Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.4 Myrh

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 2.4

Myrh Hemorrhaging

So this is what happened on the last episode of Glee... er... Zion: Artemisia will be wearing the Holy Symbol; Beo is going to keep after Jerard and hoping for a deeper relationship as his apprentice; Kell will be willing to trust Yearl but nobody else; Ryan is demanding that Captain Yearl Rakken be put in charge of the group. Everyone hold onto your hats, because there's likely to be some fallout! And that's what you missed on Glee... er... Zion. Based on the party's event arc, the following modifiers apply to Myrh: + Willpower, - Delay, - Danger if successful or -- Willpower, + Delay if they fail.

It had been a long day of travel and with Stonebrook behind them the group had little chance of encountering another safe place to rest any time soon. Though the going hadn't been all that difficult, the sudden call for a group gathering left a few party members questioning the disruption of their private time.

"We should be using this time to sleep." Jerard took a seat by the campfire as everyone else gathered up, "What does Anya have that's so important to say that she has to make a production about it?" He set a black iron cauldron into the fire and began adding ingredients for a stew.

"Exactly." Beo agreed, "This is 'me time'... she could just as easily talk about this stuff during the boring hours of travel... once night falls we're supposed to be done with the whole 'queen of everything' deal." The husky tossed a few pieces of dried meat into the pot and was just about to say more when he was cut short.

"Then perhaps you will be interested in hearing me out." the Priestess stated plainly, emerging from her carriage.

"She could probably hear you." Jerard commented casually aside to the black furred magus.

"Thank you, I think that's obvious." and Beo turned to the jackal, "So what's with the night time gathering, your highness?"

Anya calmly smoothed out her blouse and sat down cross-legged onto the ground, resting her scythe across her lap, "Doubtlessly everyone has been curious about the situation involving the dragon-man who attacked us."

"We're finally getting an explanation?" Yearl inquired. His voice was sharp, but non-accusatory.

The priestess looked right at him, "No." she brushed her paws off on her bare thighs, "I have no explanation for what happened."

"Forgive me if I find your credibility lacking." Kell commented dryly, leaning against a nearby carriage.

"And this is precisely the problem." Anya acknowledged, "So, it is for this reason that I am forced to acknowledge that the temple is obviously up to something... and what truly troubles me is that I am not aware of what it might be."

"So you say." Jerard commented with the same cold, emotionless hinted-accusation as Kell.

"I certainly cannot expect you to trust me, especially after everything that has happened with the temple... thus, in order to salvage whatever understanding you may have and retain your willingness to put your faith in me, I will be stepping down as leader of this group." Anya announced casually.

Out of everything Anya could have said little more could have had the same shock value. The priestess remained seated for several more moments as the party attempted in vain to close their open jaws. Kell, who made no more to contribute to the conversation recovered first, followed quickly thereafter by Ryan, who opened his muzzle anew to speak, but he was cut short as Anya continued.

"In order to conserve my credibility I surrender leadership of the caravan effective immediately." the jackal picked a piece of dirt out from beneath a claw and flicked it into the fire, "Now... as a member of this pilgrimage, I would propose that Captain Yearl Rakken take over." she glanced at Ryan and offered a humorless grin, "Would someone be willing to second that nomination?"

The wolf inched closer to the jackal, working to hide a scowl from his muzzle, "What's your angle, Priestess?"

"No angle, Brother." she offered with the same emotionless smile, "You spoke a lot of sense, and I can see the benefit of listening to your opinion."

Ryan smoothed out his hackles, which were raised by the uncomfortable sensation of a chill running down his spine, "You'll have to forgive me if I can't help but question your moti--"

"Seconded." Kell's voice spoke up, putting an end to the private discussion once the leopard-wolf called attention back to the assembly.

"Wonderful." Anya acknowledged, "And this is the time when objections are sought." her eyes passed from traveler to traveler, "Does anyone object to Yearl taking the lead position in our journey?"

Glances were shot back and forth across the group. Artemesia was not very subtle when she glared right at Yearl; there was a very strong hidden meaning to it. More than one person caught the glare but nobody questioned it... aloud. Also, nobody spoke up against Yearl assuming command.

"Then it's settled." Anya acknowledged, slapping her palms on either of her bare knees. She stood up, using the butt of her scythe to assist in the motion. The jackal looked to the lion, "And now, Captain, I take my leave. I am at your call, of course." she offered a bow to him and walked back toward her wagon.

"Was that bow sincere, or mocking?" Thera asked quietly of her lover.

Yearl slid a paw into hers, "I'm not entirely sure, my dear... but I doubt that she's capable of either method of communication."

"Mocking sincerity... or begrudging acknowledgment." Kell nodded, "I'm familiar enough with that." Without elaborating, the assassin disappeared into the shadows, stalking off after Anya.

"I'd just like to know what this is all about." Jerard commented, digging a ladle into the cauldron bubbling over the fire. He poured two scoops into his bowl.

"Well... she wanted to retain some credibility." Beo grinned, "I guess she thinks she had some at some point."

"No matter what you think of her, "Ryan quickly spoke up, "She is a Priestess of Tah'aveen." he stood and smoothed out his robe, "Anya Fanewatcher may be apathetic and even reckless at times, but you cannot forget that she is in service to the Moon Goddess, and therefore deserving of respect."

"Even if she DOES try to get us killed." Jerard added blandly.

"There is no direct indication that she meant to harm anyone with her plans." the priest answered calmly.

"So you're defending her now?" Beo asked.

"I am not defending her because she does not need to be defended." Ryan countered, "I did not agree with the way she ran things and I demanded she stepped down." he motioned toward Anya's quiet wagon, "As you can see, she has... and that must account for something."

"It means she has plans that don't require she be in charge." Beo scowled.

"Please, everyone..." Thera stood, "Brother Farstrider is right." her gaze alternated between the gathered party members, "We have no reason to question Anya's loyalty or to think that she has any motives beyond getting us safely to Zion."

"I figured the whole Ashlai thing was a pretty good reason." Beo interjected.

"I agree." Ryan acknowledged. Everyone's eyes went to him at the admission. "No... I agree that there is more to Anya Fanewatcher's motives than getting everyone safely to Zion but, at the same time, even if she does have a hidden purposes that doesn't mean it is in opposition to ours."

"Thus removing her from a position of power." Yearl nodded his head thoughtfully.

"We can trust her more if she doesn't have the capacity to screw us over, is that it?" Beo asked bluntly.

"In a nutshell." Jerard shrugged, serving up some of the stew to Ryan, who nodded his thanks.

"Well that kinda makes me lose my appetite." Beo frowned, and the husky got up and trotted off.

"Beo--" Yearl made to stand, but Thera rested a paw on the lion's, "Stay here... I'll talk with him."

"Good luck." Jerard offered with a sardonic smirk, "He's pretty damn strong-willed."

Artemisia watched the mouse go, "She has a way with strong-willed people." the dragoness idly brushed a single finger across the half moon symbol hanging from her neck. After several seconds she glanced back at everyone else, whose eyes were focused on her. With a snort, Artemisia stood and stalked off back to her own wagon.

"So what IS the first order of business, Captain?" Ryan asked Yearl calmly.

"The first thing is always to get a better understanding of the mindset of my unit." the lion explained. He stood and brushed off his paws on his leather leggings, "I will see everyone tomorrow morning." and, with that, Yearl padded off after Artemisia.

Jerard glanced across the fire at Ryan, being the only other person left, "So..."

The priest looked back at him, "So..."

The human stared down into his bowl of stew, "...yea."

Ryan nodded thoughtfully, looking down at his own dinner, "mmm-hmmm."

Truly, their discussion was riveting.

* * * * * *

Welcome to post 4 of Chapter 2 for Myrh.

As with the last post, Contributing Readers will be asked to vote on what their character is doing... but unlike the last post, this is going to be much more specific... and much more "interesting".

Contributing Readers will need to vote on their character's actions THREE times. A journal will follow after this initial vote every day or two and Contributing Readers will need to choose how their contributed character will act... and why they act. Only the first three contributing readers to vote will have a say in the character's decision-- all non-contributing readers' votes will be counted instead for the last reader to comment.

So... let's start off with an example (and remember: check for journals for the next options):

Artemisia 1) Listens patiently to what Yearl has to say... 2) Talks-over Yearl before he can say his piece... 3) Physically restrains him when she finds out he's following her...

Kell 1) Threatens Anya... 2) Interrogates Anya... 3) Is surprised when Anya offers to hire him...

Ryan 1) Continues to falter in discussion with Jerard... 2) Discusses Beo with Jerard... 3) Begins questioning Jerard about his past...

Beo 1) Tells Thera to leave him alone... 2) Lets Thera talk to him about Anya... 3) Asks Thera about how she gets men...

Contributing Readers may vote for every character but should DEFINITELY vote for their own. Non-Contributing Readers can vote for every character; if it isn't your character your vote can still count if the Contributing-Reader is the last to vote (or doesn't vote)! All votes for this first portion of character decisions should be in TOMORROW NIGHT before midnight (that's Wenesday, December 28th). If you aren't a Contributing Reader for Myrh and would like to vote on character actions, go here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3036327/

Finally, a Contributing Reader may spend 1 Willpower to override a single vote in the event that s/he doesn't like the direction the character's action is taking and choose the direction for himself/herself.