Sebastians story

Story by KestralXinsanity on SoFurry

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Well this is one of the few writing i have done in a long time. This is the first erotic furry story I've ever written on my own. I'm always trying to expand and become a better writer, I want to be the very best i can and won't stop pushing my limits. If there is any helpful suggestions any of the readers and fellow writers can give me; i would be very glad and appreciative of it.



I'm sorry Mr Rozocan but you will never have children, The memory. It was always the memory, If lust and desire were his sword and shield, then remembrance was the bane of his existence. "I'll see you around Sebastian baby" no matter how many came and left, the time spent in the embrace of another, it could not, would not erase what couldn't be undone. "Siempre mi amor" how many times had the words come from his mouth, how many more would be said. Sebastian Rozocan was in every sense of the word a whore, a very classy and elegant one but a whore nonetheless. The act was constant but the setting always changed, and even as he walked out of the water crest gated community he found himself at a loss. "That was certainly....'Plain" he spoke to himself, lighting a cigarette clasping both hands around the match to prevent it from blowing out.

It never seems to get any better his hand drifting loosely into the pockets of his jeans, they hung lower than his waist, he wasn't wearing any undergarments so those who payed enough attention could make out the small black hairs of his neatly trimmed pubic mound. "Where did the passion go?" he asked beginning to move; following the curve of the road back into the city, he was fairly wealthy and could easily afford a car, he even had a license but it wasn't the same. It wasn't the same as walking through the soft dirt, breathing in the pine scented air and letting the problems drift away.

It was mostly on these nights that he felt at peace with himself, Most humans looked down on any creature, but he was a natural born nekomata with a mother for a human. "Mami" Sebastian whispered the sounds of cars passing by as he thought, his steps felt hollow as he stepped onto the concrete paved roadway. 'Cold' he thought, It had been like that for a long time, or rather it was the way he knew how to live. The city, he had opted to move out here to the land of metropolis, concrete wonders and futuristic technology.

Sebastian had lived here a long time almost thirty years, he was still considered a kitten, his life a mere blink of the eye, for his pure blooded kin. It had started as an escape, running from his persecutors; humans who with their self righteousness would slay him on sight, or the pure blooded Nekomata who found him an abomination. The times have changed since then, The social stigma and species segregation slowly fading with the passage of time. This brings back memories Sebastian had walked on for some time traveling from the upper city to his roots, a brothel standing on the corner of Trace and Joan. It was his home, his sanctuary and his salvation.

At least here no one could judge me for being something other than human He thought to himself walking toward the for sale sign etched across cardboard slab, pinned to the front door. It was here in this brothel he learned to truth to being human.

Twenty seven years ago...

"Move your ass boy, no not like that!" It had been his second day on the job, Sebastian had finally managed to lure a customer over and he was losing him horribly to inexperience, The white human priest, who had come to this brothel in the name of his savior; creator of all the land and creature; Brosmer was telling him to shake his ass properly. "Like this master?" he had asked nervously, his tails swishing, as he rocked his body side to side stiffly. "No you fucking heathen of a child, I've no longer the time to deal with a barbarian such as yourself" The priest had begun to redress, and just as he was about to leave he was brought to a halt by a rather large demon. "I weren't about to leave without paying for your service"

"and what of it?, your all a bunch of worthless creatures; the lot of ya" his gaze had met the larger male who's long black hair could barely be seen beside the same color of his skin. He bore a sizable grin as he taunted the demon so casually. "What are you going to do about it anyway, I have the church behind me" His grin fading as he was lifted with one arm to meet the demons gaze. "Actually your going to pay this boy double what you had agreed upon" The demon said certainly, the human struggled in his grasp to no avail.

"Y-you can t-touch me!?" It was the demons turn to grin as he brought the man forward bringing his face barely an inch away from his own. "Yes i can touch you, child of man, faithful servant of god. I don't think you know where your religion stems from and how far from the truth you are" He whispered into the mans ear before continuing "Your going to pay this young man double what you agreed to, if you don't I will personally beat you within and inch of your life without laying so much as a finger on you, then I'll personally drag you back to the church" his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke "and i wonder what would they do if word got out a heathen had so easily defeated a warrior of god..." The priest grunting in affirmation was placed on the ground.

"Espiri you didn't have that" Sebastian murmured softly, he was a soft spoken child of thirteen. The crowd that had massed to watch, dissipated quickly when it was revealed that no violence would occur. "You let people walk all over you kid, you think being a pussy whipped bitch is going to make you anymore human" taking a shot of the liquor left behind, the demon known now as Espiri sat speaking his mind.

"Well no sir but I don't like violence.... It had been only a year since he left his village deep in the woods, he was no stranger to the violence. It was the violence that had no purpose, In his village one would battle for the right to a mate or to display dominance. "I've...seen many things since moving here sir, many of which i do not understand or dislike," It was time for Espiri to chuckle as he leaned in the wooden chair, kicking his feet up as he spoke.

"Nobody is telling you to commit some horrendous act or murder someone, speak up for yourself boy and before you know it people will treat you like a man" The candles slowly began to dim as he continued "I'll always be around Sebastian, but there are certain things i can't teach you, that knowledge you need acquire yourself," The candles having completely fizzled out during his response began to light up again one by one, "Espiri?" Sebastian called out no longer seeing his friend, he realized now things would only get that much more difficult.

Selphite Serenade:Chapter One New Chord

**It was cold outside, the coldest frostvale Zaphrias had seen since the great cataclysm. Many had begun to gather for the annual bazaar in the markets of Heliotrope the hume capital. Merchants and peddlers set up their wares hoping to catch the...
