The Story of Jet: chapter 1

Story by jetdwolf on SoFurry

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The Tale of Jet

Chapter 1

He was in his sights, a turtle anthro, one of the most wanted criminals in his land. The turtle was trying to flee upon spotting the bounty hunter assassin that was following him. The Turtle had hoped that the traps he left behind would stall him and that he would escape but his hopes were shattered when he stumbled into a clearing and in the middle of the clearing, stood a Blue dragon anthro. The dragon's tail flicked from side to side as he looked at the turtle. "My," The Dragon spoke, "you didn't think that those traps would stop me, did you?"

The turtle's eyes flickered to the dragon's paw which contained some spikes he had thrown down earlier. "I knew it wouldn't stop the king bounty hunter's son, but I was at least hoping it would slow you down." Stated the turtle and he slowly tried to walk backwards into the forest.

"Well you must have low expectations of me then. I would never fall for such tricks and to think that I would, upsets me slightly." The dragon unsheathes his sword slowly. It was then that the turtle tried to run, but before he managed to take one step, the dragon thrown the sword at the turtle, going through his leg. The turtle fell and then tried to remove the blade but to his amazement, it was frozen and a trail of ice was running up his leg. He reached for the sword but as soon as he grabbed the hilt, his hand became frozen to the sword and another trail of ice crawled up along his paw.

"What is this?" The turtle exclaimed as he tried to remove his paw from the sword. The dragon responded, "Now, don't tug too hard, otherwise your hand might tear right off." The dragon was now standing almost directly above the turtle. "Now hold still," he said as he unsheathes a second, black sword which emitted a slight trail of black and red aura and looked like it was forged by the devil itself. "The fur who posted your wanted sign wanted your body dead or alive. I'm going to harvest your soul for my father, while your body can go to the owner of the wanted poster." The turtle shook, whether it was from fear or the cold from the blade, the dragon will never know.

"Now be still for my sword can only harvest a swift kill." and suddenly in an instance, the sword was plunged into the turtle's heart. The sword became crimson red, but not only because of the blood.

An hour later, the dragon was found at a nearby lake. He had just given the body to the owner of the wanted poster, but carrying that body around got blood all over his clothes. The blood was now frozen on his clothes, so he located the nearest lake and washed his clothes in the warm water. He wrapped up the soap he had used and put it in his backpack and relaxed for a little under a tree, while his clothes hung up to dry. It was a very cold at the moment and that was exactly how he liked it. He was an ice based dragon, so this kind of weather was perfect.

He looked down at the water. It was nice day so the dragon decided that he could take a dip but the water was a little too warm for his tastes. So to remedy that problem, the dragon walked up to the water's edge. He scanned the area, took a deep breath and blew out an icy cold gust of air, which chilled the water until it was frozen. The dragon looked as the now frozen lake and then walked up onto the middle of the ice. He then jumped a few times trying to break the ice before noticing that he had over done it and made the ice too thick to regularly break through. He sighed and then skated back to the shore. Resolving that it would be too cold for the lake to thaw quickly, he got dressed.

While putting on his jacket and pants, he heard sounds that were typical of a local bar. He grabbed his backpack and slowly made his way towards the drunken laughter and sounds until he came to a pretty well made, wooden bar. He opened the door and there was a celebration going on. The dragon always had a fascination with bars, so he walked inside and talked to the bartender. "Say, what's going on here?"

The Bartender looked at the dragon, "It's a birthday celebration for Prince Patrick of Harrow." I looked at the young Man, a human, nothing spectacular about him. If the dragon wished, he could just finish off the young prince, who to his eyes didn't even look old enough to be in a bar. The dragon ordered a drink and drank it slowly, trying to ignore the loud celebration that was happening behind him. The longer the Dragon stayed, the more he wished that the prince had a bounty on him. Soon it was too much and the dragon got up and paid for his drink as he left.

The Dragon returned to the lake to see if it had thawed yet and upon his surprise, found many furs skating upon the lake. The dragon looked at the sight as he sat down at the base of a tree. "Enjoying the furs playing?" said a voice from the side of the tree, causing the dragon to swiftly turn with his sword drawn in defense. "Hey, don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you" stated what seemed to be a black werewolf in a t-shirt and jeans. The dragon slowly put the sword away.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" the werewolf asked kindly. The dragon looked to see if the werewolf posed a threat. Despite being rather muscular and tall, he didn't seem to pose much of a threat so the dragon gestured to the empty space beside him. The werewolf sat down next to him and spoke, "Sorry I startled you back there, I just wanted to say hi-Oh and my name is Marcus by the way, what's yours?"

The dragon looked at the suspicious werewolf and then finally spoke, "I'm Jet". "Well, nice to meet you, Jet" responded Marcus. The werewolf looked nervous and Jet felt something weird as he looked at the werewolf. He looked at his muscles and his brown eyes as the werewolf fidgeted nervous. Jet couldn't place it, but he felt weird looking over the werewolf next to him.

"...So, it's lucky that this lake froze up. Gave a chance for the animals to play" remarked Marcus. "Actually I did that-..." he was about to respond that he did it by accident when the werewolf interjected. "Oh wow, you did this for the animals? ...That's really nice of you... but why aren't you up there enjoying it yourself?" He grinned and then jumped up and extended a paw to help Jet up. "Let's go skate with the other animals." The dragon looked up at the werewolf he barely knew but for some reason couldn't find it in himself to say no.

So the dragon took his hand and in a matter of moments he was on the ice with him. The more he skated with the werewolf, the more he smiled. He could not remember a similar feeling like this. As the ice thinned, they headed back to land and sat down. They both had slight scratches, despite the dragon being an excellent ice skater; the werewolf was not as good. Therefore, Jet had to keep helping Marcus regain balance but sometimes, they'd end up falling over anyway.

As the sun set, the dragon looked out sitting next to Marcus. Jet spoke, "So what do you do, Marcus?" The werewolf grinned, "I'm a bodyguard. Today, I was told to wear relaxed clothes and enjoy myself. I can certainly say that I did." He said as he looked over at Jet, blushing slightly. "I love to protect people. My mother passed when I was little. I barely know what happened but supposedly, a group of bounty hunters attacked my village, killing my mother and countless others. I was protected by my older brother. Since then, I have wanted to protect others."

"What happened to your brother?" Jet asked in curiosity. Marcus responded, "He had a bounty on his head and was killed while I was only a teenager. I have despised bounty hunters since that day. I'd rather protect than to kill for money or whatever those bounty hunters fight for." Jet felt guilty because he knew that is what most bounty hunters aim toward. He didn't like it much but it is the only way he knew how to live.

There was a silent pause and the Marcus asked, "So what kind of job, do you have?" Jet froze and his heart pumped. He didn't know why, but telling the truth scared him. He had to think fast. He said the first thing that came to his mind.

"I'm a bartender!" He stated quickly.

Marcus looked at Jet with one eye raised and responded questioningly, "Really? Because you have several weapons, so I guessed you were some kind of warrior. No bartender carries around that many swords around as defense." Jet thought quickly and an idea arose. "Well, I work as a bartender part time and the other time I am a bodyguard. When no one needs a bodyguard, I manage a bar." Jet silently praised himself for such an idea.

"That's wonderful! What made you want to do those jobs?" Marcus asked.

Jet froze again and silently wished this werewolf would stop asking questions. Jet thought quickly until another idea came up. "Well, my mother was also killed by bounty hunters when I was little," Jet stated. That statement though was not a lie, because his mother did in fact die when the dragon was just a baby, not much older than two. "My dad took me in and made me join the family business of being a... bodyguard," Stated the dragon who told the truth up until the last word.

"Ah, then we have a few things in common." Marcus stated, smiling at the dragon. Jet smiled back, blushing slightly. Marcus looked up at the sky and then stood up and stretched. "Well, I need to head back so I can get back to being a bodyguard. It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you over here again at the bar." Jet looked up and blushed at the werewolf and stood up and the dragon, not being used to such social interactions, held out his paw to Marcus. Marcus looked at it and grinned, stating "A handshake? I'd rather just go for the hug." Marcus suddenly wrapped his arms around the dragon and jet finally knew what that feeling he had earlier was.

As the Werewolf let go and they waved goodbye as they headed their separate ways, the Dragon only kept thinking about one thing in his head. It was three simple words that kept repeating loud and clear:

I'm in Love.

End of Chapter 1