Silhouette: A Hearts' Pain

Story by Sy on SoFurry

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Copyright 2003

Only got one request for the continuation of the story, but, hell, I'm not one for starting something and not finishing it. All characters are fictitious; any relation to someone, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters worth naming were created by me. This story contains strong language, sexual content, and violence. Read at you own discretion, I will not be held accountable for the choices you make. If for some reason you choose to contact me, for either compliments or criticism, don't expect a reply. [email protected]

  • * * Silhouette: A Hearts' Pain - 2 and a half miles from Saportion The Fox emerged from the trees on the side of the dirt road, his trench coat brushing against the ground as he walked, shotgun in paw as he headed back to town. After around fifteen minutes of walking along the still slick road, the fox spotted a small checkpoint up ahead. Through the small window, he could see a soldier sitting in a chair with his back to him, flipping through the pages of some porno magazine. The fox calmly walked up to the door of the booth, readying his newfound shotgun before kicking the door in. The door swung wide open, slamming into the wall as the cheetah stood up in surprise, dropping his magazine to the floor as he looked at the figure standing in the door way. The fox cocked his gun; it made its clanking noises as the shell slipped into place. The fox fired at point blank before the cheetah could say a word, blowing a hole into his stomach, his blood and insides spraying against the wall, followed the himself; he struck the wall, knocking it out and rolling over it, coming to a rest at the foot of a large tree. The fox stepped in, cocking the gun as he walked through the small room, setting the gun in the corner as he exited through the new door. He stepped up to the body of the cheetah, being careful to avoid the puddle of blood around him; he was quite torn up from the blast. He leaned over him and searched his pockets, finding two mags, a paperclip, and a 9mm in his holster. The fox pocketed the items and check the 9, but pausing when the trees light up as a convertible jeep approached the checkpoint. The fox hurried back to the booth, standing at attention as the jeep pulled up to the gate. The fox stepped from his little office and rounded the gate, a husky and a weasel sat in the jeep, watching the fox as he approached the passenger side. "Hey, was that a gunshot a few moments ago?" The husky asked, leaning forward on the steering wheel to see past the weasel. The fox looked over at him, his hat blocking the view of his face, as always. "I don't know... did it sound something like this?" he asked, bringing up the 9 and pointing it at the husky. Before he could react, the fox pulled the trigger, shooting the husky in the head. His blood splattered across the windshield as he fell to the side, collapsing over the door as the fox turned the gun on the weasel, who was striving to get out of his seat and get away. The fox fired two rounds into his side, the weasel crying in pain as the bullets ripped through him and into the seat. He fell forward, striking the dashboard. The fox opened the door and grabbed him by the collar of his uniform, pulling him out of the jeep and throwing him to the ground. The weasel landed on his back, leaning up and propping himself with his elbows, looking up to see the fox pointing the gun at his head. "Oh God, please don't!!" he cried, trying to scramble away from the fox, who just clicked back the hammer on his gun. He remembered what his commander said, to do what ever it takes. The fox fired, giving him a quick death instead of letting him die slowly from blood loss. The weasel fell flat, his blood flowing through the hole between his eyes and forming beneath his head, his body twitching slightly. The fox slipped the gun into the front of his pants; he could feel the warmth of the barrel from its use. He stepped into the booth and grabbed the shotgun, walking back to the jeep and setting it in the back. He then turned to the husky, his blood dripping down his muzzle and off the tip of his nose onto the little step on the side of the jeep. The fox reached under him and opened the door, swinging it open and pushing him off. The husky hit the ground with a thud, landing on his back with his mouth open slightly, his eyes closed. The fox stepped over him and into the jeep, putting it in reverse and turning the wheel as he back up, then shifting into drive and drove off down the road. -Saportion, Time: twenty hundred hours (8:00) The fox pulled into town, driving slowly down the street toward the pub. Hardly any military personnel were in the vicinity now; only two other jeeps could be seen. The fox pulled in-between the pub and its neighboring building, parking in the shadows. He stepped out of the jeep, standing in front of a door on the side of the pub. He looked up and read the sign above it. "Basement entrance, employees only... son of a bitch..." he said silently, grabbing the knob and yanking the door open, stepping inside. He walked down the steps behind the door, stepping into a short hallway and walking up to the door at the end. He stepped into the long corridor, looking up and down the halls before heading to the door to the bar. He knew the files wouldn't be in the records room, they would have moved them somewhere else. He climbed up the stairs and passed Sonya's room, looking at the door as he walked past. He cautiously turned the corner, seeing that all the chairs were up on the tables and no one was in the room. Stepping down the steps, he saw the panther at the bar, putting glasses and bottles away. The fox silently stepped up to the counter, the panthers back to him; he then reached behind his back and pulled out his berretta. "That was the worst vodka I've ever had." he said, surprising the panther who turned around. The fox brought up his gun and pointed it at him, the panther bumped against the selves when he saw the gun, knocking a bottle off the shelf; it shattered to the floor, its contents splashing at the panther's feet. "Hi" the fox said, smiling. "Shit, it you!" the panther exclaimed, sliding along the counter toward the stairs. "No, no.. No moving." The fox said, motioning with his gun for him to stay still. "What do you want?! Those files aren't here, they took them, I swear!" He said, still freaking out over the gun pointing at him. "I know, but that's not what I want to know. I want to know where they took Sonya." The fox said. "Why do you want to know that?" The panther asked, calming down a little. "Because I'm going to go get her; now, do you know where she is or not?" The fox asked, straightening his and point the gun at his head. "Yes, I do! Just don't shoot me!" He cried, putting his arms up in front of his face. "They took her to the holding cells a couple of blocks up the street. It's a shotty looking building with two lampposts in the front." He said, dropping his arms slightly. "Why didn't they take her where they were taking me?" the fox asked. "Because you were going to a p.o.w. camp, much different then where she had to go." The panther said. The fox slipped his gun back into his pants and headed toward the stairs. The panther stepped over the glass and walked over to the staircase. "Why are you going to go save her?" He asked, watching the fox as he stopped half way up the stairs. He stood silently for a few moments, then turned his head to him. "Because I love her..." He said, looking the panther straight in the eyes. The fox then looked away, continued up the stairs and down the hall. The panther stood there, thinking for a second. He saw how she kissed him in front of the pub, and how he kissed her back. Sonya was a great friend to him, and he knew she rarely made bad mistakes. He picked up a mop from the corner and began to mop up the glass and liquor; he decided that if anyone asked, he didn't see him, and their conversation never took place. The fox stepped out the back door and hopped into the jeep; starting it up, he shifted it into reverse. A mink rounded the corner and saw him before he pulled out. "Hey, you can't park here." He said, thumping the side of the jeep with his paw to get his attention. "I was just on my way out." The fox said, watching the mink in the reflection of the windshield. The mink walked over to his side, looking at the fox. "I don't believe I've see you be...." The mink paused when he saw the blood spatter across the windshield. "What the fuck is that!?" He exclaimed, placing his paw over his holster. The fox leaned forward to get a better look at the bloodstain, at the same time, slipping his paw behind his back. "Looks exactly what it looks like." He said, drawing his berretta from his pants and pressing it against the mink's head, then pulling the trigger. The mink fell forward, his blood spraying on the wall as he hit his chin on the top of the door, sliding down the side of the jeep, his blood leaving a long streak along the door as he rubbed against it. The fox sat his gun on the seat and pulled out of the ally, driving down the street, watching for a shotty looking building. He drove for about a minuet, then stopping, the breaks of the jeep screeched slightly as he pulled up next to the old building. He looked around, he saw no one. He grabbed his gun and jumped out of the jeep, walking up to the door and turning the knob slowly, opening the door as quietly as possible. He stepped in, his berretta in his paw as he shut the door behind him. Inside was a small waiting room type of place with a staircase leading down across the room and a check in counter at the side. The fox walked slowly across the room, peering into the check in room and seeing a leopard, passed out on a table, a bottle of whisky and a glass sitting next to him. The fox reached the steps and walked down them, stepping onto a long catwalk that went over two other levels of holding cells. The fox walked down the row of cells, looking in each one, but none of them had anyone in them. He continued down the railing and came upon a dark corridor. He went down it; see only three cells far from each other. He looked ahead and saw a guard sitting in a chair by the middle cell, reading a book. The fox slipped his gun back into his pants and put his paw at his slide, unclipping his knife and his paw grasped around the costume fit handle. The fox slipped it from its sheath as he approached the guard, bringing it into position as he stood directly behind him. The guard, a deer, looked up from his book, a cold feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed him; he shut his book and looked at the ground before him, seeing a slight shadow looming over him. The fox grabbed the deer around the throat, being careful not to get caught on his antlers as he pulled his head back. He brought his knife up and pressed it against his throat, pressing hard as he ran it across quickly before the deer could respond. The deer gasped as his blood poured from his slit throat, spilling over his uniform and onto his book and pants as he reached up and grabbed the fox by his arm, pointlessly clutching at his sleeve as he slid from his chair. The fox eased him down to the floor, leaning him against the wall as he knelt next to him. The fox sheathed his knife and unclipped the cell key from the deer's belt, standing up and stepping in front of the cell. Inside, he saw her; she was completely naked and handcuffed to a metal bar protruding from the wall. He stood there silently, looking at her as he unlocked the cell and quietly opened the door. Sonya sat with her legs tucked in; her chains were left with enough slack so she could hug them, her head buried in her arms. She sniffled silently, trying to think on what to do. Then, a tiny pinging sound caught her ear and she lifted her head, seeing the bloody handcuff key resting at her feet. She looked up and saw him standing in the doorway, just a dark figure, but she knew who it was. "You.. you came back for me..." she said silently, the fox walked up and knelt in front of her, placing his paw on the side of her face. "Of course," he said with a smile, "I had to return the favor..." she looked at him and smiled, then picked up the key and unlatched her restraints. He helped her to her feet, the cuffs clanking to the floor as she stood up. Sonya jumped on the fox, causing him fall back and hit the floor hard. Sitting atop him, she kissed him passionately as he lay on the cold floor. The fox kissed her back, placing his paws around her back and holding her against him as their tongues intertwined. The fox rubbed his paws down the small of her back. They released, their tongues slipping back into their mouths and they smiled to each other. She looked into his eyes and rubbed the side of his face. "...Leave the knife out this time..." she said, pushing his arms down and slipping them from the sleeves of his trench coat. The fox smiled, assisting in the removal of his coat. He put his arms behind his head as she pulled off his shirt, tossing it into the corner of the cell as she leaned over and began licking at his chest. The fox rubbed at her back with his paw as she licked away at his fur, running his other paw down her back again, stroking her fur. She leaned up and ran her paws down his bare chest, her tail wrapping around his as she passed over his fur and onto his pants and began to undo them, feeling the warmth of his swelling cock through the material of his pants. She smiled to him, the fox smiling back and laid still as she slipped her paw into his pants and grabbed his pulsating member. The fox yipped, tilting his head back as she pulled it out from under his pants and scooting herself back. The fox groaned as her lips pressed against his cock, her tongue wrapping around it as she began to suckle on his member. The fox placed his paw on the back of her head, pressing down as he started to slowly thrust into her, pushing his cock deep into her mouth. She took it in, sucking and liking at it, savoring iver drop of his precum as it dripped down the back of her throat. The fox began thrusting harder, groaning, as he got closer to reaching his climax as his cock rubbed against the roof of her mouth. His cock slipped out of her mouth as she leaned up a little, passing her tongue over his member, leaning low as she crawled over him, his cock slipping between her breasts and down her chest and stomach as she arched her back, his cock passing between her legs as she sat down on his stiff member. His shaft slipped inside her as she leaned over him, the two moaning to each other as his cock slipped in and out of her hot, pink pussy. They kissed, the fox placing his arms her back as she puts hers around his neck, pulling each other closer, the fox's cock curving somewhat as it passed between her lips. She sucked hard on his mouth as an orgasm hit, closing tightly around his cock. Their lips parted as her head bent up, crying aloud in pleasure as her legs kicked out from under her, her claws scrapping against the ground as she push forward; the fox's eyes closed tightly as his cock knotted inside her, it stretched as he pulled away from her. He growled aloud as his seed exploded within her, their fluids mixing as they started panting hard, still thrusting into each other, the fox's cum seeping between his cock and her tight pussy, running down her thighs as she shivered from the excitement. His knot softened and he pulled himself from her, licking at her throat and face as she fell over him, resting her head on his chest, still breathing hard. He began to stroke the back of her neck and over her back, kissing her periodically on the top of her head. He looked down on her and smiled. "...Come on, lets leave this place.." he said after a while, stroking her side. She leaned up off of him and smiled, getting up and dusting herself off. The fox got up and buttoned up his pants, pushing his limp cock back down. He picked up his 9 and handed it to her. "What's this for?" she asked, taking the gun. "Just in case" the fox said, "you do know how to use it, right?" he asked, turning to her. She smiled and cocked the gun, sliding the barrel back and releasing it. The fox smiled back and stepped from the cell, looking up and down the corridor before motioning for her to follow. He ran ahead of her, keeping his eyes on the door ahead, but not the door behind. Gunshots echoed down the hall as bullets ricocheted off the walls and ground, four finding their mark. Sonya stopped in her tracks as the bullets ripped through her back and left through her chest and stomach. The fox turned to see her fall forward, her blood staining her fur and the ground as she stopped her self with her paws, but she was unable to hold herself and she fell to the floor, her paws in tight fists as pain surged through her. "Shit!!" She cried, her eyes tightly shut. The fox looked up at a horse holding an M16 at the door, the fox's ears tilted back and he ran at him, his eyes full of rage and his teeth gritting in hatred. The horse brought the gun up and fired, bullets flew past the fox as he leaped to the left, his gun already aimed at his foe as he fired. The bullets struck the horse in the chest, then in the throat, then in the head. The fox slid across the floor as the horse stumbled back, striking the rail behind him and flipping over. The fox jumped to his feet and ran to Sonya's side, falling to his knees and pulling her up into his lap, cradling her in his arms. He looked down upon her, holding her tightly as he gazed deeply into her dark, green eyes, her blood already seeping through the sides of her mouth, her tail curling around to his back. He could feel her body twitching and loosing its strength. She reached up with her paw and touched the side of his face, brushing the side with what little strength she had left. He brought his paw up to hers and placed it over it, rubbing the fur on the back of her paw. She looked up at him, her eyes fixed on his as a tare passed over her cheek. "I... I..." she tried, striving to get her final words to his ears, but a stinging pain shot through her, ripping inside her as she cried aloud, dropping her paw from his face and gripping at the fur of her chest and tightly shutting her eyes. The fox could only watch as the pain passed over her, then left. He brought his paw down as her eyes opened again, struggling to open all the way to see his face. His paw passed her face and brushed at her cheek, whipping the tare from her fur. "I know," he said softly, smiling to her, "I know..." he said again, brushing the side of her face. She managed a smile, reaching up and touching his face one last time. The fox put his paw over hers again, kissing it then pressing it against his fur as he closed his eyes. He held her close, gripping her paw in his and keeping silent; no tares of remorse left his eyes, but it was there within him, within his heart, strong and painful. He sat silently with her, no longer feeling the pressure from her paw on his. His eyes opened slightly, peering down upon the one he loved. Her eyes had closed, her breathing stopped; her life, his love, was gone. He sat her paw lightly on her chest, brushing it a little more. He kept his gaze on her, only breaking it when shots rang out and bullets tore through his back, three passing through his lungs as they ripped through him. He fell forward in agony, his teeth gritted against each other as pain shot through his body. He leaned up quickly and twisted around, grabbing her gun she dropped at her side as he turned and fired at the door, more pain shooting through his body as his back twisted in the movement. His shoots struck the wolf standing at the door; he dropped instantly as the bullets left his skull. The wolf struck the floor as the fox dropped the gun, it clanged against the metal floor as he turned around, pressing his arm against his wounds as he bent forward, still gritting his teeth, his eyes tightly shut, only in his mind did he scream aloud. After a few moments, his jaw let up, his pain easing from him. His blood began to seep from his mouth and nose as his eyes opened slightly, his back straightening as he leaned up. He could feel himself slipping away, his eyes losing their focus and his body growing cold. He looked down upon Sonya, moving his arm from his stomach and bringing his paw under her chin, his blood soaking into his and her fur as he leaned over, rubbing the side of her face. "We found each other in life..." he said softly into her ear, gulping hard to keep the blood down. He began to shiver, holding her as tightly as he could in his arms. "and we'll do the same in death..." he whispered, leaning up slightly and closing his eyes, kissing her lightly on the lips. He leaned up, his eyes opened slightly and he smiled. "...wait for me..."He said quietly, placing his arm around her and hugging her tightly, leaning over her and resting his head on her chest, shutting his eyes. His breathing began slowing down, his body succumbing to the pain. He wasn't afraid of his own demise, he looked forward to the time his life ended, when he could finally leave his pain and misery behind; and be with her once again. Rubbing her side with his paw, stroking her fur back and forth, he took a final, deep breath as his life began to slip away, holding it for a few seconds, then letting it escape his throat, his body and muscles relaxing as his arms around her loosened. His black fur covered her as if a dark silhouette as he held her in his arms, their bodies huddling together upon the hard, cold floor; drenched in the darkness of the endless hall that would house their love for one another, casting out all hatred and pain that would no longer be. Eternal proof that one can find love, and never let it go. ...End... * * * Author's note: I never liked happy endings... * * *