Balto, More to Please

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#4 of Nicobay's Balto

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This story was a commission for Nicobay, featuring a retelling of the first Balto movie.

Balto yelped. The two huskies wasted no time reclaiming the positions Steele and Nikki had given up, and with two simultaneous thrusts, the whimpering wolf-dog felt two hard dog cocks penetrate either end of him. He blushed a deep red, managing to look down enough to see the melted snow where Balto's own cum had stained the ground. What would Jenna think??

For Balto, the greatest pain came from his own rapidly expanding cock. By now his ass was so wet and slippery that the big husky grabbing his rump slid right inside with a loud slurp! Balto wrapped his tongue around Louis's meaty cock, yelping as Louis tugged painfully on the wolf-dog's front half.

Balto had significantly more practice now, and by carefully adjusting his licks and his tentative thrusts back against Bruno, he managed to get the two huskies in alternating rhythms. Loud wet splashes and slurps, coupled with Balto's whimpers and whines sounded out, making the cold blizzard seem miles away.

The wolf-dog yelped when he felt Bruno's humongous knot battering against his aching tail-hole, but thankfully the large husky was wise enough not to tempt Steele's anger. In fact, Bruno slid one of his paws down to Balto's throbbing cock, cupping it in his paw pads. Balto groaned and rocked his hips as he felt that paw slide up and down his length.

"That's right, boy," Bruno said, "I treat my bitches well. Louis can attest to that."

Louis growled, "Hey! That's between us!"

Bruno gasped, between thrusts, "Bit late for that...'sides, I don't think they really care."

Sure enough, the other huskies and the malamute were watching eagerly as Balto got pounded from both ends. Louis says, "I guess you're right. Well, if we're gonna be 'out' we might as well go out with a bang!" Balto couldn't see anything other than Louis's inner thighs as the husky humped his muzzle, but his sensitive ears could hear slurps and smacks which could only mean that the two lovers were kissing.

Steele growled and said, "Get a room, you two." But the huskies ignored the black malamute, continue to lock lips, thrusting their tongues into each other as they shared Balto. Balto wondered how kissing could be objectionable to Steele, while fucking another dog in the ass and mouth was perfectly okay.

After Louis and Bruno began kissing, everything seems to happen in an instant. Their paces increased until they rammed against Balto in a blur. Having been forced to stand back and watch as Balto was fucked had primed the two, and kissing openly sent them over the edge. Groaning and shuddering, both dogs released, and suddenly all Balto could think of was swallowing as fast as possible.

Louis splattered the back of Balto's throat and mouth, a flood that the wolf-dog tried desperately to redirect down his throat. Despite his best efforts, smaller tributaries flowed out of his mouth between his pointed teeth, spilling down his muzzle to the melted snow beneath him. At the same time, his stretched ass got another load of warm, bubbling cum. Because Bruno had kept his knot out, most of the fluids shot straight out of Balto, splashing all over the two dogs' thighs and soaking Bruno's genitals.

As if those sensations were not enough for Balto, the husky filling his ass with cream kept his paw rocking back and forth, rubbing the wolf-dog's over-sensitive cock. Balto could hardly believe it when his balls pulsed again, tingling painfully as Balto shot his fourth load of that day. The snow beneath him had melted entirely, leaving only a sticky pool of warm cum.

When they were done with him, Louis and Bruno simply pulled out, walking a short distance away before jumping together in the snow and making out noisily. Balto, his legs trembling, collapsed where he stood, landing unceremoniously in a pool of his own cum. Whimpering, the sore and aching wolf-dog rolled onto his back, staring blankly at the blowing snow.

"You're not done yet, cumdumpster," came Natan's voice.

Balto groaned, opening his eyes to see the huge husky standing at his feet, looming over the bruised and battered fucktoy. ", I can't. I don't even have the energy to stand!"

Growling, Natan said, "You've still got me and Star. We're not going to be left out on account of you. You can't stand? Don't bother."

Balto whimpered as the big husky stepped over him. Balto couldn't help himself from lowering his eyes to see Natan's glistening, red-veined cock and massive, dangling balls. Balto knew now, from experience, that he could take such a huge cock, but just looking at it made his tail-hole pucker. But what could he do? He couldn't back out now!

Balto leaned back in his own cum, whimpering as he spread his legs for Natan. The eager husky wasted no time, gingerly striding Balto's body until his warm breath tickled Balto's nose. Balto's eyes were locked on Natan's cock, now dangling mere inches above the wolf-dog's stretched and abused tail-hole. All Balto could do was grit his teeth and watch was the husky lowered his hips, the tapered tip sinking lower and lower until, with a grunt, Natan sunk into Balto.

He tried to yelp, but all that came out was a hoarse whine. The huge dick slurped noisily into Balto's leaking boy-cunt. Balto was so well-stretched and lubricated that Natan's weight alone allowed him to slide in all the way to his bulging knot. Balto could feel every inch as his tight ass engulfed Natan's dick with a loud squelch, whimpering.

But there, Natan stopped, motionless as he lay buried inside of Balto. "Huh?"

Natan growled, "Tell me you want it!"

"What do you mean?"

Sliding out, only to ram himself home again, Natan repeated, "Beg for it, bitch!" Balto yipped at the sudden pressure, as Natan's bulging cock ground up against Balto's prostate, sending a wave of sudden, unavoidable pleasure throughout the wolf-dog's trembling body. As if that weren't enough, Natan's furry belly squeezed up against Balto's quickly growing cock, engulfing it in warmth.

"No!" Balto pleaded, refusing to subject himself to that humiliation, while the others were watching. He'd only promised to submit to Steele. "I don't -"

But he was interrupted as Natan pulled back and rammed forward again, making Balto moan. "Beg for it," he insisted, keeping his cock motionless as he studied Balto's face.

"But I -"

Natan humped again, lewd, wet sounds ringing out as Balto's rectum spread apart for the large husky. This time Natan's thrust was so fierce that his abdomen squeezed up against Balto's balls, making them ache and tingle. To Balto's embarrassment, his own cock was now throbbing painfully up against Natan, leaving sticky stains in the husky's fur.

Balto gave up, unable to help from telling the truth. "I want your cock!" he gasped. "Make me your bitch, Natan... Fuck me!"

The other huskies (except for Louis and Bruno, who were otherwise occupied) all laughed to hear the great Balto begging to be fucked. Balto bit back his tears and spread his legs, whimpering as he added, "Please..."

Grinning, Natan said, "There's a good little cock-warmer." With that, he began pounding Balto mercilessly, while the wolf-dog yipped and whimpered in delight. Balto never knew how wonderful it could feel to lie on your back as a huge male grunted and thrust above you. Natan's warm bulk repeatedly rubbed against Balto's over-stimulated cock, making Balto wince and moan at the same time. Meanwhile, each powerful thrust sent Natan's erection straight into Balto's prostate. Balto could no longer form words, whining desperately beneath the husky. The wolf-dog's tail wagged profusely.

Suddenly, Star exclaimed, "Hey, guys! Guys! The musher...he's waking up!"

Balto could look over at the sled, and sure enough, the man was stirring, groaning as he tried to sit up. Heat rushed to Balto's face. What if the man saw him...? Urgently, he pleaded with Natan, "Stop, please! Don't let him see me like this!"

But the husky simply said, "I'm not done fucking you, yet."

It wouldn't have mattered anyway. The musher was already shaking his head, and when he glanced over at Balto, on his back, getting pounded by another dog, he did a double-take. Balto met the musher's eyes and whimpered. Why did he have to wake up now?

Balto had wanted to join the sled team his whole life, but because he was a wolf-dog, no human would even consider it. So, Balto had set out to prove himself. He'd hoped his efforts to retrieve the medicine would, yes, save the sick children, but also prove to the people of Nome that he was worthy of respect. The look on the musher's face proved it to Balto: he'd lost any respect he might have gained. In the musher's eyes, Balto would always be a submissive bitch.

Balto wept, feeling the man's watching eyes, but soon enough, nothing could compare to the pleasure he was taking from Natan's randy thrusts. Balto began to howl, his voice ragged. Again and again the husky pushed forward, rubbing his belly fur against Balto's aching cock. The massive, red cock split Balto apart, getting deeper and deeper, until the wolf-dog began to fear Natan might force his knot inside.

"Here I cum, you fucking cockslut!"

Balto whimpered as Natan shoved himself forward, mercifully keeping his knot at bay. The force of the thrust squeezed hard against Balto's balls, making him squeal. But despite all the eyes watching, Balto couldn't hold back from yelling, "Fill me, Natan! I wanna feel your seed gushing out of my ass!"

A warm jet of fluids rushed into his abused tail-hole. Natan grunted and bucked his hips, his eager balls pumping shot after shot into Balto's tight anus. Balto could just howl and rock his own hips, thrusting his own cock up against Natan's belly fur. How had it ever come to this? Balto was honestly begging for it. Another gush of seed splattering his deepest insides sent Balto into a shuddering orgasm, the wolf-dog's balls squeezing painfully yet again as they launched a paltry spattering against Natan's stomach.

When Balto's mind finally cleared, he saw that Natan had walked away from his eager fuck toy. Aching, legs weak, Balto saw Star standing above him. Balto whimpered, defeated.