red riding hood (my version is adult rated)

Story by Reilloc on SoFurry

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People have miscontrued many of the big bad wolves stories. Im here to help set them straight. Im a big gray wolf. When im on my hind legs I can easily set my front paws on someones shoulders that stands 6'9". Im very much covered in gray fur all over my body. Duh im a gray wolf. I have my moments just like all animals that you humans try to tame. Some of us should of been left in the wild and not domesticated. At any rate on to the wolf's side of Red Riding Hood. Of which the wolf was a close personal friend of mine. I am going to tell the story from his eyes or as he saw it before he was unjustly slain by the woodsman.

Ok I was laying out by a little creek in the woods, minding my own business. I was laying down on my back having a good dream. (so what if it was about some of my best friends and alot of lady wolves.) OK ok so it was a boner popping dream. Thats no reason for that human girl dressed in red to come sneaking up on me and hit me in the groin to wake me up. What a friggin bitch. I was in so much pain at first that I didnt know what hit me. When my head cleared enough from the pain. I looked around to see if I could find what hit me. Their next to the little stream was the human girl sitting on a log. I got up and walked over towards her cautiously.

She smiled "Im sorry I hit you earlier. But I hate seeing someone else having more fun than me." I looked down at her hands, one hand was down her panties fingering herself. The other hand was reaching into her basket to pull out a toy. It was a small purple dildo, she slid that into her mouth and sucked on it a lil bit to get it moistened. Then dropped her hand and dildo into her panties, and started teasing herself with the thing.

Red looked over at me and said "Come closer" she had a really big grin on her face. I came a little bit closer. She took her hand that was just diddling her clit and held it out. My sensitive nostrils picked up a very delicious smell. I licked my chops. I padded a closer still. I let my tongue slide over her fingers to truly get a taste of what was to come. When I did this my shaft started sliding out of its sheaf.

Little miss hood carressed my neck and down my body to pat my belly, and gently grabbed a hold of my hardening dick. She slowly massaged it making it all the way hard and slide fully out. Leaving her dildo in her panties, she leaned over and started kissing and licking me. I could still hear it vibrating, even tho it was shoved into her pussy. I felt her slide my shaft into her mouth and move her mouth back and forth. I couldnt help but thrust my hips a little to help the movement in and out.

Red then laid down on her back forcing me to straddle her. With her lips still around my meat, I extended my neck and tore her panties off of her with my teeth. The dildo still vibrating in her, I forced it deeper into her with my nose while licking her clit. She moaned softly and her body writhed with the slow entrance of the dildo. I would let her body push it back out a little, then I would push it back in. the whole time my tongue is dancing on her clitoris.

The lady in red was rubbing my belly with one hand while sucking my hard shaft right up to the knot. Her other hand was massaging each of her breasts in turn, making her nipples poke up to be seen like little turkey timers when the turkey is done in the oven. I pulled my hips up and slid my cock out of her mouth, I grabbed ahold of the purple dildo with my teeth and pulled it out. Rotating myself around and slowly sliding my self up to position a hard throbbing penis into her pussy. I nuzzled her neck a little and flicked her ear with my tongue. I started to bite the buttons off on her shirt so I could get a look at her perky breasts. I hadnt even had the chance to dip my bone into her yet, and she flipped out cause of the friggin buttons.

This friggin little bitch, her pussy dried up instantaneously just as my dick was trying to slide into her. I had barely gotten a button off, and she rolled over throwing me into the stream. Not only was I now shriveled up to the size of a pea, but I still wanted to try to hit that. She started yellin at me for the button. Something bout having to get it fixed at her grandmas who was sick. Along with what the hell was I thinking tryin to mate with a fuckin human. This bitch hit the whole dictionary on her cussing at me. I was cowering in the water, afraid she was gonna try to hit me in the balls again like she did to wake me up in the first damn place.

She took off at a full speed run tryin to get away from me. But I was too shocked and kind of pissed I didnt even get to fuck her. I shook off the water from my body, and got out of the stream. My balls slowly went back to where they hang. I tried not to think to much of it. I went around following her scent for a little bit. Giving up a short time later, it seamed she had gotten lost and or forgot where she was supposed to be going.

I trotted over to a lady fox friend of mine's home. We had been shagging for a while. But both of us agreed it was just for the fun of it. Neither of us wanted it to be a real relationship.

Low and behold the fox was licking the red riding hoods pussy, with the dildo being shoved up her own cootch. Talk about an instant hard on. I remained hidden in the bushes taking peaks at my fox and the girl in red. I started licking myself (hey when you can you can, he he he). Evidently I was up wind of my foxy woman, she could smell me, and knew I was watching and was turned. Her knowing that I could see and hear everything, was turning her on even more.

As much as I wanted to go and join in the fun. Something in the back of my head told me not to go out their. My lil fox woman suddenly shook with her orgasm, the tonguing she was receiving from RED evidently was good. She was looking longingly at my stiff wolf cock, long since slid out of its sheaf. I was gently flicking my tongue over it, while lookin at her. It was turning her on even more.

Red saw that foxie was looking over at the bushes. Turning her head she saw me, shuffled out of the way, beckoned me to come out there. So I did. Still kind of leary of the treatment I had received from her earlier that same day. But at this point I was too hard up and had to get me a piece. She rolled over on all fours, of which I quickly mounted and shoved my dick hard into her soaking wet pussy. Foxie rolled over onto her back and under me so she could lick red pussy and also my dick as it was sliding in and out of red.

My dick was sliding in and out of red like mad. Red seemed to be enjoying it thoroughly. My foxie girl decided she wanted some too. She slid out from behind me stopping licking red and my dick. I looked back at her and smiled, like any guy would. She leaned up to my ear and said she wanted me in her ass. I slid out of red, and slowly slid my prick up my foxie ladies ass.

At this point red decided to be a jealous bitch. She stands up and kicks me right in the side. It hurt bad, I roll away fast. Jumping into the bushes to get away from the red devil. Foxxy jumps after me, cause she wants nothing to do with red anymore. Red shoved all her clothes into the basket, scooping it up as she ran away.

I hoped itd be the last time i saw her. But i decided to follow her to find out where she was gonna go next. But this time i wasnt getting anywhere near her.

Red found a little stream to get cleaned up in. Stripping her clothes off. Slowly sliding into the running water. She found a little area that was about waist deep and sank her whole body into it.

She appeared to be enjoying the water rushing over her curvaceous body. Until out stepped behind a tree a young buck, he didnt see her right away. Slowly he lowered his head down to the water to get a drink. Red held very still, cause she didnt want the buck to come into her pool. The buck got his drink and lifted up his head, spying the the young lady in the pool where he was just drinking. He snorts the left over water out of his nose. Then he starts wading into the pool.

The buck walks in a lil deeper, the water barely up to his chest and stomache. Red reaches up out of the water slowly, and starts rubbing the bucks head. He grunts in satisfaction, and licks her face. She takes that has a hint of acceptance, and starts sliding her hands down the bucks muscular sides. Slowly she runs one hand down to rub the bucks stomache. The buck just snorts in approval.

Red slides her hand even further back to carress the bucks growing member. She starts massaging it with both hands getting it fully erect. Bending over to get a better view at the bucks hardness. Eyeing the monster 14 inch cock she got an idea to lick it. Leaning in to flick the head of the cock with her tongue. The buck had other ideas and made it bounce into her mouth almost gagging her. He forced the cock into the back of her throat till she couldnt swallow any more and started moving it in and out.

She tried to back up to get that thing out of her mouth but the buck sensing her movements anticipated it and put his head down to make her backside push against his horns. So she had no choice but to suck the cock or get stabbed by the horns by backing up anymore. Red tried to bite the bucks dick, but everytime she tried he thrust in making her gag, and unable to bite. She then tried to hit the buck's sides and even swing at his balls. The buck grunted then thrust his dick back into her mouth harder. Her fists of fury fell just shy of hitting his balls.

The buck pulled his dick all the way out of Red's mouth. She started gasping for air, and fell to all fours. Leaving her ass and back just barely out of the water. The buck walked around and started to straddle Red while she was still gasping for air. Red only had a chance to gasp air in as the bucks dick penetrated her pussy fast. She was locked in to that position by the bucks weight on top of her and his powerful front legs on either side of her head. If she slid backwards she was pushing herself further onto the cock, if she slid side to side she couldnt get very far cause of the way the bucks legs were on either side of her head, and the strength of the bucks cock. If she shifted to much, he just flexed it causing her to move back to the required position.

Meantime im still up here hiding in the bushes watching everything, and enjoying the show. My little foxie girl had crept up beside me and was watching it too. She starting licking my wounded penis, as it started sliding out of its sheath. I leaned over and started teasing two of her nipples with my own tongue. The both of us turned on by the show of the buck and Red. We relaxed a bit ourselves and renewed our earlier friskiness.

The buck was getting his thats for sure. He had no plans on letting go of Red especially in the way that he was holding her down. Red being pinned down and moistened constantly by the little stream, had no way to fight back. Suddenly the buck started making grunting noises, and thrusting his hips faster to make red's pussy take more of his cock. With the size of his cock you could just about see his cum slide down his shaft as he orgasmed deep into red. As soon as his orgasm was done, his cock slid out of her pussy and slid into the water washing his and her juices off it. The buck got out of the water and walked away leaving a gasping red in the water.

Red crawled out of the water and lay on the bank. Gasping for breath and shivering from the coldness of the water and the cool breeze crawling over her.

Foxy and I went our separate ways for the time being(little did I know that itd be the last time she would see me alive). She had her own things to take care of. I decided I was gonna run ahead over to grandmas house.

At grandmas house, I surveyed the house by walking around it a couple times. Checking things out with my nose, ears, and whatever I could see. I saw a pet door. It was barely large enough for me to squeeze into, but I did. It put me directly into the laundry room. I heard a noise in the next room. So I went over to check it out but cautiously. Carefully I stuck my head around the corner. Seeing that grandma was doing the dishes in the kitchen sink. Grandma was a MILF. She wasnt all wrinkly and old. Best part was her thinking she was alone. She was doing the dishes in a night gown.

I came sneaking up behind her, and stuck my head up her night gown. Darned if she wasnt wearing any thing underneath. Grandma must of known I was there, cause she spread her legs a little allowing me a better view. So I let her know I was hungry and flicked my tongue across her pussy lips. She moaned slightly. I knew right then she would let me go further than her granddaughter. I slid my tongue her pussy lips to tickle her clit with it. Then sliding my tongue between her ass cheeks as after all I was behind her. She set the dish she was washing down into the sink and leaned forward allowing me better vision of what I was doing with my tongue. All the while my own cock is sliding out of its sheath.

I started licking her pussy more. She seemed to like it alot. Her legs buckled at one point. So she just stayed on the floor, laying on her back. She hiked her night gown up even more, allowing me better access to lick her pussy. I slid my tongue into it as far as it would go. She moaned softly. Pulling on my ears to make my tongue go further into her, along with my snout. I pulled my snout out and started straddling her, pushing her night gown up with my freshly wet nose, exposing her plushy breasts, teasing each nipple a little bit with my tongue. Then licking her mouth, to which she licked her juices off my face.

She then pulled me up so I was then straddling her face with my hind legs. Sucking my dick into her mouth so fast causing me to spread my own legs a little further apart. Slurping, sucking, stroking my meat, it felt so good. I wined with pleasure. Red's grandma slid her night gown completely off her body. Then slid her beautiful breasts around my cock while still licking the tip. I couldnt help but add my own thrusts between her tits as well. I started to feel the knot form at the base of my penis. Her tits caught the first lump of it sliding up.

Grandma slid out from under me and got on all fours. I got up and mounter her from behind. Slid my cock into her still wet pussy. My knot kept sliding up my cock and soon it was at the base of her pussy. She could feel it and thrust backwards as I thrust inwards. Her pussy made a plopping noise as it surrounded my knot. She grunted as the new girth shocked her. At this point I lost all control and just started pounding away as fast as my legs and hips would let me. I felt her body losing its control with her own orgasm as I was losing mine deep into her body. I kept thrusting into her tho I wasnt going to let my hard on go down. My knot diminished a little bit tho. It splooshed out of her leaking my cum from between her legs. But she stayed in that position turning around and licking all the juices off my cock.

It being still suckled, and licked renewed its hardness. The knot on the other hand diminished some but stayed out of the sheath at the base of my penis. Grandma turned back around and angled her butt at me, stroking my cock from behind her while guiding me to her ass. I pushed in slowly, causing her to moan loudly. While pushing into her my front paws were wrapped around her chest, my hind legs hitting the floor easily. I kept pushing into her until the knot was at the opening. Grams slammed backwards to push it into her. Shocked I didnt know what to do. I started thrusting in and out of her ass gently until she got used to me.

My knot started growing again. Grams groaned at the thickness, but kept up with the pace of my thrusts.

Suddenly the house door flew open and in walked Red. Luckily I was in the kitchen and red wouldnt be able to see me. But red had heard grams moans, she not able to tell if it was pleasure or pain she was hearing and ran to the kitchen. Saw me mounted and stuck inside her Grandma.

Red stood there dumbfounded. Grams just smiled at red. At first red just stood there watching me fuck grams. Red was still sore and stretched from the treatment she had just received from the buck, but was getting turned on by watching her grams getting some. So she started taking her dress off again. She walked over to me ran her hands down my side and caressed my balls as they slapped against her grams ass. Gently pulling on them and licking them increasing my own sensivity.

Slowly even sliding a finger into my ass, while leaning down to lick my balls. Sliding her tongue up my balls, then sucking grams clit. She kept tickling my anus with her finger, while cupping my balls with her other hand.

Thats when I couldnt take it anymore I shuddered and blew my load deep inside grams. I just let myself get soft enough to slide out. Thats when red got a hold of my still semi hard cock and started sucking me to full hardness again. She lay down on her back and positioned me over her. Then pulled me into her semi stretched pussy, of which i easily filled including my knot.

Out in the woods not to far from grandmas house was a woodsman not much to look at. Barrel chested thick with muscles from swinging an axe most of his life. Approximately 6'2" tall, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Looking very much like your typical woodsman in any paul bunyon story. Red and green plaid shirt, and blue jeans held up by suspenders. Thick beard going halfway down his chest. His axe stood a little bit taller than your average axe, due to a normal length axe would of been too short.

He had already chopped 2 trees down. While taking a break he decides he would go check up on the old lady that he knew lived in the woods. She was always nice and gave him a cup of coffee. Probably cause she was so lonely out here all by herself. So he hefted his axe and started walking on his way to her house.

Along the way there just like any male that is out in the woods he had to take a leak. So he walks a bit off the beaten path in the woods to find an area where he could relieve himself. He spotted the female fox that was cleaning the last of her juices off of herself from when the wolf was last playing with her. The woodsman was slightly turned on by watching her clean her own pussy with her tongue. So since he already had it whipped out to take a leak, he finished doing his business, letting it hang out and grow hard.

The female fox seeing the man be aroused by her, grew brave and slowly moved over towards him. Mostly to see what he would do if she licked him.

The man was caught off guard as he had his eyes closed, and was stroking himself, to all of a sudden feel a tongue flicker over his penis head. Startled he jerked his hand away and jumped backwards. When he jumped backward he fell on his backside.

The fox decided to take advantage of the situation and moved forward quickly to wrap her tongue completely around his still hard cock.

The woodsman still in shock over the brazenness of this wild female fox, wasn't exactly sure what she was trying to do. But the gentleness of her tongue and teeth started making him relax. Foxie looked up into the woodsman's eyes as they started to glaze over in pleasure.

Not even giving the woodsman a chance to react the fox slipped up his body and mounted the woodsman's cock, licking his cheeks. This baffled the woodsman even more as he fell into an even deeper shock as the fox slid down his fox tongue moistened cock.

The fox's breasts dragging across his flannel shirt. Causing them to leak a little bit of milk, even though her pups were long gone.

The woodsman seeing the leakage, gently pinches one of her nipples with his thumb and forefinger causing it to leak a little bit more. Licking his fingers getting the milk off, reaching down and milking a teet into the palm of his hand and licking that off as well.

Meantime the fox is rocking her hips back and forth resting her hind legs on his stomach and her front paws on either side of his head.

The fox had never had a longer penis in her it felt very good to her. She had had thicker (the wolf's knot included) just not longer.

The man couldn't hold it much longer, and shot his load deep into the fox. He started and shaking with his orgasm. The fox feeling his orgasm and shaking caused her own orgasm deep within her own body. Once her body relaxed she slid off of the woodsman's piece of flesh. She didn't want to hang around the woodsman too long or get his sent all over her.

The woodsman watched her run off, then cleaned himself off of the fox's juices. Then got up and dusted himself off. He continued on his way to the old ladies house.

The Woodsman gets to the door of the old ladies house, and pauses cause he thinks he heard someone scream.

Inside the house I was trying to pull out my knot from Red's love box, it had hurt her so much she screamed when I tried to pull it out.

Hearing the scream, the woodsman busts in the door and runs into the kitchen. Seeing me with my knot still in red and the old lady all splayed out naked on the kitchen floor. His eyes glazed over red and tackled me throwing me and himself out the kitchen window. Red and the lady were yelling at him to stop. But the woodsman was too angry with me for taking advantage of the two human ladies.

Once threw the window I was still reeling from being thrown threw the window. My cock slowly sliding back into its sheath. But the woodsman had other plans, and grabbed a hold of it trying to yank it off. I was in a lot of pain, not only from flying through the window but the death grip he seemed to have on part of me. I was finding it hard to concentrate with all the pressure on me down there. The woodsman's head was right in line for a bite to the head, so I leaned forward and bit him on the top of his head.

He yelled in pain releasing my cock, which slid straight back into its protective sheath. Blood was streaming out of my back from where glass had broken skin. Blood was streaming down the woodsman's head and face where my teeth had broken skin on him. He got up partially blind from the blood pouring into one of his eyes. He grabbed his axe and swung it at me, I barely dodged but it still nicked part of my skin. Blood started pouring out of the wound the axe just made on me. I grabbed the wound with one hand and tried running as fast as I could away from the madman holding the axe.

He gave chase, throwing the axe at me. It nailed me in lower right hand side of my back, but luckily it was handle first instead of blade first. It however did knock the wind out of me as well as knock me to the ground. He started run towards me, to tackle me and force me to stay down. But the woodsman was hit by a flying pan thrown by Red's grandma. I managed to get up, but I was light headed. I was losing blood fast. I think the axe could of knocked a rib into one of my lungs. Cause I was still having a hard time breathing.

The woodsman gets up and picks up the pan, shaking his head to clear the double vision the pan had given him. He turned towards the women of the house that were still naked screaming at him to leave me alone. He leaned over and picked up his axe and started walking towards them menacingly.

I saw this and decided it was my turn to attack him. I put my pain to the side the adrenaline started kicking in and I charged the man. I let out a blood curdling howl which caused the man to turn towards me. This is the first time I saw any kind of fear in him and the last time. I jumped in a flying tackle the mans axe was bared outwards. My full weight went onto the axe then the man. It was pointed on both ends. The type of axe with a pick on one side and axe on the other. The axe blade went straight into my chest and the pointed into the mans throat.

The 2 ladies came running straight towards us. Pulling me off the axe and both holding me crying.

The Foxie girl had heard my howl earlier and came running in at full speed. Seeing the blood all over and the 2 human ladies cradling me. She came in anyways, head lowered and tail down.

I see all 3 of the females crying and making noise as my last sites of this earth. My body went limp in their hands/paws.