The Snake Pit (Illustrated by Sepi)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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What wondrous experiences one can have in such magical locations! Places known only by the mysterious and nebulous term: "Nightclubs"

The Snake Pit ~ by Amethystine, with thanks to Sepi for the picture and the inspiration/motivation!

"Hey, you!" hisses a voice from off to the side of the loudly thumping dance floor.

While you might be surprised at your ability to hear the sibilant voice in the cacophonous club, if you thought about it, you are immediately and intensely distracted by a number of other things.. things that peered at you from all around where that voice had originated.

Over in one of those expensive and hard to secure corner spots, where the seating is a huge, lush, plush curve of perfect padding, is a python. No, a pair of pythons! No, a plethora of pythons! A whole PIT of the powerful people.

Yes, people, as you are in a land of more than mere men. But that wasn't important, that was normal. What is of urgent concern to you is the cornucopia of constrictors that eye you.

There are a number of nagas writhing about within the spacious booth in the corner, but your attention was upon the main three, and within them, there is one who seems the most prominent. He stands out for a few reasons.

Firstly, he is the only male there. Apparently, this snake can charm the pants off of his piled up playpals.. which is appropriate, since none of them are physically able to wear such garments!

Secondly, he is the only serpent who looks.. serpentine! At least, above the waist.. while they all have copious coils, he's the only one with animalistic features upon his upper body; an elongated neck and a wedge-shaped snout. All the others, the girls, have humanish upper halves.. various shapely, slender and sexy female forms that flex and flow constantly around within the massive grouping of sleek scales, their nubile naga curves drawing you closer.

Lastly, the somewhat bestial and brown boy boidae is beaming at you and beckoning you nearer still with a crooked, clawed finger. "Yesss, yooouu.. come clossser, pleassse, I need to asssk you sssomething.." his rasping voice carries out to you, the smooth sound sinking into your mind, manipulating your movements.

The writhing reservoir of reptilians recedes at your approach, flowing away, parting like the Red Sea, as if magically bidden by the leader lamia who looks you over as you move down, into the slight recession that forms the cozy, coiling corner. But it's not just the boss boa, the bevy of beautiful babes also gaze at you. All of their lustfully leering eyes seem to possess some mixture of gnawing hunger or wanton desire or craven lust, all of it aimed squarely at you. Their tongues flick, and lick their pouty, glistening lips, as if imagining a massive meal of .. something other than food, that was for sure.

As you attempt to wrestle your gaze away from the ravishing and ravenous looking girls, who rub and writhe against one another in an eternal erotic display, you finally get a good look at the python who's practically pulling you forward with nothing more than his sheer will. The focal point of the females' frolicking, the naga seated there at the centre is also, seemingly, the central, converging point for all the sex appeal around him. Whether it's the impressive harem he seems to command, the sheer quantity of the girls' glamour reflected upon him, or a rugged, alien appeal to his attractive constrictor countenance, his indescribable allure captivates you better than any number of infinitely mighty coils holding you in place.

He's a deep, reddish brown, with angular patches of golden yellow scales gleaming at you, an iridescent sheen making his flesh seem unnaturally flawless in the flashing lights of the dark nightclub. After taking in his creamy, off-white underbelly, you notice the male naga's drink. More accurately, you notice that his 'drink' is less of an alcoholic beverage and more of a.. glass beaker with a large supply of glowing green goop sloshing around inside as he lazily rotates the wrist that supports the slime's container.

"Greetingsss, my new friend.." begins the sibilant serpent, speaking slyly, "..I have a two-parter for you."

The Snake Pit - Image

*( Art by Sepi. Visit (or praise) his posting of this picture here: Also, visit that link to see a slightly altered version of the females' upper-body colouration!)*

After a moment, letting his statement sink in, as if there was some hidden joke or insinuation linked to it, he continues.

"The firssst half of my quessstion isss thisss.." his hand moves deftly from clutching the neck of the triangular bit of lab equipment to holding it up on his fingertips, the ends of his extremities aligned around the circular perimeter of the bottom. ".. are you thirsssssty?" He stretches out the S in the word, and your mind is suffused with steaming hot sand, sweat-drenched deserts and _dehydration_ of a dangerous level. You are _very_ thirsty, now.

Grinning, the snake presses on without letting you answer. "And the other one isss.." he leans back, lifting his upper arms to sling them gracefully along the straight-edged back of the long, curving booth's bench, his forearms draped down, right next to the pair of perfect females that flank him. They both glide toward him, as if drawn by his pure animal magnetism, slithering in to snug up against his scutes.

They embrace him from each side before turning to face you once more. The smaller, pink-scaled one on the left grins, letting a long, deep maroon tongue loll out of her mouth, which she wags at you enticingly, her fingers running over the male's front. On his other side, a larger, slate grey, short-haired snake girl with pure white scutes and hair winks one of her strikingly red eyes at you, a warm smile on her face. She lifts a hand to tussle her unkempt mop of snowy hair before leaning down into what served as the legless male's lap, hissing a sort of affectionate purr at him.

"..would you like to join me and share in the company of my coily companionsss?" he finally finishes, calmly stroking the dark scaled female like a large cat.

You hesitate, despite the potent pull that the pit of passionate pythons applies directly to your more base instincts.

"Aww, are you worried about not fitting in, my friend?" the serpent drawls, with mock sympathy, turning his large head away to look askance at you, his unblinking brown orb fixing upon you. "Not to worry, your drink will help with that."

You look down to see the beaker he was holding has been passed to you, perhaps personally by his tail, or via the many hands of his harem. Either way, you grip it tightly, feeling as though you must drink it.. either through unquenchable thirst, or irresistable submission to the sweetness of the snakes. You begin to raise it to your lips, whether you truly want to or not.

"Yesss, it'll help you loosen up enough to join usss, no doubt about that.." he muses, leaning back, softly caressing his two main squeezes. Between kisses with the grey and the pink scaled ladies, as you slowly lift the heavy, thick, viscous, bright green chemical cocktail to your mouth, the python pipes up for the last time.. or the last time when it might still matter to you. "..I mean, it'sss not like these girlsss were always sssnakes.. nor were they all girls!"

At this point, it's too late, the potion pouring down through of the thick neck of the glass toward your eagerly awaiting lips.


"Hey, you!" hisses Amethystine. You don't even look up, knowing he doesn't mean you. You sigh softly in a hiss and grind against your nearby sister in serpentinity, giddy with the constantly pleasure of your lengthy body being continuously caressed by the giant confluence of coils within your cozy corner of the club. You 'mmmm' to yourself and look up at the newcomer as they approach, drawn in by the siren song of the swelling set of sexy serpents.. gazing at them and feeling a desperate need for them to join you in the sweetest, most sinful of all sororities.

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