Exotiq #2: Let it Snow...

Story by Shiva on SoFurry

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#2 of Adult


This is pure, unadulterated, fap-fiction. I make no excuses for it, or pretend it is anything but that. I hope you enjoy my little work.

This is same-world as my other short piece, "A Silver Lining", with the same characters. Here: http://www.sofurry.com/page/123332/

One oddity that may confuse readers is the habit of Roy/the narrator to refer to his mate (who is a herm) as 'his wife', 'her' and 'she'. In the earlier story, it is explained that his wife, while technically herm, identifies more with her female side, and as such adopts female dress and pronouns. However, she does like her 'extra' bit.

I'm sure I can do a whole exposition on this rationality, but for now... just take it as being a normal part of their society that if a herm wants to think of themselves as being female with an extra bit, it's OK.

Let it Snow... By J.L. Atwood

Roy Alexander was feeling exceptionally lazy. It had been an exceptionally good, if somewhat busy, day. It had started out normal enough, for the holidays; a late wake up, and wishing his mate a Merry Christmas. Family had arrived shortly after, from both sides; her parents, his mother, and waves of siblings, nieces, and nephews.

For several hours, the house had been bursting at the seams with family and friends, with gifts exchanged, wine poured, and the usual shenanigans making their yearly appearance.

His wife's parents, Nemean Exotiqs who looked virtually identical both to each other and his wife, had spent the evening digging at them about grandchildren, reinforced by sidelong looks by his own mother. Marta had lead the charge, cornering him in the kitchen shortly after their arrival. Shi had cut hir hair short and tipped the tawny locks with black, and was slightly thicker than hir mate, but still looked like an older version of his wife. It had been disconcerting when he had first started to date Sonya, but after a while he had noted the subtle differences (besides age) between the three, and it had become more like dealing with a set of twins. And, personality-wise, her parents were very easy to tell apart.

Marta, his wife's mother, was sharp and pointed. While sometimes prickly to deal with, shi was also earnest and honest, and would give you any help you could need. Marie, his wife's sire, was reserved and respectful, quiet, and usually a good sounding board.

Having dodged that double thrust, the rest of the afternoon had gone smoothly, culminating in a huge meal. Once the roasts had been defeated, desserts devoured, and coffee drunk, the guests had slowly departed. By early evening, it had just been himself, Sonya, and a few of their friends left behind. The dishes had been gathered, washed, and the pans left to soaking. As was traditional, a lineup of movies had been set up, and the living room filled with quiet bodies and laughter.

When the snow began to fall, the last of their guests had gone home. Now, it was just he, Sonya, and Sonya's jaguar friend Alexi. Alexi had flown in to spend Christmas with them, as she and her siblings had chipped in to buy her parents a cruise for the holidays, and as such didn't have her normal plans. Alexi was a pleasant sort; Roy had known her, somewhat, in school, and she and Sonya were inseparable whenever she came home to visit. Among other things, Alexi had been Sonya's maid-of-honor, and they had known each other since they were very young.

As the clock ticked towards midnight and snow hissed against the windows, Roy found himself nodding off. He was curled up on one end of the couch, pleasantly warm despite the weather outside and being clothed in just soft flannel PJ bottoms. His wife, clad similarly but wearing the top as well as the bottoms, laid curled against his side. Alexi, in her own long nightshirt, was curled at the other end with Sonya's legs thrown over her lap. His stomach was full, he was warm, comfortable, and it was getting late. The only thing illuminating the room was the light from the TV, and the multicolored lights from the tree.

The end credits started to roll and Alexi slid out from under Sonya to swap out the disks, declaring "My turn!"

Flipping through the cases, she sifted some aside with a wrinkle of her nose. "Nope, nope, nope... maybe..." Suddenly Sonya squirmed, stuffing a hand down the couch cushions behind her, and pulling out a case. She framed it in her hands, and then whistled to get Alexi's attention. The jaguar glanced over, and then froze. "Oh, hell yes." She bounded over to snap it up, popping the case with an eager crack.

"What is it?" He asked, curious. Alexi waves the case at him, but he didn't catch the title. "I can't see, what did you put in?"

"Marigolds for Millicent." She set the tray to drawing shut, and flounced back to the couch, even as he groaned, his head flopping against the back of the couch.

"Not that, come on; didn't you see that in theaters this summer?" he complained, "You guys really want to see that, again?" and make me watch it too? The two girls just looked each other, and then leveled serious looks at him, and said, together, "Yes."

Roy started to get up, but Sonya clamped down against his side, claws springing free to lightly prickle through the light material of his pants. A glance down at her face said, no, you are not going to go play videogames. You are going to stay right there. Sit. He sighed, and got comfortable once more. Alexi waited for their silent war to settle, snickering as she leaned again Sonya's hips.

The movie played, and Roy, trapped, eventually drifted off.

He dozed in and out, not really paying attention to the movie, but certainly came to as a love scene came on-screen. He missed the first half, but the rest of it made him want to rewind. On-screen, Millicent and her beau were consummating their love, slowly and carefully. He bit her, licked her, and brought her without showing much more than nude sides and a bit of nipple, but what wasn't shown was implied very very well. By the time Millie gasped her last, he was feeling very awake and very aware of the weight of his wife pressed against his side. He was also rather aware of the thin material of his PJs and the fact that he was a bit interested in what he just saw.

Now that the scene was over, he became aware of the tension in his wife's body. Glancing down, he was a bit surprised to see Alexi's hand slid up under Sonya's PJ top, tracing the bottom of her moderate breasts, just shy of the nipples. The nipples themselves were rigid, and clearly defined against the PJ top. Glancing to Alexi herself, he found her staring sidelong at him, her head tilting in inquiry. Roy was a bit shocked; he wasn't aware Alexi was interested in girls 'that way'. His gaze flickered towards his wife's face, and saw only glazed anticipation. Sliding down her body, to her hips, he found a tautness that matched that of her nipples, pressing up against the fabric. He leaned down and gave his lioness' ear a kiss.

Taking that as approval, Alexi dropped her eyes back to Sonya, fingers sweeping up to brush over then capture the nipple with a tweak. With one arm trapped under the lioness, Roy's participation was limited, but with the other he reaches across his body and fumbled the top two buttons of Sonya's top open, then tugged the loose material aside to bare the unoccupied breast. Sonya watches his hand intently, but slid shut as Alexi found the exposed nipple with her mouth. Roy's hand settled on the top of Alexi's head, brushing his wife's own hand as she mirrored his caress, both encouraging Alexi.

Roy leaned down and nipped at his wife's cheek as her legs twisted, squirming as Alexi went for the breast like a woman dying of thirst, her hand teasing and twisting the other gently. Sonya had very sensitive nipples, and she enjoyed having them played with immensely. In the past, he'd been able to nearly make her finish just by molesting them alone. Nearly. Eventually, she had gotten so frustrated, she had turned aggressive. Remembering it made his shaft twitch, now trying to escape through the front of his bottoms.

Alexi and Roy held Sonya between them as she surged and whimpered, hips starting to roll, eventually finding purchase against Alexi's own hip and grinding against her. Alexi gave a whimper of her own, and returned the favor, arching. Eventually, the jaguar lets the nipple slip with a gasp and a laugh.

"If we weren't still wearing clothes, I'd be climbing on board right at this moment." Sonya's eyes lit up, hungry. It had been a very, very long time since she'd had a woman. But Alexi just sat up and slid back, her hands traveling down the lioness' body. "But I've been dying to see for ages, and you don't just rush these things." Pushing up the lioness' top to expose a span of stomach and the planes of her hips, Alexi addressed the shape deforming the front of Sonya's PJ bottoms.

She stroked the deformed shape with her fingers, pulling the thin fabric taunt to outline the rigid member. She cupped it, sliding the fabric up and down the shaft, and squeezing it gently. Sonya and Roy watched her down the length of Sonya's body, expressions a mirror of rapt attention.

"You're bigger than I thought you'd be... I always thought herms were smaller." Sonya grinned, nosing her husband at a shared memory. He coughed. "It's more than adequate." Roy assures her, gravely. The jaguar glanced up, caught their expressions, and her eyes widened.

"Really? Roy, I never pictured you as a catcher..." With a sly smile, she turned back and worked free the pair of buttons holding the front closed, and pushed the fabric aside and down. Sonya arched her hips, and let the jaguar draw the loose clothing off, unbuttoning the last few button to her top at the same time. Sonya favored pretty, satiny panties on even the most casual of days; she liked the way they looked, and loved the way they felt when stroked through them. Today's were a light, mint, green with cutwork lace, and they stretched over her erection like a satiny tent, marred by a damp spot where her tip pressed against the cloth.

Alexi's fingers stroked the smooth material, tracing the head through the sheer fabric. "Very pretty..." Alexi purred, entranced. Her fingers traced the shaft down to when it joined her body, the flat curved spot where a sack would be on a traditional male, but instead blended in with Sonya's mound. After a small hesitation, Alexi reached further, fingers curving, and explored the cloth-covered folds. In a moment, her fingers began making small circles, and Sonya's head rolled back.

"You're wet, too. I haven't even touched you, and you're so wet your panties are slick right through."

"Sympathetic reaction. That's like saying 'I only spent the last half hour sucking your nipples, why are you hard?' " Sonya laughed, licking her lips. She gasped again as Alexi stroked her clit through her panties intently, the patch of damp on her cocktip growing.

"Can I make you... " Alexi searched for the word to convey her meaning. "Ejaculate, just by making you cum, here?"

"In... th-theory. But, not likely -- ah!" Alexi had slipped aside part of the webbing covering her slit, and now sank two digits in, while her thumb pressed down on the lioness' clit and began to stroke. Sonya's back bowed, mouth opening. After a moment, her hips began to work with the rhythms, and with a groan and squeak, began shuddering and hitching as her orgasm crested. It was short, and sharp, and after a moment she collapsed back. Her erection still raged, and now periodically strained against the fabric as she gave small shivers. The damp spot had spread, widely, and as Alexi drew down the abused fabric, it was easy to see that the inner surface was slick, as was Sonya's shaft and fur. However, it appeared to only be clear pre, if in copious amounts, and her erection showed glassy and hard.

Running her fingers over it, Alexi gave a little whimper-whine, and Roy noticed her hips rocking fitfully, thighs clenched together. Leaning over and biting his wife's neck he murmured a suggestion, fanning a hunger already raging. Reaching for Alexi, she pulled the jaguar down on top of her. Claws slipped and tore, and Alexi's own underwear was removed with the pop of parting fabric. In a heartbeat, faster than she thought possible, Alexi was sliding down onto that ardent shaft, passing between her lips and filling her until their hips met. Sonya was so very hard, nigh desperate from being teased, and an active participant; her hips drove upwards, plunging with sure strokes in and out of the jaguar's slick lips.

The act, a rush of desperation and frustration, ended in a crescendo of yelps and groans, Alexi shuddering and rolling her hips as the first wave of her own orgasm hit, Sonya growling and stroking through the waves. A moment later, she hilted deeply into the jaguar and gave a few short thrusts, tension bleeding away as her cock bucked and filled the jaguar.

At some point, he had worked his own shaft free. It had started with a sly rub, but by the time his wife had her first climax, he was readily stroking along as he cradled her clenching body. Roy took his hand away at the last moment, just to keep himself from joining them. It was a measure of his self-control, and his cock jerked and twitched and complained at being brought up short. After a moment to regain his composure, he shifted from beneath them. He stood up and faced them, stepping out of his own bottoms. His own cock swung in front of him, silent but ardently demanding attention and to not be forgotten. A glance passed between his wife and Alexi; uncertainty?

With a grin, he moved behind Alexi, straddling his wife's legs. With a shift, he fed his cock into her still-throbbing slit, plunging into where his wife had just finished. He was a good size, and stretched her wider, deeper, fuller. He took her slow, gently, giving the jaguar time to recover but not come down. Gradually he coaxed her, and he felt her react when his wife joined in; a hand slid up between their legs, stroking where they joined and then settling in to pet Alexi's clitoris, rubbing it in time with his thrusts.

He took her slowly and deeply, withdrawing entirely, only to push slowly in again, hilting again and again. Eventually, however, his own frustration began to mount, and the tempo increased. The strokes grew shorter and faster, and Alexi began to wail. Not in pain, but rather with her own frustration, as she sought her own relief. She sank down on top of his wife, Sonya's free arm holding her as she nuzzled the jaguar's cheek and muttered a steady litany of, "Cum for me..."

With a sharp cry and a jerk, Alexi began to jump around his cock, squirming, his wife's fingers fluttering over her nub as it jolted. As soon as Alexi began shudder, Roy himself buried to the base, and rode out her shudders with pulses of his own, his hands holding her hips tight against him. When the pulses passed, he gave a few more short rocks, enjoying the squeaks of enjoyment/complaint from Alexi before pulling out. After a long moment, he staggered back to his prior position at the end of the couch, and collapsed. The two women lay tangled beside him, Alexi still too wobbly to move.

After a couple of minutes, they rearranged, with Sonya still holding Alexi, but both now leaning against his side and his arm swung around behind both; afterglow lit all three. The movie had finished in the meantime, and after a little while of murmured teasing and laughter, all three retired to the bedroom.

Outside, the snow still fell.

Blackthorne #3: A Means to an End

Sequel to 'Training Day', it is recommended to read it first: http://sofurry.com/page/124330/user A Means to an End J.L. Atwood Ah, my dears, how things end up is always a surprise. It's been...

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Blackthorne #2: Training Day

Note: Sequel to Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, but it is not required reading. [http://sofurry.com/page/123777/user](http://sofurry.com/page/123777/user) Training Day By J.L. Atwood ...

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Blackthorne #1: Hands, Hands, Fingers, Thumb...

Hands, Hands, Fingers, Thumb... By J.L. Atwood The day ended for us as it began; in the bedroom. I was just exiting the shower, still a bit damp in the roots of my coat when my mate...

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