Damn Cold C

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Damn Cold, Updated - M/M, Anal/Oral/Marking/Masturbation/Public/Rimming/Rough, Angst/Language/Semi-NC/D&S, Fox, Rabbits, Wolf - December 14, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2009/2011 The Gay Furry Association

Version 5 - More minor edits and fixes

A 60F room, a trip to the pot, and This came out... With additions because sometimes I don't know where to stop writing. And yes some of this is based on Real-Life.

The Things We Do For Love...

Chapter 1 - Damn Cold

It was Cold! I jumped out of the bed, and stirred the fire, padding down to use the Hole. Ok, 'The Box'. It still had a Hole, but it also had running water. I am still not used to so much water. Cold, Hah! Six months ago I would have been complaining how Warm it was. Six months ago, my Father put me on the Steam Train and told me to go south.

"Find a Trade, Seek a Love. Return with New Ideas and maybe a Bride."

A week on the Train, another on a boat and here I am. A mid-level executive, with a house and a bed-partner. I returned to put another log on that would burn slowly, hopefully keep the place warm until morning. Got back in bed, gripping the bunny's butt, squeezing it. Mmmmmmm - I am still amazed that this male would wish to lay beside me, a plain white fox with blue eyes.


I place his paw between my legs, panting a little as he squeezes. "My balls are so tight I doubt even You could coax them down."

He gives a laugh that warms me more than any fire and turns to kiss me, brown eyes half-lidded as he pulls me closer, stroking my sheath, while a leg slides up and down mine. He gasps as I play with his puckered hole, making his tail wag.

"We have work in the morning..." he reminds me. I nod but steal another kiss as the blanket warms us again. He turns again, pushing his butt against my dick as it slips free of it's holder to drip pre on his rear. "But if you want to, you can..."

That again. 'Why don't you fuck me while I am asleep?' Why? I prefer you awake, so I can hear your moans, feel your body moving under my paw.

A while ago we had been sharing a bottle of wine and I listened to him confess his 'Secret Fantasy', which was to be taken roughly... Pounded into the bed by a big canine. Used as a dick-sheath, Made to service the dog's meat with muzzle and butt and paw. Then to be Marked - Pissed on by the male. Left in a heap of fur on the floor. And when others smelled him - They would know he was a 'Dog-Slut'. He kissed my cheek a little sloppily.

"What's Yours?"

I shuddered, but took his paw and kissed it. Looked into his brown eyes - "To come home every day to your naked self at the door. Dinner on the table and a drink ready for me."

Diggre Mmmmmmm'd... "And we have to have it cold because you are too busy screwing your House-Rabbit to eat." He touched my ears as they flushed red. Then he lay on his back, lifted his legs up onto my shoulders, gasping as I caressed them, kissed his thighs, nuzzling my way down one long, sexy leg to his foot, teasing his toes. Move to his other foot, and worked my way back to his crotch, breathing hot and damp on his erection.

I looked up and sighed... We would have made Mad, Passionate Sex - But he had passed out.

Neither of us have spoken of the matter since.

Chapter 2 - Aunt Po's Pie

"Urf..." My stomach rumbled. He chuckled, and reached back to squeeze my rear.

"Told you not to eat so much Pie." Auntie Po's Pie - Rich, silky... I think she made it so good because she hates my guts - And wanted me to suffer. And I always did. Getting up yet again, I made my way to the Hole, and let go. Shivering I could only sit and explode - Several times. As I was trying to stand, a blanket fell over me, Followed by a warm body. He pulled the cord to dump the waste out and flush my rear with (Cold!) water...

The bunny giggled as I said he could do me if he wanted to - I was empty enough. He shook his brown head, took my paw and the blanket... I sighed - How to repay such an act of kindness. I watched his butt wag, and I clenched my paws. It wasn't That far to Sunrise. I would not like myself after... 'What Price, Love?'

I tossed the blanket to one side and pulled the male to me, pressing him against a wall, Taking his mouth in a rough kiss.

"Wha...?" Turning him again, I pulled his tail up as I worked my maleness out and shoved it into the rabbit. Growled and bit his ear as my dick swelled, Thrusting in slow and rough. Making him take it while only touching him with one paw, like he had described that night. He started whimpering, and shivering as I held onto his tail, using it to move his hips on my canine-cock, Panting as I felt my balls swell. Snarling, I blasted my seed into his hot ass, grinding my knot against his hole... But not letting him have it. I pulled out, turned the male again - This time forcing him on his knees.

"Clean it." He trembled harder, leaning forward to lick my fat maleness. Again I clenched my paws tightly, Forcing myself to continue... This was His Fantasy, and I would play it out to the end. I pulled his head close, making him drink the last dribbles of my cum. Then held his ears and managed to urinate enough to leave a trail across his face, down his back to stain his rump-fur. Then lifted him up and hugged the male I cared for so much, helping him into the shower.

"How was..." He slapped me, Hard. I stood, open-mouthed as he cursed me, my parents... And started on me again. "But I..."

"But you What, Limp-Dick?" He glared at me, cum and urine dripping down his legs.

"This was Your Fantasy..."

He growled and aimed a kick between my legs. "And you Fuckin' Ruined it! You were supposed to piss in my mouth and Walk Away. Make me come crawling to your feet..."

I tried to get my muzzle to say something. "I have Limits. I can't just..."

*Crack* went the shower curtain in my face. "That's Right - You want a CuddleBunny. Someone to come home to and have Dinner and a Drink ready. Well, You can go get one of my Sisters - Oh wait. You are a fuckin' Queer. Well Queer, This Rabbit isn't interested in 'Domestic Bliss' - Not unless it comes with a Dom. And you barely rate Top."

I didn't hear whatever else he had to say - Lies. All lies so I would... 'Lies are Bitter as Death's Tears. Spit them out before they rot your muzzle off.'

I closed my eyes, feeling my heart burn to ashes. If I could, I would rip it from my body and toss it at the - Male. I could not say it... Even if he threw words at me like dirty snow. My Parents were Mated by the Shaman, and no Rabbit's... Lies would change that. I padded out to the kitchen, starting breakfast. I felt like I had been used as a Hole by a large Bear. And he had wiped himself on my - Honor. My paw shook as I spread the Veggiestuff on the bread. Put it on a plate. Food was not wasted, and I had grown to like the taste. Much like His...

A tear fell on the knife and I placed it in the sink. "Awww - Fox gonna cry?"

To Cry is to Die. The tears freeze your lids shut and you go 'Love-Blind'. Father's First Wife stepped into an ice-hole that way. Her name can not be said for a Generation, but I used to go and look at her... She seemed to be sleeping instead of Frozen until the ice melted. One urinated with the wind if one wanted to keep one's dick. Anger may bring Heat, but once it burns out, it leaves one Colder. Things ingrained in me until I did them without thinking. It took Father 5 full Seasons before his heart regrew enough to love another - I wondered if it would take as long for me. Sighing, I made my own plate.

He laughed, eating and watching me. "You could always Kill yourself - Worthless piece of..."

The Only True Sin. To take a Life was necessary, and one would do Atonement. But to take one's own life was Waste - The carcass was left to the animals, the name forgotten until it could be spoken again. Still, there Were pains greater than Life... And some could not take the Burden. I ate, and listened to the day begin. Birds singing to each other, People getting papers, or walking in the cold air. Movement caught my eye...

Chapter 3 - Do NOT Piss Off The Fox

"Hey Worthless - How about a last Fuck before I walk out the door and find someone worthy of My Ass?" He wagged his butt, bent over and laughing. The laughter died when I grabbed his neck roughly, Jerked him down the hall and opening the door, Flung him out onto the dead grass, Naked. I burned with a Cold anger... If this was what he wished, So be it! I *Smiled* as the neighbors stopped to Stare... Walked down the steps to the male, and pulled him up on his toes, twisting him so Everybody could see his nakedness. "This Another of your Fantasies, Rabbit?"

And Smacked his ass. Dug my finger claws into his flesh and muscle, then jerked my paw away and did the same to his other cheek. A second round and one could see the red imprints coming through the fur, the welts where I raked my claws over his rump. The third time he was moaning and hard as my palm. I turned him, looking into his eyes...

"Naughty Bunny..." and slammed my middle finger into his ass, Grinding it around, Scratching his insides - Making sure to dig my blunt claw into his prostate bump. He screamed and came all over himself, Humping his cute rear against my paw even when I let go of his neck. The rabbit continued hunching until I pulled it away, leaving him gasping for breath. He half-fell/half-flopped on the ground, Still spurting. I nodded to the Neighbors, and went back inside. Washed my paws, packed what few clothes the male had brought with him, leaving one shirt/pants set out for Work. I put on my robe and grabbed the pair of cases - One held my paperwork, and locked the door behind me. Again I walked down the steps... And noticed nobody had moved. The people in the yards were holding onto papers, or shivering as they stood in mid-walk - Entertainment This good was Rare!

Diggre was still sitting on his butt, steaming, sticky and panting. He looked at me like I had turned into a Wolf or something like... I put the suitcase on the ground, draped the clothing over it. Gently took his cheek in my paw. And pulled my lips back, showing All my teeth. "You ever call me a Bastard again, I will rip your Balls off and shove them up your ass so far you can Taste them. Understand?"

He nodded, barely breathing. I pulled his head up and Kissed him. More like sank my fangs into his face, but I relented and pressed my lips to his - Gods, he was still as sweet as Wine. I inhaled the mingled scents of Fear and Lust and Hot rabbit. Clenched my free paw... Damnation! I wasn't going to weaken... I roughly shoved him away, stepping to the gate.

"Sir..." I closed my eyes, holding in a whimper. I heard him crawling over the cold stones to press his cheek to my leg. Kiss my toes.


I felt him shiver as he nuzzled my calf. I put my paw in my pocket and pulled out my HouseKey. I was going to hate myself.... And Spat on the ground. I *Already* hated myself - But I couldn't Leave him like that, or I Would be - What he wanted me to be. I turned and shoved him back into his haunches with a foot. Shoved the key into his paw, pointing to the clothing. "Inside. Cleaned, Dressed and At work - On Time, Or I will 'Dock' a piece of You!"

There was a plume of frozen air as the male literally leaped up and was gone. A collective inhale reminded me I still had an audience.

"Sorry everyone. Lover's Quarrel and all that. We will Try not to let it happen again..." At least in Public. Then again, he Had cum like a thawed spring... And at that moment I felt someone standing beside me, a paw slip in mine for just a second. I put the key back in my pocket. Caught the unmistakable odor of...

"Please Sir." The bunny hadn't washed after all... His head was down, But his eyes were on me. He worked on the Line, and would just smell worse by day's end. Still...

"Paper." had it placed into my paw. I opened the gate, waited until he was past and squeezed his ass roughly. "You will be in my office at Lunch to Explain yourself," I growled quietly into a long ear.

He shivered and smiled as he pushed his abused rump against my palm. And as I closed the gate, he brushed his paw against mine - Just for a moment. And for a moment, I felt the same way I had when I first met the male... We walked up the street to the Trolley, making more than one nose open a little wider to inhale the smell of rabbit cum. Gods... From the ashes in my chest, a new fire burned. But this one would take Work to keep going. I would have to set aside some beliefs about Equality. Toughen my resolve and - Do whatever my Lover wanted. I shook my head - Southerners were so Strange! But one could adapt. I opened my robe and let the crisp air run over my fur... Maybe it wasn't so cold after all.

Chapter 4 - What Price Love

I paced my little box of an office, unable to think. What was I going to say to him? 'This morning was a Fluke. You got me angry and - It won't happen again...?' But it would... I pulled the Seal through the Ice-Hole, and I can't just shove him back in. I sat and scribbled a bunch of numbers on a sheet. It's what I do - Copy numbers. Sure, they had machines. Faster, better - And nobody trusted them. So we did it all by paw. I was neat, and pretty fast - When my mind wasn't between my Legs! Gods... Ok. I could Hump his ass roughly. I could use his muzzle... I might have to kick something afterward, But I could do it. The urination thing - *Shudder* It wasn't Too bad. Not like I was using him to wipe my - Never! 6, 6, 1, 5, 6, 1, 0, 5, 7, 3... Hehe - It Was nice, Feeling him kiss my toes.

The Lunch gong sounded and I stretched, shaking my head. If he wanted Discipline, I would give it to him. Set some Rules, Time set aside when I can be a Lover and not a - Whatever he wanted... Dom? Top? Maybe I will ask Nehler. Scratching an ear, I wait for the - *Knock*

"Enter." And in he comes, Reeking of Sweat and Seed and... Rut. It made me pant, and my cock jump out of it's holder. He closed the door and his pants hit the floor. He was just as hard, and dripping pre on the wood as he walked over to me.

I had to shake my head to clear it, stepping back. "*Ahem* About this Morning, I..." A finger stopped me speaking, Followed by a very hot Kiss as he yanked his shirt off, then undid the sash holding my robe closed. Naked, he pulled it open, pressing his sticky, sweaty body against mine and moaned as our cocks were pressed into our bellies. The - Rabbit kissed my chin, my shoulders, peeling the robe off. Sliding his face over my chest, licking my nipples, following the cloth so when it hit the floor, so did his 'knees'.

"I was So wrong about you..." I erfed as he nuzzled my balls, kissing them. Sucking on the ovals as he caressed my legs. Let them fall into a paw that kneaded them, Rolled the organs around gently. "You went Way above what I expected. I almost pissed myself when you bit my face. And damn near came again when you pushed me on my ass with your foot. Please, Let me suck on your cock. Please..."

He was panting on my erection, the knot already out and swollen. I swallowed, closed my eyes... I was going to Really hate myself - And Nodded. He growled and inhaled my foxhood. Godddssss... I thought he was good before. It was all I could do not to grab his skull and pound it out of his face! Instead I clenched my paws and spread my legs a little. Moaned as he ran his strong paws over my ass, over my balls and legs, teasing me by running my fur through his fingers. I exited my body for a few moments, a paw gripping his head despite what I promised myself... He swallowed it all, bobbed his head to make sure my nuts were emptied, Squeezing my butt firmly.

Then he stood up and bent over my desk, wagging his tail in the air. "Fuck Me."

"No." I hid a smirk as he looked at me. One eyebrow lifted, he was the poster for 'Wha?' The he shrugged, Stood... And stiffened as I grabbed his balls, squeezing them enough to make sweat pop from his forehead. "I will Fuck you until you can't walk straight, Pound my knot up your tight ass And make you cum until you scream for mercy. At Home, Behind the hedges, In the bathrooms at the Stadium. Wherever, Whenever I want to take you..." I Growled in his ear just loud enough for him to hear, my dick mashed between his cheeks, the tip Just parting his anal-ring, Slipping an inch or so into his tight passage. Pulled it out... Slowly forcing it back in again. Held it there a long moment. Pulled it out and wiped the dripping thing on his butt-fur.

"But Not At Work. You are a LineMale - You work Down There." I yanked his balls downward, making him sink to his knees again.

"I work up here." I jerked his head around, rubbing my fat cock on his face. "And I Don't want to have to redo my work because Someone is horny. If I decide I want your muzzle for a quickie at Lunch, Then I will do so. Now, get your clothes on. You still have time to grab something in the Food Area, Lover."

I knew it was a mistake as soon as the word left my Lips. He turned and grabbed his shirt. Stuck a leg in his pants... "Bastard."

The cloth went flying as I slammed him against the door hard enough to make it creak on it's hinges. Jerking him around and leveraging his chin up with my forearm, I Lifted him off the ground, choking the - Rabbit. 'Grinning', I leaned forward. "What part of Castration did you not understand?"

Diggre clawed at my arm, legs kicking wildly... Until I gripped his balls and Twisted them. I am sure they heard his scream clear down to the Work Floor as I *Squeezed* his sack, digging my blunt claws into the round testes inside. Then I stepped back, letting the male fall to the wood, one paw on his throat, the other between his legs, Trying to cough, Gasp and Moan at the same time. Gods, he smelled of Rut... I clenched my teeth, refusing to give in. It took effort, and I wanted nothing more than to Grab him. Apologize, Hug the male I loved... It would do no good. I closed my robe up. Growled, "Stay!" at the male, and walked down to Nehler's office. I knocked, then stuck my head inside the door.

"What's up White-Fur?" the wolf asked with a grin. It froze on his muzzle when I said, "Do we have any Dominants around here?" He Stared at me...

"For my Lover. If I have to put up with his - I will Not smear excrement on him, and Wash it Off with my urine. Nor will I slam his hot ass against a wall and just Fuck him like he was some kind of... Like he was Nothing to me." I inhaled deeply as the room got a little blurry. "However, If that is what Diggre wants, Then I will get one of these Dom males for him. Honor demands it. Find one, Please..." I turned and walked back to my office, finding the male exactly as I left him.

"Dress." He sat there until I put my foot between his legs and pressed my toe-claws into his abused nuts. "Put your Pants on, and button your shirt - Or I will send your new Lover your Pelt!" The last a growled hiss as I felt my heart die a second time. I gave him twice as many chances as my Father would have given me - Death has a way of weeding out the Stupid. I waited until he was standing, and dressed. Attached a knife to my sash - This was going to be 'official'... Then I grabbed his neck and marched him down to my friend's office. Standing inside was a huge black wolf with some strange harness on his upper body, made up of leather straps and steel rings.

He grinned... "So which of you is going to be my Bitch?"

"This is Diggre... I hope you may do for him what I find I can not."

The wolves exchanged looks as I pushed the rabbit forward. Swallowed what was left of my pride again. Nodded to them and turned...

"Fuck You - Worthless, Weak Basta..." A trickle of blood ran down my Pelting knife, the tip pushed into the fleshy part of the Rabbit's nose, while I clamped his dirty muzzle shut.

"You Rip my heart from me. You degrade my name, and make me despise myself When I come Down to your level because I love you enough to do so. But if you Even so much as Think about spitting on my Ancestor's names again, I will give you to your New Lover in Pieces... Starting with your Tongue! Am. I. Clear?" He nodded - Just barely.

I re-sheathed my knife, Grabbed the male and Kissed him with what Love I had left to give - It would be a long time before I pressed muzzles with another and I wanted to remember what it felt like. Then I pushed him towards the big wolf, ignoring his gasped moan... The look in his eyes. I shut down my feelings - I had made enough mistakes, I would not make any more.

"If you wish, You can come by the house and get his belongings, or I can bring them in." I padded off to cover myself in ink and numbers.

Chapter 5 - Consequences

The End-Day gong sounded and I stretched. Carefully scratched one last number in it's place. Waited for the ink to dry and closed my book. Capped the inkholder. Cleaned my pen.

"Hey..." Nehler stood in the door, Grinning as he always did.

"I owe you, My Friend."

He shrugged. Took my paw and gave it a squeeze. "You know that rabbit pissed himself when you left. *I* damn near did... When did You grow a Mean Streak?" He laughed and patted my back. "I know, Honor. So, What you going to do now?"

I put my work in my case and walked out of the door, closing it. "Break some teeth on an Atonement Stick." I wondered if Diggre's family would like to have them as a necklace. There was no Shaman here to chant my Forgiveness, I would have it done when next I visited home.

"Ummmmm... Yeah. Listen - How about we visit a bar first... Or maybe, Instead?"

I shook my head. Even when they Live with us, They do not understand. Perhaps it is the same here - I do not understand the Cityfur ways. Then I shrugged - The Stick would be there, if I bit it Today or a Full Turning of the Season from now.

* * * *

It was a short walk to the Station, where a bus took us up to a bar he liked. I ordered a beer, wanting to remove the sweet flavor that still clung to my lips. We drank in silence for a while, and I spoke my thanks again. Ice... I would be Ice - Uncaring, Unfeeling.

"So, is it just rabbits or will anything male do? I am just asking because... Well, I am curious. I kinda understand why you did what you did, But Damn. I mean I would have kicked him out, Sure. But to Find someone to fulfill his Desires, Because Honor demands you do so..." He shook his head.

I leaned over and Kissed him. It was ash compared to the Fires I once had but it was still hot enough to melt the wolf.

"Damn..." he gasped when I pulled back, his paw gripping mine.

"It would be a privilege to share my bed with you."

Nehler yipped and shivered as I rubbed the back of his paw. "It's... It's alright. Maybe another time?" He squeezed my paw again, getting up. "Have to get rid of some of this beer... Be back in a minute."

I closed my eyes, and took another sip of what they considered 'Strong Stuff'... And felt a presence sit on the bench beside me.

A rabbit. Brown fur, brown eyes. But this one had silver rings riding the tips of his long ears. "I hope you don't mind... I just feel better sitting with My kind." I smiled and patted his paw, noting the blunt claws were rounded over and polished. He had some kind of drink in a glass with a piece of fruit in it.

"I hope your Male-friend isn't the jealous type."

I chuckled... "Just Friend, and possibly Bed-mate."

His entire demeanor changed... "Oh?" His paw drifted over to hover near, Finally moving to touch the back of mine. When I didn't pull away, he clasped it, fingers sliding up to tap claws. "I am usually not this Forward, But - You are So Exotic."

I almost laughed... "Belkiel Morning-Wind-Dances. Bell will do." I lifted the sexy paw and kissed it, watching the cheeks color in such a nice way, turning a deeper cinnamon as Nehler returned.

"Damn Guy... You don't waste time, Do you? Drop one this afternoon and already have another lined up before SunFall."

The brown eyes stared at the wolf, then at me. "You have a..."

The ice that was melting around the pit where my heart once was, reformed with an almost audible *Crunch*. "Had. Please, I do not wish to talk about... Him. It is of no matter. Now if you will excuse me, I have to use the Hole." I Swallowed the rest of my beer... "Gak - Spring Melt has more bite than this."

I got up and walked past the male, trying not to notice how Nice he smelled - Male and Rabbit and... I did not punch a hole in the wall because I did not allow myself to. Especially since my paw was still warm from holding his. When I returned it was to a long, deep hug from the long-eared male.

"Honey... We all go through Bad Relationships. I think it comes with the Territory - Being a Queer I mean." He kissed my cheek and *My* ears mottled.

"Gods - You Can get cuter."

We sat and I shook my head as the two males talked over me. The bunny had some strange mannerisms - More like my Sisters' than my Brothers'. Little things, like turning his wrist. Giggling instead of laughing. And I admit I found them very charming.... A second drink and the bunny-paw was back in mine.

"Sergu Yontas, Sexy." was given when I asked his name, With a kiss on my paw...

We would still be there, but someone didn't like two males showing Public Displays of Affection. And voiced his opinion like so - "Hey Faggs... Why don'cha get Lost."

I put a paw on my wolf-friend's shoulder as he stood to growl. Shook my head. Now was not the time to let anger...

"Hey ya Queer Bastards - I said..." This time my claws dug into the table. Someone needed a lesson in manners... I stood and lifted my beer mug, carrying it over to the male. He smirked at me, then looked puzzled as I placed it in front of him.

*Clink* went the bottom of the mug against the wood. *Crack* went his head against the same bar-top.

As he slumped, I moved the empty glass away. "Sorry, but I think you have had enough."

I watched the barkeep come and shake the out-cold feline - "Geirge, Come get this piece of Crap outta here!"

Returning to the table, I placed a 10-silver note on it. Smiled at the look I got... "I merely showed my displeasure at his language... After today, he should be glad I merely tapped him." When we are old enough to walk, we are taught how to Strike objects. How to vibrate our paws to break, move or shatter things like thick ice, frozen rocks. Axes and knives dull quickly when abused, and are not near as cheap as claws, which grow back. I sat and waited until the others finished.

"So you didn't..."

I shrugged. "I hit his head, his Head hit the Bar. Not my fault if you Southerners have thin skulls."

The wolf said he'd had enough 'Entertainment' for one day and was going to find a Quieter place to drink. The rabbit laughed and still holding my paw, walked with me out to the Trolley.

"Do you mind if I..." He sat beside me, and watched as the landscape changed from Buildings to Hills. "Wow... You live out here?"

I nodded, getting off at my Station. Walked down the lane to my house. Got the mail, Opening the gate for the male. Waved to the neighbors who watched until we were inside - Sorry, no Quarrels this time. I tossed the pile in a basket along with my key... Got turned, and it was only then I noticed the rabbit barely came up to my shoulders as he stood on his toes to kiss me. I slid my paw over his head, the other sitting on his hip. He deepened the muzzle-press, moving my fingers to his rump, pressing it in firmly, before moving his fingers to my robe-sash. It fell to my elbows, and stayed there as I didn't want to let go of my prize.

Sergu pressed his cheek to my chest. "It's ok, it will still be there for you to hold when we get done." He pulled my robe off my arms and hung it up. Took my paw and we walked through the house, Each step a fresh dagger-stab. But somehow muted as I would stop a moment, get another kiss in my cheek, and a squeeze on my butt.

"And what's over there?"

Chapter 6 - Bed Talk

We ended up in the SleepingRoom, where the rabbit made me sit while he made a small fire, taking the chill away - Somewhat. I found myself already warming to him and when he pushed me onto my back, lying beside me, caressing my erection as I squeezed and fondled his butt... It Hurt, being so much like Yesterday - When I had a Lover. He kissed me softly, then more firmly, nipples mashed against mine, cocks slipping over each other, until they were held between us.

"It's Ok... Cry if you wish." His eyes went wide as I explained Why I couldn't. How I used to slip away to look at Father's First Wife, knowing I would be beaten with a harness strap for it if I was caught. How beautiful she was... Fingers twined with mine as his tears fell on my chest, and I watched the light dance on his rings. I touched them, getting a gasp as I teased the metal - And the hot flesh they pierced.

"Do the rings signify anything?"

The thaw was coming, but I wasn't going to Rush it. He felt good beside me - And that was all I would allow myself to feel.

The bunny giggled and bent them so I could gently nip the long appendages. "Kind of... They were a graduation present. And I prefer being on the Bottom, as if you couldn't tell."

I lifted his head, puzzled. "Because you have female mannerisms doesn't make you any less Male to me." I grew up with different species, fur colors... And bed-partners was a matter of Preference, Not Gender. "I had never Met a rabbit before moving here - They tend to stay in the Lower places, Only coming to my village to trade, then run back down the Mountain again."

His laugh was warm and gentle and I felt water come from my eyes as he moved my paw back to his butt, the ice around my heart disappearing as he kissed my chest, Holding my other paw as he lay with me.

I knew it was coming before I felt his head lift up, Lips on mine. It was understandable - Curiosity is what got me my First Love.

"Sexy... If I may ask, What did that Stupid Fuck who should be Kicked in the balls several times, Do?" Such a colorful way to express what I thought as well. He kissed me again, eyes warm as he looked into mine. "I am trying to figure out How someone could let you go - Caring, Gentle, Hung well enough to make me bite my lip..."

The bunny laughed as he pressed a finger to my nose, asking if he was being a 'Nosy Bitch.' Maybe a little drunk, but as I kissed him in return, I shook my head.

Pain shared is Pain lessened. "Fantasies..."

The ears went up and he cupped my cheek, turning my head. "You mean the Secret, Heart-felt type?" He took a deep breath. "I have a Secret fantasy..."

I listened, ready to re-ice my veins if need be.

"You are going to laugh... I have always wanted to live in a House, like this one. My parents lived in a Box. They called it a Condo, But it was a Box. I lived all my life in one, a Box crammed in with a whole bunch of others in a building. Grass was a patch Everybody played on. Outside was several floors down to Concrete."

Instead of laughing, I teased his erection, Rubbing it against mine. Then got up to stoke the fire.

"Did anyone ever tell you, you have a really Hot ass?"

I almost dropped the poker... And did so when fingers stroked my butt-fur. Godddsss... I felt flames burn my chest open, as strong as the First Time. His paw caressed my hips, my dick as he pushed my tail up with his nose and kissed my puckered hole. I ran hot and cold as his soft tongue teased my anus open, a paw fondling my balls, the other caressing my straining erection. I Gently pushed his head back - Before I jumped into the Ice-Hole I had to know...

"Do you like being - Urinated on?"

One last searing kiss under my tail, and he stood to press his so hot cock between my furry cheeks, and turned my head to kiss me, Burning all doubt from my mind.

"Look Sexy, I am Queer - I can get into most anything a Lover wants... But I am not a big fan of it - He was, Wasn't he. And that is why..." He felt my shudder.

"SexyAss..." he whispered in my ear, "If you want to mark me as Yours, it is Traditional. If you want to give me a piss-enema... We can talk about it. And if you Don't..." He humped my ass a couple of times, Hugging me close... Then pulled away to turn me around me and kissed me again. "All I want is to be fucked senseless... It is ok to say 'Fucked'?"

I had to laugh... And nod.

"Good - I don't care to be 'Screwed', or 'Humped' or 'Yiffed'... I want to forget my Name I came so hard. I want you to pound that beautiful knot into my ass, and keep it in until it goes soft... Then I want you to pound my ass again until it gets Hard. Anything else, We can discuss, Ok?"

I found myself on my back in the bed with a hot male caressing my dick, head on my chest. "And Yours? Let me guess - Wife-type. Stay at home, Cook, Clean... Greet you at the door naked." He tongued a nipple and I moaned softly. Then his paws slid over my cheek-fur and he looked into my eyes. "He blew you off, Didn't he... I can see it." He slid a paw over my arm and down to twine his fingers with mine. I was becoming addicted to holding paws with the male...

"If you will have me as a Lover, I can promise you You won't be eating a cold Supper - Not because your ass won't be smashed against the door while I suck your balls dry... But because I won't Serve it until you have had a chance to rest, to unwind a little. And if you want to get Frisky, there's always Delivery - You Do have phones here..."

I chuckled and nodded again...

"Good. I promise to keep House - Not sanitary clean, but not Dirty either. And should you bring home a Friend or Business partner..." He moved his body so my dick slipped between his cheeks, and he *Squeezed* it. "I Really, Really Love Cock - So... What do you say?"

I looked into his brown eyes. There was some fear, uncertainty, But he wasn't begging me either.

"Equals..." I breathed. He giggled and nodded, kissing me softly.

Chapter 7 - Mud-Face

It would be so easy to let go - To Love this one. But having been scarred so deeply, I was not certain I wanted to... My stomach didn't care what the rest of me thought, however. The growl made my new friend laugh.

He put a finger on my chest. "Stay. I am going to put another log on the fire, and see what is in your fridge to make sandwiches with... Hey!"

I bit his ass, and stood up. "I need a shower." Then I yipped as he did the same to me, pushing my legs apart so he could fondle my nuts.

"A shower, then some food... And a long night of hot sex?"

"I have to work in... the... Urf." His tongue was under my tail, flicking it across my pucker again, making my knees go weak.

"We will worry about Morning, in the Morning." We held paws as I led him to the WashRoom. Once in the shower stall he held me close, teasing my rear as I got the water going. Sergu *Mmmmmm'd* into my muzzle as I gave him a deep, loving kiss.

"Do you like to suck too?" I took one of his ears in my mouth and worked it over until he was a mass of moaning fur and it was drenched in saliva.

"Damn Lover..." His paws clung to my shoulders, but stopped me from kneeling by shoving my back against a wall and taking my muzzle in a deep, hard, open-mouthed smooch. I came up on my toes as a blunt-clawed finger teased my 'star' open to tickle and tease me. Then I remembered this morning and I felt like the first time I found out was Mud was - By falling face-first into it.

"Love?" He dropped the 'r'... Right on my heart. How could I care for this male, when I had done... The Why was not important. I put my paws on his shoulders and - Spat the day's events all over the Rabbit.

When I was done, he lifted my chin. "And you had never..."

Never? I have never slept in a Bed before I came here. Experimented with others, Yes - We all do. With our Parents watching - Helping when we bite or squeeze too hard in our inexperience. Love? Sure - We all fell in 'Love'... But outgrew our crushes. This one was Different. I kissed the male, sighing... First Love Is Forever. I heard his knuckles crack as he tightened his fists... His eyes narrowed, and I swear they lit like a Demon's are said to - "Copulation Parents Not Married! Male Canine offspring, Castration followed by anal insertion of a foot!!" (If you need this translated, Consult the nearest laborer).

Sergu knelt, re-inserted his finger in my virgin passage, took my cock between his lips... And shoved them both as deep as they would go.

Chapter 8 - Call in Sick

When I could see again, I was in bed, dried, combed and a giggly bunny was kissing me. "Finally... I think they heard us clear down the Block. Your butt sore?"

A little... Much less as he turned me on my side and kissed my pucker again.

"You. Still..." I moaned.

"Want your Hot ass and your doggy-dick buried in Mine? Hells yes!" He turned me and held my face. "You don't wear Armor, or I would call you a Knight, Like in Bed tales. Look, I don't care what that - Piece of Shat who should have been spat out instead of born, Did. I only know I have been searching for someone like you pretty much my whole life... Or did I forget to add I dreamed of having someone Handsome and Dashing sweep me off my feet and carry me to his House, and Bang my ass until I couldn't walk Straight?"

I don't think I have ever laughed so long or hard... I kissed the Rabbit, holding his paw.

"Will you be my Second Love? It's not Binding or anythi- Ummmpf!"

He circled a finger around my dick until it was straining to fatten just a little more, dribbling pre all over my belly. Moved down to kiss my tip. Licked it, making me shudder.

"You may have to call in Sick tomorrow, Love..."

Chapter 9 - Not Satisfied

I ran into my former lover at Work a few weeks later.

"Oh Hey... Hi." He stuck his paw out.

I grabbed his ass and stole his breath in a hungry kiss. "How has it been?"

The bunny shrugged, then as I tipped his chin up, sighed. "He's a Dom, and I'm his SexBunny... But - It's not what I thought it would be. It was exciting at first, but now... I don't know. I don't come to work and Watch the clock so I can get Home again. I come to work to get Away from Home. I miss..."

I kissed him softly.

"That. Kissing. Cuddling. We used to lay in bed and just hold each other - At least until someone's dick got hard." He chuckles and rubs my crotch. "You used to play with my Butt for what seemed like Hours. And I loved every Moment. Him? When he grabs my ass, it's 'Fuck The Bunny' time. And not just with his dick - He has Toys too. Oh, I cum and screech and buck against him... But sometimes I wish - Hells... No sense in wishing."

He shivered as I moved us to a more Private place and undid his pants, caressing his abused rear. "He won't even do That... He just demands I drop them and takes me wherever he feels like it... Oh!"

I undid my robe and turning him, pressed my sheath against his rump, fingers stroking his dick-holder "Do you need to..."

Very much so from what sprang erect moments later. He held onto my arm and ground his butt against my crotch as I stroked him. One thing about being with someone for as long as we were, I knew Exactly where to grip, how slow then fast to stroke him so he would moan and wriggle and grab my arms.

"Gods, I'm... I'm..."

I had to put my paw over his mouth to stifle the scream as semen splattered a couple of feet away from us.

"I guess you Did need to..." I whispered in his ear, biting it gently, making the male arch and buck harder into my crotch.

When he could breathe again he reached back and stroked my hard cock. "Please Fuck me..." He moaned, trying to get the head aligned with his tail-hole.

"No." I said, taking his paw away, and holding him, rubbing his balls...


The pain in his voice cut into me like a Hard wind. I nuzzled his ears, nibbling on the edges. "The reason I am not sticking my cock in your ass is Not because I have a Lover who is better than you is bed. He is, but only because it's different. Nor because You have gotten Cold - You are still a Hot male, and I still care for you." I sighed and rubbed his butt with my dripping erection.

"The reason is I have a meeting in 5... Make that 4 minutes. And you know the quickest we Ever did it was half an hour... And that was because it was a Lunch. Now..." I Squeezed his nut-sack again. "Should you wish to visit, we both will be happy to see you. Feed you, Maybe even fuck your tail off. That depends on your Dom, I believe..."

I squeezed his butt, teasing his pucker with a thumb. "Now get your pants back up before I say 'Screw the Meeting' and shove you over those boxes."

He bent over and got his equipment stuffed back in the cloth... With help. Gods he still felt so good in my paws! When I turned him, his eyes were bright with tears. "You... You Still..."

I put my paw on his cheek, and touched our noses together. "What did I say when I gave you to that Wolf - I Love you so much I am willing to give you to another because I can't give you what you Needed. I think I can Mark you if you wanted - My other Lover says it's Ok, but he prefers Mating Rings... Or collars. And Sergu has tongued my tail-hole so many times I don't even think twice about him rolling me on my belly. He also said if I wanted to bring home a friend or someone from Work, he would be happy. Now, Back to work before you get in trouble. I should be done by Lunch - We can talk then."

I kissed him again, Deeply. And found I was wrong... The old flame wasn't dead, Just sleeping. And it burned just as hot as the new one, Melting what ice was left around my heart. Patting the bunny's sexy ass, I got my robe in order and Just made it to the meeting. Unfortunately it took all day, so I didn't get to see him again for a while. And when I did...

Chapter 10 - Surprise

There was a knock on the door, and I got up to see who it could be - I keep my robe by the door, as we go naked in the House... And in the back. But the neighbors have seen the worst of me already. When I opened the door, there stood Diggre.


I took his paw and brought him in from the cold.

"Who was it Lov- YOU!" Sergu growled... "Just one Kick to the Balls, that's all I ask, One Kick... Gods." I took the male's shirt off and turned him so the bunny could see the Welts, the strap-marks that ran across the trembling back. A brown paw reached out, Pulled back at a flinch. They were Real alright...

"Lover?" I whispered into an ear, getting a gasp and a sob. "What happened?"

"He... He kicked me out. Said he was Tired of me. That I was not worth his time. I remembered what you said - That you... I don't have anywhere else to go. Please..."

"Love, wine and some salve please." The male padded off, growling about 'Kicking someone's balls'... But in a much more subdued tone. I got the rabbit's pants off and as he gulped his wine, I gently caressed his butt, as It was just as abused and torn-up.

His clothing was still in the suitcase in the spare room, but right now he needed something else... I took his paw and led him into the BathingRoom. "This is going to be unpleasant."

Head down, the bunny nodded. He gasped as another brown male gripped his paws. Then he gasped for a different reason as I applied the sticky stuff to his wounds... I knelt and kissed the bruised ring, flicked my tongue against it, gently teasing it open. No blood... Working the still sexy ass in my paws, I grinned as Diggre started moaning and moving his hips. He hugged the other male, crying softly as I stood and nuzzled his shoulders, kissing them.

Sergu growled... Sighed and hugged his rival back, startled at the kiss. Kissing the male back got a pair of cocks rubbing each other as I finished my work, getting the worst of the welts. Nothing Permanent, just ugly-looking...

I went back to the SleepingRoom, stoking the fire - And *Yiped* when cold paws gripped My butt, dragging me into bed. Diggre still looked a little unsure - I squeezed the bunny's ass.

"Love First." I kissed him deep and long and Hard. Sergu hummpfed... Then he yeeped as I grabbed His ass, placing him on the other side of me. Kissed him just as hard and lovingly....

"Love Second." Than smacked both their butts, Roughly. "I do not know the South Ways, But I love you both equally... And I want you Both in my arms, yes?"

"You - " I touched the second rabbit's nose, "Will keep the house for us. However you wish, Long as it is Clean."

I touched the first bunny's nose. "You will take what I wish to Give You - No dragging you out on the front lawn and beating your butt in front of the Neighbors. No Pissing in your Mouth or making you crawl over the cold stones to kiss my Feet. I am not that kind of Male."

"Yessir..." they chorused, stroking my erection. I pulled the covers over us and rested, just squeezing their butts, and kissing their muzzles until sleep took us.

* * * *

Father, I had no idea such things would happen, but I did what I had to. Like Bimen... There is no such thing as 'Homeless' in the North. Clans allow All to the Fire, even the bears who sometimes sit and warm themselves, Partake of the Communal Meal. Sleep with someone - Always gone when the Sun again rises. I found the male wandering the street, Occasionally asking for charity, but mostly huddled on a bench.

"Come." I took his paw and held him until he stopped shivering. Brought him Home, watching his eyes widen with each step. Several times he tried to stop, But my paw on his ass didn't allow for anything but Forward. I pushed him past the Gate, Closing it. Got him inside and what scraps of cloth he wore, off.

"Lovers Mine, I have brought a Wanderer to share our Home, Our warmth, And whatever else he may wish... Until he desires to leave again."

I put my robe up and held the male, his shivers having nothing to do with the cold. They both took him in the WashingRoom, and scrubbed him clean. Sat him at our table and fed him too much. And we All slept together...

Now his wounds have healed, Diggre has been quietly asking if I would be Rougher with him. Yes, I could be - But a Cousin has written with an interest in seeing the South and the sexy males who seem to be Everywhere... I swatted his butt firmly, as he begged yet again for me to abuse him.

* * * *

"A Cousin..." I growled, tweaking the bunny's nipples, "is coming to visit..."

He moaned as I gripped his nut-sack, almost dropping the letter I showed him when my fingers squeezed the firm globes hiding inside their fur-covered sack... "And I expect You to show him around."

I sighed when the male plopped his sexy butt into my lap, rubbing himself against my sheath until I was hard - Then he *Yiped* as I dumped him on the floor - "I told you what I would do if you messed up my paperwork, Rabbit."

Gritting my teeth, I lightly pressed my foot onto his erection, rolling it on the floor... Pulled back just as he was about to orgasm - "Up! I will not allow you to mess up a perfectly clean floor with your semen. Now - If you want my cock, you can go to the SleepingRoom, Place a towel in front of you and bend over...."

Diggre stopped just long enough to kiss my cock-tip with a hunger that almost made Me cum, before disappearing. I looked at the letters that needed finishing, the work that needed copying... Then I sighed and stood, making sure the Inkholder was capped, shivering as Lover number 2 teased my stiff meat.

"If you need help with him, just yip. I still want to kick him in the balls for what he did to you."

I nodded, sliding my paw along his rump, fluffing his tail-tuft. "Will pounding his butt into the bed do? I really need to... Erf." His fingers cradled my nuts, tugging on then gently but firmly in the direction of the SleepingRoom.

"Bimen can take care of Supper... You have your Husbandly Duties to perform."

* * * *

Getting Diggre to meet the Wolf at the boat was Easy. Getting them Here was easy. Getting them apart was Impossible! They seemed to be joined at the Hip - Or more like butt to crotch. The moans that come from the second SleepRoom are loud enough to make one laugh, and I rarely see the male without bite marks and scratches... Nothing like what the Other did to him, but plenty rough enough to satisfy the rabbit. The Government was more than happy to issue Nhyhld a WorkPass, and find him a House. They still come by, and I still make the bunny Moan - Just not as Loud.

Sergu still greets me each day, Naked and quite randy. He is teaching Bimen some tricks because sometimes there are Two pairs of paws caressing me in the shower. Speaking of the Not-So-Shy one, He has been eyeing Nehler for a couple of days now, and the Wolf will be coming over this EndWeek - Heh, 3 males should be able to scratch whatever 'itches' he may have.

I have to end this letter now Father. I have two paws on my butt and two males nuzzling my chest. And I am afraid it will be some time before I can return to You.

Ever Your Son,

Belkiel - Third Son of Marmrer, Morning-Wind-Dances

* * * *

I blew on the paper to make sure it was dry before folding it to be sent to Father with whatever wishes Nhyhld wanted to add. I kissed my Lovers - Soon to be Mates, if I can wade through the paperwork needed to do so. Squeezing their butts, we go to the bed, where I lay, gasping as hungry muzzles suck on my knot, my balls... Then take turns sliding my cock in-between soft lips.

Rabbits... Why do I love them so?

The End... Maybe