Cafe Enigma 2: Pre-Interview Anxiety

Story by Loki Aesir on SoFurry

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#3 of Cafe Enigma

Café Enigma: Pre-Interview Anxiety

The process of finding new hires was tedious at best and a significant pain in his tail the rest of the time. Once news got out that Café Enigma was hiring, Fen found himself virtually buried under a staggering amount of applications. Fortunately for his own timetable, much of that had been thrown away with only a few seconds spent skimming each form. It shouldn't have surprised him that so many people wanted the position simply because they wanted in on the rumored hidden nature of the café, but most of those had shown plainly on their paperwork and made a one-way trip to the shredder. After all, it wasn't as though he could simply hire on the average student part-timer or experienced barista to his café. Most employers needed to get a decent read of the applicant's personality to ensure they would mesh well with the rest of the team and that they would do their share of the work. Fenris needed to be much more thorough since there was a lot more on the line than simple daily productivity. After being burned once before by somebody whom he trusted as a friend, he was extremely hesitant to find himself in a situation that would repeat the experience.

Five days after making it known he was hiring, Fen managed to whittle the stack down to a dozen promising applicants of various backgrounds and experience. Of whom only two of which were already preferred customers, which increased their odds of being hired, but it would still take more than that to fully staff the café. As much as he dreaded the notion, the Mal anthro knew he would have to bring in people who were not privy to The Enigma's existence nor the illicit additives provided. So there he sat, behind the bar in the fabled back room staring nervously at the remaining applications spread out before him. In two hours, he would be meeting with the first of his interviewees, which left him lightly trembling with anxiety. He never needed to perform a formal interview with his previous staff, all of whom had been friends he'd known before offering the position to them outright.

Desperate to distract himself from that fact, he focused upon the first application in the series before him. Fen was no longer really reading it after having reviewed it for the umpteenth time that morning alone. Miss Karrin Roberts, age twenty-two, vulpine, attending NEDU majoring in Sociology. Looking for part-time job during evenings, one year of experience working for a large coffee house chain, makes no notion she is aware of the other half of this establishment. With a nervous sigh, he ran his fingers through his headfur looking up from his paperwork. The suddenness with which his gaze locked with a pair of predatory golden hues sent a reflexive jolt of adrenaline through Fen's body, making his posture go rigid and portions of fur to stand on end. After the instant of reaction passed Fenris was able to recognize the owner of those piercing eyes as being Katia whose lips were curled in a subtle smirk.

"I'd apologize for not noticing you standing there, but I get the impression you had intended to startle me from square one."

"Startle has too much of a negative connotation to it." She said coyly, her sweet words in contrast to her devious expression. "I like to think of it more as surprising you."

An amused smile spread across Fen's maw; he always enjoyed Katia's word games and an opportunity for an exchange in banter with her. "There's a difference?" The canine fur said, playing along with her charm.

"Of course there is. Take reproducing and having sex for example; while both are essentially the same act, they are done for two entirely different reasons."

"True, but then you are also claiming that the two are mutually exclusive. Can a couple not enjoy sex while at the same time doing so for the sake of producing offspring? With that in mind, when you tie that simile back to the original issue it can be reasonably inferred that you had intended to both grace me with your presence while at the same time doing so in such a way to capture my undivided attention."

A low purr resonated in Katia's throat alluded to her enjoyment in the exchange of wit as he spoke, culminating in a rich effeminate laugh when his thesis reached its conclusion. "It would seem my true motives have been discovered, fortunately my plan had been a success seeing as how I managed to pull you away from your work for several moments. Considering how it is only the two of us here at present," the leopardess said, shooting a demonstrative glance over her shoulder to the unoccupied Enigma, "it falls upon you as dutiful host to keep me company."

"I'll do what I can, but I have an interview in a few hours that I need to prepare for and- why are you looking at me like that?" Although Katia didn't directly interrupt him, her partially lidded eyes and single raised brow clearly expressed her impatience without the frustration usually accompanying it. "Ahnissa told me all about your interview that is still a few hours away, as well as how much anxiety it is putting on you." _ The leopardess' expression transitioned into something much more deviant and sultry than it had been a moment before. _"I intend on helping to relieve you of some of that pent up stress." Her long feline stride carried her around the bar until she stood behind it, leaving nothing between her and a hesitantly interested Fenris. By doing so, she entered an area where patrons were not permitted, but the canine didn't really care too much about restaurant protocol at that particular moment. His heart raced as her delicate hand reached out to seize him by the waistline of his pants that rested against his groin, her fingers sliding under and nearly brushing against the prize within.

She must have sensed the lingering hesitation in her quarry, causing her to remind him of a warning he had received a few days prior. "If you want, I could always tell Ahnissa to get a fresh canister of 'Lust' and a spoon. I'm sure it would be quite difficult to run an interview without the ability to resist taking the interviewee right there in the middle of the café."

"She told you about that?"

"Told me? Love, she practically armed me with that tidbit of information before sending me back here. So? What's it going to be?" Testing whether his uncertainty remained, she pulled on his pants and was delighted to see him obediently slide off his stool and follow her lead into the Red Room pavilion. Once in the sensually colored portion of the Enigma, she turned to face him directly and moved well within his personal space as she pressed her lithe frame against his solid form. She leaned her weight against him enough to make the larger canine take several steps backwards in order to maintain his balance until he felt the front of one of the red slipper couches press against the back of his knees. With a smoldering glint in her predatory eyes, she placed her hands on his pecks and pushed him back onto the couch.

Rather than joining him, Katia made her way to the frame of the space with an exaggerated sway to her hips causing her ass and tail to dance enticingly as she did so. With that same alluring stride she made her way around the perimeter of the pavilion, untying the sheer draperies to effectively block off everything else around their personal love nest. All the while Fen sat in silence, admiring the view of his partner while his pants became gradually tighter around certain areas. The gentle beat of the background music playing in the Enigma seemed to follow the rhythm of the leopardess' stride rather than the other way around as she finished her task and returned to Fenris. She stopped several feet shy of where he sat, though her body continued to writhe in time with the music while her hands roamed her curves teasingly. Fen's eyes narrowed into his own sultry expression that was equal parts desire and envy that it was not his own hands mapping out her contours.

The sight of her partner's intense focus upon her movements furthered her own building arousal as her roaming hands begun to press more firmly against her form-fitting tracksuit causing it to slide strategically in places to reveal glimpses of the fur hidden beneath. It wasn't long until her fingers found the zipper of her jacket, sliding it down with a languid pace. Fenris took in a shuddering breath as he realized there had been nothing under her top as the fastener made its way downward along its track, slowly revealing more and more of her white tummy fur that was devoid of the spots that covered the rest of her body that he could see. Once the jacket was completely undone, her hands glided back up her torso and into her headfur where she continued her sensual dance in a barely modest state as the cloth of her open garment covered her breasts by the slightest of margins that were pressed with each movement she made.

The anticipation of things to come was becoming overwhelming for the Malamute fur, as he shifted his weight subtly preparing to stand. Before he could follow through with the motion, Katia opened just one of her golden hues with a glare that warned him to stay where he was and be patient. Somehow she even managed to convey the notion of a special reward if he went along with her wishes. Knowing better than to press his luck, Fenris returned to his reclined position upon the sofa and resumed watching the entertainment before him. Pleased with his decision, Katia's eyes closed once more with a delighted smile upon her maw revealing a sliver of her pointed ivory teeth as her dance continued. After several excruciatingly long moments to the canine's libido and desire to see more, the leopardess arched her back and lowered her arms allowing her jacket to gracefully slide down her shoulders revealing her ample bosom that was wonderfully accentuated by her posture.

Fenris' paws clenched tightly upon the cushions at his sides in order to restrain himself from going to her. Much to his glee and chagrin, Katia continued her dance as she languidly freed her wrists from the jacket before idly tossing it aside. Only then did she take the few paces towards Fen, stopping just outside of his reach. The sight of his wanton need for her was an aphrodisiac in of itself and Fenris easily picked up the scent of her own growing arousal that made it all the more difficult to restrain himself. Still in time to the beat, Katia's movements repositioned her so that her back was to him as her thumbs hooked under the waistline of her pants. As slowly as she had done with her jacket, she slid her tight sweats down stopping just shy of revealing what Fen was eager to see. The canine squirmed restlessly in his seat as the pressure in his pants grew uncomfortable. Looking over her shoulder to watch Fen's expression, she finally lowered her pants to her ankles while bending over nice and far for him to get a clear view of her sex. Fenris physically trembled with the need to touch and taste her as she revealed her drenched mound to him, her delectable aroma strained what little willpower he had left to its breaking point.

By then the discomfort in his pants became unbearable and his hands reflexively went to relieve the pressure. Before he could secure his grip upon the button, Katia's hands gripped him by the wrists and forced them back to his sides. "You're on your break, Fen. Lay back and let me help you relax." Unsure if any attempt to speak would come out an incoherent string of random syllables, he simply nodded in acknowledgement. Picking up where he left off, Katia's hands made their way to the front of his pants and unfastened them eliciting a sigh of relief from the canine. With that crucial task accomplished, she was able to once again return to her teasing pace as her hands travelled up his torso, her thumbs hooking under the hem of his shirt to remove it alone the way while at the same time stepping out of her pants rendering her completely naked.

Once his shirt was cast aside her hands returned to his torso where they were free to admire his firm muscular build that was usually hidden beneath the loose clothing. With a deep breath, Katia took in her soon-to-be lover's scent, purring with delight as she exhaled. Before she completely drew in her breath once more, she pressed her muzzle firmly against his where their tongues were free to mingle and intertwine with one another in a heated kiss that caused both of them to writhe with anticipation. The taste of her lips and subtle jasmine scent to her fur sent a chill down his spine as things between them became more heated. Fen's abdomen quivered with excitement as he felt the gentle pressure of her hands slide down his torso, eliciting a needy moan into their locked lips; a moan that intensified greatly the moment he felt her hand reach into his pants to grip his length and pull it free from its cloth prison. He felt her lips curl into a smile as her firm grip slowly slid along his ruby shaft, robbing him of breath for a moment.

Katia broke the kiss when her hand came to rest upon the crown of his cock, where she gave him a wolfish grin before lowering herself to her knees with her body pressed between his legs forcing his pants off as she did so. Fen's heart raced excitedly while he watched as she tilted her head and pressed her muzzle against his shaft. Her hand obstructed the view of what exactly she was doing, but next thing he knew he was lost in a torrent of ecstasy as one hand twisted and stroked his crown and the other gently caressed his furry orbs all while her lips, and what he assumed was her tongue, did Gods knew what sort of miracles to his shaft. There was so much being done to him at once that he had trouble deciphering where one action ended and the other began. Fenris wasn't entirely aware of the stream of glorious obscenities that escaped his lips between gasps and moans of pleasure as his mind struggled to keep up with the intense pleasure surging through every fiber of his being. At one point she hit everything just right and enticed a breathless yip from the canine as a jet of precum erupted from his manhood. The sight if it elicited an excited gasp from Katia as well, her golden eyes opening wide with want at the sight of his essence. Without hesitation, she took his length into her maw and allowed her broad tongue to massage his length.

The feeling of her taking him into the warm embrace of her mouth caused another breathless moan to escape his lips as a second jet of pre pulsed from him, coating her pallet, and causing her to moan her own approval of his flavor. The leopardess worked hard to coax even more essence out of him, eager to get her fill until her own desire became too great for her to resist any longer. Katia finished swallowing the most recent load of pre before removing him from her maw. Fenris noticed the way her chest heaved as she straddled him, her eyes gleamed with feral need that was matched by his own gaze. No longer concerned about his orders to just sit there, Fenris moved his paws to rest upon her hips and was glad to see he was not denied permission to do so. The firm curves of her ass were as appealing to the touch as he had suspected from watching it sway for him. With his length in hand, Katia guided his crown to her drenched mound what his entire length was accepted without resistance. The pair cried out their ecstasy in unison as he pressed into the deepest regions of her womanhood until his tip kissed her cervix the same time she had reached his hilt.

Lost in the moment, Fenris clamped his mouth upon the nape of Katia's neck; the feeling of his teeth pressing against her skin was all the incentive she needed to begin riding him with primal abandon. He almost couldn't believe how vigorously she was taking him as his length pistoned along the hot velvety walls of her pussy, now made more wet than before from a thorough coating of his precum. "I don't know... how long I will be able... to last at this pace." Fen announced between labored breaths, already feeling his knot beginning to swell. "If you keep going... we're going to be tied." Despite his warning, Katia's pace never wavered.

"Gods, yes! Please don't hold back!"

Katia's effeminate cries of pleasure gained intensity as the knot at the base of Fen's manhood continued to expand inside of her. The pace of her gyrating hips slowing slightly as a result of the building resistance while the unending tide of pleasure continued to surge through Fen's body without reprieve. He knew he couldn't hold back for much longer as the rapture he was experiencing built upon itself, leading to a quickly approaching climax. With one final decent along his shaft, Katia hit resistance as Fen's knot grew too big to slide back inside of her; dividing them rather than tying them together. She let out a keening cry of frustration as she tried to take him in to little avail until Fenris' hands moved from her hips to brace her shoulders. With one powerful thrust he buried himself, knot and all, inside of her pussy that caused Katia's whole body to arch and shake violently as an intense orgasm rocked her to her core. As unbridled pleasure ravaged every nerve of her body, she cried out in a piercing mewl.

"Cum in me, give me your seed!"

Between the sight of her climax, feeling of her inner folds milking his shaft, and that delightfully naughty plea, Fenris could no longer hold back the inevitable. With a strained yowl, the muscles in his body tensed in a way that tightened his embrace upon the leopardess as he was overcome with ecstasy. After a moment that stretched into a wondrous eternity, all the tension and stress in the canine's body released, allowing him to draw in a sharp breath. As the intense pleasure was replaced by freeing waves of bliss, stream after stream of hot cum flooded from his manhood, through Katia's cervix, and into her womb. Aftershocks rippled through the couple for several seconds as they remain locked in one another's arms. Once they finally regained their composure enough for coherent thought, they loosened their grips upon one another though made no attempt to pull apart knowing that they were still tied together for a while longer. So they remained there, panting, shuddering, and virtually glowing as they basked together. With a satisfied smile and dreamy gaze, Katia's eyes met Fen's as she brushed a few rogue locks from her face with a hand. "You look much more at ease. I say you are just about ready to conduct those interviews now."

An approving moan resonated in Fen's throat. There was no denying that all the stress he was feeling before was virtually gone. Even if it returned once le petit mort wore off, it would be a shadow of its former self and he knew he was in a much better mindset. "I hadn't realized how badly I needed that. Is there anything I can do to repay you for your help?"

"Tell you what..." She said leaning in close in a sensual whisper that bathed his ear in the warmth of her breath. "Whenever you are overwhelmed with stress and are in need of relief... Give me a call."