Daevon the houndour

Story by elven_gold on SoFurry

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Daevon puffed as he ran looking over his shoulder. He shouldn't have, the houndoom was right on his tail and he knew it would out run him. He ducked into a back ally and his heart almost stopped, Dead end. Daevon looked for a way out but he could only go back, the way he came.

The houndoom turned the corner a smirk on its face.

"You think you can out run me little one?" the houndoom said

Daevon growled in resentment. Daevon was thin for a houndour, with black fur all over my body except on his underbelly and on his face. The idea that he was small was correct, he was small for his age but he made up for it with well-developed fire attacks.

"Whoosh" a ball of flame flew past houndoom

"You want a battle little one?" the houndoom asked in a patronising tone

Daevon stared straight into his attacker's eyes snarling.

"Of course I do" he thought then he noticed something in the hooundoom's eyes. They were a perfect blue, the fur on its body was short and not well groomed he realized with a shock his attacker was female. He stopped growling and took in the beauty of his attacker, her horns were well curved and her face had a perfect muzzle. He sniffed the air and could smell something. It was a beautiful smell coming from her. He tried to attack her but he knew he couldn't, He was left with one choice.

"I mean you no harm," he said to her

"Then why are you here?" she snarled

Daevon gulped "I was told if I beat a houndoom in battle, I would be able to evolve" he said ashamed of himself for being so childish.

"Then why don't you want to fight me now?" she growled at Daevon

"You are to beautiful to maim" he said quickly before he could stop himself

She stopped growling, "You really think I'm beautiful?" she asked

Daevon weighed what he said next trying not to let anything else slip.

"Why wouldn't I" he said.

"Come over here" she said softly "I won't hurt you"

It was hard to not believe her she was so beautiful, He walked over to her.

She circled him taking in as much of his appearance as she could see. He was an attractive houndour and would make a proud houndoom he had a nice soft coat, she sniffed between his legs.

Satisfied she said, "I am not beautiful. The alpha male of our pack Lan banished me because I was less beautiful the his perfect wife."

She said perfect wife as if it was a dirty, contaminated phrase.

"Abandoned by my pack I had to find my own way around the city. I lived poor and dirty for the first few weeks, Then like some miracle I found a dumpster full of half eaten food. The restaurant adopted me as a pet and they cleaned me and let me roam the city at will as long as I returned at night to attract customers. I lived a perfectly happy life free of problems until one night as I was roaming the city Lan found me. He told me how his beautiful wife fell ill and had died. I told him I was sorry for his loss and he asked to have me back. When I rejected he beat me up and bit me until I was unconscious. I woke up in a poke-centre and I have been escaping from Lan ever since." She finished sadly

Daevon licked her side feeling sorry for her.

Seeing this she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Grooming you," answered Daevon looking up. She stared into his eyes

"My name is Tharsa" she said, " Take a walk with me"

They walked through the city together laughing and talking about their experiences earlier forgotten. They walked until they arrived at a restaurant. The people inside spoke fluent Italian and pointed at them fondly.

"Ahh, Tharsa" said the head chef "I see you have-a bought a friend with-a you" he winked at Tharsa knowingly and Daveon felt uncomfortable.

"Wait here" said Tharsa as she walked into the chef's office. A couple of minutes later she walked back out head hung.

They walked a couple of streets away

"What happened?" asked Daevon

"I told them I am leaving" she said, "I need to leave the city and see the world I want to go to Cinnabar island in the Kanto region where it is always warm and sunny."

Daevon stomach dropped. He had only just met Tharsa be he really liked her she was beautiful and mistreated yet strong willed.

"I'm coming with you," he said firmly.

Her face lit up and she did something Daevon didn't expect. She kissed him.

Daevon felt wonderful. He knew he had made the right decision. He started licking her again.

"What are you doing now?" She asked

"As payment I am going to groom your fur" he answered as though it made perfect sense.

She chuckled "not right now" she said.

They walked through the city together when they reached a dead end Daevon looked around and realized it was the same one that he had first met her in.

"If possible I would like to be groomed now" she said.

Experience. All pokemon want it because it leads to evolution but a small few pokemon understand what it is. Human trainers don't, fighting is only one small way to gain experience. The more a pokemon fights the harder it is for them to gain new experience in that area. Any action a pokemon does gives them experience, especially things they have little or no experience in. For this reason they get a very small amount of experience from walking, but a lot more for falling over. If they fall over a second time they will get less experience then the first time and so on. Daevon didn't know this at the time.

Daevon got to work licking all the dirt out of her fur. She relaxed enjoying this special treatment. When he had finished grooming her he couldn't help but notice that scent he had smelt earlier was on her fur. He sniffed around for the smell and it led down her body between her legs Daevon took a quick step back.

"Sorry" he said blushing.

She laughed, "For a little one you sure are shy" she said, "Do you want some experience? I will make easy for you" she stood up swaying her hips provocatively

Daevon watched intently. She lifted her tail slowly and Daevon longed to look underneath. He had never seen a female houndoom with her tail up and was desperate to see. Underneath her tail hole the lips off her vagina were exposed. The scent was stronger then ever and he felt his length unsheathing. On instinct he mounted the larger female thrusting into her he moaned as he felt pleasure building. She was enjoying it to judging by the look on her face.

"Faster, faster" she yelled at him, she moaned her fluids lubricating her vagina. Daevon was in ecstasy, he moaned as he felt more pleasure build and his knot was exposed. He started pushing it in widening her vagina.

"No way" she said laughing and stepped forward

Daevon stumbled and he almost fell he looked and saw her widened vagina swaying in front of him. He tried to mount her again but she moved forward, He fell over and rolled to the side. Before he could get up she started licking his slightly throbbing length from top the bottom. Her mouth then closed on the top of it and she slid her head up and down he felt himself close to orgasm.

"No way" he yelled pushing her onto her back. As he started pumping her vagina again pleasure flowed through him. He moaned as he felt his knot pushing open her vagina even more

"Almost... in..." he said panting. Tharsa flipped over onto her feet and jumped playfully away. A mad desire had taken over Daevon... he had to knot her. She licked his length again and hit sensitive spot.

"Ahhhhhhhh" he moaned loudly as it almost threw him into orgasm.

"No" he yelled and sprinted around her. Before she could react he mounted her and thrust his length into her warm depths.

"Almost... there... YES" he had knotted her he thrust hard and fast into her. He was already very close to orgasm, he held it in for as long as possible then it became too much. He let out a roar as he climaxed, His hot seed spurting into her. it was bliss. As he lay down panting, He felt a change in himself. He looked down he had gone completely white... he was evolving! He felt his horns grow and bend and his body stretch into its new better shape. What he noticed most was his length had almost doubled in size and width. Completely recharged after evolution he looked down at Tharsa, She was panting. No longer knotted by Daevon she licked his face. She was too tired to have any more sex that night and Daevon knew it. He couldn't wait for tomorrow, he wanted to see what his new body could do.