and turning around. "I thought he'd like to see what you guys were up to. And he seemed so lonely up there playing with this thing all by himself," the tigress stated as she, with great effort, pulled the equine cock free of its cloth prison. Desai gasped as her eyes feasted on the throbbing 30 inch cock. It had incredible girth, easily as much as her arm was almost half her body's entire length, minus the ears of course. Nallie too was amazed, seeing her brother in an all new light. She felt a visceral aversion to looking at her brother's bare form, but her sex hungry pussy begged her to fix her gaze. Nallie had lied when she said she had not thought about her brother that way. He was stunning, but she knew she was not supposed to have any sexual desire for her own sibling so she suppressed the thoughts.

Rif certainly had never thought of his sister in that way before. Although given time he likely would have given the beauty she had become since the last time he saw her. She was likely to be as gorgeous as he was handsome, and now he was eyeing her in the same light he eyed his dear dragoness at Spring Vale. Rif, still wrapping his mind around the entire situation didn't resist Felina's tugging on his hand leading him into the den. The tigress plopped down opposite her friends as Rif stood in the middle of the room, engorged member still exposed to the three preteen females. "You don't have to play alone when we're here." Felina stated, legs spread lewdly before the stallion. The smell of all three female's pussies was mesmerizing Rif as he subconsciously stroked his member. "It's so big!" Desai cooed, her hands equally moving on their own to stimulate her wet slit. Nallie was amazed that her brother was stroking his massive erection before her and her friends. "Rif, it's not what it looks like." She stammered. "It's exactly what it looks like," Felina quickly responded, "and he was playing with that big tool all by himself up stairs when we have each other to play with. That's just not fair." Both the equine siblings blushed deeply, shame that the other knew about their sexual exploits.

"You can go back upstairs, but a stud like you should not have to take care of himself." Felina said with a sly wink, her hands holding her swollen lips apart. The dancing light of the fire glistened off the moist, pink flesh. Rif's mind raced, weighing the situation. She was too young, his parents would be home soon, his sister was in the same room, and he had known her since she was five years old. All these thoughts pleaded with him to reteat. But his longing for a woman's touch, the impressive curves and wet sex before him, and the fact that Felina was the only female he knew longer than Nallie since severing all ties with the South Hills over 3 years ago. "Nallie?" Rif stood, finding merits in leaving or staying, deferred to his sister. The mare paused, still eyeing her sculpted brother as she too was conflicted by the fact that he was her brother, yet outside of that she would be begging for his member more than Felina was. "We really shouldn't ..." the mare started. "Come on, girl. There is no law saying you can't watch." Felina interrupted, begging to be penetrated. Nallie paused again, her aversion to her brother growing dim now that her sex was wanting and his near perfect form was before her. "Go ahead, brother. Fuck her."

Desai's finger work was getting the bunny hot and bothered as well. She slid off the sofa and approached Felina on the opposite side of the room. Nallie gave her a questioning look. "He's not my brother, I want to play too." The mare responded with a shocked gasp, but quickly realized that no one could blame the bunny for being smitten by Rif. Desai straddled Felina, their warm cunts almost touching. Felina slid the arms of her night gown down, exposing her pert tits and she begged for the stallion's cock. Rif was eager to oblige, his mind coming to peace with what he was about to do. The large stallion spread his legs and squatted down to position himself. The broad head of his cock pressing against Felina's swollen lips. The tigress let out a soft moan as she reflexively reached down and spread her lips wide for the large equine cock. Desai, evermore curious started rubbing her hands up and down Felina's sides before gently caressing her exposed tits. "That feels good, girl. Keep doing that while this stud fucks me." The tigress encouraged the bunny.

Nallie gazed in awe as her brother's muscles rippled beneath his fur as he positioned himself to fuck the 12 year old tigress. His legs were massive, and powerful. His haunches and ass firm and his balls hung low, heavy with horse cum. Her flower was exploding in desire and yearned to be stimulated. He was clearly the best looking male she had seen in this way before, but there was something else that stirred deep inside the mare that made him all the more appealing. Nallie's desire was made even more intense by the sudden gasp of the tigress.

Felina relaxed herself as much as possible when she felt the thick head of the equine's member part her folds. The pink flesh stretched to accommodate his girth. One hand supporting his squatting stance, the other reached over Desai's thighs and braced the tigress hip for his penetration. Slow and steady pressure, Felina's lips involuted as inch after inch of the stallion cock disappeared into her depths. The tigress moaned and her body quivered at the entrance of the large stallion. Cunt lips were stretched to the point of breaking around the large diameter member just before Rif met the resistance of her young cervix. Nearly 10 inches of his cock was now nestled into the preteen's dripping cunt. "You're fucking huge!" Felina panted as her body quivered while she attempted take his size. The stallion stopped, knowing he'd reached his limit and allowed her a moment to accept his large cock.

After the tigress' body stopped quivering, Rif slowly withdrew his throbbing cock and pushed it back in with equal caution. The tip of his member glistening from the love nectar the tigress sex was producing. Rif savored the moans of pleasure he produced in the young girl as he methodically thrust in and out of her sensitive flesh. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" Felina started to beg as she became accustomed to the large cock pushing in and out of her pink folds. With a snort, the stallion obliged thrusting faster and harder into the young girl's sex. The tigress hissed as the equine cock smashed against her cervix with ever increasing force. Desai, feeling the heat of the stallion's member radiating to her bare slit, slid her tiny rump toward the thrusting male. Her swollen lips touched the top of his exposed member as he forced himself in and out of the tigress with a quickening pass. Her body quaked from her sex being stimulated for the first time by a man. Desai's young cunt responded by producing a waterfall of juices to bathe Rif's raging member. The bunny, knee's weak, almost fell off the sofa entirely, but her quick reflexes and agile body prevented the embarrassing dismount. She arched her back and extended her arms back to grasp the sides of the stallion's neck. Rif responded by craning his neck over the small bunny's shoulder and pressing his chin against her chest.

Rif easily maintained this awkward stance thanks to his toned, athletic body. Never wavering in his rhythmic thrusts and bracing the bunny that was bucking her small hips against is swollen organ. Nallie couldn't take her eyes off her brother's chiseled muscles. His haunches rippled and his calves contracted without any evidence of strain as he held himself in position to fuck her best friend. Trickles of juices flowed from a neglected slit as her eyes feasted upon the stallion's haunches rhythmically pumping the tigress. The room filled with forceful wails of pleasure from Felina mixed with low moans from Desai and Rif's rhythmic grunts with each thrust of his throbbing cock.

In spite of her prowess, the tigress only lasted a minute in this position before her orgasm flooded her body. The view of the slender rabbit grinding against the large cock thrusting into her depths and the idea that the standard she held all males to was now fucking her young cunt was the last straw. Juices seeped around the tight seal her sex made with the stallion's cock, creating a slurping sound as he continued thrusting in and out of her young body. Felina wanted to speak, but could only mouth the words as she was breathless from the pleasure that was wracking her body. Even with her experience, this orgasm was so much more intense, different, and better than any she'd experienced so far. Rif drank in the sounds of pleasure from the young girl and focused on the tightening of her pink walls against his sensitive cock with each thrust.

Felina's body relaxed short order and her chest heaved to recover from the powerful orgasm. Rif held Desai steady as he allowed her to again straddle the tigress. Their sweet slits again, caressing each other as Desai gazed upon the euphoric expression on Felina's face. Still rock hard, Rif allowed his member to slide free from the tigress' freshly fucked sex. Holding his now wet member with one hand, he pressed it against the small opening of the rabbit. The sensation radiated through Desai and she turned back toward the stallion. She bit her lip and her eyes looked deep into his with fear. Rif's eyes were soft and focused. Without words, she knew he was asking if she wanted it. She viewed the stallion's very enticing form, but found deeper attraction to the warm heart she had come to know from her few interactions with the male. She could not think of a better man to be her first. Eyes nearly welling up in tears of joy at this situation, Desai nodded.

The bunny's pussy was absolutely dripping, making for the already lubricated cock's entrance very easy. The flaring head of the Stallion's cock entered her small slit and her body quaked at the intrusion. Rif simply pushed past the resistance, allowing inch by precious inch of his enormous member to enter the 11 year old. Desai breathed deep, feeling the uncomfortable stretch, but pleasurable caress and heat of the cock entering her body. Thinking he would encounter her cervix eventually, the stallion was surprised as he passed 10 inches without finding her depth. She shook when he finally bottomed out at 12 inches. A furrow could be seen bulging beneath the white fur of her abdomen as her sex engulfed the hot organ. Felina's ego would've be crushed if Rif were to let her know that the young rabbit was taking more of his member than she could, but he was going to keep that to himself. Desai equally didn't care about that aspect, but rather was almost overwhelmed to the point of orgasm from her first penetration. The warmth and the veins of his cock stimulated her in ways that Nallie's tongue could never hope to achieve.

The young rabbit's sex provided more nectar to lubricate Rif's cock, and her young body needed to catch up to the maturity of her tight slit as it easily accommodated the stallion's cock. Again, taking measure of the youth he was deflowering, he steadily withdrew and pushed back in allowing Desai to dictate the pace she could handle. "Please ... fuck me, Rif. I've touched myself so many times thinking of this." Desai breathed, looking back into the stallions hazel eyes. These words were more arousing than any of the talk he had with other females his age. Eyes locked on one another, he thrust into her wanting sex with quick rapid contractions of his haunches. She closed her eyes, breaking their gaze to deal with the increased force of the intrusion. She simple pleaded for more despite the ever increasing tempo of his thrusts. Strands of Desai's juices dripped to the floor when the stallion's cock withdrew from her preteen cunt. This continued for a short moment until Rif reached his peak, thrusting in and out of the rabbit as fast as he possible while maintaining control to not force beyond the 12 inches she could take. His snorts and grunts equally becoming more rapid in tune with the having panting of the small bunny whose virginity he was harshly taking.

Finally Desai was overcome with pleasure, sensing her impending orgasm she arched her back up. She extended her hands and grasped Felina's small tits as she braced herself against the tigress below her. Rif lightly grasped the rabbit's sensitive ears with one hand and placed the other on his hip as he thrust his throbbing cock into her tight passage. "It feels so good, I'm going to cum!" Desai moaned as Rif focused on providing the most pleasure possible to the virgin little girl. Her moist walls tightened against his raging cock as he thrust violently into the small rabbit's cunt. The familiar slurping sound as Rif's cock almost turned the Desai's tight folds inside out with each withdraw of his cock.

Desai, the waves of pleasure eventually subsiding, leaned forward allowing the stallion's cock free of her wet lips and collapsed against Felina. The limber bunny then rolled lazily to one side and looked up at the stallion that had just taken her precious virginity. Again, without words her brown eyes thanked the male who graciously accepted her gratitude. Nallie now had streams of juices flowing from her swollen lips as she looked at the completely satisfied expression on her friend's face. She admired the swollen member of her brother, still dripping with juices from Desai's freshly fucked cunt. It took her a moment to realize her brother was eying her exposed sex and supple breasts to keep his member erect. Once the realization hit the mare, she quickly attempted to cover herself.

"Don't be like that Nallie. There is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a well-built stallion even if it's your brother. And you are the only chance to make him cum." Felina encouraged, with shallow emotion. "Muscles or not, I wouldn't let just anyone who looks like that be first." Desai added eluding to the deeper emotion that Rif was kind good and noble man. "She needs you," the bunny said to the stallion. Rif's stood tall, looking down at his sister's innocent, yet attractive form. Nallie's eyes traced up the stallion's body and met the gentle gaze of her brother. "We can't do this," the mare whispered her words as she saw the desire in her brother's eyes. Her body yearned to be entwined with his, but her mind was fighting vigorously to keep her notions of what was proper. "Sis, there is no other girl in the world for me right now." Rif's deep, but comforting voice filled his sister's ears as he extended a hand toward the mare. The stallion was nearly as shocked as she was to his own words, finding himself uncontrollably attracted to his sister. It wasn't the familiar lust for a hot, voluptuous body. He had felt that plenty of times before. This was something deeper; the same need that Nallie was experiencing. The mare gingerly reached and took her brother's hand.

Standing in the middle of the room, the hare and tigress eagerly watching the pair, the two equines lost themselves in each other's eyes. The two spectators' anticipation made the stillness seem like an eternity as Rif and Nallie remained speechless, words only cheapening the moment. And almost in synchrony the siblings approached each other slowly, eyes closing and lips finding the warm embrace of their equine counterpart.

Nallie broke first, the gentle embrace only teasing the need within her young sex and her beating heart. She wrapped her hands around her brother's head and pulled his muzzle deep into hers. Tongue pushing, and probing to enter Rif's mouth, the stallion responded by doing the same. The two tongues clashed in the deep embrace repeatedly as both held stern grips on their lovers. The horses' lips almost ached from the intensity of the embrace before Nallie's strong legs leapt up and wrapped around her brother's waist. Rif quickly slid his hand underneath his sister's thighs to grasp her firm, tight ass to hold her in place. The two were now on the same level, continuing their lustful embrace. Rif groped Nallie's perfect ass as she frantically tried to rid herself of the night gown. The two broke their lips for only a moment as the mare finally dispensed of the pesky clothing. Nallie's heaving tits pressed against her brother's hard chest as the two explored one another's bodies and probed each other's mouths.

Nallie again was the first to give in, breaking the embrace. "Please fuck me brother, I must have you." The mare pleaded, hand gently stroking her brother's cheek. Rif didn't say a word, but lifted her ass high enough that he could angle his member to her moist entrance. Drops of his sister's love nectar dripped onto the head of his cock as Rif lowered Nallie's bottom to meet his raging member. Her swollen lips sat gently against the head of the stallion's 30 inch shaft. Both hands spreading Nallie's ass wide, the mare wrapped one hand around her brother's neck and used the other to help the erect organ enter her most private place. Rif, desperate to be deep inside his sister's pink folds quickly pulled her juicy ass down and thrust his cock up. She easily took half his shaft before the stretching of her young vessel started to impede the progress. Nallie's body supplied more juice, eager to take as much of her brother in as it could. With few snorts from Rif and whinnies from Nallie, 20 inches of horse cock was now tightly held by the mare's underage sex. Both equines quivered from pleasure and fulfillment neither ever knew existed.

"Your cock is so big, it feels good inside my pussy." Nallie moaned, her body relaxing around the enormous member inside her. "My little sister is all grown up, your pussy is nice and tight," Rif replied with a smile. The mare smiled back before responding, "make me cum on your cock, brother." Rif wasted little time, lifting his sister off his cock and relaxing his haunches before pushing back in. Nallie was much better suited for the male's large size and allowed the stallion to easily advance his pace. The mare grasped the back of her brother's head and moaned with pleasure, her tight pussy contracting around the horse cock as it withdrew. Her body was practically begging for her brother's seed. Rif focused on making sure he didn't hurt the young girl with his size, just as he did with the other two underage girls. The stallion deftly coordinated pulling his sister downward to meet the apex of each thrust by his powerful haunches. Nallie never wavering, whispered "fuck me" repeatedly into her brother's ear. It wasn't until his sister's perfect ass rested against his thighs that the stallion noticed more of his cock was sinking into the pink depths of his sister's warm sex.

"She got the whole thing in!?" Desai squeaked with shock as she vigorously rubbed her clit. Felina was sitting next to the small hare, one hand pushing two fingers inside Desai's dripping sex and the other rubbing her own wet lips. "I've never seen anyone fuck their brother before! This may be better than getting fucked by that stud." Felina added. The pair continued to play with their moist openings while moaning softly, however their sounds fell on deaf ears. Both Nallie and Rif were entranced with each other. Rhythmic thrusting of one sibling into the other's yearning sex was all they could focus on. Despite the audience, the two were all alone on this cold winter night.

Rif, holding his sister on his large shaft, sat to the floor and laid back. Nallie's knees found the carpet allowing her to brace herself against the stallion's chest with her hands. She savored the feel of her brother's soft fur over the hard muscles of his chest. She arched her back, allowing her swollen sex to take the best angle for her brother's thrusts. Rif wasted no time and quickly went to work pounding his entire length into his sister with reckless abandon. The stallion's cum laden balls slapping hard against the soft fur of Nallies' ass. Her body rocked with each violent collision as his massive thighs collided against her hips with each thrust. The mare's moans of wanton lust and the crash of the stallion's hips with each thrust drowned out all sound in the room. Nallie's perfect tits heaved with every forceful entry of the horse cock as the soft, fleshy mounds swayed before her brother's eyes. The mare was even more aroused by the look of determination from her snorting brother as she took the ferocious rutting of the powerful stallion. Again and again the entire 30 inches of horse cock disappeared inside Nallies preteen pussy. Despite his experience, the taboo and strong need he felt was driving him to cum more quickly than usual.

"I'm going to ... going to ... CUM! Keep fucking me just like that." Nallie pleaded while panting for breath. "Fight it, sis. For just for a little longer." Rif grunted as he redoubled his efforts to cum in harmony with his sister. Nallie bit her lip and attempted to slow the unrelenting assault of her impending orgasm. It felt futile, and she was unsure she had really slowed anything when her tight flower exploded with nectar. Her hot juices splashed against her brother's swaying balls. Rif heard his sister's wails of pleasure just before feeling the tight walls of her young pussy nearly choke his raging member. It was the last push the stallion needed as with one last powerful thrust he hilted himself inside the young cunt. Nallie could feel the rhythmic twitching of the cock inside her a split second before she felt the sudden rush of heat. Thick, warm stallion cum sprang fourth into her depths and filled her possibly fertile womb. The feeling of stretching to accommodate what felt like gallons of cum only reignited her orgasm back to full strength. "Oh brother ... fill me with your cum!" Nallie whinnied as her pink walls milked her brother's swollen cock for every drop of seed. The waves of pleasure and the moans of the equines drowned out the exclamations of bliss from the tigress and bunny as Felina and Desai released torrents of juices in response to their own orgasms. The four anthro's exploded simultaneously in sexual bliss.

Rif's haunches tightened and relaxed for almost a full minute as he pumped his sister full from weeks of pent up sexual energy. Thick white strands of cum oozed out from around the seal Nallie's young pussy had around her brother's equine member. The mare simply collapsed onto her brother's heaving chest and the two lay in silence. Rif gently rubbed her shoulder as she rested her weary head against his chest and listened to the rhythmic beat of her brother's heart. The equine's member eventually softened and popped free of the mare's freshly stretched sex and ropes of horse cum dribbled from Nallie's slit.

Desai and Felina were fast asleep from exhaustion after having two powerful orgasms. Nallie recovering from her own orgasm and finally pulling away from the comforting sound of her brother's heart and breathing, stared into Rif's eyes. "Thank you, brother." These were the most sincere words she had ever spoken. "As long as I breathe, I'll always be the man you need, sis." Rif replied, his hand gently caressing Nallies cheek. "No matter what that looks like," he finished with a smile. Nallie never felt so secure and comforted in her life as she responded with a bright smile before engaging in one last kiss with her loving brother. "Now, you three need to clean up and get those night gowns back on before mom and dad get home. And remember, you know where to find me if you need me." Rif hugged his young sister before leaving the three females in the warm glow of the fire.