Casey Likes to Play

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#1 of LIkes To Play

Edited & Coauthored by Averis

Casey Likes to Play

Dear Diary,

Things have been crazy since I was nine. My parents were tried and arrested for the rape of their only child. I don't hold anything against them, but I love living with the family I'm with now. The Cloo's took me in as they were close friends of my parents, luckily they passed the background checks the government had set up. Ironically they said that my parents wont have anything to with me. They also encourage me to talk to my therapist. She's okay but I like being a free spirit.

High school is pretty cool, all of the kids like me, but I feel kind of lonely. I really wish I had a friend. Most of the kids use me for my body, I don't mind of course its pleasurable for all of us. I guess I have friends but not friends I really hang out with. I get depressed for a little bit but then, a little romp in my bed with Mr. Fantastic usually gets me back in better spirits. Though I guess its not exactly healthy.

The girl I had sex with today was a very shy lover believe it or not. She said she recently discovered she was a lesbian after a lot of experimenting with the boys in the school. She discovered that the whole penis thing was very, how can I put it, gross I guess. It felt really good to help her discover she was a lesbian, but she was a complete stranger and I'll probably never see her again, but it still felt good.

Well anyway its getting late I need to go to bed, and tomorrow is my birthday! Talk to you tomorrow Lucy. ???


"Morning mom," I said as I came down the stairs.

"Morning dear," Jen said.

"What do you have planned today," I asked her.

"Oh nothing," she said.

"Ok ma, hope you have a nice day," I was slightly disappointed but I wasn't going to say anything, to her.

"Oh right, I'm picking you up early from school today, you're going to see your therapist today," she said.

" Oh, yeah I forgot that was today," I said, becoming more disappointed.

I'm finally turning eighteen today, I have my license but no car. I am finally old enough to do other things, but probably no one would remember my birthday.The only people who would remember would have to remember while they were still in prison. The government has really started cracking down on those laws. They got fifteen years each, and they aren't allowed to have any contact with me for obvious reasons.

So I decided to eat my breakfast and grab my lunch before heading out the door. The school wasn't too far away and I liked the outdoors, the bus did come by but i was always on time anyway. We have to wear uniforms, though its quite different from most schools. The teachers went from classroom to classroom not us. Quite cool and probably one of the biggest perks is that I can fuck anyone at lunch since we're by ourselves. Its almost heaven, it it were heaven I'd have some friends as well...

When I arrived at school I headed to my classroom. on the way there people were looking at me, sure I may not have be popular but I'm damn fine like my mom when she was my age. I was relatively early by about half an hour. So I sat and read a book I had recently bought, it seemed kind of childish but it was a fantasy book.

About fifteen minutes later I was interrupted a large white tiger wearing a Letterman over his uniform I asked, "What is it Gray?"

"Hey Cas, there's a big game coming up tomorrow and I just got dumped by my girlfriend, I was wondering if maybe..," he left the sentence hanging slightly.

"If you could have sex with me," I finished, "of course be here at lunch I'll give you oral and anal. I suggest eating you lunch either before or after."

"Uh, thanks," he said, walking away.

What a dick, only thinking about himself, oh well at least I'll get a treat today. Class started at the same time as usual, nothing much interesting. Just several classes, English, Algebra II, French IV, and Classic Lit. The teachers droned on and on I was paying attention but just barely. I lost interest close to lunch. I was thinking about the long treat i was going to get today.

Lunch started and about ten minutes later Gray came into the classroom which was still pretty full. They liked to watch me do stuff with the other students the ones that didn't like it were gone already. So I stood up and wordlessly offered him a seat. He sat down and didn't utter a word.

I knelled down and undid his zipper, and pulled his pants down around his legs and freed his already hardening shaft out of his underwear. He wasn't one of the biggest guys, but he wasn't the smallest. I quickly dove in.

My lips wrapped around his hardening shaft as i sucked my cheeks in to provide additional comfort. I looked at him as I did, giving him my innocent look. his shaft tasted of his girlfriend who I had acquainted myself with when she was still trying to figure out where she stood on her sexuality. It was quite the turn on, but there was more of his manly musk than of her taste.

Bobbing my head up and down I kept up my suckling of his man meat, it was very fun to see him making faces, and occasionally there was a wet sound as I parted my lips. When I did that i would run my tongue up and down his shaft. Then he placed his hand on my head and i could tell he was close so i went as deep as I could since my gag reflex had been lost long ago.

A few down strokes later he came. He fired four ropes of hot gooey seed into my mouth, it was slightly salty with a hint of something sweet. Of course I wasn't done with him just yet, I looked at him and gulped it all down. I looked at the clock we'd only spent five minutes on that, so there was plenty of time for him to ream my ass.

I stood up and lifted my skirt up and grabbed his shaft and sat on it as quickly as I could keeping his knot out. I then proceeded to grind my hips as I brought his shaft back to life. Once he was stiff again I started sliding up and down his shaft, and rubbing at my clitoris. letting the whole class get a good view of what i was doing.

Unfortunately for me he wasn't going to last long. I was hoping he would have lasted a bit longer but with my exercises I managed to get my wholes tighter and tighter, so i guess i could see why he was already so close to his orgasm.

I started going up and down harder on his shaft. I started rubbing faster and more furiously at my clitoris as his dick was sliding in and out of my tight ass. He was grunting by the time I was actually getting any kind of pleasure at all, so I stopped and just kept rubbing at my clit, a few minutes later I hit my peak as well.

"Ok you can go now our business is done," I said to him motioning for him to get up and out of my chair.

"Thanks girl," he said pulling his pants back up, "maybe we can do this again."

"Doubtful," I got close to him and whispered, "You have a baby penis. Cut back on the steroids"

With that I sat back down and started to read from my book and eat my ham, salami and cheese sandwich, until someone else walked up next to me. "Can I help you," I asked without looking up

"How do you do it?" she asked before sitting in the empty seat in front of me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Every day you have all these guys and beautiful girls wanting to screw you, and you put yourself out on the market as prime cut meat, it is simply amazing." she said, leaning back a little against the desk behind her.

"Thanks, but it does come at a price, I have no friends," I said.

Laughing lightly she responded with "Everything has a price, but maybe the price wasn't that high, I'll be your friend."

"I don't even know who you are. I mean this is a pretty big school," I said.

"My name is McKinzie, call me Zee, I've been in this class all year, I was in your freshman class as well." She smiled at me after I finally looked up from my book, she was a pale grey puma with ice blue eyes, the kind that only the blind have.

"See what I mean I've been so detached from the world surrounding me, but I recognize you a bit, I usually try to remember people. So have we, you know," I asked finding my self slightly embarrassed.

Shaking her head she said "No, while I am only interested in girls I haven't slept with you or any of my girlfriends. I am fairly certain you would remember a blind partner though." Raising her rather unique looking cane she laughed when she accidentally hit her own ear with it.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice that you were blind, but can I say the color matches with you pelt very well?" I asked.

"I honestly have no idea, I picked this because I like the feeling on my pads of the mixture of the metal and the plastic rivers flowing over it."

"Yeah that makes sense, so I guess you don't really see much of what I do, do you? The cane looks very intriguing," I said.

Offering for me to hold she said "No, but I can hear everything, like how I knew you were looking up from your book because the pages rustled like you were closing the book, which you always read one when we aren't in class."

"Well its my way of getting out of this world and into another fantastic world, I'm a big fan of the science fiction books. What do you read?" I asked.

"Anything that is in braille, the selections at the library are somewhat limited, but I love movies even if they sometimes rely on whats actually on the screen, those become harder to understand," she said while smiling, her ears seeming to never stop moving.

"Yeah I understand how that can be difficult, did you go to see that huge movie they made last year, it was brilliant in both story and animation style. even with out the graphical aspect it was a good movie," I asked.

Nodding Zee said "Yeah, though I didn't 'see' it so much, but the story was amazingly well done, I heard stellar reviews on the visuals as well."

"Yeah, how is it you've been in my class two years and I've never noticed you?" I asked, wondering how such an amazing person escaped my attention.

"I don't talk much normally, and I always leave after everyone else since it makes it harder to run into anyone that way. I prefer not to get any special treatment since I don't like to inconvenience anyone, during class I just use a recorder and transfer it into braille later if I decide I need to. I have kinda recorded some of your, lets use the term meetings, usually on accident from forgetting to turn off the recorder." She laughed a little lightheartedly and scratched her head with the hand not holding the cane.

Laughing I said, "Feel free to record what you want, I'm sure everyone else does. You know what today is?"

"Your birthday?" she asked in a semi serious tone.

"Yeah, how'd you know that? I mean honestly I think my foster family even forgot, then again I'm the only kid they have," I said.

Shrugging she said "Lucky guess, usually when people ask you if you know what day it is then it is either a birthday, an anniversary, or another event like that, usually family related."

"You are so smart you know," I said, "I'm honestly a little jealous."

"I don't see the world so I learn about other details from listening and touch, people find insight creepy though, which is why I don't talk," sniffing for a moment she continued "Do you have a ham sandwich?"

"Ham and salami, why do you ask?" I asked curious.

"I smell it all of a sudden, did I knock it over or something?" she asked while picking up her cane and feeling the tip of it to check that the sandwich wasn't on the end of it.

Looking at the floor I saw it and said,"Yeah, but don't worry I had a big breakfast and a snack if you catch my meaning. Want to hang out after school?" I asked.

Nodding she smiled and said "Sure, I'll dictate a message to my mom, or you can text it, when I try actually texting it is usually error filled and illegible, so I have a phone I can dictate texts to since she doesn't have a break to talk at the same time as our lunch, which is about a minute from being over, the classroom clock ticks differently in the last eighty seconds."

"Well I can text your mom if you want me to, you just tell me what to put I'm good at texting," I said offering to help her slightly.

Handing her phone over Zee said "Something along the lines of 'hey mum, I made a friend and she invited me over to hang out for a few hours, is that cool' I prefer to ask in a statement fashion than tell her what I'm doing."

"That's understandable it seems nicer that way, so is your mother divorced?" I asked typing out the message.

Shaking her head she laughed a little and said "No, dad is just frequently out of the country, he owns a business, even foreign countries need lawyers."

"Yeah, that's understandable, my parents are in jail," I said, "I've lived with a foster family since i was about nine."

Putting a paw out and missing putting it onto of mine by a few inches and then moving it around until she did succeed in putting it top of my paw she said "I'm sorry, that must have been a terrible experience no matter what the situation was, I've been in court because I asked and I wouldn't set foot or cane in one again if I could help it."

"Its fine, I've gotten over it a long time ago, I just wish I could get to know them better. My foster family is really cool though," I said as the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, "Well talk to you later, after school."

Smiling she nodded and said "Yeah, I've enjoyed talking to you!" Standing up she slipped her cane back to where she was holding the head and tapped her way over to the back corner.

As she tapped her way back to her desk I couldn't help but look at her ass. It was nice and tight, just the way I liked em, plus her breasts looked firm and pert, all three pairs. For the rest of the day I couldn't get her out of my mind, no matter what I tried. So i just fantasized about her the rest of the day and paid attention to class only slightly, the only time I've ever been distracted from school since I was really young.

Mom came and picked me up after lunch, to my twice monthly therapist meeting. It was hard to focus on the way there since I kept thinking about Zee. When we arrived at the therapists office, i sat down in my usual seat, then I noticed Zee sitting across the room. I wanted to get up and talk to her but I didn't. Soon it was time for my meeting with Dr. Lively, I walked in her office and sat down.

"So, how was your morning Casey, anything interesting?" she asked as usual when we met in the afternoon.

"It was just like any other morning I guess. Lunch was different," I said.

Nodding she asked "In what way, was there someone new in your class?"

"I met someone that has been in my class two separate years. She came over and talked to me today," I said.

"Did she say what brought on this change, if it is breaking a habit of keeping quiet then there could be something else there," she asked while picking up a notepad from her desk.

"Well Zee said she was usually a very quiet person," I said.

"Zee, that is a rather unique name, I assume that it's short for something like yours is. Did she tell you what that was?" She asked calmly.

"She said her name was McKinzie, but I rather like Zee it sounds exotic," I said.

Nodding she said "Indeed, it does, this is your first time discussing anyone in a personal manner."

"It is, that's odd. I like her a lot though, shes about the only friend I have," I said.

Nodding she said "Well perhaps she will help you make more friends, should we discuss that?"

"What, the fact that I have no friends or the fact that I find her totally scrumptious," I asked.

Pausing for a moment she said "Well I suppose we would have eventually discussed your feelings on relationships, so you find her attractive?"

"Yeah, I do, I've never felt that way about anyone else. I mean I cant get her out of my head, i keep thinking about her physical features but not only those her warm personality. Her personality is intoxicating," I said drifting off.

Smiling knowingly Dr. Lively said "Well some people call that love, when everything about a person is perfect to you. Maybe karma is paying off it's debt to you by giving you happiness from while you're still within your youth."

"I dunno, I do know I like her. What makes her stand out to me though is I think she likes me too, but doesn't want to use me for my body like everyone else in the class. I feel the same way, inhibited somehow, its different." I said.

"Perhaps this is just the thing you need in your life, a little inhibition and happiness. So you've mentioned being uninhibited around your classmates before, do you want to talk about it this time?" she said while jotting a couple things on her notepad.

"Not really, I don't see the point in talking about something that isn't a problem. I like sex, it doesn't define me though," I said.

The rest of our session was mostly a haze of thinking about Zee, at the end of it Mom took me back to school, Zee was already sitting back at her desk. Then, before I knew it school was over and if I had worn panties today they would have been soaked.

I walked over to Zee's desk and said, "Want to wait till the crowds are gone?"

Smiling at me Zee said "Sure, so who was on your mind all day, I can smell your arousal."

"Honestly, it was you," I said, "Sorry I just find everything about you, appealing."

Standing she faced me, her sight line was slightly wrong but after she put her cane down and placed both of her paws on my shoulders it didn't matter. Moving her paws slowly down from my shoulders her paws traced down my front, her pads lighting fire to my skin as they traveled along the the edge of my breasts. When they reached the middle of my first pair she started to spread them across the tops and I felt my nipples turn hard under her touch. As she stepped back she reached around for her cane and touched it briefly, as it skidded slowly across the edge of desk she heard it the noise and caught it quickly.

"You're bigger than I would have guessed," she laughed as she realized what she said.

"Like chunkier, or my breasts are larger?" I asked,not sure if I should be offended just yet.

"Your breasts silly, you're what, a 34E?" She asked while pointing approximately at my first pair of breasts.

"Something like that, I take after my mom, she has 36D sized breasts," I said laughing a little and offering her my paw, "Well shall we get out of here?"

Not realizing it was there she said "Gladly Milady Cassandra, allow me to grab my bag," tossing her bag up her shoulder and managing to get it on without being able to see it she switched which hand was holding her cane and offered her arm to me.

"Why thank you, you're so sweet, and how did you remember my real name, its been years since anyone called me that," I said.

"I can't see, so I have really good verbal and tactile memory, the teacher called you that freshman year when checking names, before the school wrote Casey in as your name," she said while tapping in front of her a little ways.

"Yeah, its easier for everyone, I usually like to walk to and from school i hope your fine with a brisk walk. I can drive but I don't see the point in it. I mean the school is only a few blocks away<" i said in a slightly applogetic manner.

Shrugging she said "Well I have to get rides or ask for directions frequently if I walk, but I'm fairly fit despite that, so even walking a few miles shouldn't be bad."

"Well we aren't to far from home and I always end up at school early anyway. So I take it you're single from our little interaction back at school?" I asked.

Smiling as she tapped the classroom doorway to make sure she didn't run into it she said "I have everything going don't I, single, blind, and gay to boot, of course there is a reason for them all."

"Well single might be because they wanted to have sex with you or something you or they didn't like about you, blindness might be from genes or some sort of accident, gay, is a bit harder to say," I rambled.

"Hmm, could it be brutal honesty, a minor bit of innocence from the world since so much is expressed wordlessly, or just plain being uncomfortable with my accidental absent stares. Being blind is because of an accident my mom was in while she was carrying litter, it killed my two siblings and dislodged my visual cortex receptors from the back of my eyeball, they scarred over while I was still in utero so despite the abundance of money that my dad can throw at doctors there is no one in the world who can reconnect them. And the psychological scarring from the real reason why I went to court with my dad one day was linked by my therapist to why I'm gay despite not even being able to see," She spouted off in response to my rambling.

"Well, we all have out pasts, and they define who we are every day. The reason I'm like this is because of my parents, they abused me sexually when I was younger." I said," but I don't hate them for it they gave me what I have now."

"Weird, something in common that one wouldn't initially have suspected, my babysitter raped me. My dad then sued him to the point that after his fifteen years in prison he will then serve thirty more to pay off debt to my dad. I honestly have no idea how dad accomplished that, rather scary to think about." Shivering a bit she squeezed my arm for a moment.

"I can understand, I'll never be allowed to see them again plus I've been going to therapy for years. I'll tell you this though when you feel ready to sleep with me, it'll be about you and only you." I said.

"You really have no inhibitions about sex do you, does your therapist know about this?" she asked while chuckling at my suggestion.

"Why would I tell her something when I don't see whats wrong with it, all she would do is try to change me, and nothing is wrong with me," I said.

Shrugging Zee said "Just curious, usually that means you're protecting yourself with sex. But it's your life, and honestly everyone adapts to things differently. For instance I have trust issues with men in general and am absolutely terrified of having sex with a man, so really I have no room to talk because I really don't even want to get over my fear there."

"Well honestly I said I'd slow down when I met the right person, and so far i haven't yet. Hell I'd stop altogether if they asked me," I said.

"Well that's a healthy attitude about it, at least you know it would bother most people."

"I know It would be hard, but I'd do it, only reason I do it now is because its fun." I said shamelessly.

Slowing a little she blushed slightly and said "I wouldn't actually know what it's like with another person when they care for me."

Laughing i said, "And you think I do? Most of the people use me for my body because they know I'm easy."

"Well I suspect that they at least care a little about you surviving, I have a number of scars and only lived because my mom got sick at the end of dinner so my parents arrived home early, I've yet to have sex again," she said somewhat sheepishly.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about it, if you want we could work our way there, it'd be nice to actually do the things that lead to sex, not just sex," I said, "Turn left."

"Why, I do believe that you are asking me out on a date, may I take it as such then?" she asked while turning left and tapping rapidly to make sure the ground was level directly in front of her.

"Well I've never been on a date, truth be told. But yes it would be nice to go on what all these kids call a 'date'" I said laughing at my bad joke.

Laughing loudly as well Zee said "I think it sounds fun, it's been a couple years since I had a date, it was sophomore year still the last time I had a girlfriend."

"Well if she dumped you she's a bloody idiot," I said looking into her beautiful sightless eyes.

"I don't dump people, I spend too much time making a connection to break it like that. Hurts too much at the end and I've been left crying a few too many times."She gave a pained smile and a bit of dampness appeared around her eyes.

"That sounds horrible, I swear, I won't try to hurt you like that, and the staring seems rather lovely, it gives your sightless eyes more depth. I don't know how anyone could not like it," I said being completely honest.

Happiness came to her smile as she stopped and hugged me suddenly, "Thank you, that is one of the kindest things anyone I'm not related to has ever told me."

"Ok, a right then a left then there is a step. Be careful," I said feeling kind of redundant.

Holding me for a moment more she turned back to facing almost the same direction as before and alternated between tapping on the sidewalk and off on the grass to the left until she found the edge of the driveway and proceeded to turn to the right and walk up the driveway around car without even realizing it was there, tapping the stoop right outside the door she stepped to her left onto it without even hesitating. The moment she tapped the door she stopped and said "Well, I take it this is your front door then."

"Yeah it is, let me get the door, we put our shoes off over to the right. We just got the carpet steam cleaned. My mom is home I'll introduce you to her," i said putting my key in the door and unlocking it.

"Okay, sounds fun," she said while following me in the door and using her cane to push off the heels of her shoes. Stepping out of them she bent over and asked "So where do you want me to put these?"

"With the other shoes by the carpet, I'll help you find them when we get ready to take you home," I said.

Tapping her cane around and finding the other shoes she bent over and showed off more of exactly how shapely her ass was. Straightening again she said "Yeah, I will need help finding them again when I leave."

"I figured," I said getting close to her I whispered into her ear, "I really like your ass, nice and firm."

Blushing again she hit me close to the shoulder, she is fairly accurate even without the ability to see, "Thank you, my Mum helps me work out."

"Yoga?" I Inquired.

"That, as well as a treadmill with straps to hold my waist when I miss my step so I don't fall since I can't easily catch myself, and she helps with a sort of weight lifting. I owe my Mum so much for helping me with stuff." she said while smile and putting a paw on my shoulder to help steady herself.

"Yeah, I understand, I owe my foster mother quite a bit, I mean she gave me a normal life, speaking of which, Hey mom I'm home," I spoke a bit louder, "And I brought a friend home."

"Ok dearie, I'm in the kitchen come in and introduce me to her," she said.

"Alright mom," I said before looking at Zee, "Here take my paw."

"Okay, I trust you." she said while smiling and putting her cane to the side of the doorway.

"Don't worry, there aren't any steps try and keep close to the side I'm holding your hand on," I said as I lead her slowly through our entry way and living room I stopped just short of the kitchen table, "Mom, this is Zee, she's in the same class as me, and she is blind."

"Nice to meet you ma'am." She said to my foster mother, smile in front of her, no where near where my foster mom was standing since she hadn't spoken yet.

"Nice to meet ya too, is Zee short for anything?" she asked.

"McKinzie, my mum is part Irish setter and wanted to name her only kit after that." she said after looking towards where my foster mom's voice came from.

"Yeah, I wish I wish I could have conceived a pup myself, but some of us aren't meant to have children, God blessed me with Cassandra though and that's good enough for me," She said.

"Well you were able to adopt an amazing young woman, and some day hopefully I'll be so lucky."

"Want to stay for dinner? After all it is Casey's birthday," she smiled, "We have a surprise for you tonight Cas. I'm also sorry I forgot this morning, I had a lot on my plate."

"I would love to help Casey celebrate a birthday she believed overlooked entirely, I will have to get her a present later since I just found out today that it is her birthday." As Zee said that her phone rang and she pulled it out saying "Ello ello, this is Zee, what's up?" pausing for a moment she said "Yes mum, I'm fine, she lives right by the school so we walked over, you can talk to her or her mum who is standing around six feet in front of me."

"I'll talk to her," Jen said, "If she wants to speak to me."

Handing the phone over Zee said "Mum's name is Renee."

"Hi Renee, this is Jen, I asked Zee if she wanted to stay for dinner, it's Casey's birthday today." she said in a tone that sounded like honey, "I assure you my daughter is a very safe driver."

Whispering Zee said just barely loud enough for me to hear and nowhere near loud enough for my mom to hear "Someone is getting a car tonight!"

Whispering back, "Maybe, you never know, I hope so, not that i mind driving dads Porsche."

"Your dad drives a Porsche?" she asked quitely and sounding surprised.

"Yeah, he as an executive at Kapper Electronics Inc." I said.

Silent for a moment she said "It would be awesome if he drove that porsche tank my dad told me about a while back. Apparently it was the Porsche 550 spyder with tank treads, sounded awesome the way he described it. Seemed even cooler after I asked him how tank treads felt and he got me onto a historical society tank. I'm not sure if it was real though, why would a sports car have tank treads."

"I always wanted to ride in a tank of any kind," I said.

After I said that Zee just made a noise of some kind and was suddenly surprised as my foster mom took her paw and put her phone in it, thus shaking her out of her reverie. "Is she still on the line?"

"Sorry Sweetie, didn't mean to surprise you and she said she wanted to talk to you," She said softly.

Taking the phone back up near her ear Zee said "Hey mum, yeah, she seems like a very kind woman, yeah, I came up with an idea as to what I want to do for Casey's birthday. No, she's right next to me so I'm not going to tell you, please mum that's embarrassing, okay, yes, I love you too mum, I'll see you in a few hours." Hanging the phone up she missed her pocket the first time but got it in her front jeans pocket the second time.

"Your mom is a very sweet woman, and she loves you a lot, be thankful, some people don't get that kind of loving parents," Jen said.

"I know she loves me, but she suffers from a bit of mental fatigue and memory loss, she frequently thinks that it is twelve years ago and that I'm still seven. So sometimes she embarrasses me during those spells, it's kinda funny when she thinks that dad is twelve years younger and asks why he has grey fur."

"That's a parents job hun, let me tell ya, but at least she's still getting around," Jen said.

"I love her so very much, but I've had a few hundred conversations that just ended with her drifting into the past and never remembering that we didn't finish the conversation." Zee said while a look of remembrance came over her.

"Well may God watch over her, as He does all of us," Jen said.

"Ok mom, mind if we go and sit in the living room and watch some TV," I asked.

"Sure go head, I've got some work to do in here still, I'll join you two when I'm done. Oh and Derek will be home in a few hours," She said getting back to her work, "Oh and Zee you've got to tell me your secret to keeping your fur so soft sometime ."

Blushing she said "Sure, so where is the TV?"

Taking her paw again I said, "Follow me." I led her back into the living room and around the coffee table and sat her down in the big comfy leather couch.

Falling into the depths of the soft couch she mocked The Wicked Witch of the West and said "I'm meeeltingggg"

"Oh, come on this is nice and comfy, but that is a very 'compromising position' if ya get meh meanin," I said.

Closing her legs quickly and sitting up straighter Zee said "Well if I'm going to be in a compromised position maybe we should be in your room, but that won't be until you've taken me on a date first."

"But of course, So anything you like to watch in particular?" I asked sitting down.

"What all is on, I like listening to a lot of different shows." she responded.

"According to James is on," I said.

"I'm not sure that I've heard that show before, we could put it on," she said while scooting closer to me.

"Okay, cutie," I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder, "Mom is right, your fur is soft."

"Thanks, I use home made fruit washes, that's the business Mum runs, she doesn't have a very big customer list anymore and I can't learn since I can't see to tell when it changes colour from mixing it."

"Could you learn by the smell of it?" I asked curious.

Shaking her heard she said "No, I tried once a couple of years ago to get over my recent ex, the scent changes are too subtle for me to tell, you need sight to be able to tell entirely. There are a few I can make because they get thicker and when they are thick enough that is when you know they're done."

"Well mom knows a few people who'd be interested in helping expand the clientele, and dad knows a few guys at work that like their fur to be really soft," I said while running my paw up and down her arm and shoulder.

Starting to purr Zee said "I'll talk to Mum about it, her prices are slightly high to drive off more casual customers since she can't make the huge batches anymore and she doesn't want to make a huge business out of it. She wanted one of her kits to take it up but no such luck since I'm blind and she can't have children anymore."

"Well I know my mom wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get her fur softer. She's tried everything, and so far shes been dissatisfied with the results. Well maybe she'd be interested in teaching me I like working with my paws," I said with a sly grin, "In more ways than one."

"Mmm, sounds like you would give good massages." She said while turning her back towards me.

"After one of mine you'll be damn near asleep," I said being rather confident of myself.

As I started the massage her purring got gradually louder, I tried my best to stay chaste about it all to avoid meaningless sex when I had the opportunity for so much more.

"Enjoying your self?" I asked.

"Very much so, and thank you for not pushing the situation," Zee said through her purring.

"Like I want to ruin my chance at something more than casual sex," I said the last part rather hushed.

Her ears both swivelling completely towards the kitchen she said "Don't worry, your Mum didn't hear, she's humming something too loudly."

"Soft Puppy, most likely, its a nursery rhyme, she sang it to me when I was younger. She loves it," I said, "I just don't want her to know about my 'encounters' she'll have the therapist talk to me about it, there's nothing wrong with the way I live my life, I play it safe."

"With what I've seen, you have to be safe somehow, so I believe and trust you," she said while falling back onto my breasts with her head landing on my right shoulder.

"I'm glad you feel so comfortable around me. Even the people that want to be with me are nervous about asking me. Its odd getting to know someone like this," I said.

Wrapping her arm around my back she nuzzled closer and said "It's quite enjoyable and you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, I feel more comfortable with you than with my prior girlfriends. Of course after listening in on your lunch meetings I know you better in some ways than I knew any of them."

"Everyone in our class does," I said, "so which encounters did you accidentally record?"

"Um, the one that I actually kept was the time that you were with two of the cheerleaders. But what I meant is the fact that you enjoy reading, you hum while you're having sex, you enjoy situations like this where you have the weight of someone else just laying on top of you. You don't have any preference at all even in the middle of an orgasm who is kissing you, and you mean so much to anyone paying attention." she said while leaning in more and inhaling deeply before saying "And you smell good."

"Think I'd be a good writer?" I ask suddenly, "And thank you its berries and cream, my real mothers mix."

Smiling she said "You have emotion, you have experienced pain, and you love reading, I think you could be a great writer."

"I mean its always been something I wanted to do with my life, but no one wants to really get to know me except you," I said, "Ironic isn't it?"

"Well I believe you can, so you should do it, everyone should follow their dreams, even if they're nearly impossible. Because there is no such word that means something can't happen." Her belief was infectious, with her trust in me I felt like I could conquer the impossible.

"You two should knock that out before your dad comes home," Jen said, "I might not care but your dad does, I'm not to sure how he'd react."

Sitting up Zee sat straight and mostly lady-like again, smiling and saying "I like your Mum, she's nice."

"Of course I am," she said.

"You're also throwing your voice, interesting trick, is your Mum standing right behind the couch?" Zee asked, looking behind her blindly.

"She is, she's very talented," I said.

"Aww, come on Cas its more fun it they don't know." She said.

Pointing at her icey eyes Zee said "I can't see, so I had to guess by the fact that it feels like there is air moving right behind me, namely, you breathing."

"Well you are good girl you are good, so I guess you're at least bi if not full blown lesbian," Jen asked.

"MOM!" I exclaimed, "That's not something you should ask."

"I'm a good little gay girl, don't worry though Casey, I don't need to defend myself from the truth."

"I understand, I did the same thing when I was around your ages, Collage was a lot of fun," Jen said.

Nodding Zee said "You probably have some interesting stories, I'm also certain I don't want to hear them."

"I have stories that could make porn stars blush," Jen admitted.

"Mom come on," I said.

"See I told you its a parents job to embarrass their children," Jen said laughing

Laughing with her Zee said "And occasionally their children's friends, don't worry though, still not as bad as my Mum."

"Right, give me time I'll grow on ya. Cas, maybe its time you told dad that you go both ways. I won't let him ruin this day, or throw you out. I made a promise to God on that, and he isn't truly your father. That and I sense that he'd approve of this one, since shes a good girl."

Blushing Zee said "Thank you, you really are very kind."

"Honey I'm home," dad said, Walking into the the living room.

"I Know you aren't walking in here with your shoes on!" Jen said.

"I take it that is a really big rule then?" Zee asked

"After we just spent two hundred on a steam clean yes," Jen said.

"Oh shit, Jenny Bean I'm so sorry I totally forgot," dad said taking his shoes off.

"Dad, I have something to tell you," I said feeling confident that Mom and Zee would back me up, "I'm bisexual."

"Ok, just make sure you find someone nice," he said.

"Your parents are both very nice, like amazingly so." Zee said looking mostly in my foster Dad's direction

"Well honestly I'd come to terms with it long ago, your parents really messed you up. It wouldn't be surprising if you weren't into anyone. I'm just glad you're happy," dad said, "Oh and nice to meet you..."

"Zee, it's short for McKinzie, hello sir." She replied cheerfully, still not fully looking at dad, her head facing a little to the left of him.

"You blind or something, I'm looking right at ya," he said.

Nodding she said "Yes, sorry, I don't always get where sounds are coming from completely correct. It's okay though."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know I hope I didn't offend you," He said apologetically

"I'm rather used to it, I've been blind my entire life, everyone reacts different, some become bitter, some simply refuse to be put down. My cane is sitting somewhere along the wall in the entrance there, please just make sure you didn't knock it down so I can easily find it when it is time to leave." She said while pointing towards the door through the wall.

"Yeah, hey how about we all head outside, I think I saw a stray cat outside," he said, "and I'll make sure we get your cane where you had it."

Whispering Zee said "Something is up, this will be interesting."

"Ok Daddy lets go see if we can find it," I said going along with it.

Putting her hand on my shoulder Zee followed me out easily and stood against the house once outside. There wasn't a cat out there but a 1986 XJS Jaguar, almost fully restored. Dad handed me the key and told me to check the trunk. I walked over to the trunk and put the key in the slot and opened it up. Inside was an Alienware M18X laptop with my name inscribed on the metal plate, who said that he didn't know about computers? I ran over and hugged dad.

"Your welcome sweetie. I had a feeling you'd like them," he said with a smile.

"What is it?" Zee asked, having no idea what was going on without anyone explaining.

"A 1986 XJS Jaguar almost completely restored, and a Alienware M18X laptop with my name engraved in it," I said.

"Cool, I know more about the laptop than the car, but I think I remember dad describing one once at an antique car show, it's a convertible right?" Zee said, walking towards me and hugging me.

"Yeah its a convertible, and the model itself had a twenty one year run, this 86 is a Hess & Eisenhardt model, which means the soft top folds into the car for a better look, kind of like the modern ones." I said due to my very expansive research of older cars, "its cool."

"It sounds awesome, I'm glad you're happy." She said after letting go of me.

"I'm glad I have you I doubt any guy wants to hang with a grease monkey like me, cause I know a lot about these old cars," she said.

"Hey, dinner is ready, how about we go get some while its still hot," Mom said, breaking up the couples moment.

"Sounds good," dad said, going into the house immediately, Zee and I followed.

Dinner went swimmingly well, we ate ham and beans with cornbread before Mom pulled a two layer upside down pineapple cake. Singing me a happy birthday tune I was easily able to pull enough air into my lungs to blow out all eighteen candles. We had some of my moms delicious cake and then it was time to take Zee home.

When we got to her house I walked her to the front door ad said, "Well I had a good birthday today. I'm glad you decided to talk to me. You made this a special day."

Smiling wider than I had seen her smile yet she put her paws forward and put them on either side of my head, slowly tracing my face with her paws she pulled me closed and kissed me for a moment before kissing me deeper for several seconds. Breaking it she said "This was my favorite first date I've ever had."

"Mine too," I said in agreement

Reaching behind her and eventually locating the door handle she stepped backwards and started tapping the door frame with her cane until she was though it, while closing the door she said "I'll see you tomorrow, my lovely girlfriend."