Don't Tease The Android

Story by VIK182 on SoFurry

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Don't Tease the Android

Seth was amazed and excited when he got a job for Stone Industrial Enterprises but the fun soon wore off when he found himself doing menial tasks and busy work that no one else wanted to do. He soon found that "tech" translated into "laboratory bitch". One day he found himself down deep inside the main R&D chamber cleaning up a work area.

It was the first time he had ever been allowed to be in such a highly secured area and was fascinated to be so far underground in a place that wasn't even suppose to exist. His task was to clean up a work area and take a few observational notes.

He had been left alone since it was the end of the day and he was to be careful and not tamper with anything he wasn't suppose to be messing with. One of the first things he noticed though was a round pod like thing on one side of the room. The door was open and inside was an athletic looking German Shepard whom appeared to be sleeping.

He wore nothing but a pair of black sport shorts as cables were hooked into various places on his body. At first he was shocked to see such a thing but curiosity got the best of him as he shyly went closer to him. A nearby terminal showed his status. "Body on Standby, fully charged. Guess I don't have to worry about waking him..." mused the cougar.

Along the top of the screen was AD-128 Kevin stating his model and name. "Kevin huh? Nice to meet you I guess..." He found it unnerving that it was there and kept a weary eye on it. He had heard references made to the android projects but always thought they were just messing with the new guy, he never believed they were real until now.

He did a bit of his work before pulling out his mobile phone forgetting he couldn't get a signal down there. "Shit..." He shoved it back into his pocket and grabbed a wired phone to call a friend. "Hey Jake, you'll never believe what's in the room with me. An Android! I mean a real one. I guess they weren't joking, it's right there. No I didn't touch it! That's so creepy!"

He glanced over his shoulder at it before looking at the research notes. "According to the crap laying around he's one of the original prototypes. Yes he, it does appear male. Ugh why would you even ask something like that!" He looked over at him again. He still seemed asleep.

"Yeah, there is a bulge now quit fucking around. You're dick! I guess so, it's really unnerving being here with him since everyone else has mostly left. Yeah. I wouldn't want that thing anywhere near me when it was active! No I won't bring it online I know nothing about it! Besides it's an old prototype or something so it's probably crude or useless if it even has a mind..."

Saying that was a mistake. Since he was never taught anything about them he didn't notice the body was on standby but the AI that belonged to said body was still very much awake and active and now it wasn't very happy with the feline. "I dunno, it's the first time I've ever seen one. Maybe, who knows? Dude it's just a creepy piece of shit, I'm not going to mess with it okay!"

He turned to look at it again and was horrified to see it was now standing outside the pod clearly awake and he didn't look very pleased. "I GOTTA CALL YOU BACK!" Yelled the cougar as he quickly hung up the phone.

"So I'm a creepy piece of shit huh?" Asked the canine as it walked slowly towards him. "Crude and useless am I?" The cougar put his paws up still in shock at what was happening. "I may be an original prototype but you know what? I still have a very advanced AI for a brain. I have emotions..."

He continued advancing on the terrified feline. "And you know what else I can do?" He paused with his arms crossed over his chest. "Let me go?" asked Seth. The canine shook his head as he replied with a smile. "Kick your ass. And there's nothing you can do about it kitty boy."

In a panic he rushed towards the door only to watch as a heavy security barrier slid closed sealing off the room. "Half a mile underground and trapped in a room with the creepy piece of shit android you pissed off. Oh yes, I am going to kick the shit out of you because no one is going to save your ass..." He beat his fists against the door and shouted. "Felix do something!"

Felix, the AI that largely controlled the facility said and did nothing at all as if he never heard him. "Oh he isn't going to help you either. After all he's one of us too..." Finally the canine was right behind him. He turned with his back against the door staring at the chest of the android too scared to look him in the eyes.

Kevin loved standing before the terrified fur knowing how much power he held over him. "Any last words?" Seth looked away from him. "I'm sorr--" before he could finish the athletic canine slammed his fist deep into the pit of the cougar's stomach. "Huugh!" He doubled over as the android said "Oh don't give me that shit! You're not sorry your fucking scared! You'd say anything to talk your way out of it but you aren't so tough luck. Might as well take your punishment..."

Seth was about to try an apologize again but the strong android before him dug an uppercut just under his ribs with enough upward force he slid up the door a ways. After he pulled his fist back the feline slid back down to the floor coughing and hacking with the wind knocked out of him. Kevin grabbed him by his shoulders and threw him across the room with frightening ease.

He hit the floor and slid a ways before getting back to his foot paws. "Come on, aren't you gonna fight back? Or did you learn your place already?" Before he could react Kevin's hard fist slammed into his navel sinking deep into his pudgy belly. "Hooph!" He doubled over around his fist which he pulled back while looking at him with slight disgust.

"Heh, I thought you live furs would have taken better care of your bodies. Look at you! Pudgy, out of shape, no muscle definition..." He slapped his muzzle making it snap to one side before taking two fingers and prodding his belly. "You're so squishy, it's unreal." said the android with wonder which greatly embarrassed the feline.

"Fuck you..." Kevin laughed. "I bet you would. It's not like you could get a mate looking like that! Ha!" Before the cougar could get the courage to try and strike him he slugged his fist deep into the middle of his gut and held it there, grinding it around a bit. "How's that feel? I bet you wish you worked out now." Seth grabbed his wrist but it was no use, he couldn't budge his arm a bit.

When he did pull his fist back he felt his belly fill back out leaving a dull ache in the pit of his stomach. He watched as he slowly walked around behind him and was surprised when two paws shoved him forward rather hard making him fall and slide on the tile floor. "God look how defenseless you are! This is hilarious!"

On his way to get back up he hissed and punched him between the legs quite hard. He was a bit grossed out when he felt he did indeed have parts there. He looked up at his face which didn't have an expression of pain but one of rage. "Ouch. You'll fucking pay for that you fat little fuck!"

He grabbed the feline by the throat lifting him into the air. "Hope you like pain!" He slammed his fist into his soft middle getting a gurgle from the suspended cat. He then dropped him and as he was falling towards the ground he thrust his knee upwards catching him in the dead center of his belly. "Hoooph!" Seth's eyes went wide as the air rushed out of his body. Saliva flew from his muzzle as he softly groaned.

His body hit the floor rather hard as Kevin shoved him off. He laid there nearly knocked out by the strong blow. Seeing how he took the fight out of the dazed feline he grabbed him under his arms and dragged him to the exam table he sometimes had to lay on. He pulled his shirt off to he could take a closer look at his body.

The feline was out of shape and had a pudgy belly. He had little muscle tone and all around seemed weak. He once again took two fingers and prodded his belly in a few places. "You're so weak and pathetic, why do you even bother fighting back?" He made a fist and pressed down on the center of his stomach marveling at how far it sank in.

Seth softly grunted as he pressed harder yet digging his knuckles into his beaten middle. A soft "Oooph..." was heard as he pulled his fist back. "I wonder why they even hired you. You broke all kinds of rules, slack off and don't seem to meet the physical requirements..."

He paused to think. "Unless they wanted me to have a toy in which case bravo." He slapped his face with the back of his paw. "Come on, get back up! I'm not even close to finished with you." He slid off the table intending to make a run for the door control panel but Kevin's fist hooked right into his navel stopping the feline in his tracks.

"Oh please." said the sarcastic canine. He got in front of him with his paws up like a boxer. "This is gonna be fun..." With lightening fast reflexes he got in a left and right hook to the cougar's jaw before he even knew Kevin had moved. Saliva flung from his muzzle as his head snapped left, then right before going left again.

He was disoriented and didn't know what direction was what except down as he doubled over from the android's fist slamming into his gut. Two more blows landed fast and deep into his stomach forcing him backwards a bit as he began to pray to anything that would listen he would stop whomping on him.

"I bet you thought you were hot stuff waltzing around here like you owned the place chit-chatting with your buddy on the phone!" Seth doubled over as the android kept pounding his fists deep into the middle of his stomach. "You're so weak and defenseless, you're an insult to your kind!"

A fast hook slammed into the side of his face knocking him to the floor once again. "Get up!" shouted the angry canine. Seth didn't even try, he stayed down with his paws over his battered belly so Kevin leaned down and grabbed a paw full of his pudgy belly gripping it tightly. "Uuugh!" groaned the feline as he twisted it painfully around before his other paw grabbed the scruff of his neck to pull him back upright.

"You think you'd learn to do what I say by now!" He stepped to the side and Seth thought he was going to finally stop. At least he thought that right up until he threw a kick which slammed right into the middle of his sore belly, folding the feline around him. "Get off of me..." he said as he thrust the cougar off his foot paw.

A fast fist snapped the feline's head to the side before a solid blow to the middle of his chest sent him flying backwards. His back hit the wall and he saw the angry canine advancing on him. Before he could get any words out Kevin launched an uppercut into his stomach. He dug his fist into his solar plexus and forced it upwards making him slide up the wall a full foot off the floor.

He held him there grinding his fist around as he dug his knuckles into his soft belly. Seth grabbed his wrist as he squirmed and gasped for air. Every time he made something that sounded like a word Kevin would softly growl and press even harder. Finally he was running out of air and his struggles were beginning to stop so he let the beaten feline drop to the floor.

He kicked him over onto his back and stood over him with his foot paw firmly planted on his chest. Though the haze of his fading consciousness he looked up and saw him holding him down with clenched fists. "So tell me, who's useless?" Seth said nothing prompting him to pound his fist into the other paw. "Well?"

With a blush he quietly answered "I am..." Kevin smiled wide. "Who's a weak, pathetic, defenseless, fat little bitch?" Seth blushed deeply utterly humiliated. "I am..." Kevin laughed as he stared down at him. "Who's the lord and master of your squishy, pathetic body and life?" He looked away from him as he said "You are..."

With a wide smile he removed his foot paw and stood near by. "Damn right I am. Now you're not leaving until you've done every single bit of work you were told to do no matter how long it takes you. I'll supervise of course..."

Fox Fight

# Fox Fight ## A Completely Random GP Story Author's Note: This entire story was made up as I went a long, nothing was planned. I just got inspired and maybe a little yiffy and just started typing letting the story lead itself. The background is...

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