FTX Florescent Desert is Charlie Foxtrot

Story by Zorha on SoFurry

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Something I threw together for CenceWolf while he was in Qatar. M/F isn't my usual venue, but Cence and I love to poke fun at DARPA, or DERPA if you prefer. If you see a technical or jargon issue, PM and I'll fix it ASAP. Otherwise, enjoy my first foray into consentual M/F smut.

FTX Florescent Desert is Charlie Foxtrot

2011 by Eldyran

The last thing Cence wanted to do was drop out the back of a MH-47E with no designated LZ. The next to last thing Cence wanted to do was it while looking like Frankenstein's uglier cousin.

Now granted the wolf didn't think he was anywhere close to the famous flesh golem. His gray fur was neat and trim, by the regs. Physically, he had an unremarkable height to weight ratio, well within peak health. Yes, the wolf was very average, though Cence always felt his qualifications and moral outlook made him stand out among the sheep.

The getup he wore however was a tres chic cross between a coma patient and motocross biker. The gray wolf scratched at the small space between the edge of his ACH and protective yellow tinted eye wear. The shaved parts of his furry temples itched. Already a small trickle of sweat ran underneath the set of sealed electrodes plastered to the sides of his canid skull.

Despite the transport flying at over 200 kph, the lack of air flow in the cargo compartment made it feel confined and stuffy. A few scattered pallets of spare parts dotted the cargo bay, bound for his FOB, but it was otherwise empty. Small rivets of sweat dripped down the thick guard hairs of his scruff despite his moisture wicking base layer. Cence had no idea what the materials comprising his ACU were. Whatever it was, it breathed like a sandwich bag.

Cence kept squinting out of reflex, trying to get used to the feeling of his eye ware. Why he wore them was anyone's guess, as the wolf qualified as Expert in both Rifle and Pistol. His sight wasn't in question. His dark brown eyes kept trying to focus on the barely visible grid work of specks floating before his field of vision.

Aside from the contacts and the electrodes, the getup wasn't too distracting, but Cence didn't have a clue what his superiors expected to get out of this field training exercise. The wolf felt the load master next to him tap twice on the side of his helmet. When Cence looked over, the ferret gave him a thumbs up followed by a four fingered gesture.

Four mikes till I throw my tail out the back Cence thought to himself. He still didn't know what his LZ was, let alone what he was doing flying over the ad-Dahna Desert. A short burst of static in his earpiece cut off his train of thought.

"Sergeant Lupes, this is Major Latrans of ARED." A decidedly feminine voice came across the comm. "We have less than four mikes before your drop, and I'd like to get your comms synched up with our network before you touch down."

Cence gave an inward groan. The Anthro Research and Engineering Directorate of the U.S. Army would stick gerbils in his pants if they thought it would make him shoot better. At least that explained the electrodes. Yes Sir. Cence was now Grade AAA Guinea pig.

"You'll notice your ACH has no mike. Don't worry, we didn't short change you."

Not yet, you mean. Cence gave a wry smirk. Just to be sure he patted down his pockets and rechecked his M4, strapped up for the drop.

"We've rolled Silent Talk into Jitters, so all I'm going to need you to do is calibrate the software. I need you to clear your head, then repeat the phrase: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog out loud three times. Repeat a fourth time, just in your own mind."

The wolf did as the Major instructed. He wasn't the type to mess up the Army's little science experiments; especially since they just spent thousands of dollars to fly him out here in the middle of nowhere.

"Great. We are getting telemetry. We're going to be bringing up your virtual display here shortly." Her voice paused long enough for her to enter some keystrokes. "Three mikes to drop."

A sudden burst of green filled Cence's vision. After the involuntary blink, a perfectly focused HUD framed his entire vision. Aside from an animated heart rate / blood pressure monitor, 3D compass, and a clock which read 1741Z, his field of vision was clear. The HUD never felt like it got in the way.

Cence glanced to a loaded pallet off to his left. An inventory list from the MH-47E's manifest popped into view briefly, then disappeared as Cence realized nothing on the list warranted his attention. He glanced to the load master on his right and the ferret's rank, full name, SSN, AF, Blood Group, and religious inclination popped up.

It's like a video game, Cence frowned, thinking to himself. He instantly disliked the notion. Green recruits might take more needless risks if the combat situation felt like simulated reality.

"Except this video game cost taxpayer's over 30 billion dollars. And the technical term is augmented reality." The Major quipped in, giving the wolf a small start.

"How did ...?" Cence began, only to be cut off sharply.

"The electrodes wired to your skull are transmitting ECG readings to TOC. You think it, we hear it." An hint of impatience edged her voice. "One minute till drop Sergeant. I suggest you make yourself ready."

The loadmaster clipped his safety line to the bulkhead. The rear door dropped with a pneumatic whine, drowned out with the shriek from the sudden vortex entering the hold from the Chinook's dual rotors. Cence was at least grateful for the airflow. He suddenly knew what it was like to be a wet sock hanging out in a bone dry cyclone.

The wolf looked out along the rocky desert landscape rushing past just underneath them. The MH-47E pitched back and forth, hugging the terrain just AGL. Either the pilot was reckless or they were flying NOE, under the enemy's radar.

"Major, with all due respect, I don't even know what my exit point is. Am I to assume Pathfinder on this exercise?"

"The point of this exercise is to do as I say, when I say. Is that clear?"

Cence stiffed on reflex. He fought to keep his tail from flagging in protest. Though he didn't smile, his vitals kicked up a bit. Damn if he didn't love an alpha female.


"Good. Drop in thirty."

Cence looked out the red orange sun setting on the horizon. The yellowish tint cut down the glare almost to nothing. His HUD adjusted its own tint to compensate for readability. Cence felt the nose of the Chinook pull up with sudden deceleration. The load master next to him gave countdown, and with the ferret's final gesture, Cence grabbed the rope dangling from the MH-47E's tail.

The drop down to the desert floor took mere seconds. As soon as his boots touched sand Cence unclipped himself from the rope and crouch sprinted through the sandstorm to a ridge line of boulders offering a good overlook of the local terrain. Cence ducked behind them, shielding himself from the worst of the vortex scouring him until the Chinook took off.

Once the artificial sandstorm abated he looked to either side of the horizon. Cence pulled up his M4 and made a long sweep around with its scope. He was surprised to see his M4's line of fire projected out before him. Neither his augmented or natural sight though picked up anything except rocky desert. The wolf wasn't sure where he was in all honesty.

As if responding to his thoughts his HUD filled with MIL-STD-2525C markers. From the direction and orientation of the closest FOB symbol, Cence instantly understood where he was. Cence absently wondered who exactly at the Tactical Operations Center monitored his thoughts. The filtered information his mind reached out for seemed to come awfully fast. He wondered just who this Major Latrans was.

As if on cue, a picture of a thin faced female coyote in military dress popped up in his upper right HUD. Cence cared less about the short military record on file than her slender build, B cups, overlarge ears, delicate canid nose, and a look in her green eyes so sultry that it rushed Cence's blood southward. The prim and rigid look of her dress uniform just made that look even hotter.

Man shes cute he thought Why is it that I always get stuck with the repressed ones? She doesn't look like she plays loose and fast with her command.

"I don't care what you think about my operation, Sergeant, but I can assure you, everything I do is tight."

Cence almost choked.

I'm going to have to watch what I think, the wolf thought to himself, the last thing I want is to get busted down to PFC for thinking about my superior's bust. Cence instantly regretted that stream of conscience. He winced, but the Major didn't burst in with a reprimand.

With the sun a fiery half circle on the western horizon and a slight breeze accompanying the temperature differential, Cence didn't feel like a wet sock anymore. The airflow pulled moisture away from his uniform's base layer, as designed. In fact, despite the small addition of CPU and antenna sitting on top of his MOLLE, the wolf felt rather mobile. Even his rifle plates felt light.

LZ is secure Major. Cence thought out loud, half surprised that he didn't bother to speak. Orders?

"Continue on over watch and await further instructions."

_Major, am I to assume that I am supporting friendlies in the area? _

"Negative Sergeant." There was a distinct pause in her breath, as if she weighed giving out more information. "Assume that enemy combatants are monitoring local bands. While we are using 4096-bit encryption on a mid-gain frequency with rotating block cipher, try to keep radio silence for this exercise."

Ummm okay. Cence mumbled in his head, confused. I know tekralogy. The wolf could almost hear the female coyote's smirk.

"Until you can establish that the enemy is not actively trying to break into our comms, the less you think the smaller your digital footprint is." There was another small pause. "Feedback about your equipment loadout will not count against you in this field exercise, however." Cence waited for a long moment, looking out across the mostly barren desert. He took a few swallows off his hydration bladder.

"How are you ... feeling?" The Major asked hesitantly, if concerned that someone might see cracks in her hard ass demeanor.

Better now that I'm out of that cargo bay. Cence thought back. I don't know what this uniform is made out of, but I was sweating bullets without airflow.

"We are trying out a new polyester / M5 ballistic fiber mesh." The Major answered back. "We ditched the active cooling system in this mock up's iteration. It weighed too much, almost negating the benefits of the synthetic myomere exoskeleton." Cence just stood there, biting his lip. At least they didn't put gerbils in his pants. The Major continued. "As you can probably tell, we are still tweaking the bugs out."

Something like that. Cence thought.

"How's your mobility otherwise?"

Lighter than usual, despite all the attachments you put on my rifle and Molly. Cence normally opted for M4 with an aim-point CQC optic sight, a flip up alternative sight, a pistol grip, a tactical light, and a folding butt-stock. There was some attachments on the assault rifle and sidearm he didn't recognize however. They probably had to do with that sighting aid his eye wear projected.

"M5 ballistic fiber weighs about half as much of Kevlar while providing the equivalent stopping power. The covalent bonds in the longitudinal crystalline chain offers superior impact resistance, however the lateral network of hydrogen bonds may impede hydrostatic flow."

In English please? Cence smirked. The coyote had some brains behind that beauty.

"That's why your body armor seems lighter, but you sweat more."

Anything else that may impede this exercise, Major?

"That's why you are out there, Sergeant. To gather raw biometric data. Do you have any other feedback at this time?"

Cence fought back his snarky tongue. Not at this moment, Major.

"Carry on with your standing orders then Sergeant." She cut the feed, leaving the wolf alone in the desert.

* * * * *

Cence took the time to recheck his gear and listen in for any comm traffic. Aside from distorted CB traffic, mostly in Arabic, the wolf couldn't pick up anything of interest. When he wasn't scanning with his scope on over watch Cence let his mind drift away on the paw movements to Quasi una fantasia.

The wolf patrolled the ridge for the next hour, making sure not to repeat the same path more than once. Stars poked through the violet sky now that the sun slipped below the horizon. Without clouds above to trap in the heat from the sand, a slight nip crept through the thinnest parts to Cence's ACU. Darkness offered concealment however, and with landscape around him now green with night vision, Cence accepted any Fog of War offered to him. At 1900Z a burst of static came through his ear piece.

"Sergeant, we have incoming intel on a possible insurgent operation. We'd like you to recon and report back."

Will I have any support on this mission? Cence asked in his head, more to stay informed than a gripe.

"We'd like to know the tac-sat before we release additional assets."

Understood Major. A marker showed up twenty kilometers south-south-east of his position.

"We've set their location as Objective Morning Spider. Maintain radio silence until you establish contact. Report at your discretion."

Proceeding to Morning Spider. Observing radio silence.

Cence took off down the ridge, keeping a good trot while mindful of all the rocks and unseen holes that might twist his boots around on him. After about an hour hike, the small boulders and shrubs panned out to rolling dunes and scrub. The wolf's trot turned into a slow jog. Directed by the biofeedback indicators, Cence eased back when his heart rate and blood pressure climbed, pacing himself. About halfway to his destination Cence paused behind a small dune to take a short breather.

"How do you feel about your current hydration, Sergeant?" The female coyote reappeared in his upper right. Cence opened up some buttons on his jacket, letting the built up sweat dampening his thick wolven fur escape into the night. He tried not to ask how wet she was.

Sluggish, like a wet sponge. He remarked, wiping off the slight sheen of sweat on his lower brow with a sleeve. _Why, what is it? _

"It's a porous material used to clean impervious surfaces. But that's not important right now."

Cence paused, one ear shell perking. He thought he heard a chorus of restrained laughter coming from TOC. The wolf didn't get the dated reference, but he found it odd the Major would joke around even on a field exercise. Maybe she did play fast and loose with her men. Maybe the coyote wasn't as tight as she claimed.

Proceeding to Morning Spider. Ten klicks out. Cence resumed his slow jog. Five mikes later he wondered what the terrain around the objective looked like. Satellite recon, taken moments before, popped up in his upper left HUD. Objective Morning Spider centered on what looked like a two story warehouse surrounded by a chain length fence. A series of encompassing dunes obscured the fence and facility. Cence was surprised to find the warehouse entrance gate linked up to a dirt road. That road led to a minor highway just three kilometers away.

Two kilometers out Cence slowed, appraising the terrain around his objective. He took his time creeping within sight of the dunes surrounding the fenced in perimeter, looking for any paroling sentries or surveillance assets. Cence squirmed up one of the dunes on his belly, listening in on any radio traffic. Aside from the occasional squawks from patrolling guards checking in every hour on the hour, all was quiet.

Cence clawed his way up to the dune's crest and swept his M4's scope over the warehouse grounds.

Objective Morning Spider reached.

The wolf noticed only one guard walking the perimeter of the fence, HK-47 in paws. One milled about on the warehouse roof, not particularly attentive. Two guards manned the gate entrance. They seemed absorbed in their late night conversation. He observed them for a good hour, their mannerisms, patrol patterns, the like. What bothered Cence the most was that the mock insurgents kept gas masks on at all times.

No one wears a gas mask for an extended period unless you had good reason to.

The wolf crawled backwards down on the dune, sand giving way under his boots. Once he felt sufficiently clear, he reported back to TOC. Major, Objective Morning Spider is confirmed. Possible bioweapon on site.

"Any indication that enemy combatants have advanced communications assets?" Major Latrans asked, being as vague as possible.

Negative Major. There are no satellite dishes present on the roof, no antennas in what few lighted windows I see, and their patrols are all using short wave hand radios.

"Assume channel is free and clear. Good job Sergeant."

Cence waited for a while, looking up to the stars shimming through the convection in the cloudless night sky. Further orders Major? It took a while for TOC to respond. So long in fact, that Cence almost asked again.

"Stay on site. We're dispatching additional assets to reconnoiter the situation. If intel warrants, we will need you to lead a raid on the facility."

The coyote's orders seemed restrained, as if deliberately keeping the wolf in the dark. Cence noticed his vitals peaked a bit with psychological stress. The wolf wondered what specific assets the coyote meant, and FLIR feed from some rotorcraft suddenly popped up in his upper left, complete with clipped air traffic chatter.

"This is Ghost-Two to Haunt. Proceeding to grid Bravo-Hotel-Niner-Six track South-South-East. Thirty klicks out. Over."

"Roger Ghost-Two. Deploy package and meet up with Ghost One. Over."

"Wilco Haunt. Out."

Cence didn't recognize the smaller HUD layout inset in his own. It certainly didn't look like like a Blackhawk or Chinook. The airspeed indicator seemed awfully slow as well, only 120 kph. It'd take Ghost-Two fifteen mikes to get to him, in addition to however long it took to deploy whatever payload TOC had them bring along.

The wolf exhaled, letting the tension this mock exercise built up in him escape. His vitals dropped back to baseline. Cence didn't know what crazy game the Major played, but knowing she had additional assets deploy eased him a little. He spent some time scouting out more of the perimeter, using his scope to peer through one of the lighted windows. Cence didn't see much of interest, but did confirm the presence of at least a few more suspected insurgents moving some equipment on carts and dollies. Forty mikes later another thought stream came through the Silent Talk network.

Sergeant Lupes, this is Corporal Frost. We are on your six, 100 meters. Cence looked down behind himself to the small squad kneeling at the base of the dune. The wolf scrambled backwards, half sliding to join them. He put two paw tips near his eyes, pointed to beyond the top of the dune. Cence held up four digits of his right paw, then touched his right ear. He waved everyone to a series of dunes farther away. They followed him, half crouched, until he was certain they were out of earshot.

"Good to have you with me Corporal." Cence offered, speaking to the younger cougar holding a M24. "Who is your team?"

"This is Specialist Gryers" The cougar pointed to the female white wolf next to him with a M320 attached to the under barrel of her M4. "And Private Wilhelm." The scrawny white tailed buck looked like someone had shined headlights on him. Why someone had given him a M249 SAW was anyone's guess.

"Have you three worked together before?" Cence whispered, getting a feel for the fireteam assigned to him.

"Frankly, no Sergeant." The cougar tried to downplay his concerns, but it was clear he wasn't comfortable with the situation. Cence let out a short sigh, rubbing what little brow fur his ACH left exposed. Their rear echelon was in fine form tonight. When this was all over he was going to give the coyote whatever piece of his mind she hadn't already stuck her saucy nose into. "What's the situation at Morning Spider, Sergeant?"

"There's two insurgents at the gate. One on the roof. One on perimeter patrol just inside the fence. Maybe four or more inside the warehouse itself."

As if on cue a thermographic feed from a close by OAV-3 popped up in the upper left of his HUD. The feed peered through the outer concrete walls and darkened windows of the warehouse, heat signatures of eight bipeds exposing their exact position. Only two of those had rifles. The rest looked busy working or moving equipment from the loading dock to the basement labs. Cence looked up into the dark sky, judging by the angle of the feed. His augmented sight highlighted a small coaxial rotor drone, hovering about five hundred feet in the air. The wolf's keen ears couldn't even make out the rhythmic chop of the aerial drone's opposing rotors.

"Well, I guess that answers that." Cence looked back at his squad with a knowing smirk. "Another of the Major's little experiments?" The four shared a knowing look, less humored and more in commiseration.

"Ghost One Actual." TOC cut into Cence's feed, and the wolf's ears perked.

Go ahead Major.

"You are clear to engage hostiles. Enter the facility and confirm suspicion of bioweapon material." The wolf waited for any further instructions.

Am I free to use any means necessary to secure objective? There was an uncertain pause from TOC.

"You are free to use any means, but bioweapon material must be confirmed with visual." Corporal Frost and Private Wilhem both gave him a confused look. A suspicious smile spread across Specialist Gryers black muzzle lips as Cence pulled out a tactical map from its case.

Good. Patch me a line to TAC. There was another long pause.

"Say again Ghost One Actual?"

I want TAC. You have a problem with that Major? Cence could almost see the Major's facepaw in his head. It took a few moments for her to get Tactical Air Control on the line.

"Ghost One Actual this is Carbon Outlaw Zero Five. Go ahead with your request."

I want CAS. Target is grid Bravo-Hotel-Niner-Six, gate entrance, one click west south west of our position. The fire team tried not to bust out laughing. TOC was speechless.

"Ghost One Actual we are not prepared for a non-live fire exercise. Be advised appropriate load outs will take time to switch over."

_Carbon Outlaw Zero Five no worries. We have all the time in the world. _

While Ghost team waited for their close air support to arrive, Cence laid out his plan of attack in the sand before them. They even had time to get to know each other. Frost knew how to cook some mean Italian meatballs. Gryers liked to fly RC airplanes. Wilhelm screamed shrilly when falling down. An few hours later the fire team heard the first distant rumbles of twin General Electric TF34 turbofans.

"Ghost One Actual this is Hammer Zero One. Single Hog on approach. Mission number Foxtrot dash five eight four four. Be advised I'm carrying only tracer and illumination rounds."

Copy Hammer Zero One. Target elevation is five feet, altimeter is three zero zero two, wind is zero niner zero at two knots. Initial attack heading will be east to west. Friendly forces will be at your four o'clock five hundred meters off target. How copy?

"Copied all. Ghost One heads down. Incoming in thirty."

Thirty seconds later an A10 swept over the gatehouse like rolling thunder. The windows of the warehouse rattled hard as the Warthog's GAU-8/A Avenger rotary cannon sprayed the gatehouse with orange lines of tracer fire. During the extended 'Brraaaaaaaa' Frost used his M24 to tap on the shoulder of the guy on the warehouse roof. Gyers made the one just inside the fence do the rubber bullet dance. Both looked rather indignant about it, tossing their weapons and radios down on the ground before following suit. The two inside the gatehouse didn't get it right way, so Hammer dropped a few illumination rounds on their heads. They left the gatehouse, arms up, then lay on the ground as mock causalities.

While those inside the warehouse watched the ongoing commotion at the front gate, Fireteam Ghost cut through the eastern edge of the fence and scampered low to the edge of the building. They found a vent and entered, keeping tabs on the location of last two armed insurgents with the use of the OAV-3 hovering outside.

Ten mikes later one of the guards entered a short service corridor leading to the basement after hearing an odd noise. The masked insurgent barely had time to open the door before two M4's pelted him with rubber rounds. The clatter of small arms fire got the attention of the last gunman. He raced through the open area of the main storage floor, past large loading containers, to assist his fallen comrade.

Ghost Four final target approaching your position. Get his attention please. For once Cence has glad he didn't need LOS to give wordless orders to his fire team.

The buck's SAW opened up from a shadowy catwalk above. The insurgent did a spastic dance before falling forward and sliding on his face. The badger ripped off his gas mask and gave a middle claw to the deer grinning above him.

"REALLY?" The badger shouted, dotted in small eraser tip sized bruises under his clothing. "Was that really necessary?"

The Chlamydophila psittaci technicians in the basement next door down surrendered without much of a fight. Fifteen mikes later Cence tapped the side of the metal drum designated as the bioweapon mock up.

Bioweapon confirmed Major. Orders? Cence rested an elbow on the top of the drum, smiling at the fine troupe standing before him with their arms in the air. A mike passed before Cence asked again.

"Umm Ghost One Actual this is Lieutenant Sterns of ARED." A picture of a Blue Falcon popped up in the upper right of Cence's HUD. "Major Latrans left me in charge of TOC after things went Charlie Foxtrot. Blow the stash and return to base. You can debrief after a well earned shower."

Cence shrugged at his fireteam. They dropped their sights off the gathering of mock combatants while Gryers stuck some fake C4 to the barrel. Everyone marched out to the front gate. A M35A2 sat out in front waiting to take everyone else back to FOB Sumter while Cence stared at his watch patiently. After a couple of mikes went unceremoniously by, Cence looked up and smiled at his team. At least according to the mock exercise, all that remained of the warehouse was a rubble filled pot mark.

"Well that's it. Everyone taking the truck back to base?"

"Well commander," Gryers answered sheepishly, "we still have to retrieve the OAV-3 and take our own transport back to base."

"You mean the aircraft you guys flew in on?" Cence's ears perked. He rechecked his pockets to make sure he wasn't leaving anything behind. The three soldiers on his fireteam looked at each other, uncomfortable.

"Well actually Sergeant, we'll actually be driving it back to base." Cence gave Gryers a strange look and then patted her on her strong shoulder.

"Um sure. Carry on I guess."

The deuce and a half rolled off in a small cloud of grit and a belch of diesel exhaust. Wilhelm and Frost went up ahead to pick up the drone and stash it away while Cence and Gryers made one final sweep to check for any equipment accidentally left behind during the exercise.

"So how much you wanna bet you made the Major cry by kicking over her sandcastle?" Gryers blurted out suddenly, a wide grin splitting her white muzzle. Cence gave a dry chuckle, watching the first hint of pink dawn touch the eastern horizon.

"I don't think she knows what to do with me." The gray wolf remarked. "What do you think of the Major?"

"She's a real nut buster no doubt. Control freak. Fragile ego. Typical female." Gryers have Cence a sideways grin. "Cute rack on her though." The short gray wolf gave the tall female white wolf a playful sideways shove on the way back to their ride. Cence took off his glasses and pulled off the electrodes plastered to the sides of his furry temples as he topped the last dune.

"I can't wait to see the look on her muzzle during debrei ..."

Cence stopped in his tracks, staring in disbelief at the rotocraft hybrid parked before him. It looked like a cross between a stealth subcompact car and a synchropter. A pair of intermeshing stubby rotors sat above the front doors, tilted off at a shallow fifteen degree angle. Wilhelm rotated and locked the blades back toward the back hatch while Frost loaded up the recon drone. Cence shook his head back and forth. He wasn't getting paid nearly enough to put up with this shit.

"I am not getting in that ..."

* * * * *

Cence sauntered over to the male field shower at FOB Sumter, his bushy tail brushing the ground back and forth with a certain exhausted, accomplished swagger. Well, as much as anyone can muster in flip flops, tan briefs, and a dish towel draped over one's shoulder. Cence used to keep said swagger in check, but after the service stripped him of any shame, the gray wolf let the noticeable bulge contained in his briefs swing alongside him.

Yes, Cence was proud to serve his country. But it was more than that. He served the people of his country. He served the values that kept the people of his country free. The wolf wasn't a rank and file drone. He knew the difference between security and liberty.

Cence gave them up willingly so that others back home would never have to sacrifice one for the other.

Still, every once in a while he enjoyed what everyone else back home took for granted. One of them was a wash down. The sparse shower amenities here exemplified many a Forward Operating Base: usually a semi-permanent tent or wooden trailer with enough tepid water on hand to wet three - count them three - toothbrushes.

But during Cence's first deployment in Operation Desert Storm, showers came few and far between. Months actually. So when the Lieutenant standing in for the Major told him to defunk and derag before debriefing, Cence was damn well going to take advantage of it. And since it was still fairly early in the morning, there might actually be some hot water left ...

That notion went quickly out the door the moment Cence stepped inside the field shower. Steam billowed up around his muzzle.

Fuck. Cence growled to himself. That's all I my team needs, a shower hog.

He approached one of the four stalls, claws flexing. Cence made out a shadowy outline of a vaguely canine form through the cloud of steam. Whoever this buddy fucker was, he was about to get a piece of good ol' Cence for stealing what little luxury Fireteam Ghost earned last night. The wolf stopped right outside the occupied stall, the guard hairs on his scruff bristling.

"You mind explaining yourself, panty waist?" Cence growled low, edged with a challenging snarl. "What type of shitbag ..."

The coyote turned to face the wolf under the spray, steaming water running down her shapely breasts, channeled by the natural contours of her sandy colored fur. Cence gabbed, blinking.

"M ... Major!" He stammered, fumbling over himself. The wolf's mind caved in with all the regs the Major broke this very second. "What are you doing in here?"

"Didn't you get the memo?" She asked nonchalant, extending a shapely leg forward and leaning down to scrub it. Her breasts squashed against her thigh provocatively. "There's been a breakdown among the facilities on base. The officer's bathroom's are all without water, so was the enlisted female field shower trailer. As of Oh-Six-Hundred this morning, the only working shower on base has been deemed uni-sex." Her green eyes had a glint in them that put Cence on the defensive. "You are supposed to sign in on a requested time slot, avoiding this sort of thing."

Cence just stared blankly at the Major, then turned to leave, mumbling a stunned string of apologies.

"Hold it right there Sergeant." She said, low. Cence froze, tail giving a sheepish tuck. His ears picked up the squeak of the shower head as it turned off, following by the trademark canid shakeoff.

"Yes Major?"

"I don't need to tell you what sort of trouble you are in." Her squishy pads of her hindpaws stepped closer, right up behind him.

"No Ma'am. I'm ate up." Cence stood there, lungs frozen.

"Good. Now you can appreciate what happens when an E-5 decides to kick over someone else's sandcastle." She growled low. Cence's ears drooped.

"You heard that?"

"I heard everything, Sergeant. And if you noticed I am very wet right now. Now turn around." Cence's heart thundered. He was about to get busted down for looking at her bust. The wolf turned around, steeling himself. He might as well enjoy it the show if he had to pay the price for admission. Cence found himself standing muzzle to muzzle with his commanding officer. Their nose pads were mere centimeters apart.

"Good." Her smile was snarky. Her eyes were black coals. This was the look she gave all NCO's when they decided to stir her shit. These cruel, dominant eyes didn't cry when this happened.

They got even.

Cence had exactly one point two seconds to fully admire the dripping cleft between her furry thighs before the Major hooked her claws into the waistband of his tans. The wolf flinched on instinct, gasping in shock as the coyote pealed his briefs down to his ankles.

"Major!?" Cence barked out, trying to remain at attention despite his commander's actions. His ears perked, blushing at their tips as his heavy sheath practically bobbed against the kneeling coyote's small nose. Her smile turned saucy, her growl twinged with a hint of brazen lust.

"What's wrong Sergeant. Don't you like the look on my muzzle during debriefing?" Cence's head swam with this implication. Both of their career's just flushed down the latrine. Despite the hazing, Cence couldn't help but notice his pink tip peak out of his sheath at the female's strong show of force.

"Ma'am ... I am so ... sorry for what I was thinking during the exercise ... I ..." She nipped at his exposed thigh, growling.

"Shut it Sergeant. Besides ..." The look in her eyes turned from steely to humored. "... you should have seen what was coming out of Gryer's dirty little mind."

Cence looked down just in time to watch the coyote's soft canid tongue flick out and circle his sensitive tip. The wolf groaned, head tilting back at the soft, slippery, and admittedly, very skilled tongue. Without wasting another second her eager muzzle lips engulfed his cock head, teasing it out of it's protective sheath.

The wolf just stood there, his claws reaching around to cup the back of her slim skull on instinct. Her own claws dug into the back of his muscular thighs as she blew him nice and good. The coyote's head bobbed on first quarter of Cence's fleshy pink spear. It made the wolf's toe claws curl.

"Major ... what about ... the door?" Cence panted out with sealed eyes. He found it hard not to buck into the Major's slick, hot muzzle. She pulled off of him just long enough to reply, the soft slurp accompanied by a sticky rope of slobber connecting her lower lip to his throbbing cock.

"If you would have looked at the list on the outside of the field shower, you would have seen that I blocked it off for a good half hour." She flicked the underside of his tapered cockhead with her tongue. "So no one is going to disturb us, and no one is going to see you leave."

The coyote gripped his sheath with one paw, leaning forward to take his stiff rod all the way down to where his knot would form. Cence grunted, lifting a little on his hind claws. She pulled off again, taking a deep breath and throwing out her ultimatum.

"So you see Sergeant, you better do as I say. I'd hate for word to get out that you interrupted a female senior officer's shower." She looked up at him with a knowing smirk. "Understand?" It wasn't like Cence hadn't wanted this. He was already knee deep in the shit. He might as well swim in it.

"Yes, Major." The wolf panted.

"Good boy." The coyote growled.

She stood up abruptly, just long enough to rub her sensual curves against his hard body. Cence's paws dropped down to feel the soft shape of her backside. Without warning the Major shoved him back hard. The back of Cence's legs hit something, and his ass found itself sitting hard on a wooden bench fixed to the floor. The coyote wasted no time in climbing astride of the wolf. Her paws shoved his chest down. The back of Cence's skull knocked against the bench's varnished wood with a clunk.

Man she's rough. Cence thought, paws grabbing onto her thighs. Just like John Wayne TP.

She found a good position and squatted down into his lap, expressing her dominance. With how rock hard he was, Cence's throbbing wolfness had no trouble sinking up into the Major's slick folds. The sensation of her muzzle was nothing compared to how tight and wet her dripping sex was.

"Ugh!" Cence gritted his muzzle at the sudden sensation. It had been a while. Despite the snug fit, the lusty snarl on the Major's muzzle never faltered. The wolf had no doubt the coyote could fuck a brick and not even flinch. Damn she was hot.

"I told you ..." She panted, grinding her hips back and forth across the wolf's own. "... everything I do is tight. Isn't that right SERG-eant!" She howled at the thick length moving inside her.

"YES MA'AM!" Cence barked out, arching up deep into the bitch mounting him. He was utterly lost in the act now, watching in rapt fascination as her b cups bounced with each squat and thrust. Her paws lay flat against his chest, steadying herself as she arched her back on each sharp down thrust. She was fucking going to town on his candy ass, the shower room echoing with the meaty slaps of her wet thighs on him. No, he had been completely wrong about her.

Repression was not even in her mother fucking dictionary.

They went on like that for a while, banging away so hard Cence's ass and tail went numb against the bench. He let his paw run up her body, squeezing the tantalizing mounds bobbing before his eyes. The coyote's pink nipples poked through the downy fur covering her areola, harder than diamonds. She moaned at his touch each time he pinched one of them between his claws, tail held high throughout it all. The echoes of their rut bounced around the flimsy walls. Soft yips and barks of pleasure filled the slight gaps in between.

Cence could feel his knot swell, pushing against the coyote's already tight walls. That didn't stop her from bearing down, forcing his knot to catch inside her pussy. The wolf felt the other canid's sex clamp behind his knot. Cence was damned if he didn't feel the Major's walls start to milk him. Now locked together, there was no return.

No longer able to thrust with the tie locking her in place, the coyote relented to rolling her hips back and forth instead, letting the wolf's thick knot rub deep inside her. She leaned back and rested her paws against his knees for support. Her breast spread as pulled her shoulders back. Cence grunted at the erotic sight, squirting small spurts of his watery pre-cum up into the Major's waiting cervix. He could feel the pear texture of its opening give slightly on contact with his tapered tip.

The Major pitched her hips forward, pulling her legs up. It drove her weight straight down on top on Cence's spear. The wolf felt his cockhead slip through the muscular ring of the coyote's cervix. Was the Major trying to get him to shoot straight up into her uterus? Cence whined at the sensation of being all the way up inside her. Her walls kept squeezing the base of his knot. Damn if her body didn't like breeding.

Cence lifted his head up, watching her breasts make small circles with each roll of her hips. His gaze moved down to peek at their tie. Her thighs spread like they were, the wolf got a good view of her vulva and a throbbing clit peeking from out of its hood. The wolf let one of his paws slide down her taught belly to flick and rub it with a thumb claw.

The coyote howled, muzzle tilted toward the ceiling. She bucked faster, firm breasts bouncing now as her orgasm raced through her. The Major's pussy tightened. It sucked the very cum from Cence's balls. His insides tightened, his small tip pushing through the other end of her cervix. Cence's prostate spasmed, and the wolf howled out.

Cence shot his load right up into the Major womb's.

Both of them rode their orgasm through, twitching, giving small clipped yips. It took several mikes for the overwhelming quakes shaking their bodies to clam. Neither could speak. Instead they just remained, locked together by Cence's knot, panting.

"Man, if I would have known you were this good, I would have asked for a transfer to your command sooner!" Cence joked out, spent.

"Play your cards right and you can." She bent forward, breathing heavy, and licked his nose seductively. "I could use a Power Point Ranger."

"Will I be working long hard hours under the Major?"

"All night if need be." The look in her green eyes was priceless. Cence gave a short chuckle, still pumping little squirts into the coyote with each pulse.

"What if I have other career moves in mind?"

"Like what, Sergeant?"

Cence pulled his upper body up abruptly, wrapping his arms around her slim waist. With a grunt he stood up, adjusting for the awkward weight attached to the front of his hips. The Major barked out in surprise at the sudden move. Cence was strong for his size.

"Like this." The wolf grunted out before stand thrusting into the coyote leaning back into his arms. The sudden jolts of Cence's knot slamming into her sore pussy made the Major cry out.

"Ugghhh!" She moaned, leaning back to let the thick organ pound into her abused cervix. "Yeah. Harder wolf. Make me scream!"

Cence pounded her harder, watching her flattened breasts slide back and forth. It was a lot of work, but the way his knot pistoned in and out of her drove the Major bat shit crazy. It didn't take long before her pussy started quaking again. She screamed out Cence's last name before pulling herself up to cling to the wolf, trembling.

The wolf felt his knot pulse at the pressure put on the tie. He couldn't tell if he was cumming or not. He really didn't care. Cence was balls deep in a commanding officer and loving every second of it. The coyote's claws grasped at his hard body, clawed as they shook with release. They felt each other's heartbeats though the tie joining them together. Several moments went by, neither of them speaking. Finally the Major licked the edge of Cence's earshell.

"Hmmm." She whispered out. "Good boy." The coyote loosened her death grip on him. Cence still felt hard as a rock. "Now get cleaned up and ..."

"I'm sorry Major, I can't comply." He pushed her away from him, enough to slowly rotate her around on his knot like a fire spit. Little Cence wasn't done saluting yet.

"Uggrr!" She whined, shaking with the sensation of his throbbing knot turning deep inside of her.

The coyote's small hindfeet touched down on the textured floor, but had problems bearing her full weight again. Cence hooked her right leg right below the knee and pulled it up, forcing the Major to spread her legs. The wolf's veiny knot bulged out just a little from the coyote's puffy lips. Cence arched his back, shoving the bulbous organ back up into the Major.

She grimaced at the rough treatment, barking as the thickest part of the Sergeant's sex shoved through her from behind. The coyote arched her back, her lower belly distending slightly. Cence started pounding the coyote hard again. From her yelps and barks, it was pretty clear that she loved it when someone forced her to stand on one leg, knocking that shit right out.

Cence pulled the Major's leg up more, forcing her vagina to stretch over his knot with the position. Their tie started to ache now, but neither of them cared. The wolf refused to relent, driving himself into his bitch over and over again with feral abandon. The Major shoved her paw tips down and rubbed her highly exposed clit. She tapped it, slapped it, the fat of her boobs gyrating with each provocative thrust.

The wolf gritted his fangs, clenching his abs. Cence thrust deep again and again into the coyote. His pace quickened. His lupine balls tightened. They pulled up against himself in anticipation. His climax built, spiked, only serving to drive this feral rut faster. The Major whined out as she felt the first molten surge. The next gush overfilled her womb, spilling between her furry digits even as she tried in vain to keep all his semen inside her.

Each brutal thrust squashed a small amount out of her. It seeped past his aching knot, out her swollen pussy lips to drip down to the shower room floor.

Cence nearly toppled forward, but the Major caught herself against a nearby stall wall. The wolf managed to scramble back to sit on the bench, dragging the coyote with him. They sat there for a few mikes, chest to back, Cence's paws sneaking their way around to fondle her breasts. She reached up and behind to scratch his wolven ears. She sighed contently, wiggling against his conjoined hips. There was something so primal about a male / female tie.

The Major mrred softly when Cence nuzzled the backs of her overlarge ears. The hot squish inside of her still drove her wild, but their time was up. The coyote pulled forward, and with a wet slurp, the wolf's knot pulled out of her. A tickle of wolven cum dripped from her damp sticky cleft as she hastily pulled on her own tank top and briefs. She stole Cence's towel and made the for the door.

"Major?" Cence's ears perked. Aside from the few silent minutes of post-coitus snuggling, her sudden departure left him feeling empty and used.

"My shower should be working again." She said as she opened the door, not bothering to look back. "And someone's waiting for me there." When Cence's ear's twisted about in confusion, she finally looked back. "Apparently Specialist Gryers has always wanted to suck fresh cum from out of another female's puppy holder."

Cence's eyes widened. The edge's of the Major's black muzzle lips curled in a saucy grin.

"I told you she had a dirty mind."

She slammed the door shut behind her. Cence's fell back across the bench, dumbfounded. He still had his flip flops on.

Only in the Army ...

_ ~ Fin ~ _

Many thanks to Cence for loaning himself to mad coyote experiments.

I'd also like to give a shout out to Kraygern for early feedback.