Justice and Deserts

Story by Wind Wolf on SoFurry

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All characters and whatever are mine in this story.. I hope that you enjoy it, feel free to post it *wherever* you please, so long as you leave my name on it. Wind Wolf. That being said, no one under eighteen should be reading this story. If you are a minor and you read this story, I'll have to shoot flaming kittens at you. Justice and Deserts Nicolos was chuckling to himself as he sat at the kitchen table, a beer sitting to his left. His paint ball gun was sitting on the table where he was making sure everything was in order, there were to be no jams. No foul ups. He was determined to get the lil' bastards that had been consistently egging and TP'ing his house for the last few weeks, along with that of others in the neighborhood. The police could easily catch them, but they damn well weren't interested. They had more important things to do, not to mention the all important 'boys will be boys' attitude that seemed to be all over his quiet southern town. Once, the tiger could under stand. Twice he could live with. But three times? Four times? He wasn't the cleanest of his feline friends ( or any, for that matter ) but there was a certain level of things he'd tolerate. And things he wouldn't. Hosing the eggs off his door every couple of evenings was getting on his nerves. But what to do for the revenge? The six foot three tiger could easily take the two teens in a fight, his body was naturally fit ( despite what he ate ) plus some extra due to his morning runs. Sure he wasn't a stud, but he was still proud of his body. The fact he was an avid paint baller also helped keep him in condition.. And it also inspired his revenge. His friends were on their way, with their paint ball guns and extended hoppers. It seemed due time for another night of vandalizing on Nic's house, and he was going to get them this time. He'd caught sight of them the other night just as they were leaving a fresh site, two runts, around fourteen years old in the most god awful 'Urban' style clothing he'd ever seen. That alone deserved them to be pelted in a hail storm of paint and glorious fury. Nicolos finished his beer, satisfied that his paint ball gun was in working order. He leaned back in his chair, arms behind his head smiling like the cat that ate the canary. The cool air of the central air system was washing over his bare chest in a most delightful way : In the middle of a southern summer, there was no greater joy then an great AC system. Most of the time he'd even just walk around naked in the house to keep an extra few degrees cooler.. Plus, it was interesting when the Mormons came knocking. Expecting his friends however, he'd pulled on an old pair of 'home made' jean cut offs that barely even fit anymore and were more faded then any he'd ever seen. Even with just the guys coming around, it was the polite thing to do. A hard firm knock at the door let him know that Tony had arrived, the big bear always knocked hard enough to rattle the door in it's frame. "Come on in, it's unlocked!" Nic shouted out, and the group of them entered. "Christ Nic, cold in here as always! You'd think it was a damned-" John stopped as he came with the others around the corner with the others, pausing as he caught sight of Nic stretched out in the chair for just a moment before continuing. "Meat locker.." "Ah dunno.. I like it." Tony replied, lifting his heavy paw to his face to wipe some of the sweat off his face. The other was occupied with a big black duffel bag, the contents of which were easy to guess. "You should have been a polar bear, solitary, big, cold loving, a fur fond of fine Coke.." Ryan ( a young raccoon ) commented from the other side of the bear, causing Tony to shake his head. "Enough, boys and girls.. We have a mission to accomplish tonight. Our mission is to bombard the living hell out those lil' bastards with paintballs. I'd prefer to use real bullets! However, I don't want to go to jail.. At least, not for this. Now." Nicolos started, rising from his seat. John was watching from the side, the amber eyes of the cougar sneaking a glance down at the waist band of his friend's shorts which were somehow getting lower and lower. "My gut tells me they will be out there tonight. We're going to wait until they approach.. Then fire from the bushes, preferably before they get in my yard. I don't want any paint hitting my already abused house." Nicolos seemed to notice how low his shorts were getting as he did his Patton routine, and pulled them up with only a moment's pause. John's attention was back on Nicolos' face once again with no one catching sight of him. "Tony, did you bring equipment for the others?" Tony smiled and set the big bag down next to Nic's empty beer can. "You bet." He unzipped the bag, only to remove two paint ball guns for the others, two big jars of balls, and a large black rifle. "I still can't believe you bought that thing.." John muttered as he surveyed his gun. "What?" He asked, looking at the cougar then back to his PSG-1 replica that'd been altered to fire paint balls. "It cost at least a thousand dollars! Where do you get that kind of money?" "Considering how accurate he is with that thing, he better not go for any headshots.. " Ryan chimed in. "Oh yeah.. I guess I better not use any of these either.." He took out another jar of paintballs. There was still frost on the jar and Nicolos shook his head with a smirk. "Frozen balls. Tony, you think of everything." "I still think it's over kill.." John said with a pout. "Why didn't you just bring the recoiless paint rifle? Jesus." ".. It wouldn't fit in the bag." Tony replied with a huge smile. ****************************************************************************** "Hahahaha!" They all laughed, smacking either other's shoulders and grinning like fools as the two teenage furs ran off in a display of multicolor chicken shittery. "That was great, man! Totally worth spending two hours in your dam bushes!" There was a decent amount of space between each house, probably the only reason their laughing and the yelps of pain from the teens didn't arouse anyone's suspicions.. Or, the neighbors were watching and laughing at the kids that'd got their house too. It was minutes later when a light broke through the night that caused the group to go dead silent and settle down again. The group knew a police cruiser light when they saw one : The fact the kids had called the cops kind of annoyed Nicolos though. The cops would come to help the vandals.. But not the victims. "Guys.." Nicolos whispered. "Slide back.. Into the drainage ditch behind us.. " "Ew.. I dunno.." John started. "It's clean! Remember? Theres been a drought lately, just trash. Go on.. Down." After a moment of hesitation, they all slowly did slide down into the ditch, and with Nic in the lead, they snuck into a surprisingly well sized concrete pipe. Tony could just barely fit inside, but the rest had no problem.. Even if Ryan was a little fidgety and Tony stayed near the entrance. "Almost like a little fort.. How long you think they'll stay up there?" John spoke up in a hushed voice. "No idea.. But I don't mind, I didn't have anything better to do." Nic said with a smirk as he settled down into the pipe, still wearing just his shorts. He couldn't be bothered to have changed earlier. "Speak for yourself.. I've.. Got a date." Ryan muttered. "And I haven't finished a bolt I've been working on.." "Well, your welcome to make a run for it.. I'm staying down here though, where theres a good chance they won't find me. Besides, once they leave, my house is right there.." Tony shook his head and sighed. "Gotta get to it.. I'll take the guns with me. John, Ryan? You coming?" Ryan nodded while John glanced back at Nicolos, who had shrugged a black pack off his shoulder and took out a bottle of beer with a grin. "Free beer!" John started with a smirk before saying. "I mean.. I think I'll hang out a while.." A while had passed, the two had littered the passage with empty beer bottles, quietly drinking the night away. Both of them could hold their booze, but Nic had been drinking most of it. By the time the cop lights had finally gone, there was no way Nic was getting further then the tunnel entrance without help.. So with some effort, John helped his tiger friend in side, he was about the same height.. But his frame wasn't nearly as muscular. He wasn't a pansy, and had decent stamina, but the muscles just never really came. Nicolos was practically sleeping on his feet, chuckling and mumbling jokes only he could understand as John helped him inside and promptly dumped him on the large sofa. Panting for air he stood there, catching his breath as he looked at Nicolos sprawled out on the couch in all his glory, muscles shown easily through his fur, his white furred chest rising and falling with each breath. "Sleeping like a drunken baby.. " John spoke to himself, smiling and shaking his head. 'Wonder if he's got buns like one..' He thought, chuckling at his joke. John sighed once more as he stood, his eyes resting on Nicolos face, admiring the handsome male. They'd been friends ever since middle school.. And now both in their mid twenties, they'd stayed that way. When John found out he was gay though, he just couldn't tell his buddy. In the south.. Who knew what might happen? Nicolos could beat the crap out of him! 'No.. He'd never do that.. ' John thought after a moment, lifting a paw, stroking it through the well groomed chest fur of the tiger wistfully. That wasn't the only thing he hadn't told Nicolos.. He absolutely adored the tiger, his online friends pushed him to tell Nic, but he just couldn't. He wasn't brave enough.. Bravery. Something Nicolos always had.. He smiled fondly at the thought of Nicolos standing up for him against bullies, leading him into abandoned houses to look for ghost, or helping him with customers at his job. A gentle purr rose from Nicolos' chest, startling John from his thoughts and causing the paw stroking the tiger to stop. A smile was across the male's face, but he hadn't woken up.. And after a moment, a part of John couldn't help but think. 'How deep of a sleeper is he? And how drunk?' John lifted a fuzzy finger, tentatively tickling the tiger's nosepad with it.. Nope. Not even a twitch in his arm. He unsheathed one claw, lowering his paw, and pricked Nicolos' chest just light enough not to draw blood. Nothing. A shiver ran through John's body : Had he just been given a gift from heaven? He wouldn't do anything such as rape his friend, but.. He wouldn't mind finally getting to see what was under those shorts. It'd been a while since they were in school, or even in the same gym class.. How had the tiger developed? He shouldn't do it.. He really shouldn't.. But it's true what they say. Beer is liquid courage, and soon Nicolos' belly was being stoked progressively lower by his friend whom was now kneeling on the couch side. Lower and lower over the silken fur which was touched with masculine scent, and just hinted with some cologne.. John's breath washed over Nic's belly as he leaned in close to get a good strong whiff of his friend's scent. It made his body shiver anew, a growing arousal was beginning to show in his jeans.. Motivating him to find out what was under his friend's cut offs. Slowly he took the waist band into his paws, snapping open the button with a soft 'pop' that somehow seemed a thousand times louder then usual. Yet, Nic didn't so much as twitch. Taking a moment to gather himself, John's breath grew shallow and slow as his fingers pulled at the little metallic zipper. To his shock and yet, instant joy at the same time, he found out Nicolos wasn't wearing anything under his shorts. His plump, long sheath was just barely hidden by the flaps of the shorts.. Which were soon brushed aside, giving him full view over his friend's balls and sheath. The masculine scent grew stronger, drawing him closer as a moth to flame. John couldn't resist, he slid his muzzle down right to his friend's groin, taking in a slow, deep breath through his nose. "Oh.. God.." He quietly whispered as the scent hit him like a ton of bricks, his warm breath wafting from his mouth at his words, washing over his friend's genitals in the cold room, causing the tiger to moan lowly in his sleep. John was past being startled at this point, even if he was being careful still. His paw shameless slipped into his buddy's shorts, rolling the balls around in a massaging and appreciative manner.. Almost like someone would would a fine glass of wine before sipping. He leaned just a little closer, turning his head to the side and opening his muzzle. His tongue snuck forward and stroked across his friend's heavy white furred balls. Once.. Twice, again he licked before sucking one into his muzzle and lolling it around with his tongue. A loud purr filled the room, along with the lesser sounds of sleeping moans, heavier breath, and a barely audiable sucking sound. Something brushed against the side of his face, and John opened his eyes to find his friend's cock standing proudly in the air, throbbing with need. A lustful joy like none before came upon him : He loved to suck cocks that were soaked with the smell of male pride and strength, to drain the balls of a male and take every last drop. He'd even blown a few strangers in clubs or at work, even if he hadn't 'slept' with anyone yet. He was still far from a virgin. He'd even sucked himself off before coming over to Nic's house. Almost reluctantly his lips parted from the orb they were upon, and slowly slid up to the base of his friend's cock. He used two of his larger predator teeth to tease the sides at the base, only to nibble and such just around the sheath, a purr rising from his own chest as he savored the flavor. Nic's dick put his own to shame, a good two inches longer then his own seven inch length, and noticeably bigger in width aswell. His lips began to suck the side of the member, his tongue stroking it between the gentle kisses, finding his way to the tip.. He lifted a paw, settling it on the base of his friend's prick, gripping it firmly and stroking, twisting his paw around it randomly aswell.. While a second paw went to Nic's balls, gripping them loosely where they began to roll them around in his palm. There were no thoughts in John's mind. No worries. His eyes were closed and he was focused as his lips enclosed around Nicolos' swollen tiger pride, sucking it just passed the head whilst his tongue danced and swirled around it, the semi-rough, highly flexible feline appendage making Nicolos moan louder then before. Gradually his lips began to descend, his head getting lower and lower as inch by inch, the cock sunk into his muzzle. Due to the angle, he just couldn't get it all in, but he so wanted it lodged deep in his throat. But he just pulled back, and soon his head was rhythmically rising and falling upon the length with a growing speed. A hunger.. A desire like none John had ever known, the scents of the two males intertwined together filling his lungs with every deep breath through his nose.. The cock in his mouth, in his paw, the balls in the other.. His paw and mouth all moved together, in just the right ways to make the male beneath him shiver and moan in his sleep. 'I need it.. Please..' John thought as he settled into sucking the head of Nicolos' cock as his paw rose and fell with speed. 'I need your cum, please, Nic.. Please..' His friend never was one to disappoint, and without warning, thick ropes of hot tiger seed began shooting forth into John's muzzle. Rope after rope, almost too much for John to swallow.. Almost. Not a trickle of cum escaped the hungry cougar's mouth. Just last of his friend's load was shot into his mouth, John opened his eyes, smiling with a now subdued look in sharp contrast to the one he'd had not long ago. And as his eyes opened, for a moment he thought he saw his friend's eyes open just barely before closing again.. But he wrote it off as his now tired imagination. Taking a few minutes, he made sure the tiger was clean by giving his groin a tongue bath. Then he buttoned his shorts, sprayed a little air freshener, and with a glancing look at his best friend, he slipped out the door to head home for the night. Editted only for spelling. If you want it to go on past one story, comment. Hope you enjoyed. - WW