Chapter One-Nightshade Kingdom

Story by Devian on SoFurry

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Legend of the Halberdier Chapter One-The Kingdom of Nightshade.

_Note: Now this is just the first chapter of my the series, please don't rip on me, I will accept comments...

A story of vengeance, determination, love, fighting, and dark passion...and legend against legend..._

The young fox looked at his four combatants carefully, a wooden halberd resting against his shoulder, "Okay...when-ever you're ready..." he told them with a smirk, two of them came at him, he removed his weapon from its resting spot and first struck the one on his right, then quickly used it to block the second opponent before hitting him in the stomach with the wooden blade, the young male was just training, and his weapon was not designed to kill, but it would leave one heck of a bruise

Just then a chain wrapped itself around the other end of his weapon, one of the opponents had a chain weapon, and tried to pull the young fox in, he allowed his opponent to get close, then gave the third opponent a quick kick to the jaw. The last on had a pair of hand-claws, the young fox just looked at him with a bored expression and gave the final opponent a kick to the balls.

He was about to call it a day when the first three ambushed him from behind, but the young fox did not show any fear, he simply blocked them and gave them devastating blows to the head.

Just then an older gentlemen walked towards him, "Very good Mai-Ke...though I must say I don't appreciate that cheap shot you gave to that one fighter."

"Sorry Gin-Sensei...I'll remember that for another's just, throw some more challenging opponents at me next time." Mai-Ke told Gin.

"Be careful what you wish for just might get what you asked for, remember that this training was your fathers' wishes before he died." Gin told him.

Mai-Ke pretended not to listen, but it was true, his family had been great warrior kings over several generations. Starting with his ancestor Mai-Ke Nightshade I, Mai-Ke's full name being Mai-Ke Nightshade III.

And that wasn't the only perks to his lineage, his father David...had been killed in combat three years ago, facing an army of Leonine warriors, luckily his weapon had been retrieved, the family weapon and weapon of choice when in combat, a giant halberd that looked too heavy to carry, and yet he'd seen his father carry it when he went off to war.

Mai-Ke went to the throne room and sat down, he looked at the tapestry of Mai-Ke Nightshade I taking on a bunch of Leonine warriors, slashing them apart with his giant halberd.

"You had it so easy..." Mai-Ke said to the tapestry.

"Do you think so son...your ancestor had to defeat three kingdoms by himself to have the kingdom we have now." A voice behind him said, Mai-Ke turned around to see his mother coming up behind him. A beautiful fox with C-cup sized breasts, and flowing brown/blonde hair, she knelt down next to him.

"I know mother...but, he made it seem so effortless, as his descendants did...I feel as if I'll never live up to his status." Mai-Ke told her.

"Your father felt the same way...but know this, he as well as his ancestors fought for their home and for their family."

Mai-Ke got up, "Excuse me...I'm going to the family shrine..."

He went out to the family shrine, which contained the seven tomb-stones of his ancestors, including his father, next to five of the other fix were multiple, smaller head-stones, symbolizing the wives of the Nightshade generations, Mai-Ke I had seven, his father and grandfather though had only married once, as for Mai-Ke III...

"Mai-Ke my love, there you adorable little todd." Said another woman's voice, this one though was younger, it belonged to Danielle, one of his two wives, and by far the youngest, she had dark hair and warm brown eyes, her small form made her seem innocent, almost child-like, yet she was only younger than him by a 3 years.

She put her hand on his shoulder, he looked back at her lovingly, "What's wrong seem troubled?" Danielle asked.

"I am fine...I am just thinking, this castle, you two, my family legacy...have I earned it?" He asked her. Danielle wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder, "You are this family's first born, first in-line to become this area's King now that your father has passed on, and when we bear your children, they will be in-line to receive your kingdom as well."

It was true, Mai-Ke had one younger brother, but being the first born now made him King of Nightshade Castle, and that gave him certain well as responsibilities, his most favorite was continuing the family blood-line, and that meant getting his wives 'knocked-up'. Danielle gave him a playful kiss, Mai-Ke looked at her with surprise in his eyes, "Here...Danielle, I don't mind the kinky-ness of doing the deed here, but in the shrine of my ancestors...of generations past, do TRY and have some self-control." He told her.

Danielle though reached inside his robe and started slowly rubbing his chest in a circular motion. "Doesn't that make you even the least bit excited, the feeling of doing it here, the fear of being caught by the guards or your family, the chance that we might get in trouble?" Danielle asked.

Mai-Ke thought about it for a moment, the idea did make him a little curious, he turned around, "If that's how you feel about it, then let's..." he said to her gently, running his hand through her hair, she gave a loving sigh as she loosened the obi of the kimono she was wearing.

"take me m'lord." She whispered to him. Pulling it down so he could see her front, underneath the kimono she wore practically nothing, he stared at her for a bit, admiring her little body, he then reached out and put his hand on one of her A-cup sized breasts, getting a sigh of pleasure from her, he then felt something sneak under his robe, he looked to see her hand reaching into it, and felt it gently grab his penis and slowly stroke it.

With-in a short while he had an erection poking against the fabric of the robe, he made an opening in it so it could get through, Danielle looked at it and smiled, Mai-Ke smiled gently at her, "I have need of your special touch..."

"I'll do my best, my lord..."Danielle said contently as she continued to stroke his dick, eventually lowering her face to it and putting it in her mouth, slowly sucking him off, Mai-Ke giving small grunts and moans of pleasure, loving the feel as her lips sucked on his meat while her tongue licking the tip and underside, she actually had done this a few times before for him, and she was always good at it.

After a few moments he stopped her, "I think that's enough my love...we wouldn't want me going off in your mouth, then our fun would be over." Mai-Ke pointed out to her.

"Sorry dear...I was only trying to please you." She said.

"Oh, you's just my turn to please you." He told her, helping get the rest of her kimono off...revealing her entire body to him, she got on her hands and knees, moving her tail to the side. "Ready when you are Mai-Ke-sama..." Danielle told him, wiggling her rump in a playful manner. Mai-Ke came up behind her, lowering his head to the lips of her sex and giving it a few licks.

" tasty...and it's really warm too," he told her, she looked back and saw him slowly stroking his dick, keeping him fully erect, "but I'm guessing you're waiting for this?" he asked.

He got behind her, and started to tease her by rubbing the dick-head, "Oh love, I'll let you take me as hard and fast as you want...I don't mind." Danielle told him.

"As you wish..." he said to her, grabbing hold of her hips, and thrust himself inside her, Danielle letting out a quick gasp as she felt him enter her, he let out a soft grunt as he pushed himself in all the way, driving his seven inch stick into her in one thrust of his hips, Danielle let out a gasp as she felt the rough intrusion, he looked down at her with a loving glance before he started to thrust in and out slowly, Mai-Ke leaned himself against her using his right arm to support his weight so he wouldn't be putting too much on Danielle's back, her pussy was tight around his dick, warm and wet too, and it was helping him increase his speed, his thrusts becoming faster and harder over time. "Mmmm...this is so wrong, does having sex in a shrine turn you on, does having my ancestors watching me shove my hard cock make you horny!?!" Mai-Ke taunted her playfully, pumping his cock into her pussy harder as he asked, sweat starting to form on his body.

"I love it...I know this is the last place you'd want to fuck me, but that's what makes it so exciting, I feel like all your family is watching me, all past seven generations from Mai-Ke Nightshade I to you are watching me, it's making me so wet just thinking about it." She said, her body starting to feel very warm, as well as the air around them.

Mai-Ke growled at this, but more out of pleasure than anger, "You little slut, how dare you get off on such a thing...I should punish you for saying such a thing." He said to her, humping her so fast his hips were almost a blur.

Danielle felt her arms give away, her body being filled with jolts of pleasure, her head feeling dizzy as Mai-Ke continued his pounding, bucking her hips to meet his thrusts, "Ah...yes master, I'm so bad, punish me...punish me more!"

"I'll give you that and kinky whore of a wife..." he said, giving her a barrage of hard humps, his cock now as hard as a steel pipe, and it was starting to get hotter too.

Danielle could feel her love tunnel start to heat up and get wetter as well, "Ah fuck I'm gonna cum!" Danielle shouted out.

"Me too..." Mai-Ke growled, and with that he drove himself in, hilting himself inside Danielle's pussy as he erupted, his essence shooting out into her as he had his orgasm, Danielle let out a long heated wail as her juices came pouring out of her, splashing onto Mai-Ke's crotch, leaking down her thighs, and formed a little puddle on the floor.

Mai-Ke let out a sigh of pleasure as he fell to his left side, taking Danielle with him, sweat covering there bodies, both of them panting, as Mai-Ke removed his softening dick from Danielle, he gave her a loving kiss. He watched as some of his cum and her fluids slowly leaked out of her, Danielle moved her left hand and pressed it against her flat stomach, feeling warm and happy inside. "Oooh Master Mai-Ke...that was...incredible." She said softly.

They laid there a couple of minutes, Mai-Ke was the first to get up, tying the sash around his robe again and getting his dick back into his pants. And with that he departed.

Mai-Ke then noticed an oily type of smell, he figured it was probably him...luckily for him his castle came with its own Japanese style bathhouse, he went inside and got out of his clothes, placing them in a neat pile, he got the water going and waited a few minutes until it was the right temperature, once it was he stopped the water, and got himself cleaned up at the basin that was also located in the room, soaping up and washing it away, just then he heard someone sneaking up behind him, he turned around to see another girl, this one was more his age, wearing a rather another nice kimono, she had dark hair as well and warm dark eyes. "Umeko...I almost mistook you for someone else."

Umeko was Mai-Ke's other wife, and the one his mother often favored, she was from a wealthy family not much unlike his...Danielle was middle/upper class more or less. But Mai-Ke loved them both and would never give up one for the other without a fight.

"Sorry Mai-Ke-sama...I saw you enter here and thought you might need someone to get the soap off your back?" Umeko offered.

Mai-Ke gave out a relaxed sigh, "Very well..."

"And then afterwards you can do me..." she said, Mai-Ke looking a little stunned at first, "I meant do my back so I can join you." She told him.

Later Mai-Ke and Umeko were in the tub together, Umeko resting against his broad chest, he wasn't ripped or anything, but did have a four pack abs (not the entire six pack...but close), she gently pressed herself against him, "So...Gin-sensei running you hard again?" she asked.

"Don't you know it...personally I think he's trying to kill me..." He told her.

Umeko nodded, "Well...maybe I can help take your mind off that..." she said rather seductively.

Just then Mai-Ke felt something brush against his dick, it was Umeko's hand, she started slowly and gently stroking it underneath the water, Mai-Ke tensed up a bit, "Uh, Umeko honey...I don't mean to be rude, but I am a little sore down there..."

"You weren't making out with Danielle again...were you?!?" She asked, "to be honest I don't get what you see in the flat-chest, kinky, commoner anyway." She commented.

"Well maybe you've been looking a-little too far up to notice, you might have the bigger bust, but she's got the nicer rump out of both of other words, you've got bigger boobs than she does, and she has a fuller, softer ass than you you see, put both of you together and you'd make a rather great mate...that is why I love her and you, you make up for the qualities you both lack."

Umeko looked at him sternly for a moment, but then softened her gave, "I'm glad you like my breasts...there almost as big as your mother's I believe."

"Please don't bring that up...I don't like hearing things like that." Mai-Ke told her, while he liked hearing things about his mother, he didn't like hearing things about her body.

"I apologize master...please allow me to make it up to you?" Umeko asked.

Mai-Ke then got out of the water, his dick already getting nice and hard, but he didn't get out of the bath, more or less he sat on the edge with his back against the wall. Umeko looked at his dick with a hungry eye, she then started to lick the head of his dick, running her tongue along the sides, the underside, and giving circular licks around the head. Mai-Ke watched as she took the head and about an inch of the shaft inside her mouth and began sucking on it. She took it out of her mouth for a moment and looked up at him with a gentle and seductive look, "Does master like it when I suck his shaft?" she gently stroked it to keep him hard.

"More than you'd probably realize..." Said a voice beside them, both of them looked to see Danielle standing beside the tub, looking at them.

" you wish to join us?" Mai-Ke asked, Umeko gave his dick a tight squeeze, Mai-Ke looked at her, "Umeko...learn to share."

Umeko and Mai-Ke helped get Danielle cleaned up and she entered with them, she then grabbed hold of Mai-Ke's still hard cock, looked at Umeko, "Do you want to help me make him feel good again?"

Umeko looked at them, the came right over, and both of them started licking Mai-Ke's dick, " two...are so good to me..."

"Because Lord Mai-Ke is good to us...he doesn't force us to do anything, he doesn't hurt us if we speak out against him, and you're a good lover to both of us...we'd be happy to bear your children." Umeko told him.

Mai-Ke began to sweat a bit as both girls worked on his cock, Umeko licked and sucked on the head and top part of the shaft, while Danielle licking the base and sucking on his balls, "Oh yeah, you're both making me want to cum so hard..."

"Did you hear that Danielle...Mai-Ke-sama is going to give us a treat." Umeko told Danielle.

"Oooh, I can't wait...the master has some really sweet cream." Danielle commented.

Mai-Ke tilted his head up, "Here it comes Danielle, I'm gonna cum...ready Umeko, I'm going to blow my load!" he told them, just then his dick started throbbing, Danielle and Umeko stopped as a thick rope of Mai-Ke's cum shot into the air, landing on Umeko and streaking her hair, the next shot hit Danielle between the eyes, another two hit them both in the cheek, the last small spurts landing in their mouths. Danielle and Umeko stuck their tongues out at him playfully before closing up their mouths and swallowing it.

Mai-Ke collapsed against the wall and watched as the two girls licked each other clean, as he started to drift off he felt something warm wrap itself around his softening dick, he looked to see Umeko giving him a tit-fuck. "Oh no you don't, I want to feel masters' love too...I want to feel it."

"Okay then..." Mai-Ke said, she got on her hands and knees and showed Mai-Ke her rear, her tail falling to the side as he placed his hands on her hips. She thought that he was going to stick it in her pussy, but instead she felt something pressing against her tail-hole instead.

"Mai-Ke-sama...I've never taken you in that hole before!" She told him, a little nervousness in her voice.

"First time for everything..." he told her, starting to press against it with a bit more force, after a few good pushes he got the head of his dick in, Umeko let out a whimper, tears streaming down her cheeks, he then slowly pushed himself into her, Umeko letting out whimpers and small sobs as she felt her ass being further penetrated.

With-in five minutes Mai-Ke finally got his dick all the way in, Umeko had calmed down some, "Just relax'll be alright, you know Mai-Ke would never do anything to hurt you."

He then started to slowly pull out almost all the way, leaving only the head of his dick inside before slowly pushing back in. Umeko's sobs became less and less as time passed, beginning to fully enjoy her husbands' treatment. Danielle then stood up bringing her crotch up to Umeko's face, "I need some attention too...Umeko-chan, would you help me?" She asked sweetly.

Umeko brought her muzzle up to Danielle's pussy and began licking it, Danielle letting out a soft sigh as she felt Umeko's tongue fill her with pleasure.

Mai-Ke slowly continued to increase the speed of his thrusts, Umeko's ass felt incredibly tight and yet soft. He then gave Umeko a hard hump causing her to gasp and give a moan that caused her mouth to vibrate into Danielle's crotch, causing Danielle to give out a long moan.

Mai-Ke could feel Umeko's muscles begin to relax, giving him a chance to increase his speed, "Oh master, I'm gonna cum." Danielle told them.

Mai-Ke also felt his balls contracting, "Get ready Umeko...I'm gonna blow."

Danielle let out a wail as she erupted in Umeko's face, she in return also came, Mai-Ke was the last, letting out a low howl as he shot his semen up Umeko's ass.

Danielle sank into the tub, exhausted, Umeko licked her face clean of Danielle's juices as Mai-Ke carefully pulled out of her. She looked up at him, his shaft still covered with his cum, "Let me clean that off for you...she offered, Mai-Ke slowly drifting off as Umeko licked his diminishing shaft clean.

Later that night the three joined Mai-Ke's Mother and Younger Brother for supper, "Ahhh...ramen noodles with shimp, chicken, onions, tomato, and carrots, sweetened with a spicy ginger teriyaki sauce..." Mai-Ke said, handling a bit of it with his chopsticks and putting it in his mouth, "hmmm...the shrimp is nicely done, the chicken doesn't seem all the way cooked through, though."

"I'll be sure to tell the chef that." His mother told him, his brother then asked, "So how was your day?"

Mai-Ke took a sip of his sake and said, "Fine...nothing much, SSDD."

Mai-Ke's mother then looked at his younger brother, "Greg...would you be a dear and leave us for a moment?"

Once he was gone his mother turned her gaze back to the three before her, "So which one of you decided to make love in the Ancestral Shrine?"

"It was Danielle and I...I'm actually surprised you knew about that." Mai-Ke mentioned.

"Well I heard a cry from the shrine it wasn't hard to guess, and besides, it's place where you were conceived?" His mother asked.

"You and Dad...?" he asked, then he shuddered at the thought.

His mother laughed lightly, "Mind you, I was younger back then...oh, just thinking of your father and I together like that...all that primal energy--."

"PICTURES MOTHER, PICTURES!" Mai-Ke cried out, not wanting to hear was one thing to hear about his father, it was another to hear about his parents' sex life.

"Okay, okay...I won't go anymore into it. Let me just call your brother back in, we have some entertainment set up for tonight, it's the story of how your ancestor Mai-Ke I became King of this region.

Later on the entertainers re-told the story, Mai-Ke I was originally just an ordinary mercenary, he served no lord, and no kingdom, his weapon of choice was a halberd called 'Winter Claw', he was eventually pulled into services of a feline king from the Eastern Regions (the area they are now in), the job was simple enough, to stop the Leonine threat that was coming from the Western Regions, in return the King would give pay the mercenary handsomely for his services, Mai-Ke had done what he was told, but when he came back he found himself ambushed by the King's appeared that the King had no intention on paying him.

He'd managed to slay all the soldiers, but his halberd had been damaged in the fight, and for there he set out west-ward to have it repaired, along the way he faced many other opponent, managing to defeat them, but at the cost of damaging the halberd further. Finally he found someone, the Blacksmith Sunakotsu...who made him a new halberd, when he returned east-ward he confronted the King again...and challenged him to a fight, he would take on three of the King's best paladins, if they could defeat him in twelve moves then he would allow them to execute him, but if all three lost then the King had to face him next.

It is not difficult to say that the paladins lost the challenge, the King then made him another offer, his own return he wanted Mai-Ke to spare his life. Mai-Ke though had already been fooled once, and slew the King right there, and took the King's castle and land as his own.

Mai-Ke (present) thought the story over, he looked back at the halberd behind him, faint light glinting off of it, "I wonder...when he brought you back, did he still call you Winter claw...or did he give you a new name, one to go with your new appearance?"

That night he went to sleep, Danielle on his right side and Umeko on his left, both cuddling him as they fell asleep...this was one of the normal days of Mai-Ke Nightshade, but what he didn't that a dark cloud was descending on the world he knew...and this cloud, this event, would change a man...into a legend...

Okay...that was my first time writing something like this, I have to E-Mail somebody and see if we can work something out. Not that I'm sure he wouldn't wish's just, people...don't really like me when I do stuff without permission, or if I do get permission, they usually don't like what I do.