Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.4 Doen

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2

Chapter 2.4


A Very Wrong Turn

The group successfully earned 4 out of 5 bonus points on the lightning round, which gives them a total of +9 out of a possible +10. The current chapter will provide the following modifiers to the party: ++ Favor, + Treasure if successful or --Luck, ++ Delay if they fail. These modifiers can still be changed based on party actions/choices.

Dillan was hailed as a hero, but a dark cloud still settled into everyone's mind as he explained what was to be done with the children. Though there were many objections, in the end, everyone realized that it was required. I felt horrible as I was kept awake that night by the sounds of what transpired to finally free the young ones. Even after the initial screams of pain I could still hear the sobs; whether it was real or all in my mind I was kept awake either way.

It was early in the morning when there was a soft knock at my door. "Enter." I offered, sitting up in bed.

"Hello, Brother Zachary." Haldyn said calmly.

"Lordling Rakken." I acknowledged, "What are you doing awake at this hour?"

"Too much going on in my head." the lion acknowledged, taking a seat on the chair next to my bed. He was dressed only in undergarments, his well-kept body accented by the silverly light that shone in from the window. I watched him fidget, his toned muscles bunching and swaying beneath his smooth, golden fur. As always, I found him handsome, and I would have been content to stare at him for hours, but, as a priest, that was not my duty.

"Would you prefer to talk... or something more?" I offered.

Haldyn's eyes glinted green in the half-light as he watched me for several moments before answering, "Just talk." he answered, though his voice held a hint that he would like more. Why he was reserved, I didn't know... but I found out quickly enough, "Thank you for being here, Brother Zachary, and for being so willing to help me with anything... but from now on I don't want anything more than words with you."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, turning to regard him and letting my feet touch the cold wooden floor; somehow using the bed more like a bench made me feel a little more official... even without my robes.

"No, Brother... everything you've done has been right." the lion raised his paw and smoothed out the mane on the side of his head, "I've been doing wrong."

"I don't understand." I answered honestly, "You've done nothing but good for us since you joined us on our journey."

"The fact that you don't understand what I've done wrong only means that it's worse than I thought." he answered cryptically.

"If you have something weighing down on your soul you know that any burden is lighter when shared." I offered, reaching out to place my paw on his. He drew away from my touch.

"You really make it hard to do the right thing, Brother." he said, standing.

"I'm sorry, Haldyn." I offered in earnest, "Can you help me help you then?"

"The Prayer of Unity." he spoke, confusing me further.

"I had thought you only wanted to talk." I was throughly confused.

"I do." Haldyn confirmed, "About the Prayer of Unity."

"Very well." I acknowledged, folding my paws in my lap, "What about it?" I raised both ears, focusing them on him to show him that my attention was for him alone.

"I don't think we should pray together again." he stated with a strange sense of certainty.

"Is there a reason?" I asked.

"Taggart." Haldyn replied.

"What about Taggart?"

"You mean something to him." he noted.

"I know." I smiled even as I said the words, "He means something to me too."

"He's sensitive about..." the lion paused, "how... freely you give yourself to others."

"Everything I have is freely given to others." I explained, "I am in service to Tah'aveen." he gave me a quizzical look, so I continued, "It means--"

"How many times have you recited that?" he interrupted.

"It's one of the main lines of Prayer for Doenian Priests." I explained, "Daily... ever since I could remember."

Haldyn nodded, "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"Of course." I acknowledged without hesitation, "Tah'aveen is--"

"With a person, Zachary... not the Goddess." the lion objected.

"Well... my father... my brothers... sisters..."

"And they aren't as important as the Goddess?" Haldyn questioned.

"Of course not." it was an easy answer for me, "We are all in service to the Goddess-- we all know that she has to come first."

My answer apparently frustrated him, "First in everything?"

"Yes." I confirmed.

"So everything you are belongs to Tah'aveen?" he asked.

"Yes." I agreed.

"Then what do you have to give to someone else?" the lion proposed.

The temple had an answer for that question but, because of Haldyn's previous inquiries I was forced to pause, "Everything..." I said the word slowly... uncertain as to its meaning for the first time in a long time.

"Which you already promised to Tah'aveen." he accused, "Zachary... Taggart is not a priest of Doen. It's plain to see that he's crazy about you, and he's willing to give YOU everything." he walked to the door, "You need to consider what THAT means and how THAT fits with your dogma. Either the temple is right or your heart is right, because I can tell that you care about him too." he stepped out into the hallway, "Figure out which it is or stop leading him on." and he closed the door. I stayed awake a lot longer into the early morning, but I wasn't thinking about the non-existent cries any longer.

We left Fairview the following morning. Haldyn was mounted up, scouting ahead with Zeke and Jasper; he hadn't said a word to me after he left my room. Samuel drove Narissa's carriage while she was inside recovering from a minor puncture wound caused by a quill; none of us received an explanation beyond that. Dillan was one of the last to leave town, receiving a sea of thanks from the townsfolk which seemed to do little to remove the scowl from his face... until he received hugs and thanks from the children. The merchant gave a hug back, patted a head, kissed a cheek, and, in one case, even provided a little meercat a coin.

Taggart sat beside me on the driver's bench of the carriage as we proceeded onward. Though he didn't say much, the dog glanced toward me occasionally, sometimes smiling, sometimes looking as if he was trying hard to avoid looking upset. Two hours passed and the situation hadn't changed. Before that morning I think I might have had trouble understanding why he was having the string of emotions but after my discussion with Haldyn I believed that I had a better idea. Perhaps that's why I did what I did.

One paw still on the reins, I slid my other into his grasp, "Taggart... I was thinking..."

"Hmm?" he asked, looking at me.

"About us." I elaborated. His ears perked in response and I got more of his attention. I took a breath, "I'm a Priest of Doen..." I began.

"I know." he acknowledged, wilting visibly.

"And that means that I am in service to Tah'aveen."

"I know." he repeated, slowly glancing away.

"And that I need to serve her followers... and that the Prayer of Unity is an important part of what I do."

"I know." his ears started to droop.

"But--" I spoke, and that one word brought his attention back to me, "I hope that you'll agree to be the only one to help me with that prayer from now on."

The change in his eyes, ears-- his entire demeanor was obvious immediately. His paw found its way back to mine, "Just me?" the smile lit up his entire face.

"Just you."

Goddess, I wish that moment could have continued longer, but it was not like the romance stories or the epic love songs-- our moment ended when Taggart was torn from my grasp by the thorny branches of a tree. "SYLVAN!" screamed Jasper. No... life isn't like those fanciful works of art at all.

* * * * * *

Welcome to the 4th post of Chapter 2 for Doen.

And here's that wonderful combat we thought might happen. Thankfully the part is at a +9 bonus, and they still haven't benefitted from their -4 Danger bonus.

Contributing Readers, I'm going to need your vote. Use the -4 Danger for this encounter?

1) Yes please!

2) Nah... save it for later!

Also, since this is a combat chapter I'll require a stance and utilization from everyone. If you're not familiar with selecting it by now:

Stance: 0-5 (the lower it is the more defensive and the higher the more offensive. 0 means avoiding combat completely)

Utilization: 0-5 (0 means no use of Magic and/or Faith while 5 means using as much power as a character possibily can)

Contributing Readers have until midnight on Thursday, December 29th to post their vote and stance/utilization.