Chapters 1-3 of "The Sly"

Story by nioton6 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Slyful Foxes


Chapter One: A Runaway Cart

Huh. It is consequently official, the town I had grown up in died, figuratively of course, but because of the economy. Ausnu, home to over 600,000 people, has forced itself head on into an economic recession. After the war in the south-east, I deserted my country and everything that I had ever loved or even cared about. People who came home were slaughtered by the hands of unmerciful bishops. While those of us who didn't come back were left with the idea that even if we didn't come back they would still kill our families and I guess I am one of them.

Today is the day I finally return, thirteen years to date, and still a free man. Welcoming signs of hope and peace used to cover the path to my village, but now the signs will more than likely read, "Will shoot on sight," mostly to keep out beggars or vagrants. If you watch the hills leading to the first village in the town, you will only see one man. He sits there, day-in and day-out and if you think you're getting in, then open your wallet.

The tollbooth official waves Ren over, "Hey! What's the matter with you? Come back here!"

Ren scratches his head and walks back to the booth, "I'm going into town," he pushes his long maroon colored hair out of his face, "Fifty copper pieces correct?"

The operator glares at him with distain, "No, You have to pay the full amount of 250 copper, 'Pretty boy'."

Ren gazes at the fifty copper pieces he had already placed in the man's hand. Normally this would be enough to buy a horse, "What are you talking about, this has always been the full amount," He reaches into his pocket, "Here's twenty-five, just for you, if you let me through and keep the fifty as well."

"Do you think they would put me out here if I folded to everyone who passed by me?" he says, grinning with his rotten teeth, "100 copper."

Ren hands the man fifty more copper, "Will that cover it?"

The man takes the money and puts it in his pocket, "Yeah, Nice doing business with you," the man fidgets around under the desk of the toll booth, "I am so sad you have not recalled meeting me before now, Ren. Things have not been the same since you left and you'll find this town to be crueler than you remember."

Ren's eyes twitch as his mouth drops in awe, "Wha... What do you mean?!?"

"You will know when the time comes," he replies, snickering under his breath, "If you ever need something to... protect yourself with, I'm your man!"

"Yeah, I'll remember that," says Ren, "Thank you."

Where would I go, now that I have been told such and audacious statement? If I am not welcome then why did I bother to come? Sure the long nights away from home felt the coldest, but I knew what I was and what my purpose was. I lost a piece of myself which couldn't be taken back, so, did I come back to find myself?

Ren talks to himself, "So, the town I grew up in isn't as sweet. What could he mean and how did he know my name?"

"Look out!" shouts a woman, pushing him out of the way.

As I turned my back I could see what was happening. A runaway cart filled with cow crap was heading my way, yet, this small woman was so bold as to push me out of the way. Her blondish hair had flailed into her face as she gave me the "gentle nudge" and took on the full trampling of the cart. I could hear the thump of the wheel riding over her body as I hit the ground, but I couldn't move.

It must have been hours before I finally came to and as I stood up, I could see the child-like girl who had saved my life, but although she looked young, there was something about her that I could not place. Her face was bruised and blood was gushing from her arm. I knew that I need to act quickly or she would die.

Ren limps over to the girl and picks her head up, "Are you ok? Miss, miss are you ok?"

She gives no response as Ren rips his shirt and ties it around her arm.

"Don't worry I will find us some help," shouts Ren, "Just don't die!"


Chapter Two: An Empty Heart an Empty Stomach

After hours of laying on the ground a Patrician from town had seen us, he was a tall fellow, brutish at best, but still somehow sympathetic enough to give us a lift into town. After all she was almost half dead. The place where we slept was not very clean, but the Patrician had said that the best doctors lived in the area, so I didn't contradict. Any longer and we would have been a foragers dinner, I was just grateful enough to the man.

"So, just how did Ani get hurt?" asks the doctor.

Sitting up in his bed, Ren scratches his head, "Is this Ani?"


"I'm not absolutely sure, but I think she was crushed by the cart, at least from what I can remember," says Ren.

"What cart?" he asks.

"I was walking in the road and Ani shoved me out of the way."

"Well you're very lucky to have survived this, unfortunately, Ani is a very sick girl," The doctor sighs, "She has an incurable disease which feeds on every ounce of energy she has, so she won't heal as fast as you can."

"What do you mean, 'incurable'?" asks Ren, "Do you at least know what it is?"

"We haven't found the cure for it, nor do we understand what it is. This phenomenon has only been described in scriptural texts hidden in the saints' archive as of last year, but they won't allow us this information because of its secretive nature. They would rather watch this poor, innocent, girl die than hand her the cure," he says.

"Why is it so secret?" asks Ren.

"This 'disease' is a curse, it plagues anyone who falls victim to her. The thought of her cursing them is what puts them in disarray, she is the reason they refuse. If you want to know more go look it up or something. I don't know everything," replies the doctor.

People falling victim, what could that mean? All I see is a very sick girl, but then again she did push me extremely hard for someone who is sick, and for her age for that matter. Still, no one should have to suffer like this. So, it's settled, I will go to the library.

Being at the library brought back many memories. For me this was home and now that I have returned maybe things could get back to normal. Yeah right... wishful thinking. As I approached the front desk it was quite obvious that no one was there and I doubt any of the books out here would help my cause. I decided to go in the back to take a look for myself, but all I could find were a bunch of crumbling books, they must be at least 300 years old and would never last a second in the moist air outside this library.

"I guess this means I am confined here until I can find something," says Ren, sitting down at a nearby table.

As Ren thumbs through the book an older woman walks up to him, "Excuse me sir, I am terribly sorry, but those books are off limits to travelers."

"What? That's absurd! Why?"

"Unlike most towns in this day and age, we cherish the past events which make up our history and many of these books would be worth a fortune to the right collector," she replies.

So, I was unable to find the information I needed, well I could still get it from the source rather than running around town.

It was mid-day when Ani woke up and as I looked at her I could see that her eyes were almond shaped, dinted as well. She stared out the dusty windows for hours and occasionally glanced at me, but she never took a complete look. She was probably worried what I'd say to her. There was a sparkle in her eye that reminded me of my mothers. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but still I think it was cute.

"Were you... the man, I...?" she asks.

"Yeah that's me," says Ren, "How's your arm doing?"

Ani looks at Ren and then at his head, "I hurt... you...?"

"No really, you saved me a lot of trouble back there," Ren stands up and walks over to Ani.

Her thinly curved eyebrows raise, "Don't hurt me please," she shouts, trembling under the covers.

"My name is Ren and I won't hurt you, I just want to see your arm."

This fragile being, which so caringly saved me, is afraid? If I could show her how much I appreciate what she had done I would, but I just don't know how at the moment. God, her hair is so beautiful even when dirty. The curls covered some of the bruises which she had been trying to hide from me.

"Would you like a bath," asks Ren.

"Why...? Ye... Yes... please," she replies.

"You don't need to worry, ok? I don't want to hurt you, I want to help," he says, "Can you move your arm?"


Ren sits down on the bed next to Ani and inspects her wrist, "Looks like you're doing better I would say."

"I... hurt inside me..." she shouts, grasping her stomach.

"Where, where does it hurt? I can help you," he says.

Ren lifts the sheets, Ani is petite, boney and bruised, "Oops, sorry!" Ren looks away, but cannot help but to look back, "It's no wonder why you hurt, when's the last time you ate?"

"Don't look at me there, you said you wouldn't hurt me, but you did. You hurt my heart," she screams.

Ren covers Ani's mouth, "You know that was not my intention I did not know you were naked and even so, I would have done it anyways if it meant helping you!"

Ani lifts her hands and cradles his arm, "You touch me, yes?"

"What, no!" says Ren, "I thought you said you couldn't move your arm?"

"Oh," she replies, "I'm not pretty?"

"No, it's not that, it's just I don't know you," he replies, pulling his arm back.

"You touch my arm then?" she chuckles.

Ren crosses his arms, "Yeah I touched your arm. Now cover up already," he scratches his head, "Why don't you get dressed I want to take you out to eat."

Her head turns sideways, "A date?"

Ren waves his hands back and forth, "No, no, you have the wrong idea. You're just so skinny I think you need to eat something."

Ani sits up and leaps onto Ren, "Date!"

"Okay, okay, sure call it what you want, but put on some clothes!" he shouts.


Chapter Three: Twisted Tongues

And so I ended up bringing her to the local tavern, it was a quiet one, since none of the workers were home yet, but she enjoyed my company. We talked for a little bit and we drank. I think I'd like to see more of this girl, even if the stools were stiff I don't think I would mind looking at her.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" she asks.

"Now what kind of question is that, of course, you have it all!" says Ren, "I think I had a little too much to drink. We should go back to the inn before I really get hammered."

"Yeah it is getting a little late," says Ani.

A man walks into the tavern, "What the hell are you doing in here!"

"Oh, no," she says.

Ren stands up, wobbling around, "What's your problem man?"

"None of your damn business, it's just me and her," he shouts, "This woman owes me 3000 copper coins."

"I do believe you're mistaken or stupid. Your choice, oh wait, stupid by default..." says Ani.

The man slaps Ani across the face, "My name is Raggo and I am not stupid."

"Ani!" shouts Ren. He looks at Raggo, "You bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Ren slams his hands on both of Raggo's ears, then punches him in the chest. Raggo throws a punch, but his fist breaks through the counter, and gashes his arm. Ren kicks him in the head repetitively.

Anger such as this filled me up with a blood thirsty lust and it made me feel as though my fists were unstoppable, until I heard her shout, "Ren! He learned his lesson!" For that moment in time I never knew I could kill a man.

A knife falls from the upper level of the tavern. It hits Raggo's head with immense force, almost nailing him to the counter.

"Run! Ani!" shouts Ren.

That night was the night I knew what that official meant, no one came to clean his body up, no one made an accusation, no one cared that he was dead. I didn't kill him, but it felt as though I did, at least in my mind. Ani knew I didn't do it, but from the time she and I went to the bathing house to when we got back to the inn it was silent. Did she hate me now or was she glad I had killed the man that hit her? Was the man her father just looking after her?

Once we got back to the inn she asked me to come up stairs with her, back into her room where we really met and I didn't know what she was going to do.

"Sit in the bed with me, please!" she cries, lying her body down on the bed, "Come here!"

As I neared the bed she yanked me towards her and I fell onto her breasts. The shock was abrupt and naturally I rolled over to escape, but she followed me. Her head was now against my chest. The beautifully cleaned hair which had undone itself was tempting. Knowing that, she pulled me closer, tighter until she kissed me.

"I love you," she says, "Stay with me, you are for me to love? Don't you love?"

"I don't know, but you know I can't do this," he replies.

"You protected me, you're the only one who will come near me and I don't want to be alone again," She presses her head to Ren's chest, then falls into a deep sleep.