Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything,Part 8

Story by Penelope Ravenheart on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone! This is the eighth part of the story of Marius and Jillian. When last we saw our characters, Jillian had been kidnapped by the evil Lapidus Yarrow and Marius had just come home to find this out as well as to run face to face into his son, Julius, for the first time in twelve years. So, if you are ready to find out what happens next, please, read on and enjoy! And, as always, thank you for reading my stories.

Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 8

By Penelope Ravenheart

Jillian began to awaken slowly, not remembering right away where she was. As she opened her eyes and looked around it all came rushing back to her and she looked at Yarrow, lying next to her, still asleep, and felt her stomach sink. She had been kidnapped by Yarrow's men and brought here to his home the night before and was cuffed and chained to the bed she was currently in.

She began to slowly and carefully try to slip out of the wolf's arms, wanting to try to pry open one of the links of the chain attached to the cuffs she was wearing. She thought if she could get the edge of her wedding ring into the slot where one of the links closed that she might be able to bend it open far enough to get the chain to come apart. She carefully lifted the arm Yarrow had thrown over her and began to slide over, moving away from him and sitting up. She kept an eye on his face as she extricated herself from his hold, alert for any sign that he was waking up.

Once she had managed to move away from him a bit and sit up, Jillian began looking for a link to start trying to pry open. She found one that appeared to have a slot that was just far enough open already that she could get the edge of her ring into it and began trying to work it open further. She had it almost open far enough to pull it apart from the link next to it when she suddenly felt herself being pulled roughly back into the wolf's possessive embrace as he growled angrily. She uttered a startled cry and tried to scramble away but Yarrow was too strong.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he growled into her face as he pinned her to the bed.

"Let me go!" Jillian demanded as she squirmed fruitlessly in the wolf's iron grasp.

"You're not going anywhere, my dear. You're mine now. And right now, you need to tend to your new master's needs and wake me up right," Yarrow said, rubbing his huge, already hard cock against her pussy from his position above her.

As he forced her legs open, Jillian screamed, struggling against the wolf. He coated her with his pre as he leaned down, nipping and licking at her breasts. The more she struggled, the more excited he became, murring as he felt her desperately trying to get away.

"I'm so looking forward to having my knot buried in your hot little human pussy. But that can wait until we get rid of that thing in your belly. I want to be able to push my cock all the way into you, my dear," Yarrow growled into her ear, breathing hard.

Jillian struggled against him harder, whimpering as she felt his cock rubbing against her clit and his hot breath on her neck. Even as she tried so desperately to get away from him, she could feel her clit beginning to throb and swell. He ground himself against her harder and she could feel his pulse in his hugely swollen knot as he pushed it against her sensitive, wet pussy.

"Time for breakfast, my dear," Yarrow said as he turned, straddling her face and pushing his hardness against her lips.

He shoved her legs apart wider and took one long, slow lick from the back of her pussy forward over her swollen, throbbing clit.

Jillian felt him dragging his claws menacingly over her belly again, just as he had the night before when he had threatened her into performing oral sex. She began to cry again as she opened her mouth, taking his thick, hard cock in and sucking on it reluctantly. The wolf pushed his hips down, pushing his cock tip into the top of her throat. As before, to make him stop threatening her and her pup with his claws, Jillian cooperated. She reached up, stroking his thick shaft, massaging his huge knot as she cupped and squeezed his cum filled balls, dreading the moment she would be forced to swallow their contents.

Yarrow murred as he felt her stroking and squeezing him, shivering with pleasure as she gave his knot special attention. He leaned forward, licking up some of her juices and growling happily as he tasted her. He moved his hips as she pleasured him, forcing his cock deeper into her throat. The wolf flicked his tongue over her swollen clit, chuckling as she mmmed around his huge member. He captured her clit in his lips, sucking on it as he relentlessly lashed at it with his tongue. He watched as her pussy swelled open more, her juices flowing freely now, and drove a clawed finger into her deeply.

Jillian mmmed more around his huge hardness as she felt herself getting close to cumming. When the wolf drove his finger into her, it pushed her over the edge into an intense orgasm. She arched her back, writhing under him as she came. Her pussy tightened around his finger, seeming to suck on it as she came hard. She couldn't help herself as her orgasm intensified and her hips thrust up. Her legs came up around his neck reflexively as her orgasm overwhelmed her. She mmmed, breathing harder as she bucked and thrust under him.

Yarrow growled happily and, as she slowly came down from her orgasm, he released her clit, sliding his tongue back as he pulled his finger out of her. He stopped to lick her juices from his finger as he thrust his hips harder, pushing all but his knot into her mouth. He looked down at her wet, swollen pussy, murring as he inhaled her scent before leaning forward and slipping his long tongue into her. He slid his huge paws under her ass, holding her in place against his muzzle as his tongue drove deeper, slithering and twisting inside her.

He ground his muzzle against her as her taste and scent excited him more. His huge balls began tightening against his body and he growled in pleasure. Moments later, he lifted his face from her pussy, panting and growling louder as he began to cum. His hot, thick juices flowed into her mouth and down her throat even as hers dripped from his muzzle as his growling gave way to a loud howl.

Jillian swallowed quickly, trying to keep from choking as Yarrow came. She could hear his panting and howling as he ground against her face, his thick cock jolting as he pumped his hot cum into her mouth and throat. The tears flowed more as she swallowed his cum. She wished she dared try to bite off his vile cock and spit it at him. But she knew if she even attempted anything like that, he might well hurt her and her pup. He had, after all, killed Marius' first wife, a woman he claimed to love, in a fit of rage.

As he finished his orgasm, Yarrow pulled his thick, but now flaccid cock out of her mouth and throat. He rolled off her, turning around to lay next to her again, licking her juices off his muzzle as he watched her quietly crying. He slid one paw up over her belly to her breasts, fondling them and pinching her nipples.

"I hope you enjoyed your breakfast as much as I did, my dear. I'm fairly sure you did though," Yarrow said, chuckling.

"I can't help my physical responses. But don't think that means I actually enjoyed it," Jillian replied, turning her face away from him.

"No matter," he said, smiling. "I enjoyed it immensely."

As Jillian lay there, the wolf fondling and pinching her breasts, her mind raced with thoughts of how she might escape from him. She knew Marius would come for her but, she couldn't just wait to be rescued. Yarrow planned to have his doctor get rid of her pup, ending her pregnancy so that, presumably, he could breed her himself. She had to make sure she was out of here before any harm came to her pup.

Stretching and yawning, Yarrow said, "As a matter of fact, I think I'll feed you some more shortly."

Jillian closed her eyes tightly, dreading the thought that this ordeal would continue. She wished that when she opened her eyes, this would all be nothing but a bad dream. As she lay there, she tried to calm her mind and think rationally about a plan to escape from Yarrow. A few ideas surfaced in her mind and she began to cling to them, working out the possibilities.

The morning was a bit cool and the sun was bright as, at the same time Jillian was waking up, Marius, Julius and the guards all rode towards Yarrow's house. Marius and Jonah had briefly discussed their plan of action. They would stop for a few minutes at the pond in the clearing and let the rest of the men in on the rough plan to divide forces, half coming in from the front and half coming up behind Yarrow's house.

Marius himself planned to storm right through the front door, breaking it down if necessary. He intended for Yarrow to be dead by the end of the day and hoped with every fiber of his being that he would be the one to do it. He had never been a violent wolf but he wanted Yarrow dead and craved the satisfaction of being the one to send him to his grave.

As they rode up to the pond, Jonah signaled to the men to stop and gather around. He started telling them the plan and telling which ones to go where. As the men were getting instructions and letting the horses drink form the pond, Marius sat on his horse, letting it get a drink, growling and looking in the direction of Yarrow's house. They were only a short ride from their destination and Marius was impatient to get there.

After a few minutes, the men and the two wolves started off again, riding through the woods in two large groups towards Lapidus Yarrow's rambling house less than a mile away. Julius would be with the group going in from the back. He rode up near the front of that group, following Jonah. He knew his father wanted to kill Yarrow but, if he didn't, Julius intended to. They both had reason to want Yarrow dead and both had justification for doing it.

The two groups split off and started riding faster as they approached Yarrow's property. Marius was growling loudly as he charged straight for the front door of the large, gothic house where Yarrow lived. He was flanked by half of his guards and knew the other half of his men and his son, led by Jonah, were attacking at the rear of the house at the same moment. Yarrow didn't have quite as many guards as Marius had brought with him and he was hoping that that combined with the dual attack would mean this would be over quickly.

As Marius and his men closed in on the front of the house, several of Yarrow's guards charged towards them on foot, swords drawn. Marius swung his sword, taking down three of Yarrow's men before he even dismounted his horse. All of his men immediately engaged Yarrow's guards as Marius made his way to the front door, only having to raise his sword once more to dispatch one of Yarrow's men.

Marius kicked open the front door, sending the household staff scurrying at the sight of this immense and imposing wolf standing in the doorway. Two guards came towards him from inside the house as he crossed the threshold. The wolf swung his huge sword, gravely wounding one guard and sending him to his knees. The other managed to jump back in time to avoid being cut in half and swung his own, slightly shorter sword at Marius, only grazing his fur as the wolf brought his sword back, cutting the man down easily where he stood.

The guards Marius had led in the frontal attack were now starting to come in through the open door behind him and he could hear his men at the back of the house as well, making their way in. He growled loudly, guessing where the other wolf most likely had his wife as he stalked towards the staircase, sweeping aside another of Yarrow's guards on the way as easily as if he had been swatting away a bothersome insect.

Upstairs, unaware of the melee going on down below, Yarrow sat up, grabbing Jillian's wrists and unlocking one of the cuffs with a key he had taken from the drawer of one of the bedside tables. He slipped the chain out from around the pillar on the headboard before placing the cuff back on her wrist and relocking it. The keys had been so close but, still too far. She wouldn't have been able to reach quite to the drawer even if she had known they were there. Yarrow saw the look on her face and guessed the train of her thoughts, chuckling.

He got up off the bed, holding the chain and pulling Jillian along. She got up, scrambling to keep up and not be dragged. Yarrow took a few steps from the bed, turning to face her. As the wolf towered over her, he looked down at her with an evil grin.

"On your knees, my dear. The rest of your meal is ready," he said.

Jillian looked up at him and then back down at his once again erect cock. She knew what it was that he wanted. He wanted her on her knees before him, submitting to him and tending to his needs and desires. She looked back up at him defiantly as fresh tears streamed down over her cheeks.

"On your knees, now, my dear," he said, grabbing her throat with one huge paw and squeezing slightly.

Slowly, Jillian sank to her knees in front of the wolf, glaring up at him as she lowered herself to the floor. He slid his paw up to the back of her head, slipping his claws into her hair, grasping it and tilting her face up to him.

"Treat me right, my dear. Don't make me have to punish you. I wouldn't want to have to do anything ... painful or disfiguring," he said, threateningly.

As he released her hair from his grasp, Jillian looked back at his huge, hard cock in front of her. She reached forward, grasping it and guiding it towards her lips. Yarrow watched with a satisfied smile as she opened her mouth, taking his pulsing, veined cock in and wrapping her lips around it. More tears spilled over her cheeks as the wolf pushed his hips forward, still holding the back of her head as he forced her to take more of his throbbing hardness. He murred as he felt her tongue dance over the hot, thick slab of his wolfhood.

Suddenly, the heavy door to the room burst open, almost coming off it's hinges as it flew open with such force. Yarrow turned, surprised by the sudden interruption. He growled menacingly as he saw Marius standing there, bloodied sword in his paw, his lips pulled back in a snarl.

Jillian uttered a cry of relief at the sight of her husband. Her tears of shame and anguish were replaced with tears of joy. With the door open she could hear the noise coming from downstairs and realized that Marius must have brought most of the guards from the house with him to bring her back. She stood up quickly, backing away from Yarrow as she saw the murderous look in her husband's eyes as he looked at the other wolf, not wanting to be too close to what was sure to soon turn into a nasty fight.

"Yarrow! Get the hell away from my wife!" Marius growled loudly.

"Hello, Cane. Nice of you to join us. Now that you're here, maybe I can persuade your former concubine to renounce her vows to you. That is... if she doesn't want to watch you die," Yarrow said, slowly backing away from Marius, across the room towards a sofa facing the fireplace on the far wall.

Marius carefully advanced on him, wary of any tricks the other wolf might try. "She's not my former anything. She's my wife. And the only one likely to die here today is you, Yarrow," he said, gradually closing the distance between them.

Yarrow suddenly reached behind himself, grabbing a sword that was laying unseen on the sofa. He held it in front of him, sidling away from Marius and trying to work his way towards the door. Marius suddenly advanced on him, swinging his sword towards Yarrow's chest as he moved in. Yarrow moved back just enough to be able to bring his own sword up to block Marius and avoid being sliced in two.

The two wolves had reversed positions and Yarrow was now the one closer to the door. Growling, he lunged towards Marius, trying to skewer the other wolf on his sword. Jillian uttered a frightened cry as she climbed up onto the bed, pulling the sheet around her nakedness as she watched the two wolves. Marius easily blocked Yarrow's sword and lunged forward himself, reaching for the other's throat with one huge, powerful paw. Yarrow managed to elude Marius' grasp, spinning around and bringing his sword up, trying to slash at him under his outstretched arm. Marius, anticipating the move, stepped back, spinning around himself and kicking the other wolf, knocking him across the room.

Yarrow regained his balance, charging towards Marius, snarling. The two wolves locked swords repeatedly, the sound of clashing metal deafening in the room.

Suddenly, in a desperate move, Yarrow raised his sword, intending to bring it down in a slashing motion at Marius' neck. Marius saw the opportunity and was bringing his own sword up to try to get to Yarrow's exposed belly before the other wolf could bring his sword down when Yarrow froze, dropping his sword and making a wet, choking sound. Marius looked at the face of his nemesis and saw blood trickling out the side of his muzzle. Yarrow dropped to his knees, still making the wet, choking sounds and looking up at Marius, incredulous. Marius saw, standing behind Yarrow, his son, Julius, his sword covered in the blood of his mother's murderer.

As Yarrow fell forward on the floor, gasping and choking, Julius looked up at his father grim faced. The two wolves looked at each other a moment, seeming to share some unspoken communication. After a moment, Marius stepped forward, lifting his sword with both paws and bringing it down, driving it through Yarrow's back and skewering his heart, growling loudly as he released years of pain with one decisive act and ending the sounds coming from the other wolf.

Jillian gasped, sitting on the bed and pulling the sheet around her more. She watched as father and son seemed to share another moment of silent communication. She was shocked at how quickly everything had just happened. It seemed unreal. She looked at Yarrow's motionless body on the floor and started to cry again. The relief of this ordeal being over along with the shock of just having witnessed a killing at such close range were taking their toll.

Marius turned, walking quickly over to the bed, sitting next to Jillian and pulling her into his arms. He held her tightly and she clung to him, burying her face in his chest and crying. He stroked her hair, kissing the top of her head. He was grateful that he had apparently gotten here before Yarrow had done any serious harm to his wife.

He pulled back a moment, looking down at her. "Are you alright, my love? He didn't hurt you did he?" Marius asked her.

"I'm ok, my husband. He didn't harm me," she said, tears starting to spill over her cheeks again. "But, he was going to kill our pup! He was going to have his physician cut our pup out of me!"

"It's alright, my wife. You and our pup are safe now. I won't let anything happen to either of you," he said, pulling her against him tightly again.

Marius held her for a few more moments before pulling back again, looking into her eyes as he took her hands. "Let's see if we can get these things off you," he said, grasping the cuffs and turning them about on her wrists.

"The keys are in the drawer of the nightstand, my love," she said, drying her tears with a corner of the sheet.

As Marius opened the drawer and got the keys out to unlock the cuffs, Jillian looked across the room at Julius. She could see that the act of he and his father taking Yarrow down had effected him profoundly.

"Thank you for coming to help your father, Julius," she said, managing a little smile.

"I could do no less, Lady Jillian. For you, for the kindness you have shown me and also ... for my father ... for the past," he replied, meeting her eyes for the first time since they had met without the haunted look in his own.

Jillian nodded, smiling at him more. She hoped that now he and his father might start to repair their relationship. She knew it might take them a long time but now, it seemed, there was hope for them.

Marius unlocked the cuffs, tossing them aside. He pulled her to him again, kissing her deeply. Jillian returned the kiss, pressing against him, so glad to be in his arms again. She felt loved and safe in his embrace.

"Let's get you out of here and get you home," Marius said, standing and picking Jillian up in his arms, wrapped in the sheet, and walking towards the door.

"Home sounds wonderful, my love," She said, laying her head on his shoulder.

Nodding towards Yarrow's body, Marius said to Julius, "Just leave that. Let his people take care of him... if they will."

"Yes," Julius replied. "But, just one more thing."

A look passed between father and son and Marius nodded, continuing towards the door. When he got to the threshold, he turned to look back at his son.

"Please, Lady Jillian, turn your head," Julius said to her.

Before she could ask why or protest, one of Marius' huge paws came up, gently turning her head away from the scene in the room.

Julius raised his sword, bringing it down in a chopping motion. There was a sudden wet cracking noise followed immediately by a heavy thunk as his sword severed Yarrow's head from his body and the blade sliced through to the hardwood floor.

"Now, there's no doubt. He can't hurt anyone again," Julius said, wiping his sword on Yarrow's back and then sliding it back into it's scabbard and walking towards the door.

Marius nodded, turning and leaving the room. He carried Jillian downstairs and out the front of the house. The fighting on the first floor and outside had pretty much ended by now, Yarrow's men having been defeated because they weren't as numerous or as skilled, for the most part, as Marius' men. A cheer rose among Marius' guards as they saw him emerging from the house carrying Jillian.

Marius placed her on his horse, climbing up in the saddle behind her, enveloping her with his body as he reached around her to take the reins. He turned to look back at Julius and the two wolves seemed to share another moment of wordless communication as Julius came down the front steps. One of the guards brought his horse around and he climbed up into the saddle, riding up next to his father.

"We'll have much to talk about later, my son," Marius said.

"Yes, Father. We certainly will," Julius replied.

Jillian turned, looking from Marius to Julius, pleased that they seemed to be making peace with each other and the past. She suddenly felt very tired and leaned against Marius, letting his warmth and strength surround her. She closed her eyes, falling into a light doze as they rode home.

When they arrived back home, Kai, Mya and the other women and some of the guards that had stayed behind came out onto the porch. Kai and Mya rushed forward to help Jillian down from Marius' horse. As soon as Jillian was on her feet, Kai hugged her tightly, stepping back after a few moments to look her over.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? Is the pup ok?" she asked frantically.

"I'm fine, Kai. He didn't hurt me or the pup, thank goodness," Jillian replied.

"We need to get you inside and get you cleaned up and into some clothes," Mya said, coming up on the other side of Jillian, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Jillian looked back at Marius, about to ask if he would be long. She wanted very badly to be with her husband but, she also needed a bath. She wanted to wash Yarrow off her, both literally and figuratively.

"It's alright, beautiful. It'll take me a little time to help get all the horses in. And I need to talk with Julius as well. I'll be up shortly. Go with the ladies and let them take care of you," he said as he dismounted his horse.

Marius leaned down, kissing her softly and caressing her cheek gently with one huge paw while sliding the other one lovingly down over her rounded belly. As he broke the kiss, he smiled at her, so grateful to have her back safely.

"Yes, my love," she said, smiling up at him. "And, thank you for getting there when you did."

"Nothing could have kept me from you, my love," he said, kissing her briefly again before sending her off to the house.

The women took Jillian in the house and upstairs for a hot bath and some pampering. Mya had one of the ladies go to the kitchen for some herbal tea and food for Jillian and Kai brought her special cream. The women spent the next couple of hours getting Jillian cleaned up, primped and pampered.

Afterwards, Jillian went into the bedroom she shared with Marius, so glad to be back home as she climbed onto the bed and curled up on her side. She closed her eyes and relaxed as she waited for Marius. She could feel the pup moving inside her and smiled as she started to drift off.

Downstairs, Marius and Julius had come inside after helping to get the horses taken care of and were sitting across from each other in the comfortable chairs in the sitting room at the back of the house. Seeing each other after so many years this morning had been a shock and the events that followed, anything but ordinary. Father and son had both felt a shift in things between them this morning at Yarrow's house.

"I have to say, son, it was a shock seeing you this morning. I definitely wasn't expecting it," Marius said.

"I wanted to warn you that Yarrow had come back. I got here just a few hours after you had left and Jillian talked me into staying to talk to you. She's a lovely woman, Father. I like her and I'm happy for you that you found her," Julius replied.

"Yes, she's a very special woman," Marius said. "I'm glad she talked you into staying. It's time we talked."

"I wasn't sure you would want to see me, Father, but I had to come. I knew Yarrow had come back and I wanted to warn you. I figured I at least owed you that," Julius said.

"I appreciate that, son. Thank you. I've spent the last twelve years being angry and in pain. I'm tired of both. And you did much to earn my forgiveness today as well," Marius said.

"I'm glad Jillian is home safely. And, I want you to know, Father, how sorry I am that I caused Mother's death," Julius said, holding back tears but unable to keep the emotion out of his voice.

"you didn't cause her death, son. I blamed you for a long time but, it wasn't your fault. Yarrow is the one to blame. It was his arrogance and lust that killed her," Marius said, a slight tremor in his own voice.

"But if I hadn't told Callista where she was, he wouldn't have killed her," Julius replied.

"He might have found her even if you hadn't told Callista. But the fact remains, Yarrow is the one to blame and now he has been dealt with," Marius said.

Nodding, Julius replied, "That he has."

"I think we need to put the past to rest," Marius said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I'd like for you to stay, son. I want us to try to be a family again."

Julius was amazed and touched. "I'd like that, Father. Thank you," he said.

"I'll bring you into the business if you like. That would be good for both of us. You would be learning the business and getting established and I would have more time to spend at home," Marius said.

Julius smiled, saying, "And I could put down some roots. I've been thinking about that lately."

"Yes, and maybe find a nice girl and make me a grandfather," Marius said, chuckling.

Julius smiled and looked a bit embarrassed as he said, "I've been thinking about that as well."

Father and son talked for a little while longer. Each of them was relieved that the other had wanted to reconcile. Marius was enjoying catching up with his son but was also anxious to go see his wife.

"Well, son, we will have to pick this up later. I need to go see to Jillian," Marius said as he stood.

Standing as well, Julius replied, "Yes, you need to be with her now. And there is someone I should go see as well."

Nodding, Marius turned and headed for the stairs, wondering as he went who Julius might be going to see and thinking that would keep for another time. He climbed the stairs quickly, wanting very much to have his wife in his arms at the moment.

As he opened the door, he saw her laying there on the bed, seeming to be asleep. He walked across the room quietly, slipping off his belt and sword and laying them in one of the chairs near the bed. He carefully climbed onto the bed beside her, not wanting to disturb her sleep, and gently pulled her into his arms as he lay down next to her.

Jillian snuggled closer to him as she woke up from her light sleep. She smiled as she felt his arms around her. Tears started to well up in her eyes a little. She was so happy to be back in his embrace. Marius stroked her hair as he held her, relieved to have he back safely and have her in his arms again.

"Hello, my love," Jillian said, looking up at him.

"Hello, beautiful," he said, smiling down at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Happy to be home," she said. "And physically, I feel ok. And our pup seems to feel pretty good too. It's been moving a lot since I got back."

Chuckling, Marius said, "I suppose our pup is happy to be home again too."

The tears that had welled up in her eyes started to spill over her cheeks as she spoke. "He was going to kill our pup. He was going to just get rid of it. Our pup is so close to being born now, it's not just some little cluster of cells. It's almost ready to be born and he was just going to kill it!" she said, trembling in his arms.

"Shh... my love, it's alright. No one is going to hurt our pup now. Yarrow is gone and you're safe at home. I know, you must have been terrified though. I only wish he had suffered more for what he has done. But, he won't be able to hurt anyone again now," Marius said, pulling her closer.

"I'm glad he's gone," she said. "I know that may be a terrible thing to say but, he was just evil."

"He was definitely that," he said. "Did he hurt you while you were there, my love? Physically, I mean."

"No, he threatened me and our pup but he didn't actually hurt me. And he didn't knot with me. He only made me have oral sex with him. He said he wouldn't take me that way until after he had gotten rid of our pup," she said, more tears rolling down her cheeks.

Marius growled, angry that his wife had been treated in such a way but grateful, at the same time, that it hadn't been worse for her. He held her tightly, wanting to make it all better for her, knowing only time would make this less painful.

"I'm so sorry this happened, my wife. I feel like I have failed you. If I had been here, he never would have been able to do this," Marius said, tears standing in his own eyes as he spoke.

"None of this is your fault, my husband. You have all these guards and have been so careful. Yarrow was just sly and opportunistic. Kai told me during my bath about how Yarrow's people pretended to be travelers and knocked out the guards. You did everything you could. And you can't blame yourself for being away. You had to take care of business," she said, reaching up and caressing the side of his muzzle.

He turned his face, kissing her hand. He loved her so much and was so grateful for her love and understanding once again. He leaned down, kissing her deeply. She returned the kiss, pressing against him and wrapping her arms more tightly around him.

Breaking the kiss, she said, "How did your talk with Julius go?"

"I think it went well," he said. "I've asked him to stay and to be a part of the family and the business."

"That's wonderful, my love!" she said. "I'm so glad that you two are working things out."

"I started to understand a little of what he must have been feeling all these years, feeling responsible for his mother's death, when you were taken and I felt like I hadn't done enough to prevent it. And then, when he did what he did at Yarrow's house, he showed me he truly is a wolf of character," Marius said.

"Yes, I see that in him as well. And it will be good for him to know his baby brother or sister too," Jillian said, smiling.

Marius chuckled, sliding his paw over her swollen belly. He was glad of having a second chance with his son and relieved to have his wife back. But at the moment, having her in his arms and seeing and feeling her belly so full of his pup was having another effect on him as well.

As he leaned in, kissing her deeply again, he hoped she felt up to making love after her ordeal. He moved his paw up from her belly, gently squeezing one breast, mmming into the kiss as he felt her nipple hardening against his paw pad. Jillian returned his kiss, parting her lips and letting his tongue into her mouth to entwine with hers.

Breaking the kiss, Marius said, "Are you sure you are up to making love, beautiful?"

Jillian smiled up at him and replied, "Yes, my husband. I want you to make love to me and reclaim me as yours."

"You are mine, my love. And you always will be," he said, pulling her against him and kissing her passionately.

Jillian mmmed into the kiss, sliding one hand up the side of his neck and around behind his ear, scratching him there gently. Marius mmmed himself, enjoying the scratching as he began to open her silk robe, reaching beneath it and untying the ribbon holding the front of her nightgown together.

He slipped his paw under the silk gown, gently squeezing her bare breast as he began to kiss her neck, gently nipping at it as he worked his way down to her breasts. He flicked his tongue out, tenderly licking the tops of them as he undressed her, sliding the robe off her shoulders before quickly opening her nightgown the rest of the way and slipping it off her as well.

As he gently laid her back on the pillows, he raised up, standing on his knees on the bed next to her and quickly removed his loincloth. He gently pushed her legs apart, moving between them as he caressed her inner thigh. The sight of his pregnant wife laying on the bed naked and wanting him excited Marius. His hard cock was throbbing, the tip leaking pre as her enticing, musky scent reached his nose.

The wolf leaned forward, guiding his cock tip over her swollen pussy and clit, watching as his hot juices coated her. Jillian moaned, lifting her head to watch over her belly as he marked her as his again. She opened her legs wider, giving herself to her husband and master.

"Mmm, yes, my husband," she said breathlessly, her excitement growing as she watched him reclaiming her.

Marius murred, lowering his muzzle and tenderly kissing and licking her belly, slowly working his way up to her breasts again, nuzzling them gently as he teased her nipples with little flicks of his tongue. Jillian moaned softly, burying the fingers of one hand in his silky chest fur. With her other hand, she stroked the fur on the back of his head and neck, gently pulling his face closer to her bosom.

He growled happily as he felt her fingers in his fur. Reaching down, he began rubbing her clit, making her moan louder as her pussy became wetter, swelling open more. She thrust her hips, feeling her clit throbbing and swelling. He watched her as she became more excited, murring as her juices flowed and her scent became stronger, intensifying his arousal.

Marius lifted his muzzle, kissing her on the lips briefly before pulling back a little, positioning his cock tip at her tight, wet pussy opening. He slowly pushed his hips forward, opening her around his thick hardness. She moaned, pushing her hips up as she felt the folds of her clit being opened and the most sensitive part of it grinding along his shaft as he drove his cock deeper into her.

The wolf growled in pleasure, grabbing her hips as he thrust into her. He looked down at his wife, watching her writhing and moaning under him. His own excitement grew as he watched her and he began panting as his knot started to swell larger.

Jillian began thrusting her hips faster as she got close to cumming. Her pussy tightened around him and her clit swelled more. She reached up, pulling Marius down to her, wanting to feel his body enveloping her as she came. Suddenly, her pussy started spasming as she started to cum, moaning and whimpering as she felt her husband's huge, throbbing cock filling her. She wrapped her legs around him as she arched her back, panting and moaning breathlessly.

Marius held her in his arms, propping himself up enough not to crush her belly as he kissed and licked her neck. He murred as he felt her pussy spasm around his hardness and he thrust into her faster, enjoying her orgasm with her, his huge, furry balls slapping against her ass.

"Mmm, yes, my beautiful one, cum for me," he said breathlessly into her ear.

Jillian screamed as her orgasm intensified, arching her back more, pressing her breasts against his furry chest. As her hardened nipples pressed into his fur, an extra shiver of pleasure went through her.

He growled softly, watching her as the moments passed and she slowly began to calm as her orgasm gradually faded. Kissing her softly, he slowly pulled his thick cock out of her wet pussy. Breaking the kiss, he pulled back, standing on his knees between her parted thighs. She sat up, smiling at him, her eyes traveling down to his huge, hard, glistening cock and back up to his face. She reached out, sliding one finger up the underside of his thick cock, gathering some of their mixed juices on her finger and bringing it to her lips, mmming as she licked it clean. She turned around, getting on her hands and knees, opening her legs as she pushed her hips back, offering herself to him.

Marius murred as he grasped her hips, opening her buttocks and began rubbing his hard, throbbing cock against her anus. She moaned softly, feeling his cock rubbing over her there. As she pushed her hips back more, she looked back over her shoulder at him, smiling as she felt herself opening to him.

Marius murred again as he began rubbing her asshole with one finger, pushing his throbbing cock forward over her wet, swollen pussy as he slowly opened her ass with his finger. As she opened more, he slid his finger inside, moving it in and out, making her gasp and thrust her hips as she became more excited. He chuckled, knowing she wanted his knot as he watched her.

He leaned forward, nipping and kissing her ear as he said, "You want my knot, don't you, my beautiful one?"

Gasping, she replied breathlessly, "Mmm, yes, my husband. I do want it so very much."

Chuckling, Marius said, "And you shall have it, my love."

He pulled his finger slowly out of her asshole, making her moan more. As he positioned his cock tip against her anus, she looked over her shoulder again, watching him. He growled softly as he grasped her hips, slowly pushing his own forward, driving inch after inch of his thick, veined cock into her.

Jillian whimpered, arching her back as she pushed her hips back towards him. She felt a shiver run up her spine as his huge hardness drove into her, opening her more. As he pushed into her further, she felt his hugely swollen knot pressing against her. He began grinding, trying to get it into her, growling and beginning to pant with the effort. Jillian panted and whimpered as she pushed back more, trying to help him knot with her. Gradually, her asshole relented and, suddenly his knot popped into her, making her gasp as it opened her wider, filling her up more. Her already tight anus tightened even more around his knot. The wolf growled louder as he felt her muscles squeezing him, sending shivers of extreme pleasure through him.

He kept one paw on her hip, grasping it tightly as he thrust, grinding against her harder as he leaned forward, reaching around her and rubbing her swollen, throbbing clit with the other one. She moaned breathlessly, pushing back more as his rubbing of her clit excited her. She began to pant harder, whimpering as she felt an orgasm building inside her.

Marius growled louder as he felt his balls tighten against his body. He gripped her hip more tightly with the one paw, rubbing her clit more furiously with the other as he got closer to cumming himself.

Jillian began to cum, arching her back and moaning loudly as she pushed her hips against him, grinding and bucking as her empty pussy spasmed and her asshole clenched more tightly around his hardness. As she came, her muscles squeezing his thick, throbbing cock, the wolf panted harder, his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle. He couldn't hold back any longer and began to howl loudly as thick jets of his hot cum began shooting into her depths. His cock jolted inside her, making her gasp and even as her own orgasm intensified, she enjoyed feeling him cumming too.

As the moments passed, Marius began to slow in his thrusting as his orgasm began to subside. He carefully lay down on his side, pulling Jillian over with him to spoon, his knot still hugely swollen and tying them together. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, murring softly in her ear as he thought how grateful he was and how good it felt to have her here with him like this. He leaned forward, licking her cheek tenderly, inhaling the scent of her hair.

Jillian turned her face to his, kissing him deeply as she reached up with one hand to stroke the silky fur on the side of his muzzle. She snuggled into his strong, furry arms, mmming into the kiss as she felt his warmth and love for her. As she broke the kiss, tears began to well up in her eyes. She was so overwhelmed with emotion as she looked up into his warm, brown eyes. She was so happy and relieved to be back home with him, glad that no harm had come to their pup and enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking.

"I love you so much, my husband," she said, smiling as a tear spilled down her cheek.

"and I love you, my beautiful wife," he replied, smiling back at her as he gently caressed her belly with one paw.

She put a hand over his paw, smiling more as she said, "It won't be much longer now, my love, and you'll be a father again."

"Mmm, I'm very much looking forward to that, my beautiful one. And looking forward to seeing you as a mother to our pup," he said, nuzzling his face against her neck.

Giggling a little, she snuggled against him more. She felt warm and secure there in his arms. As he reached down to pull the covers up over them, Jillian sighed happily. She had been so terrified when Yarrow had threatened their pup. She knew she was likely to have nightmares about that for a while. But for now, all was well again and for that she was grateful.

"And now you have your son back too, my love," she said dreamily as she started to drift off in Marius' arms.

"Yes, my wife, I'm a very lucky wolf today, indeed," he replied sleepily, starting to drift off himself.

Marius was glad that the danger from Yarrow was over and hoped, as he drifted closer to sleep that afternoon, that there wouldn't be any more major difficulties in the near future. The pup was soon to be born and he wanted their family to have a safe and happy time. With Julius back, he thought that things might go more smoothly, at least as far as business was concerned. And he was glad there was now another set of eyes to watch out for trouble. Yes, he thought, life should be good now ... maybe. But there were always concerns. There were still loose ends but Marius hoped they wouldn't unravel. At least not right away.