Leuphe's Backstory

Story by WaffleBird on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

The backstory to my character, written in first person as an experiment. Even as long as it still is, It's too short ;_;

In the world of Artonia, many nations existed. One central continent, broken into 6 lands, each with it's own geography and climate. Naras was far to the north, the largest and most barren land. Ice crawled slowly there, waiting for nothing. Terra was equally far to the south where only sand was, nomadic warrior tribes making the best living they could. Quite possibly the only reason they existed still was the abundance of golds, metals, and jewels in the mines. Fint was in the middle of the 6, the other 5 surrounding it, acting like a central hub of trade and society. They were the most advanced, in buildings and technology, but hated warfare. On the east, two nations existed, always at a tentative peace, Dela and Leda, each claiming rights over the other in a standstill. Finally, to the west, on a long penninsula, there was Reyt, a land of forests and beasts, high mountains stretching from sea level to the clouds and beyond. And this is where our, or should I say my story, begins. I was born in a small aerie village in Reyt, close to Naras. Snow would sometimes brush over the landscape, painting the black stone mountains and the forests covering them white. I was born in spring, hatched to a loving mother and a missing father, with brilliant blue feathers all over. As I grew, some of the blue changed to white, and I was perfectly normal in the groups of kids with colors like purple and green and orange. Some had wings on their arms, some had wings on their back, like myself, and some unlucky few were born with no wings at all, often doomed to stay in the high village and do the tasks and chores that needed to be done. My best childhood friend was one such bird, wingless with bright purple feathers and an orange chest, a few years my elder. He didn't plan on staying, finding a way out by any means neccesary. Much of my early life was very dull.. I had no father, lost a long time ago, when I was still in an egg. My mother was overly protective and chose to keep me close to her at all times, not wanting to lose me, too. But how I yearned for adventure, to explore the outside world! I was so tired of this small aerie with its wood and stone huts, knowing that there were quite possibly hundreds of caves from ancient times in Reyt to explore. One day, I was granted my wish... At the tender age of 8 summers, I found a small tunnel leading downwards behind some bushes. I checked for the location of my mother and any other adults, finding them all busy. I was in awe, and I grabbed a glowore lantern before heading down, just the perfect size for myself to fit through. I crawled for what seemed like an hour, dark stone walls glimmering with impurities and squeezing around my body uncomfortably. I debated turning back, but trying once, I realized I couldn't turn around and it was too steep to go back up backwards. One way forward. I kept crawling, glowore feeling dimmer against the gloom then it first did, when suddenly I crawled out into air and fell flat on my beak into a stone chamber. I nearly broke my ore, which would have rendered me blind, but I kept it close. Holding it up, I saw images on the walls... Painted in a faint white symbolism which I could not read. The chamber was huge, probably close to 100 paces across, and my lantern only reached through a small part of the darkness. However, I did see one image... a woman-snake consuming someone, fighting rendered useless by her coils. It looked like something out of a nightmare, with a long tail and - Hisssss... What that was, I will never know, as the light from my lantern couldn't reach into the darkness. I do remember clearly running for the tunnel, jumping in, and crawling up so fast I cut my hands and knees deeply. The road back up felt much shorter, but as soon as I got out, I was covered in scrapes, cuts, soot, and tears. "Leuphe! My baby!" I was wrapped in my mother's arms, squeezed to her chest. "Oh my god, where were you?" "I was in the cave there, mother!" pointing to the entry. My eyes were probably wider then saucers, tears in the corners of my mind. The horrified look on her face told me I had done something wrong. She walked to the nearby elder, who was also looking for me with my mother, and frenzied whispers came from both of them. He hollered for some men to bring stone to seal the tunnel, and with that, my short adventuring career was over. I was kept under a closer watch, and I simply had to wait for the day when I could leave the village on my own. It would be ten years later when I could finally explore again. Young birds were not allowed to leave until their 18th featherday, and this was my day. My mother had aged, but she wove me a bag to hold any supplies I would need because she knew she couldn't convince me not to go. I had conferred with the elders, my rite of passage was complete, and I was a full man now. I had flown successfully, proving to them I was capable of handling myself. That was the final test to leaving, if you could not fly away, you could not leave at all. All of the elders themselves were wingless. And now, I stood on the edge of a cliff, feeling a strong breeze blow mist through my feathers. That day was a perfect day to fly. A dive, closing my eyes, spreading my wings, catching the air under them. Blue and white feathers to match the blue sky and white, puffy clouds. I was soaring, familiar weight of the bag on my back and woolen clothes sticking tight to my skin. The windchill and proximity to the northern winds was dangerous, so everyone wore thick wool coats that stuck close to the skin. I saw the sparse forests become more common, and the high mountains I was used to had more soft slopes and brighter rocks. I was flying southwest, noticing the warmer air and the lusher forests. There were a few more towns nearby, but I was on a nice updraft that I felt more comfortable staying in. I passed up these towns to fly over the jungle, a basin surrounded by mountains and waterfalls. The lush greenery captivated me, sun just starting to set and cast a orange glow over it all. I needed to find a place to sleep, and fast... Beasts came out at night, and they were often hostile. I was about to turn back to find the town I had just passed about a half an hour ago, but then I noticed a cave... It was better then sleeping in the forest or trying to beg for a place to stay, and my explorer instincts were piqued. I landed on the edge, and noticed something odd... The walls were too smooth to be natural. The entrance had a ledge perfect for someone in flight to land in. This was man-made, but who made it? Now I was beyond curious, I had to explore. Torches lined the cold stone walls, which was helpful because they were still good, being made of wood and a strange fabric. I lit one, using some of the flint I had in my backpack. The cave went straight forward, then down, and I saw steep stairs heading down. Seeing no other passages, I headed down into the abyss. How foolish I was... Cold air washed over me as I went deeper and deeper. But then, hot air... Soon sweltering under my woolen clothes. I stripped off my shirt, stuffing it into my bag and kept going, lighting some of the torches along the way in case this one went out. Finally, a light at the bottom. I hurried down, almost stumbling, and found myself in a red stone room, blazingly hot... The walls weren't actually red I realized, it was because of the lava at the edges of the room. It illuminated the room and brought my eyes to the middle of the room, wherein lay an orb, a soft gray with reflected red light. It was atop a silver decorated pedestal, looking quite solid, bones scattered about it half-burned. Something told me it was a good idea to try touching it or investigating further, and I crossed the bridge to the island, with gently sloping sides that led into the pool of lava. I stood in front of it hesitantly. I blinked and rose my arm, reaching for the orb to try and pick it up... But as soon as I touched it, my whole body froze in place. I couldn't move an inch, and I felt my feet and soon after my legs tingling... And the pedestal, it was growing! But no, wait... I was sinking! I finally woke myself up and looked down in horror to see myself melting into a puddle. I couldn't feel my legs, my stomach starting to melt into it as well, and to make matters worse, the puddle started to flow like water, heading right towards the lava and carrying me with it. "No!" I yelped, echoing in the empty chamber. The bones were the only ones to hear me, laughing at my idiocy. I lunged using my chest and arms, holding onto the pedestal for dear life, and thank the gods it was solid. But my relief was short-lived... My arms began to melt too, sticking to the pillar messily and collapsing into the puddle around it. I screamed as loud as I could, feeling like my head was being pulled underwater, but... No sound came out, and my head melted along with the rest of my body, creating a huge, sloppy puddle around the pillar. I was panicing, but couldn't move as I felt myself staring at the ceiling, drifting towards the edge... I couldn't control anything. I could only assume the bones belonged to those similar to me... But did I even have bones anymore? I felt myself dripping over the edge, and each time it splashed in the lava it felt like my mind was ripping itself from my body, all over pain. I had to control myself, somehow! I refused to let a trap like this get the better of me. I tried to focus beyond the pain, inching ever closer to death, and found a calm spot, in meditation just like my mother had taught me. I felt one last drip, then I felt a relative sense of control... I moved my puddle back to the pillar, but I couldn't do anything more then that. Hours passed, keeping myself in this delicate balance between life and death. The torture was unbearable, I began to cry, or what I thought was close enough to crying... And I just wished that I could be back into myself again. And I felt a tugging at my mind, and I held onto the strings... And I felt my body start to reform! It was a long and trying experience, not nearly perfected... But I did it. I was myself, mostly. I had lost two feet of height, 7 feet shrinking down to 5, and I was still gooey, dripping all over before the drips raced back to rejoin me. "What... happened?" Forming words was difficult, but I did it. I lived. I turned to the orb, it shimmered and rippled from my touch hours ago. I could only glare at it angrily, not knowing quite why I touched it in the first place. I was going to make sure none fell into the trap like I had. I grabbed it, ready to throw it against the wall or into the lava, but... As soon as I touched it, it melted into me. I was stunned, and I felt so strange... My body was no longer hard to control. Everything felt so easy. I wiggled my fingers in front of my face, it felt just like I was back to normal. I didn't drip anymore, I simply was a liquid, shifting around constantly. "Ahhh..." I groaned, doubling over in sudden pain. It felt like my whole body was changing, rearranging itself to form... My solid body! I was back to normal! The orb was gone, and I was completely back to normal. But... I looked down and blushed. Apparently this transformation had changed my manhood to swell extremely. I'd have trouble fitting that monster back into my pants. Pulling them back on, it was uncomfortably tight, and it stuck out hugely... And I realized I was back to my usual 7 foot height! "Christ, I'm getting out of here..." I muttered. I went back up the stairs, following the lit torches and reviewing the past events in slow motion. How did I survive? What happened to me? I found my bag, left by the entrance, and put it back on, sighing. The sun was just rising, and I didn't get any sleep, only making my exhaustiong worse. But I needed help. I remembered the location of the closet town, and jumped into the air, into flight. It was a short flight, only taking an hour, but I was nearly ready to collapse when I landed. I asked if there was a wisewoman, rare as they were, and this village did indeed have one! A wolfess with wings pointed me to a blue wooden house near the edge of town, giggling, and I set towards it, pushing open the curtain. "My my! What have we here?" a husky voice chimed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I was uh... looking for the wisewoman!" "Well, you found him," the man responded. "Old one passed away a few years back, and I'm the only one who knows close to anything." I sized him up, he was a stout 5 foot meercat, looking like he had scaled moutains all his life. Even though he was much shorter, I was impressed by the authority he carried. "Ah, well... I had something... happen to me, and I'm not sure-" I managed, but a grip took hold of my body. I was melting again! No, not now! I groaned before collapsing into a puddle on the floor, startling the wiseman. I tried to reform, only making a large lump in the puddle. Amazingly, I didn't have him running for warriors. "Very interesting... Are you still in there, boy?" he asked, and I nodded as best I could. My body was starting, slowly, reforming into a goo shape that resembled myself. "Hmmm... I think you may have been cursed! Ancient magics... You didn't take the object with you, did you?" I nodded again, and he groaned. I was starting to form my head clearly. "Is it in your bag?" "Ah, no... I touched it and it absorbed into me. I don't know how, but... I'm made of goo! What do I do?" I begged. He sighed and shook his head. "No way around it. I can't undo the curse, now that it's imbued in you." He stuck his hand in me, and I felt every inch of his hand, and I realized he tasted so good... Before I could speak, he pulled it out and my goo stuck to him. "Hmmm..." He pulled a piece of me off him and stuck it in a pot, but I could still feel it... I focused myself and the goo jumped off of his hand, back into my body, and my whole torso reformed atop a blob of my blue goo. "I... I can feel it in the pot still," I told him. He raised a brow but didn't ask questions. He simply handed me a thick slab of meat and smiled. "I saw you wobble in, exhausted. Think you can bring yourself around to eat it?" "I... I dunno..." I said, taking it gratefully. I was so hungry, but... No, this was much stronger then normal. My stomach was like a pit. I gasped in surprise as the steak literally melted in my hands, adding more goo to my mass. "Uhhh..." "Hm. It must be selectively acidic." He pushed his hand in again, and as tasty as it was, I held myself back with ease and he pulled it out perfectly clean. "I don't think you should go outside or about in case you have an accident or something else. I don't doubt they'd all try to kill you... If they can, at least. Stay with me, I'll help you learn your control." "You will...?" I was stunned. I got a nod, and smiled widely. "Thank you! But ah, my name is Leuphe, and I don't even know yours!" "Kurt. Don't worry, it's my job as a wiseman." And so, I stayed with Kurt, slowly learning control, my goo form rebuilding itself so it matched my original 7 foot height. I could form my body into my solid form and back to goo, controlling when and what parts of me became goo. I no longer had "accidents" where I suddenly melted, unlike the first few weeks, and I could extend or contract my body when in goo form. Changing shapes was possible, but not very easy. What I thought as complex back then became easy in the future, as it became more and more used... Finally, I was confident enough to explore on my own again. I didn't want to be kept in a village my whole life, past Kurt's objections, but he grudgingly accepted my decision. "If you ever need a place to stay, come back to me. Do try to limit your use of the curse... It may have other effects then just a goo meltdown." "I'll be fine, Kurt. And thank you, again, for the help." I waved back behind me as I ran for the cliff, jumping off to get a head start. I heard a faint voice yelling "Good luck" behind me, and I smiled as I soared over the valley, new clothes on my back under my pack. I had seen the area around here fairly well, and after hearing stories of the world to the east, the land of technology, I wanted to see what was there. Kurt had told me stories, explaining what I was going to find. Electricity, thousands of people, and amazing buildings, for a start. I wasn't sure what he meant, but there was only one way to find out. I stopped village by village on my trip, and on one such stop, the last before I crossed the border, I met someone... And I'd never forget them after that. It started like any other time, asking around in the village if I could stay anywhere in a house. I was turned away more then ever before, but one person let me stay with them. A small black bird, with brilliant purple highlights on their feathers. "Make yourself at home. I was jus' making a bit of soup, hehe." His name was Sanagi, and I can still feel him to this day. We chatted, quite simply, and I tucked into bed early. I felt a stirring on my back... He was rubbing me. I couldn't help but blush and ask. "W-what are you doing?" "It's been far too long since I've had company. I was hoping you could... Help me out, hmm?" This was my first time in the throes of passion, and I lost control completely. As I came, I melted over the other bird, startling him and making him struggle. But I don't know what came over me, he tasted so good all over his body... And just like the meat I was given by Kurt, I began to digest him, making his body a part of my own. I felt so strong, my hunger finally sated after months of inadequate meals, and I felt a stirring in my mind next to me. It was him. I had consumed his body and absorbed his mind, now a part of me and completely subdued. I still felt his shock as I pulled myself together, realizing my goo body had grown immensely. Now I knew what the other part of the curse was. Hunger. For people. I looked in a mix of shame and horror at my hands, dripping on the floor. I ATE someone - I killed them without a second thought, making them a part of myself. My head hit the ceiling upon standing up, and I concentrated to reform myself into solidity. I noticed a sound in the back of my head... "Hey! What did you do?" It sounded just like the bird I just consumed... "Wha-? How are you in my head?" I asked. "I don't know! All I know is that you ate me!" I closed my eyes and grabbed my head, crushing the presence of the other bird to dust. I felt remnants of it, memories and emotions scattered about... But I was myself again. I couldn't stick around and wait for the village to find out. It was still late at night, but I packed my gear and ran away, leaving the village behind me in the moonlight. Flying at night, even with the bright moon was dangerous, so I found a small ledge to make camp on, under the shelter of a small maple tree, hoping to escape the monsters. I fell asleep quickly, hoping, praying that I wouldn't dream of my act, as much as my body loved it and mind hated. I didn't have to worry much, as my sleep was interrupted by a vicious mountain cat. 10 feet long and made of pure muscle, I was lucky to have heard it's growling. It's dim gray fur was a streak in the beams of moonlight coming through the tree. I dove for the wall and did what my instincts told me to: become goo. And it worked. The monster's paw slammed right on - and through - my chest, pounding on stone. I was immune to physical damage... This was interesting. The beast snarled and tried to pull it's paw out, but I held it to me. It's desparate struggles grew more fractic as I prepared. Now it was my turn. I began to melt over it, spreading my body in a thick film over it, holding it in place as it growled and struggled. Soon I had it's entire body covered with my own, and it was mine. I forced it to the ground and started absorbing it, no longer having qualms about eating live meat. It wasn't a person, so I didn't quite care as much as if it was. This time, I fully appreciated the taste, like ambrosia... And I felt my body grow. The wild cat gave me so much mass, I expanded rapidly. It was easy to digest now, like it was second nature. But it's mind fought, long and hard... It refused to go down without a fight, raking it's claws into my head. I felt some of it's bloodlust bleed into me, making me only hungrier, damn! I finally managed to damn it to the confines of my mind, but it's bloodthirsty influence still went on. I have never been able to completely escape the hunger. I looked at my nearly 12 foot tall body, sighing in awe. This felt so right, but so wrong... I was still hungry. Less then before, but still hungry. I tested my control, finding that I could still move without any of the beast trying to interfere, and I reformed my solid body, hoping I wouldn't have to fight again. Luckily, I slept undisturbed. The next day, I finally passed into Fint. The forests became more sparse, mountains turned to hills, and black roads segregated the grasslands. Soon, I caught sight of one of the great cities, and it blew my mind. Skyscrapers, shining and hundreds of feet high, so many of them clumped up and slowly degrading in size it reminded me of a mountain. The entire area was covered in buildings of every shape and color, and people were walking on the streets. I saw species I'd never heard of before, ones with long tails dozens of feet long, ones with a dozen pairs of legs and bright red, and more then I could count. I landed on top of a red brick building and sat on the edge, just watching... I should probably find a place to stay. I knew some things about the city, at least. I looked to the side of the brick building and saw a series of ladders, some next to windows. Would someone let me stay with them if I snuck in and asked? I doubted it. It was getting late, and I doubted if I could find somewhere indoors to sleep for free. In the city, everything needed a price. I looked to the side of the building, and sat that there was an alley down there, and it looked like a decent space to sleep for one night... I knew there wouldn't be any beasts in the city. But the real threat was people. I hopped down the ladders on the side, dropping down to the ground and groaning as I smelled the alley. I didn't have much choice, so I had to make due with what I had. I realized I hadn't eaten all day, so I pulled out some of my bread and berries and chowed down happily. After my meal, I pulled out a blanket and settled down to sleep, next to a wall, under a light. I listened to the noises of the city, cars and construction and a constant din in my ears. I was finally settling asleep when... "Oy, Namaz! Check ou' dis wanker." "Heh! All alone in the big city, sleepin' in an alley." "What?" I looked up. Two men, big and close to 10 feet tall each, stood over me, grinning. One a rhino, the other a lion. "What should we do with him?" one asked. "Oh, he's gonna be our new bitch." They shared a laugh. I knew what they were talking about. One grabbed my arm, pulling me up, and the other pulled down my pants, showing my huge genitals. "Oh, wow! What a 'ung little boy he is!" the lion laughed. "Heh, not like it'll do 'im much good, eh?" I wasn't going to tolerate this. Not in a million years. I looked to both ends of the alley, nobody was walking by. Perfect. I didn't want any witnesses. I jumped into goo form, slamming the rhino first with the brunt of the goo and covering most of his front side. Both were still in shock from what I just did, and I used it to my advantage, grabbing the lion and pulling him against the rhino to make it easier to absorb them. The lion got a swing in, punching me square in the beak... But all it did was spread goo over his hand and a new beak formed. They started to squirm and yell, but I filled their mouths with goo and kept spreading over them, slowly and surely, a grin forming over my face. They tasted so good, and I didn't realize at the time, but I needed flesh regularly to survive. The curse was a merciless one. I constricted around them tightly, every inch of their muscular bodies covered in goo. I began to eat, but I crushed their minds as I ate them now, learning from past mistakes. They struggled to break my grip, but it was no good. I had them. And soon, their bodies joined mine, and I surged to 12 feet, but stopped. It felt like I kept growing, but I wasn't and I found that I simply had goo in reserves. I stretched out my arm to a good 20 feet, amazed at how easy it was becoming to control my body. Covering people, changing my body, it hardly took any effort. I just kept growing stronger. And to be honest, I loved it. No trace was left of the pair of bruisers, no raises of the alarm were given, so I simply put my clothes back on, and tried to fall asleep. I managed a few good hours before the sun rose, shining beams of light down the dirty alley. I got up, stretched, and began my search for a home, and to find something to eat. I did the most logical thing I could think of, asking around for a place I could find a room to rent. I had left the money of the two undissolved, a few hundred dollars to put up. I found out the brick building I had slept next to had an open apartment, but someone else was wanting to pay for it too as I walked into the office. It was dark, dirty, and smelly, which spoke volumes about the general condition of the apartments, but it was cheap, I overheard. "Two hundred a month." "What? That's crazy for the size of that place!" A tall horse complained. I had to admire his muscular physique and height, and I could tell he was unused to arguing. Tan fur covered his body, and brown fur sprouted from his wrists, ankles, and mane. "Pay up or get out." The landlord was the opposite, a small grim looking frog who looked like she'd been doing this all her life. The horse simply turned and sighed, his head a few inches from the ceiling and stopped as he saw me. "...Sorry." He tried to inch around me for the door, but I blocked him. "How much is the room?" I asked the woman. "Two hundred a month." "We'll take it," I told her simply. The horse sighed and began to walk out, but froze as he realized I had said "we". "Wait, huh?" he stuttered as he looked down to stare at me. "Oh, I suppose I should have asked first, haha..." I chuckled nervously. "Would you like to join me in living in an apartment?" "Uh... Yeah! But I barely know you!" He squirmed in place, blushing. Kind of cute, really. "My name's Leuphe. We can keep talking upstairs, hm? I've got all of my stuff here." "As do I," he said, hefting a suitcase up. "I'm Lamatri... And thank you!" "No problem," I said, tossing two hundred dollar bills on the desk and grabbing the keys. Lamatri ran to catch up, in surprise. "No, really, thank you. Ahh... Why did you want to live with me, of all people?" "Well... You seemed like you needed help. I'm not one to say no to someone in need," I laughed, motioning for him to hurry up. What I didn't mention was that I was so hungry, and he looked like a good meal... "Ah!" He blushed as I unlocked the door, handing him a key. "Yeah, a bit down on my luck at the moment... I think it's turning up after meeting you," he smiled warmly. Oh, he was going to make it so hard to eat him, he seemed so nice... I couldn't wait longer. I closed and locked the door, making him curious, then lunged at him, shifting into goo mid-flight. I grew huger, splashing over the lower 3/4ths of his body. I was aiming for complete coverage, but he stepped back in his shock as I jumped for him. I began reorienting myself, and held him tight in place as he tried to free his arms and legs. My goo began crawling up his fur, and he groaned as I felt him stiffen in his pants. "W-Wait!" he begged. I obliged, leaving only his face uncovered. "What?" I asked. Trying to speak as I was in the middle of my primal hunger was a struggle. "Please, don't eat me! I... I saw what you did to those guys in the alley! I didn't know it was you at first, I just saw a blob of blue goo... But please! Don't eat me! I... I'll give you my life!" I squeezed tightly around him, making him cry out. "No! I meant I'll lay down to you, become your personal slave! Please... Ever since I saw you I was so awestruck, so amazed, so..." He blushed. "Horny?" I finished. He nodded. I retracted the goo from his head, holding him up as I pondered his offer. It would be useful to have a pet to do the hard work, finding easy victims... And he was fairly nice, I could tell. "Alright," I said, pulling away from him, making him groan. "You're my Pet from hereon out. I'm gonna keep my tabs on you with this..." I said, placing my hand on his face. Little tendrils popped out and formed a blue harness on him, made of goo but a consistency similar to that of leather. "Wha... What is this?" "Something to keep my tabs on you. Just as a precaution," I told him. He smiled and blushed, cheeks red like tomatoes. "Well... I don't actually mind being your slave. In fact, I quite love it... Such a big, gooey gryphon..." he murmured, staring at my body. He looked lost in thought. "Well, I guess that makes me your Master now, doesn't it?" "Y-yeah..." he laughed nervously. "And... I'll be a loyal Pet so long as you need me!" "Really, now?" I couldn't help but grin at my luck, how easy that made this. "And as my Pet, you will do anything I desire, yes? Well, first things I want you to do is lure people back here so I can get a decent meal. More people eaten means the more I get to grow." "R-really?" he gasped, thinking of the possibilites. I nodded to him and pushed a simple goo tendril into his ear, making him shudder. I had never tried this before, but I assumed it couldn't be much different then crushing a mind. I simply reprogrammed a small part of him, making him much more loyal to me and making it so I could exert some control over him at far distances, along with feeling and seeing what he did. All in all, making him the perfect lure. "Go along now. By midnight, I expect at least 4 people brought back and digested, or Master will be cross." That was all it took to send Lamatri scurrying out the door, leaving me to wait and hope the control bond worked. After a few minutes, I checked, closing my eyes, now solid, and looked to see where he was. At a bar, talking to a nice looking fox, already talking about going back to his place for some midday "fun". I simply had to wait, but where... I decided on the bed, blending in with the covers. I lay flat as possible, some of myself being stored under, lying in wait... I heard a click, the familiar heavy footsteps of Lamatri and a pair of much lighter ones, probably belonging to the small fox he brought back. They came right into the bedroom, and I could hardly contain myself as they kissed right next to me... Finally, Lamatri picked up the hint, and threw the fox playfully on the bed. He bounced on me, and then I started wrapping. He gave a yelp of surprise, but he was so small it was easy to eat him. After my very tasty meal, I grinned and looked to my new Pet to find him pawing off. "You're not done yet. At least 3 more. Go," I told him. He was very attractive, but he still had a job to do! And as soon as I ordered him, he whinnied and came all over himself, a dumbfounded grin on his face as he panted. "Yes Master!" he laughed, getting his clothes back on quickly and scampering off. I sighed and couldn't help but smile, it was so silly how easy he was to control with just suggestions. Was it control, or was it willing servitude? The day passed quickly, Lamatri bringing back a total of 7 other furs, ranging from big bulls and bigger dragons to small leopards and tinier foxes. Lamatri was more then willing to help, and after the last meal, he put his hand into my goo and neighed softly. "Did I perform well for you, Master?" I smooshed him into a huge, gooey hug, not quite enveloping him but keeping him partially in my body. I think that sent the clear message that I was pleased. "You did very well. I'm feeling very close to full! And I think I gained mch goo mass from that." I felt his manhood stirring under his pants, and I crooned... Soon, I had peeled off his clothes and watched as he humped into the goo, moaning and blushing. I felt his entry each time, grinning. He was very eager. I sucked him dry, feeling his warm seed push into my body, and... Get directly absorbed. I felt a large amount of grow occur for the small amount of seed absorbed, and I gasped. Flesh would make me grow, and so would cum. "Hah... M-Master? Are you okay?" Lamatri asked, looking up to me, resting on my goo. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You did a splendid job today, Pet... I'm impressed." His face glowed, smiling and nuzzling my gooey chest. I rubbed his back slowly, and despite the horrible apartment and the curse on my mind, I couldn't have felt happier. Soon, life became an everyday routine, of Lamatri going to his job and myself prowling the city for food. I consumed on average two people per day, and the police were frantically searching for the people responsible for this. At first they thought it was a hostile gang, but after one witness saw me eating and escaped, they started keeping a lookout for "a giant blue goo blob", and I thought this was the funniest thing to describe me as. It was about a month after I arrived in the city, and learning everything about the city was just about complete. I went on my own walks, just letting myself enjoy... I rarely ate anyone anymore, now that I had built up enough reserves to last me a long time, and had enough goo to be a demigod. My life was settling down, Lamatri and I growing very close, and soon enough, I found a job of my own.

"Leuphe, honey? Dinner's ready!" a voice called. I shook my head and stretched, realizing I had been writing all day. I stood up, stretching and flapping my wings, looking to the door. Lamatri stood there, a small grin on his face. "You know, you can use a computer. That typewriter doesn't make you any more 'cool'." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked over the small study, us moving into a much more spacious apartment. Books lined the shelves, and a dark red rug was under my feet. The wooden desk behind me held the typewriter, still warm, and the pages of my short memoir to detail my adventures. "Oh quiet, 'Pet'. It makes me feel better to use it!" I grinned and shifted my lower body to goo, stretching out to wrap around his waist and pick him up in a hug. He was used to this by now, and he hugged me back tightly, muscles showing though his skintight shirt. "Ooof. I love you, Master," he said, touching the harness still on his face. I had offered to remove it after we became official, but he firmly refused, and I was happier then could be. "But c'mon, we gotta eat before the food gets cold!" I set him down and reformed back to normal, giggling. "Right, right. I love you more, Pet." We walked out of the study, to the kitchen, hand in hand, sitting down to enjoy a nice meal of homemade mac and cheese.