Story by mrmad on SoFurry

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The dragoness looked down at bennit and he looked back into her green eyes which sealed his fate with a smile on her reptilian like face she reached out and picked him up bennit had long had being made unmovable by the sight of a 35ft black dragon landing in front of him as she sniffed at him covering his face in the worm breath she liked the sweet smell of this fine vintage of a human she could smell his age and he was just like a bottle of wine and she new he was what she was after for a fun evening and her wicked games she played with only humans as she that her long tongue lashed out raping round his head and flattening his dark curly hair with her sticky slobber as she tasted him she was sourly temped to pull him all the way in but to have the most fun she had to get him to her home!

As her tongue begrudgingly released him as she took hold of him as she closed her razor sharp talons round him as she took a strong hold of his frail body well not that frail??? but compared to the dragoness well you get the picture as she flow back to her own realm no one saw her she was using magic to hide her self and her prey in her talons back to the portal that take her back home were she could take her time and play wickedly her games with him cat and mouse and such like till she felt the hunger and desire to eat the madly now running bennit as he tried to escape screaming no please don't eat me this doing nothing over then turning her on and making her very very wet!!!!?????

The dragoness lets out sounds of enjoyment as she stuffed his head with his curly black hair fully in to her very hot maw as he slid along her tongue as he felt the burning heat sinking into him he saw the monster teeth as they looked like pillars of an up coming hell as finally his head reached the dark opening as along with the rest of him till even his legs vanished from sight even as she being a very wicked dragoness and loved playing with her food she used the tip of her tongue to tickled his feet make him Lough uncontrollably as her spit covered him softening him up for the final journey in the chain of life he

came to his séances and tried to fight back but against her tongue he could do little over then wimpier she emmmmmms and arrrrrrrrrs at the flavour he has as she lifts her head sky would tilts her head back as bennit slowly slid back to the opening at the back of her maw as he tried to hold on to the tongue to stop his fall but there was nothing to grip and he slid easily to the back all the way in to her throat...

As she slowly close her jaws around him as his slumbering wet body coved and soaked in the hot wetness as she drawled from enjoying the fine taste that he had all most like what humans think about wine as the wetness coved his body in her maw as he begin to slip and glided smoothly down as he fell though the opening and was all most like a water park slide the black hole but this ride there was no coming up the stairs for anther go! as he sloshed in to the dark reeking smelling place that was her stomach she gently rolls over on to her back as she feels his hands brush against her inner walls and purrs out in joy at the feeling there ware hand prints showing though the soft bailey scales ....

As he starts to scream as she slowly and painfully digest him as his skin burns off leave red meat as she strokes her self enjoy her meal as she close her eyes and drift off to sleep as bennit screams like a bed time Lullaby for her she purred once more as he slowly melts in the fell soup as his head sinks bellow the soup that is mostly his melted body he thinks well he don't his mind has soon being turned to mush.....

Hours later the dragoness wake and pours at her bailey but she fills nothing shame she thought he was a nice lad as she roll on to her four legs she smile anther nice meal she so did like eating people....

But there was still his school buddy graham that bennit had told her about as she licked he scaly lips just thinking of him melting in side her guts turned her on even more even if bennit was gone and she turned and walked out of her cave into the bright sun and it seemed if it was going to be a nice day and even nice for a hunt and a meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................

Graham was minding his own biasness in the garden as a dark shadow flittered over him that seemed to cover the hollow of his garden as he felt him self being jerked out of his sun chair as wind whistled past him he went crazy struggling to get free but in the grip of this huge beast he thought dragons were only myth as did bennit but it seems she had never read that book as she took him to her cave to have some fun and a nice meal she licked her lips at this thought

Graham on the over hand well part from the ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! he was going on a log flume but there was no second ride to be had!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing was ever found of bennit or graham just two more vanishing in the world they booth be on the missing person recoud of the polices but nothing was found and chalked it up to the many mysteries such as the bermuda triangle??????????????