Haiden's Schooling Pt.1 (Edited)

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This is an edit of my first story which is still up on this site. I didn't really change much aside from a few spelling errors and made more paragraphs. To those of you that have read my original, part 2 is on it's way finally. Now, to the story.

My name is Haiden and for fourteen years I've been home schooled. I wasn't allowed out of the house a lot, and as such never really had any friends. Without any friends my social skills weren't the best, but that all changed when I entered ninth grade at Graine's High School.

I was almost hopping in excitement the first day of school. I got out of bed, grabbing the cutest clothes I had out of my closet. I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While waiting for the shower to get warm I quickly undressed and threw my clothes on the bathroom floor. My mom was walking around in the hallway and I could barely hear her voice over the shower.

"Throw your dirty clothes out of the bathroom so I can get the laundry going early." I barely opened the door and kicked my sleep clothes out of the bathroom. When I closed the door this time, I locked it and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good raining down my petite bunny body. I was only four foot, five inches, and weighed a mere ninety-one pounds. I took the tropical scented body wash from the rack under the shower head and began to wash myself. I finished washing myself quickly and hopped out of the shower. As I grabbed the towel I looked at my clothes and realized I forgot to grab my panties. I quickly finished drying off and put on my purple skirt that made it halfway down to my knees, and a white top that had short sleeves. The knob on the door was locked when I went to open it. I laughed at myself for being in such a hurry and unlocked the door, running into my room. I quickly slid on my pink panties and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom looked at me with a smile and nodded to a bowl of cereal on the table. "We're running kind of late." She said, "So cereal is all I had time to prepare." I sat down without a word and began to eat quickly, a little disappointed that I didn't get a breakfast of eggs and bacon like usual. When I was done eating I got up and walked to the door. My backpack was sitting next to the door holding everything I'd need for school I hoped. "Bye." my mom said as I picked it up and walked out the door.

I let out a sigh when I walked outside. I loved my parents but truth is they scared me a little. Whenever I'd talk they'd get onto me for being too loud or too quiet, so I never know how loud to speak in public. I walked to the corner where my bus would pick me up. Two red fox kids walked up to the corner and sat on the curb. They were fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. The girl whispered something to her brother and he looked at me smiling.

"Hi." he said still smiling, "I'm Tobias and this is my sister Tammy." Tammy looked at me and waved. I nodded at them already feeling overwhelmed.

"Hi." I said in a quiet voice. Tammy looked at me and laughed. I blushed and sat down where I was standing. Tobias got up and walked over to me.

"Don't let her get to you. What's your name." I looked at him and looked away when I heard the bus coming up.

"My name's Haiden." I said quickly and loud enough to be heard over the bus. Tammy stood up and got on the bus when it got to the curb. Tobias got on the bus and I followed. Tammy had already taken a seat at the front of the bus and Tobias sat next to her. I walked to the middle of the bus and sat down on one of the seats to my right. A couple stops past by then a male Siberian tiger sat down beside me.

"Hey, you must be new. This is my third year going here and I've never seen you before. Oh yeah, my name's Zane." He said in a tired voice. I could smell a strange scent on him but I couldn't figure out what it was. It smelt weird but good at the same time. He was still looking at me and I realized I hadn't said my name yet.

"I'm Haiden." He smiled at me and leaned back in his seat.

"Well Haiden, is this your first year of school?" I nodded still not used to being talked to. "Let me give you a rundown of the people on this bus then, there's Tobias and Tammy, the twin geniuses of the tenth grade. They should be in ninth grade but they're just too smart for that. The mouse girl sitting in the back wearing all black is Cynthia. She's in my grade which is eleventh. She's pretty freaky and most people stay away from her, though I don't see why, she's pretty chill to hang with sometimes." A monkey kid got on the bus next and Zane was quick to nudge me and tell me who he was. "That's Jimmy, the varsity basketball star. Eleventh grade and has a shot at a scholarship already. All he's got to do is pass this year and next and not get in any fights." As Jimmy walked by he glared at Zane and continued down two more seats and sat down to the left. "He must've known I was talking about him." Zane said with a yawn then, "Well I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when we get there." With that said he leaned back again and closed his eyes. A couple more kids got on the bus before we made it to the school.

When the bus came to a stop at the school Zane was the first up to my surprise. He stepped back to let me out. I quickly got out of my seat and walked down the aisle. I could here the kids behind me complaining about getting here early, I thought that we didn't get there early enough. I made my way off the bus and saw Tobias standing by a tree waving me over. I walked over to him as he smiled at me.

"Looks like Zane's told you about the bus crowd for the most part. I'd fill you in on the school crowd but I've got chess club to go to." He turned and yelled at a cat kid to come over. "This is Sebastian. He's a ninth grader like you, he'll be able to fill you in on the people in your grade. Bye for now." Tobias turned and walked away as Sebastian got to the tree.

"Umm, hi." I said since he didn't seem like he was going to talk. "I'm Haiden." He grinned a toothy smile and pointed to the entrance doors.

"We might want to get going. School's about to start and you don't want to be late for class. I'll fill you in on the kids here as we walk." I nodded and followed him up the hill. "Do you know who you're homeroom teacher is?" I nodded and pulled out my schedule and showed it to him. "Oh, you have Ms. Ann. Same as me. Just follow me to class then. And that crock kid up there. Stay away from him, his name is Greg and he's mean to the core." We walked into the school and down some hallways as Sebastian filled me in on the people. When we got to the classroom I was dizzy from all the excitement and people. I quickly went to a seat in the back of the room and sat down. Sebastian walked off to a corner and was talking to a friend of his I guessed. His friend looked over at me after he said something. I couldn't see his face because he had a hoody on. I laid my head down and tried to clear out the ringing in my ears from all the noise. After a few moments I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and fell out of my seat when I saw a raven kid. He laughed and pushed the chair in.

"I didn't think you'd fall. Kind of figured that you'd be more scared if I had my hood up. The name's Cairn. And if Sebastian isn't lying, your Haiden." I nodded and looked up to see him smiling widely. It took me a minute to register that he could see my undies. I took his hand and he pulled me up. I was blushing in embarrassment and was at a loss of what to do, so I just pulled the chair back out from under the desk and sat in it. "Hey. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you fall. And I didn't mean to look either." I put my head down as the kids in the class started laughing.

"Go away please." I mumbled so low that no one could hear me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I pulled away. I looked up at him and saw that he was frowning.

"I'm sorry Haiden. I really didn't mean to." He said as he turned around. I put my head back down on the desk but the bell rang so I sat up.

The first class was just handing out of papers that had to be signed and introductions. When I was called up I could feel everyone staring at me. I said my name, where I was from, and that this was my first year of going to a school. When I sat back down the embarrassment seemed to fade a little. When the teacher was done talking she let us talk to each other. Sebastian walked over to my desk.

"Hey, Cairn really is sorry and if you'd hear him out it'd make him feel better." I sighed and nodded my head. Sebastian motioned for Cairn to come over. He made his way slowly over to my desk. "Hey, I'm really sorry for what happened. It was an accident and... well.. I'm a dude. But I'm sorry that I looked." I looked at him coldly thinking about his apology. I believed him that it was an accident, I wished he'd just drop the fact that he saw my panties.

"It's fine so long as it doesn't happen again." I said with a small smile. Cairn looked relieved and sat down on the desk. "So let's start over." He said, "I'm Cairn and I'm obviously a raven." I looked at his arms and saw that his wingspan was attached to his arms and wasn't separate. "Have you never seen one of us before." I guess my face showed that I was surprised, because he was right, I had never seen a bird before. I shook my head.

"I was never really allowed out of the house so I haven't seen too many different furs." Cairn and Sebastian laughed at that and it made me smile that he didn't take offense to it.

"Say how about during lunch you sit with us. We'll be sitting by the windows overlooking the hill." I nodded just as the bell rang. Cairn and Sebastian took off out of the class leaving me to find my next class on my own.

When lunch came I was starving, and earlier I had found out that they didn't give lockers out till the third day, so I was extremely tired from lugging around my book bag everywhere I went. I made it into the cafeteria and looked around. There were a couple of tables but only two were overlooking the hill. Walking up to them I could see Cairn but no Sebastian. Cairn saw me and motioned for me to sit next to him. I walked up to the seat and sat down, putting the book bag down on the floor. I looked around the table and noticed that I was the only girl sitting there and all the boys at the table were staring at me.

"Umm, hi." I said feeling uneasy.

"Nice one, Cairn." One of the boys said. Another one chimed in, "Who's the pretty girl?" I looked over at Cairn and saw that under his feathers he was blushing greatly.

"Go to hell guys." He said quietly. I thought to myself as he turned towards me. "I'm sorry Haiden. If Sebastian was here they wouldn't be saying that." He was saying in a whisper. I looked at him smiling and said,

"It's fine. I'm not the one embarrassed this time." The boys at the table laughed at that, and Cairn kind of shrunk down in his seat.

"Yea, I guess." He said in a defeated tone. I realized that I was embarrassing him a lot and got up.

"I think I'll find another place to sit." Cairn reached out and grabbed my hand. I blushed at his touch and looked at him. "Yes?" Cairn looked bewildered and I could feel the others staring at us, so I pulled away and grabbed my bag. I walked about fifteen feet away before I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Zane. He smiled.

"Haiden." He said in an excited tone, "Looking for a place to sit?" I nodded and he quickly grabbed my arm and led me to the outside seating that was reserved for the juniors and seniors. He sat down on a bench and motioned for me to sit. I sat down and opened my book bag, getting out my sandwich. I sat it down on the table and looked at the tray Zane had sitting in front of him. He had two hamburgers and a bunch of fries and ketchup. "Looks a lot better than that peanut butter and jelly that you got." He said with a laugh. "So, why'd you leave the table you were at. That bird boy scare you away." I shook my head and took a bite of my sandwich. "I'm gonna warn ya. He's a playa so you should probably stay away from him." I looked at him shocked that he knew Cairn. "Don't look so surprised. I know him because he's supposed to be a junior. Both him and Sebastian got held back twice." He smiled even wider and started laughing. "Don't tell me that they played the little scare and peep trick on you." I looked at him in shock that he guessed that. "Oh, I guess that they did then. Don't feel so bad they do it to every girl that they meet, or try to at least." I shook my head.

"But he looked so embarrassed earlier and he apologized." Zane started laughing even harder, "He's just gettin' shits and giggles from it, plus he's probably tryin' to get some tail. If I were you I'd just not talk to him." I looked at Zane strangely but somehow I could tell he wasn't lying.

"Why are you being so nice?" He looked at me in the eyes and shook his head then nodded.

"Because I look out for people." His attention turned to the door swinging open. He sighed when Cynthia walked out. "Damn girl, you scared the shit out of me." Cynthia smiled at him and sat down next to me.

"So you're the new girl. Saw you on the bus, sorry I didn't talk to you. I would've warned you about them even though they don't ride the bus anymore. Zane here forgets a lot of important things." Zane shook his head laughing a little.

"Wow Cynthia, make me feel smaller than you." Cynthia reached across me and hit Zane on the shoulder. "Relax, it was only a joke." Zane was still laughing and I was wondering why.

"Why does he laugh so much?" I asked Cynthia in a low voice. It was her turn to laugh now. She leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"Meet me at my bus stop and I'll show you why." I nodded at her as Zane looked at the clock on the wall above the door.

"School let's out early today. So we could head on down to the bus if we wanted to." Cynthia nodded and they got up.

"Come on bunny girl." Cynthia said as she turned around. I got up grabbing my bag as I walked behind them.

We had to wait at the bus for about five minutes before they let us on. Zane got on first and walked to the back seat that could fit four people. Cynthia grabbed my hand and led me to the seat. She sat down in the middle with Zane to her right and me to her left. She leaned over to Zane and whispered something to him. He whispered back to her and she nodded. She looked over at me and leaned in close to me.

"Are you ok with trying new things?" she asked me. I nodded. "Good then you'll like this. I'll get off before you so look which way to come back. Ok?" I nodded again and started to wonder what they were talking about. I must have been in a daydream because when Cynthia left she tapped on my head. "Pay attention bunny girl." She said as she walked down the aisle and off the bus.

"Why does she call me that?" I asked Zane. His reply was a fit of laughter. My stop was the very next one and was a straight shot down the road. I got off the bus at my stop and walked up to my house. There was a note on the door. I read it and sighed, my parents wouldn't be home till nine and they didn't leave a key. I decided to walk to Cynthia's stop with my book bag. I made it to her stop in two minutes. When I got there she was sitting on the curb facing my direction.

"Well, well bunny girl." She said with a smile. "Come on I live right here." She said pointing to the house on the corner. She walked up to the door and I followed close behind her, excited. She opened the door and turned towards me, "My room's up the stairs and to the right. Can't miss it. I'm going to get something real quick. Just sit anywhere in there." I walked up the stairs and into her room. I looked around quickly and noticed how dark it was. There was a lamp lit in the corner of her room, but it didn't help much. Her blinds were across the room and had the curtains over them. All the walls were painted black. I made my way cautiously to her bed and sat down on it. I barely had time to blink before Cynthia walked into her room. "Sorry that it's so dark in here. I'll turn on another light." She said as she reached for a string. When she pulled it, a black light that was in the ceiling panel turned on. On the walls there was writing and pictures that lit up. I was looking around in amazement. "It's black light reactive paint and markers. It took forever to draw that picture over the bed." I looked up and saw a heart that was broken and looked like it was pouring blood. I gasped as I read the words inside of the heart. "Forever broken in two, I can't accept losing you. I showed you my heart, and you shot it with a dart." Cynthia recited before I could even finish it. "It's not my best poetry, but it's what I felt at the time." I looked at her and could tell that she was being serious.

She turned away and opened up a drawer. It took her about three seconds before she closed the drawer. She turned towards me with a smile. "But enough of that. This is why Zane is always so happy." She said as she held out a bag with broken up green plants. "It's weed, makes you more in touch with yourself." I looked at it weirdly. I had heard my parents talking about it before. They said that it was bad and would ruin someone's life. I then thought of Zane and how happy he was. I decided that it couldn't be bad. "Well are you just going to stare at it, or do you want to smoke some of it?" I looked at Cynthia and nodded. She broke out into laughter. "I didn't think you'd just say yes. When Zane got me to smoke I said no but changed my mind later that day. That's cool that you're open to new things." She said with a smile on her face. "Ok let me get my pipe." She turned back around and reached behind her bed. She pulled out a small glass object that resembled a spoon. It was blue with orange swirls. "It's nothing special, Zane has cooler ones." She put the pipe on her lap and opened the bag. She took a pinch and put it in the bowl of the pipe. She put another two pinches in it then closed the bag. She sat the bag down on her jeans reached back to her nightstand. She took a lighter from it and lifted the pipe to her mouth. "Just watch, you'll pick up faster that way." She put the mouth piece on her lips and lit the bowl. She pulled the flame away about two seconds after lighting it. She inhaled for about five seconds before moving her thumb and breathing deep. She handed the pipe to me and motioned for me to wait. When she exhaled about ten seconds later she looked at me. "Ok put your thumb over the carb, which is the hole on the side of the bowl and light it when you start to suck. Don't hold the flame on it for to long, you'll torch it. And after the chamber fills with smoke, move your thumb off the carb." I looked at the pipe and put it to my lips, holding it how she held it. I lit the bowl and started to suck. I took the flame off the bowl and moved my thumb off the carb. I inhaled a little bit, but started to cough. Cynthia quickly grabbed the pipe before I started to have a coughing fit. It took me around a minute to quit coughing. "I did the same thing when I first hit it." She said before taking another hit. When she exhaled, I was breathing heavy and shook my head when she offered it to me.

She laughed and started to say something, but the door downstairs creaked open. Cynthia quickly put the stuff under a pillow and got up, walking to the door quickly. She opened it and a male voice was heard.

"I'm not home for long, just here to get my folders." Cynthia turned towards me and put her finger to her lips telling me to be quiet.

"Ok dad. I hope you do good for the presentation." All I could here from downstairs was a mumble of words as Cynthia closed the door. I heard the front door open and close and Cynthia busted out laughing. "He never forgets that folder of his for work. Something must be up with him. Oh well do you want another hit, there's one more left?" I nodded my head. She pulled the pipe and lighter out from under the pillow and handed them to me. I took another hit, a longer hit too. Cynthia didn't seem to care. I didn't cough this time and was able to hold it in for about five seconds. When I let it out Cynthia was clapping. "Good job, you sure are a fast learner." She said with a wide smile. I looked at the black lights in her room and started to see two of each.

"I feel kinda funny, as if everything's slowing down." I mumbled. She laughed hard and looked at me.

"Do you see why Zane's always happy now?" I nodded my head and looked around her room. As I was looking around Cynthia poked me in my side. I jumped and fell off the bed. She was laughing hysterically and fell off the bed and onto me. She was so light I could barely feel her hit me. She rolled over so that we were facing each other and leaned in close to me. She kissed me, nothing big just a peck on the lips. I didn't know what to do but for some reason it felt good. She leaned in close and actually kissed me. I returned the kiss not knowing exactly what to do. After about ten seconds she stopped and got up and onto the bed. She patted beside her and I got up wobbling a bit. Not even two seconds after I sat down she had me pinned to the bed. Cynthia pressed her body against mine and started to kiss me again. One of her hands left my shoulder and trailed down my body. She stopped her hand at my chest and began to rub my breasts. A moan escaped my lips as she moved her head lower and gently bit my neck. I raised my body up and she slipped her other hand under me. She leaned back and lifted me up. We were fully upright when she grabbed the back of my shirt and began to lift it up. I let her lift it over my chest and raised my arms for it to go completely off. She pulled it past my arms and threw it to the side. I was blushing madly when she pushed me back down and put her hands on my small boobs. "You're just too cute. I want to keep you here." She said smiling. She ran her fingers across my tits and pinched them slightly. I gasped as I felt her soft touch and moaned as she began to rub them. She moved her head lower and to my skirt. She pushed my skirt up with her arm and pulled my panties down with her teeth. I whimpered at my panties being pulled down and being fully exposed. "Shush. It'll be fine." She said in a whisper. For some reason I didn't care anymore and let out a loud moan when she licked my pussy lips. Her tongue slid across my pussy a couple of times before she dove it into me. I sat up quickly but got pushed down just as quickly. Her hands were dancing across my chest and I could feel a burning sensation all through my body. She pulled her tongue out and flicked my clit with it a couple of times. That was all I needed before I bucked my hips and let my orgasm go. She pinched my nipples and stuck her tongue back into me. I moaned louder than I thought I could as I felt a second one coming. She continued to pleasure me till my orgasms ran through. When she finally pulled away from me, I was laying there panting as if I had ran a mile.

"You are so cute. But now it's my turn." She said removing her shirt and taking her pants and panties off. Her build was similar to mine except her boobs were a bit bigger. She grabbed my arms and pulled me up as she laid back. I fell on top of her my face between her boobs. I didn't really know what to do, and didn't want to do the same thing she did. I thought of how I pleased myself at night and got an idea. I moved one hand to her boobs and began to rub them. I slid my other hand down her body and touched her clit with it. She let out a gasp as I put my lips to a nipple and began to suck on it. I was tweaking her other nipple between two of my fingers as I pushed a finger into her pussy. She moaned loudly and put her hands on my head. I flicked her nipple with my tongue and began to move my finger in and out of her pussy. It wasn't long till she had her orgasm. Her body was shaking violently through it, so I stopped and let her wait it out. When she was done she lifted the covers and got under them. "Care to join me?" She asked in a seductive tone. I nodded and crawled under the covers, snuggling next to her. We fell asleep on each other.