December Pleasure

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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#3 of December series

Merry Christmas everybody, here's a present. Ethan and Akira, the main characters of "December Coffee" and "June Rejection" having a bit of fun. It happens immediately after "December Coffee." (here's the link ) Now I did write this in a day just as a bit of a surprise so it's not my best but I do hope it's enjoyable to you guys. It's actually quite a simple story but none the less please enjoy.

The door squeaked open and the two figures entered the dark house out of the rain. Akira flipped the light switch bringing a dull white light to the earth-toned living room. I took in the surroundings around me. "Where are your parents? Or have you moved out?" She moved into the kitchen calling back as she did.

"No, my parents are out of town till late tomorrow. It was their anniversary three days ago, the big twenty-fifth, so they decided to go on an Alaskan cruise." She poked her head back around the wall from the kitchen. "We don't have that much money so the only cruise they could afford is one to Alaska."

I still stood at the threshold slowly nodding. By now I didn't have that awkward feeling around Akira herself but standing in her house was different. Pictures of her family stood staring back at me through the frames. Ones of her dad, a menacing wolf made me shrink inside and her mom. She was almost worse than the father, that type of person who could slit your throat with her eyes.

"Ethan! Come on in! You don't need to stand there."

I slowly strode into the living room and sat on the edge of the couch waiting for Akira to continue the conversation. The fox came back from the kitchen with two glasses of water and handed one to me.

"I know we just had coffee, sorry, it's habit."

I politely took it, sipped it and placed it on the coffee table next to the couch. "It's fine. Some water could do me some good."

Akira sat next to me with her paw on my knee, I put mine on top and shivered at the feeling of her warm fur. "So..." I began not really knowing where to begin. She didn't continue, I looked up to see her eyes staring into me. They both met and we couldn't look away. Then she closed her eyes and started moving forward, this was it, the first real kiss. I didn't have time to think what to do I closed my eyes, visualizing her in front of me. With head cocked a little to the right and my mouth slightly open, I leaned in closer. Her breath warmed my nose and cheeks, we were close. Inside my heart pounded out of my chest and my body shook furiously as if it were freezing. Her muzzle must be less than a half-inch away from me I thought, I felt a little tickle from her whiskers, almost there. Time slowed, everything was irrelevant and the only thing was me and her. We kissed. Her muzzle met with my mouth exchanging the affection we both shared for each other.

I felt her paws start to crawl up behind me as I turned my body to face Akira and I tried to follow through with the same thing. But she forced me to lean back, I didn't care though. I pulled back from the sloppy kiss taking in deep breaths. Now we were laying side by side on the couch, our legs interweaved with each other. The foxes body rubbed against me. She didn't say anything, just taking in the deep breaths same as me.

There was something about her, a smell that filled my nose. I couldn't exactly figure what it was, but it made me feel good. It made me was more, it made me think about doing things to Akira that only would reside in dreams at this point and think that they would actually happen. Akira pulled her paws back to herself.

"Ethan, there's something you should know." She whispered to me. Her tone seemed worried, and that made me think the worst.

"Yes." I whispered back trying to keep a calming voice.

"I...I'm in heat."

I stopped my movement, and let the word pass through me head. "Heat?" She nodded. "Y...yes. It's where...where." She was having trouble getting the words formed, each one had a long space between it or in it. "Where, I...I...have a s...strong desire to...mate."

I stopped breathing; that was the smell, it was her. I couldn't think of anything to say, we had just met today, not three hours ago. Was this why she wanted me? Just to mate with? Am I a toy?

"Did you want me because of that?"

Akira immediately shook her head, "No! It's nothing like that. I really do like you. I just...just. It's more of a favor."

The smell grew stronger and my desire for the fox grew. "A favor?"

"Mmhmm. This isn't my first heat. It's a yearly thing a...and if I don' know...mate. Then I...I fall into a sort of depression state. Feeling rejection."

I remembered back to high school, a fox in my homeroom came in to class one day polar opposite to her usual self. I asked another fox about it and they said she had been through heat and had not gone to 'the place.'

"You have to mate at least once a year?"

"No." She said looking the other way. "They have places you can go to get a shot. It dulls the desire and the feeling of rejection. I've been to those places three times, but I want it for real." Her winter blue eyes came back to me, her paws climbed up my body and my own hands followed up hers. I took a second and thought about it. "Your parents are back tomorrow you say?" Her head nodded a bit and a little bit of a smile formed at the side of her muzzle.

I took off my shirt and Akira followed, my desire grew stronger for her as her natural self came into the light. Her paws reached behind her back and released the clips that held her bra up. It fell to the ground revealing two perfect breasts. Akira's paws then reached for my pants and she unlatched the buckle and the button loosening them up. I used my hands to lift myself up off the couch so she could slide them off and under them a health bulge waited for a treat. The fox backed off and I did the same, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down her furry legs. Both of us just kind of stared at each other for a while thinking over what we are just about to do. I couldn't get enough of her body, my hands shook a little and I placed them on her hips. The bare fur was like a drug to me and I slid them up her sides following the curves. She put her paws on my shoulders and we stared at each other in the eyes. Here I go, I thought and I took her in close and we both moved to our sides similar to the way we were not too long ago, staring at each other. My hands pulled my underwear down and I fiddled with my legs until I was completely naked before Akira. She used on of her claws and cut the side of her panties so they broke off. My legs wrapped around hers and my arms cradled her body. Her naked body rubbed up against mine. "So soft." I whispered. She licked my nose. "I'm ready."

Without a word I positioned mine against hers. She shuttered and the fur on her back stood up, her tail behind her wrapped around trying to get between her legs to show that she was ready to submit. I gave her a little nod and thrust forward, sending oceans of pleasure through both of us. Akira let out a quiet moan and I took in a couple deep breaths. This was actually happening; I felt her warmth wrap around me and the pulsing of her heart. Akira's body temperature is slightly higher than a human and even though this was my first time I knew that it was infinitely better then with a human. How many humans can say they've done it with a furry.

"Ethan, d...don't stop. Please continue."

I gave an affirmative grunt and slowly started to move my hips back and forth, each time a different sound came from her as if trying to zero on to a specific one. Soon though she found it and centered on an "iff" noise, high pitched and short. It just made me want to go faster for her. The paws wrapping around me dug into my skin as my thrusts grew faster and harder.


I stopped and moved to where Akira was below me and I could stare into her eyes. I plunged back in causing her to let out a long moan.

"Almost there Akira."

Under my thrusts she gave a quick nod and her paws wrapped and squeezed my wrists as she had her orgasm first. Her eyes squeezed shut and her muzzle snarled up trying to keep her sounds in as if the neighbors could hear us. I felt her fill up with juices, now or never. With one last plunge I let go, spraying inside her. Every twitch I gave, she made the "iff" noise.

Silence filled the room as the realization of what we had done came into full view. But it was something that I know, myself, won't regret. I pulled back, pulling myself out at the same time a little bit of semen dripped out of her and on to the couch providing proof of what had happened there.

Akira took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles. "Thank you." Were the only words she could muster.

I moved to where I could sit regularly on the couch and took a sip of the water that still sat on the coffee table. Akira flipped around and laid down in my lap, giving a small coo noise and closing her eyes and falling asleep. My hand gently rubbed her fur still giving me shivers down my spine. "You're welcome."