
Story by Flipper on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this unless you're legally allowed to view, read and or own porn. Any comments would be appreciated. Please send to [email protected] Enjoy. -Flipper


"Oh would you just quit whining. It can't be that bad." Sam chided over the phone.

Adrian grunted. It was that bad. He was stuck at the apartment, nursing a badly sprained ankle while Orchid and Samantha enjoyed a long weekend skiing up in the mountains. It was his fault, of course. He just had to go and play indoor soccer the night before. He just had to try and stop that last fast break in the last few seconds of the game. The swelling had gone down, so that was a good thing. There's nothing like an ankle the size of a grapefruit.

That, and he was lounging around in a 'girls' apartment. He lived there and paid half the rent but it was still a girls apartment. A guy can't act like a guy in a girls apartment. It messes things up and the trouble that follows is not worth it, not by a long shot.

"Look, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and to let you know that Leslie is coming by later today to pick up some of Orchids' clothes." Sam said, Orchid and several other unknown furs laughing in the background.

"Wait a minute... Leslie? Psycho bitch Leslie who hates me?" Adrian replied.

"She doesn't hate you... much." Sam said. Leslie was a lynx that had been one of Sam's and Orchid's best friends. Naturally, when Adrian came back the amount of time that the girls spent with her had decreased and she blamed Adrian for that. She had even gone so far as to send a number of extremely vulgar messages to him while on I.M. and his work e-mail. It had gotten so bothersome that he had blocked her.

"Great." Adrian moped.

"She has a key to the building and apartment. Just be civil to her, okay? Please? See you in a two days. Bye baby." Sam said and then hung up. Adrian grunted and let his head fall back against the top of the couch. Suddenly, his giant bowl of 'Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs' and SpongeBob SquarePants had lost their appeal.

After a moment, Adrian realized he was not in the best state to accept company. He hadn't really showered since the soccer game and his overall appeareance was... scruffy. With a wince of pain he dumped his mostly eaten cereal down the drain and hobbled to the bathroom. The trial of getting out of some stinky sweatpants and a t-shirt took longer than expected.

The warm water from the shower washed away all concern. It felt really, really good. There is nothing like a warm shower in the middle of the day. He used a liberal amount of the girls' fur cleanser and scrubbed away all of the built up stank. His ankle felt a little better for it as well. He also realized that he didn't need to get dressed again. All he needed was a pair of boxers and his robe and that would be enough for the rest of the weekend.

As he dried off and brushed his fur, he found himself a bit more content with life. Odd how that happens, no? He wrapped his robe about his body and hobbled out of the bathroom. Getting the boxers on was much easier on the ankle than sweatpants. As he was limping past the front door to grab something to drink, it opened. He jerked a little in surprise and then remembered that Leslie was coming over. The buck had forgotten about the impending visit completely.

"Oh, you're here." She said. Not angrily but sadly.

"Yeah, I'm here. You're here to pick up something?" The deer replied. She looked as she did in most of the pictures the girls had shown him. Leslie was about the same build as Orchid, not that you could tell. She was a bit of a punk/raver chick. She had on oversized cargo pants and a equally large hooded sweatshirt. The hood was down and her two tufted ears had three piercings each. Her short hair was dyed purple. She had a pretty face but everything Adrian had heard about and from her had already soured his impression.

"Uh... yeah." The lynx said, as if distracted by something. "I'm borrowing some things from Orchid."

"Well, go ahead." Adrian said as he limped to the fridge and got a glass of orange juice. He stopped again and saw Leslie staring at him. "Orchid's room is over there."

"Oh! Oh, right." She said, snapped out of whatever reverie she had descended into.

Adrian slumped onto the couch and, tired of television for the moment, grabbed a dog-eared paperback from the end table and began to read. He didn't notice how much time had passed but he looked up and found the lynx looking at him around a corner. Adrian could only she a hand and her head.

"Yes?" He asked, perfectly civil.

"Um, I was wondering if you would tell me what you think of the stuff I'm borrowing from Orchid." She asked, her words tumbling out of her mouth very quickly. Adrian blinked in surprise.

"You want to model Orchid's clothes?" He asked, confirming what he didn't quite believe.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

"Sure, why not." Adrian said, marking his page and putting his book back on the end table.

Leslie brightened and dissappeared for a minute before coming back around the corner from Orchid's room. Adrian's eyes bugged out of his skull when he saw her. He was expecting her to take a dress or something but that wasn't what Leslie was wearing. The buck's eyes traveled up from her toes to the top of her head. Leslie giggled when she saw Adrian's slack-jaw response.

She had on a pair of black heels and fishnet stockings. They went up to mid-thigh and stopped. Leslie did a little pirouette and Adrian saw the seam of the stockings running right up the back of her legs, perfectly lined up. From there she was wearing a little Chinese style dress except is wasn't a dress. The material was completely sheer and ended perfectly at the meeting of her thigh and ass. She bent over and the hem rose as expected, revealing her charms. Her breasts, a little smaller than Orchid's but no less beautiful, bounced playfully in the rather tight sheer piece, her nipples definitely revealing their owner's aroused state. Adrian felt his loins stirring almost immediately.

"What... the... hell..." was all he could say. This was a femme who hated his guts with a passion, right? "I thought... You don't... Huh?"

"They were right, you are cute when you're confused." She laughed as she walked over, her body moving like she had nothing better to do that to get a rise out of Adrian. "Orchid and Sam told me that you were a part of their lives now. 'Accept it.' They told me. Sam also mentioned a few things about you."

Leslie lifted a leg and proceeded to straddle the buck, coming down to rest on his lap. She shifted a little, rotating her hips and rubbing his steadily growing member. The lynx grabbed his shoulders as he reached around and squeezed her ass.

"When I saw you parading around in an open robe and a snug pair of boxers... I decided to take you for a test drive." She said in a husky voice. Leslie rocked her hips again, getting a feel for the still rising cock pinned underneath her. "Oh, I think I'm going to enjoy this."

She reached over to the end table and grabbed a small remote that went to the stereo and hit play. A nice techno mix started playing. Her body began to move with the music, moving her body against his in a nice little lap dance. At first she just bobbed and bounced as she was, straddling his body but she shifted about halfway through the mix. She got up and turned around, mock-riding him with her back to him. Adrian's hands came around again and played with her cute little tits and rubbing her back. Her deep pur could be heard over the music.

Then she leaned over and planted her hands on the sturdy coffee table, the position very similar to 'doggy-style' as she continued to her little lap dance. Adrian could see her pussy and the glint of moisture between the engorged lips. His hands were clamped on her hips, driving her gyrating body back and forth over his cock, still trapped in his silken boxers.

'She's enjoying this far more than me.' Adrian thought as he saw the steadily darkening strip of his boxers where she continually dragged her crotch.

"You want more baby?" She cooed. "You want to be inside me?"

Adrian suddenly had a twisted thought. It might end a nice unexpected fucking but... what the hell.

"No." He said strongly. Leslie turned her head and looked at him, clearly not expecting that response. "You have to prove to me you really... really... want it."

Her expression of confusion gave way to a wry grin. She got up and knelt down between Adrian's legs. The robe was already open and with little effort, she peeled Adrian's boxers from his body, freeing his erection. Leslie seemed a little surprised by his size and happily grabbed his shaft.

"Suck it... and if you do a good job, then we will see what we can do with you." Adrian said in as commanding and authoritative voice as he could. It must have worked because Leslie wasted no time whatsoever. With one hand she diddled herself. Adrian almost called on her to stop and put all of her efforts on him but that would be just plain mean. Besides, the whole 'dom/top' thing was a little new to him.

She sucked and licked and stroked him with abandon. Adrian put his hands on her head, guiding her as much as he dared. She was a lynx and those teeth were sharp. Her rough tongue was a terrible mix of pleasure and pain on his member. It was taking a good measure of his self-control not to simply blow in a matter of seconds. Before he knew it, the current mix gave way to another. He had lasted three minutes with her oral attentions and felt he could go much longer.

"Well..." Adrian began, a little out of breath. "You've proven yourself to me. And now, your reward."

Leslie's face was full of adoration and lust as Adrian got up and pushed her down to the couch. He pulled her legs apart, as if there was any resistance. He knelt down, with some difficulty, and began to lick at her quite sloppy pussy. The lynx grabbed onto his antlers and pulled him roughly into her crotch, making all sorts of sounds you'd associate with a torture chamber or sex. She liked having someone nibble on her labia in particular.

With little or no warning after a mere ten minutes Leslie's body shivered and shook with orgasm. Her screech was deafening and Adrian almost suffocated as her legs wrapped around his head and her hands pulled his antlers even harder. As she slowly came down from nirvana, Adrian rose up and positioned himself at her entrance. The lynx smiled and pulled his body to her, accepting that driving cock and crossing her legs at the small of his back. The young buck was not far off, having stroked himself a little while slurping at her clit and vagina. She 'ooed' and 'ahed' as he fucked her leisurely. She seemed content with her first cum and had no problem with Adrian using her to gain his release.

"Cum in me." She said as she gripped him inside of her body. Adrian was almost on the brink and that little bit did it. His body stiffened and he shot his load inside of her steaming box. Leslie didn't let him go, wanting his still-hard shaft inside her for as long as possible. Since getting up meant putting weight on his ankle, Adrian obliged.

It wasn't long before they were snuggled up on the couch, Leslie curled up against Adrian like a kitten, both of them half-asleep and Adrian definitely happy for the company.

"So if you hate me, why fuck me?" Adrian asked.

"I don't hate you. Didn't you get my apology?" She replied.

"What apology?"

"The one I tried to e-mail to you last week."

Moving In

Disclaimer: Same as the other story. Don't read this unless you're legally allowed to view, read and or own porn. Any comments would be appreciated. Please send to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Enjoy. -Flipper Moving In ...

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Disclaimer: If you're not of legal age to look at smut, porn or anything of that nature, then stop. Otherwise, knock yourself out. Don't steal. Be polite. Own up to shit you're responsible for. Enough preaching now, enjoy. -Flipper Reunion ...

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