Story Acr (On The Run....)

Story by Raziel dragon on SoFurry

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Story Arc

It had been a long day and I hadn't slept this morning, so I slipped off to sleep quickly. Suddenly I wake up, not knowing if it was day or night. I quietly slip off my bunk, and slowly look around the room. Everyone else was still asleep, as I head out into the stairway. I descend the stairs and to my surprise, there is a room with a light on. I enter and hear a faint humming. As I explore a bit further, I can hear water too. Eventually the sounds seem to get closer as I reach a doorway. There was steam fogging up the area, but it looked like a giant heated pool. I start to make out a figure in the middle; they aren't human at first glance. As I walk into the room more, quietly approaching the person which I could now tell was male from the tone of his voice, his image was getting clearer. He had white fur and long ears. I still couldn't see his face yet as he was looking the other way. I suddenly hear a snap from under my foot. I quickly look down and lift my foot but I don't see anything there. When I look up, he is gone without a trace! Suddenly, my knees buckle, and I'm flat on my stomach. I try to roll over, but then this wet body pins me to the floor. I don't move for a moment, and then I realize the body is light and small. So I quickly pull my arms and legs inward to break his grip and send him slightly up off me. I roll over and he lands back on me, now face to face. He was so shocked by that move he froze for a moment on top of me. I notice it was thebunny that was in the heated pool. I could feel him shivering from the drastic change in temperature. I wrap my arms around him without thinking.His shivering starts to fade as he looks at my face.

"S-Sorry, I've been extensively trained it taking down attackers", he says.

"What's your name," I ask.

"I'm Briar, remember?" Briar says with a slight smile.

"Oh, I didn't recognize you without your robe--" I said, and then we both realized he was naked at that moment. He blushed very deeply with a wide smile.There was no way around it; he was going to have to stand up at some point. With my arms still around him, I notice a poke to my abs. I start to wonder, and then I knowas his blush gets a little deeper.

"Hmm, well, what do we do now"? I say with a nervous laugh.

"Well, we could roll into the pool right there" Briar says as he points to the edge of the pool, a foot or so away.

"Okay, sounds like a plan" I say, and then roll toward the pool. When he was on the bottom, I felt the poke more. One more time on my back, then we plop into the pool where I release him from my hold. When we both get to the surface, not a word is spoken for a moment.After a minute or so, it dawns on me that my robe is soaked, but I hesitate to take it off.

We exchange looks real quick, then Briar says, "You may as well toss that robe over there," then points to where his robe was currently lying. Another minute goes by as weexchange looks, trying to figure out if I can trust him. Then I casually take it off and toss it aside, like I've done it plenty of times before."So....this water feels nice, huh?" I ask, trying to break the awkward silence. "Yeah...." Briar says.

"So, is that a banana in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?" I said, but I guess it was too soon for that kind of joke as he looks down at the water."Don't worry, I won't say anything", I say and give him a trusting nod."Hmm, what was that tune you were humming? It was nice." I say as we both start to relax a bit."Oh, it's just a song my mom use to sing to me till I fell asleep. I hum it when I'm relaxing, it seems to sooth me. And it reminds me of my home....." he says with a remembering look on his face.

"Wow, I liked it. Can you sing it some more?" I say while remembering the old days with my dad, lying in the grass, staring at the stars together.As he sings it, quietly then with more heart, we both relax more. As his song continues, I notice a little twitch down below. 'Maybe it's just the water. His song really is relaxing', I think to myself as I catch myself blankly staring at him. He didn't notice because his eyes are closed, singing away. I don't know why,but my member starts to harden as the tune continues. 'Hmmmm......he looks so cute singing that song--wait,what?!' I catch myself thinking and shake my head, 'Where did that come from?' I start to grow nervous again as I strangely start thinking of that poke, and what his must look like, growing stiffer by the second. 'The song doesn't seem to be ending soon, so I wonder.......maybe? His eyes are still closed.......' I think to myself as a mischievous grin crosses my face. I slowly dip down below the surface of the water without a sound and swim toward my target. He wasn't standing too far from me,but I needed a closer look in the dim light of the room. I start to see the outline of something red and wondered if I hurt him and he was bleeding, but the redness wasn't floating away. It looked solid, and I became more anxious to see what it was up close. My face was soon close enough to touch the red thing now, which I could make out the shape of and gasped slightly at the size. It seems Briar was also hard as a rock right now! Getting more and more curious, I reach out a hand to touch the rabbits member. As soon as I felt the hard, yet soft skin, I suddenly heard the music stop with a surprised exclamation. I froze, but I couldn't seem to pry my hand off where is was currently holding onto. I looked up quickly to see Briar staring down at me. 'I'm dead!' I thought as I stare into his eyes. He seems to be nervous, enjoying it, and a little annoyed at me all at the same time. My mind goes blank,trying hard to think of something, anything, to explain what I was doing. I slowly let go and rise to the surface again next to him, never breaking our eye contact.