Part 8

Story by sluttyfox58 on SoFurry

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Here is part 8 (I think) of the story. I apologize in advance if the ending is abrupt. This is the longest story I've made, I think. So, don't forget to comment and rate. And comment if there's any mistakes in the story or if I missed any tags.

I woke up to find myself not at home. Where am I?

Oh yeah, I'm at Kyle's house. It was still raining but not as hard as before. The power was still out too. I think it's around 5 pm. I turned around to see Kyle still asleep. He looks cute when he's asleep.

I was thinking now's maybe a good time to go home. I mean, it's not raining that hard anymore. But then, I don't think it would be good to leave Kyle like this.

I'm so bored. So, so, sooooo bored! What do I do now?

Then, a dirty thought came to my head. I turned to see if Kyle was still asleep. He was, and kind of snoring a bit. I carefully got up from the couch, trying not to wake him up. I went upstairs to his room.

I don't know why I'm doing this but my curiosity is just begging me to find out. I go inside his room to snoop around his stuff. I felt guilty doing it, but, I don't think he'll mind ;). I find some porno there, which didn't surprise me at all. I also found a bottle of lube. And it was half empty (?!).

It made me feel really guilty doing this, so I just put them back to where they belong and went back downstairs.

I looked outside and saw the rain was getting lighter. Kyle was still asleep, so I'll just wait for him to wake up, and then I'll leave.

I sat back down on the couch and waited for him to wake up. I didn't really have anything else to do actually. I mean, the power's still out anyway.

So I just watched him sleeping. Yes I know it sounds creepy. But he looked so cute and hot when he's asleep. I can't stop myself from staring at him.

Minutes pass and he's still not waking up, and for some reason, I hope he doesn't. Suddenly, a loud roar of thunder came outside and woke him up. I lied back on the couch and pretended I was asleep. I didn't want him to suspect that I was staring at him.

I could hear him yawning and got up from the couch. My eyes were closed in case you were wondering. I heard footsteps go into the kitchen. I opened my eyes and got up from the couch and went there. I saw Kyle checking the fridge.

"The power's still out." He said.

I nodded in acknowledgement. "Listen, it was really nice of you to let me stay in your house. But I think I should go home now."

"You sure? It's still raining outside."

"I'll be fine."

"Okay, be careful."

I left the kitchen and went outside. But before I could leave, I heard him call me again.

"Wait, before you go," he said. He handed me his jacket. "You might get wet again. I don't want you to get sick."

"You sound just like my dad."

He laughed. "Hey, I'm your friend. I'm just looking out for you."

"Thanks." I took the jacket and left. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

I began my walk home. It was really nice of him to let me borrow his jacket. I guess he cares that much for me. And I guess he only thinks of me as a friend. I just wish I could be more than that.

When I got home, I found the door unlocked. I guess Matt's home now.

"Matt! I'm home!" I yelled when I got inside.

"I'm in the living room!" he called back.

I could hear the TV was on. I guess the power came back while I was outside. I went to the living room.

"Sorry I wasn't home a while ago. I had to do some errands." Matt said.

Yeah, sure, errands, that seems to be his excuse every time he leaves the house.

"Dinner's in the fridge."

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I found a pizza box with 2 slices left inside it. I guess this is what he calls Dinner. Oh well, it's still food.

I didn't have any homework to do so I had the rest of the night to, well; do whatever I want, which kind of sucked. I'm really bored right now. So I went to bed early.

I couldn't fall asleep. I looked at the clock and it was only 9. What do I do now? I'm just staring at the door right now, completely bored out of my mind. I think Matt's asleep right now. I'm thinking of watching TV, but nothing good's always on at 9 pm. Then, I notice something hanging on the door. It's Kyle's jacket. I forgot that he let me borrowed it.

Another dirty thought came to my head. Look, I might sound like a weirdo doing this, but I can't help myself. I took the jacket back to my bed and sniffed it. I smelled his scent and that made me a little horny. Oh God, I'm such a creep. I continued sniffing it, but then I found something. I found a small white stain on the back of it.

Oh my God, is that what I think it is? Did he jack off and cum on his jacket or something? So I put his jacket back on behind the door and I went back to bed. I'm still disturbed by the thought of what he did to it though. After a while, I fell asleep.

It was sunny the next day. Partly cloudy, but at least it's not raining anymore. I did my normal morning routine and got ready for school. I also took Kyle's jacket with me. I might as well give it back to him later. But then I noticed Matt was gone (again). He left a note on the fridge.

"With dad gone, I had to get a part-time job. I need the extra money. I might come home late. Don't wait for me. -Matt"

Great, alone in the house again, like that's something new.

I locked the door behind me and went to school. It was a little windy today, I got cold. I might as well wear his jacket. You know, to keep it warm for him.

My walk to school was boring. Until of course, Ray comes out of nowhere and joins me on my walk to school.

"How's my favorite little fox doing?" he teased.

He just loved calling me that.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." just me being sarcastic.

"So, I see you're wearing Kyle's jacket."

"I borrowed it from him yesterday."

"You were at his house again, weren't you?"

I didn't answer.

"You don't have to say it, I know you were."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Just admit it, I know you like him."

"No I don't!" I lied. "He's just a friend, that's all."

"You mean kind of like me, just a friend."

"Listen, if you're thinking of blackmailing me again to do you some favor, just forget it."

"What makes you think I'm gonna blackmail you?"

Does he really want me to answer that?

"I'm just saying how much a good friend I am."

He walked a little closer to me.

"Look, I don't want to do this now. Can we do this some other time?" I said.

"Sure, but remember, I know you're secret."

After he said that, he dashed off to school, not even bothering to wait for me.

This is how things were ever since he found out about me being gay. He'd take me somewhere hidden and start groping me. Sometimes he even kisses me. But I know that he was just doing it for pleasure. I sometimes resist, but when I do, he reminds me that I'm his bitch. In the end, I end up being his little toy. And I just can't do a thing about it. Its better having just one guy knowing this, than having the whole school know about it. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever met someone else who's gay, other than my brother of course (yes, he is gay).

The rest of the day was boring. As the day went on, I remembered something. There's gym today. Oh shit...

I don't wanna go back in there again! It's tiring to do pushups, jogging around the football field, sit-ups and other exercises. And sometimes, he even lets us play a game. Sometimes I just pretend that I hurt my leg or something to get out of playing. Hopefully, maybe I can do it again later.

So the time came where it was gym class, or as I like to call, Hell Hour. For some reason, coach didn't tell us to do any warm-ups. I guess that's good. Until he said something that made me almost hurl.

"Okay, today we're gonna play Dodgeball!"


While all the other guys are excited, I'm just, well, nervous. I never participated in any physical game whatsoever; I don't even know how to play Dodgeball.

He split the class in to two teams, the other team had Ray in it. And Kyle was in our team. I could see that the other team had a big advantage, considering the fact that the guys there were a lot bigger than the ones in our team. And that just made me more nervous.

"Good luck out there." encouraging words from Ray.

I could see the look on some of the other guys faces that they are just dying to throw a ball at us.

"Okay, is everyone ready?!" the coach yelled.

"Yeah!" the other guys yelled back.

Then the coach blew his whistle. And then balls were just flying and hitting other furs. I managed to dodge all of them.

Only minutes passes by and there were already few of us, and there were still a lot more on the other team. I was standing there, with Kyle and some other furs.

"I'll take the fox on the right!"

Oh shit, who said that?

I turned to the left to see a ball flying straight at me. And it hit me, really hard.

I think I blacked out or something cause I didn't remember anything after that.

I know some of you were expecting something else. Sorry if I didn't meet your expectations.