Leather and Leashes- Breaking The Way

Story by Scandal on SoFurry

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#3 of Swift

As a general note of warning: This story contains mature scenes of Domination/submission... read on with your own descretion.

Happy pawings!


PS: Though it's only a precurser and not essential, the chapter before this one might be something you'd want to take a look at, because it fills you in more roundly on the sad situation our poor Doberman was facing. Anyhow, the choice is up to you.


On the first day of Christmas my true friend gave to me... well, it sure as hell wasn't any sort of Partridge, or even a mangy pear tree at that (though I would of loved one). No for the first day of Christmas I was given... well you'll find out soon enough, and I do think you'll be surprised, I sure was.

Anyone who took the time to read my last chapter should now well understand where I rested in the great chain of Sexuality, and if you paid even a half-ass amount of concentration while pawing off to my last addition, you would of observed that I rested somewhere between 0 and -1.

But don't worry, that was soon going to change! Yes, Kaster was as truthful to his word as he was seductive and devious, and he made the 25th a very memorable occasion.

This addition to my story is longer than the last, but then again, I'd like to talk to the perverted animal here that doesn't like lengthy things, if you catch my drift. And besides, far more than half of this is good old yiff, so I know you'll enjoy it!


Wake up Swift!" I felt a nudge on my shoulder and my eyes flickered open. On seeing the time though, 7:30, they quickly shut.

"I'm sleeping idiot." I knew my back was turned to Kaster, and he prodded my shoulder again, more insistent.

"Swift, if you don't get your furry ass out of bed in the next ten seconds, I'll make ya." I laughed, but so quietly that only my shoulders shaking gave it away.

"You'll make me? And how do you plan on doing that?" Let him try.

"Like this." The panther hissed, and pulled the covers clean off of me, when I still didn't budge; he crawled on top of my bed and put his crotch right by my face. As usual, he was naked. I remember once trying to teach the massive housecat the usage of cloths, and what they might cover in the early morning, but all that did was make him wear less, more often, just to annoy me. The only time when he really wore cloths was when we had visitors or when we went out somewhere, and even then, he'd usually woo someone to head back up to his bedroom where again, he'd take of his cloths. In mock impulse, I took a deep inhale and shuddered as his sharp feline scent dashed me across the muzzle.

"Aw, that's disgusting!" I yelped, pushing him away from me. He didn't budge much though and I ended up pushing myself from the bed, falling onto the floor two feet down the other side. Looking up at the ceiling from my back, Kaster came into my line of sight. He was smiling in a kitty-like amusement, and holding out a black paw.

"Sorry, what did you say? I thought that I couldn't get you out of bed!"

"Shut up." I grumbled, regretfully reaching up and allowing him to help me get back on my paws. "I think you threw out my back, ya square." I brushed myself off, and then shook my body, stretching out all my bedridden joints.

"Well then that needs a massage." Suddenly, the sharp edge of his voice had gone soft, seductive. "I could give you one, but not now, we've got some presents to open! Santa Claws was rather generous this year... I think he's going to help me loosen you up!" I sort of shivered at that, and remembered his ominous foretelling of something going down of the 25th. I wondered what he had in mind.

Following closely behind my Panther friend, I made it out of the room, through the kitchen, and then into the living room, which sported a couch and a very high quality blow up tree. Beneath this tree a collection of seven presents for me, and a few for Kaster were tucked away. Taking in the various shapes and sizes of the wrapped items, I could only guess what surprises were hidden beneath the wrapping.

"What's in the boxes?" I asked, seeing if I could milk the faintest traces of a clue from Kaster. Entering the room, Kaster picked up a discarded Santa Claws hat and sat down on the couch. He turned to me then, and there was a wry smile toying about his muzzle.

"I can't tell you that silly! But I can tell you the rule."

"The rule?" I walked into the room and sat down on the floor beside the couch Kaster rested on. "What rule?"

"The rule is that you can only open one present each day."

"So after seven days, I'll have unwrapped them all?" I started pulling absentmindedly with my claws on the carpet.

"No, after six... one of them is from your grandmother. After some bribing, she agreed to be part of the scheme." He smile changed to be more normal. "...If you pass the test over the next few days she'll be so happy, and well take a trip and go shopping for the grand finale!" I raised an eye in curiosity.

"The grand finale eh? Am I going to like it?" Picking up on his settled mood, I felt a little more relaxed.

"Most probably, or I do hope, at least. Once I'm done with you I can only wish for your eyes to be opened, then it'll be up to you whether or not to pursue your new way of living." I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach, and I bit my lower lip in anxiety.

"Are you talking about making me more like you?" He shrugged, but from the way that basterds eyes shone, I knew I had hit the nail on the head.

"All in good time you will find out..." he looked at the tree. "Now pass me my first present." In obligation, I crawled underneath the tree and rummaged around till I spotted a tag that said;

From: Santa :)

To: Kaster

Pulling the gold wrapped present from the clutches of the tree, I handed it over to the Panther, cringing as my back tweaked a nerve; I really had thrown it out when I had fallen, I realized. Before Kaster opened his present though, he told me to get the present from my grandmother, and after some brief rummaging, I pulled out the home wrapped present and climbed up to sit beside him. He had just started to open up his present with his uncovered claws, so I followed suite, tearing open mine. When I finished what lay in front of me was a knit sweater, designed wonderfully with smiling sheep dressed as snowmen and defined with a few red bands across the width of the clothing. I sort of laughed to myself.

"She's part of the scheme eh..." My words were interrupted as I noticed small knitted in writing on the back of the sweater. Screwing up my face in confusion, I began to read the words out loud.

"There's a table on the back, divided into six parts, it says; Day 1: Breaking The Way, Day 2: A Leash for Your Dog, Day 3: A Game Of Control, Day 4: A Lesson in Deprivation, Day 5..." I hesitated and looked up at Kaster, who was gazing sidelong at me rather innocently.

"Did she stop knitting the words?"

"Well no but..."

"Well then read on!" I licked my lips and shook my head, mostly in confusion.

"Day 5: Missile Launcher, Day 6: Switch up... and then finally, at the bottom here it said, Murry Christmas... ah, that must be a typo of some sort," I put the sweater down and looked at Kaster. "What the hell is all that supposed to mean?" Kaster's eyes went wide and he wiggled the digits of his fingers.

"It's a mystery!" he stopped moving his paws. "Aren't you exited to solve it?" I shook my head, making him frown

"No, and I've had about enough of all this, by the way Kaster, what did you do to my poor grandmother to get her to write something like this?"

"Nothing really, I just asked... in all truth, she's as embarrassed as I am of your virginity. Oh, how did she put it." For a moment he looked up at the ceiling. "Ah yes, she wanted grandchildren." Aside from my frustration of being stuck in this devious spider web Kaster was casting, I laughed.

"Oh that sound like her alright, she's always wanted grandchildren..." I drawled off. "Listen, as much as I'm impressed by all your attempts at making me more sexually apt, it's not going to happen, ok?" Kaster hesitated; I could almost see gears turning in his mind.

"Sure, well talk about this later. Now open your first present. I spent good money on it all, so at least open the damn boxes. Look under the tree for the Day One present." After a brief moment of hesitation, I again crawled under the tree, wincing at the pain in my back. Rummaging through the remaining presents, I pulled out the designated present, it said;

From: Guess who

To: That Virgin

Note: Day 1

Growling to myself, I scooted back onto the couch I sat heavily down next to Kaster and opened the present. Inside the first box, was a medium sized bottle. Due to the bottles transparency, I could see that it contained an amount of a thick see-through liquid of some sort. Unknowing as to what it was, I looked over the surface of the bottle to get a hint or two. Quickly, I found and read the title.

"It says AstroGlide Personal Lubricant. What the hell is that, some massage oil of some sort?" Kaster's jaw went slack.

"You mean to say that you don't know! Oh boy, you're more sheltered then I thought." Now that I noticed my thought-to-be harmless comment did such a toll on the Black Cat, I was itching to understand why.

"Ok, what is it then?" I said, trying not to sound too confused.

"Its lubricant, not for your back idiot, but for your tailhole..." He was clearly not amused, and the degree of bluntness that he uttered hit me hard. In surprise, I sprung up from the couch,

"For my tailhole, how does it work?" Kaster sighed depressingly and shook his head. "Swift, when having sex with another male, or I suppose a female, you get your own member or the others covered in this stuff, so that penetration in anal or vaginal sex is easier to go through with... didn't you go to Sex Ed when you were still in high school?" Blushing considerably, I shook my head.

"No, well, I skipped those days."

"Hmm, typical sexaphobe you are."

"No I'm not." I shot back.

"Oh but you are... but not for long, let me show you how it works!" He grabbed the bottle and got up, I back off.

"Ah, I don't know..."

"Oh I insist." I backed up further, and then tripped collapsing in a heap on the floor. When I fell, I cried out in pain as my back tweaked me again. Looking up, I saw that Kaster had stopped his advance.

"Kaster," I said, "I'm really uncomfortable with this, can't I just give it a day?" The Black Panther hesitated, but then, with a sagging of shoulders, he nodded.

"Very well, I'll give you a day... here, this whole ordeal has upset my stomach, I'm going to poor myself some eggnog, would you like some?" I nodded, and he swiftly departed into the kitchen. Minutes later, when he got back, he had two steaming cups of eggnog in his paws. Giving one to me, he went and sat back down on the couch... I went up and sat on the floor beneath him. After a moment of delicate silence, Kaster broke it.

"I noticed this morning that you messed up your back. Remember how I said I'd fix that up?" After taking a big gulp of the eggnog, I nodded and looked around my shoulder at him.

"Yes I do remember, and my back is still hurting."

"Well, I'm a cat of my words, so are you still up to it?" I nodded again and he grunted. Falling from the couch to his knees, Kaster's short furred body pressed up against mine, he was hot, and that characteristic muskiness that hung around him was rather defined. I tensed at first, but then calmed down as I felt his rough paw pads begin to tease my shoulders. I took another drink of eggnog and noticed it to have a sweeter taste, with a smile; I looked up at Kaster, whose head was now to the right of mine, and a bit above my perked ears. His gentile breathing tickled the ruff of my neck.

"You added some extra sugar in." I said, proud of my observation.

"Indeed I did subb... buddy." I took another drink and sighed as its warmth soothed my throat. "I know you well enough by now ya Dobie. Sorry I was so insistent a while back, it's just, well, I wanted what's best for you, and I thought..." I stopped him.

"I never said I wouldn't do your routine Kaster, I'd said give me a day, or two or... well maybe I'll get the balls for it later."

"That's unfortunate, really."

"But it's how I roll. The massage is feeling really good, by the way." Another gulp of eggnog. I heard Kaster snicker.

"Oh, you haven't seen the best of it yet." His paws moved down a bit and began kneading right on the spot my muscle hurt. I shivered and felt my sheaf get a little hard. In the bliss state I was in though, I didn't mind much, and besides, Kaster and hardons' went together like Ying and Yang, I was far from concerned that he'd see some meat; actually, he'd probably take that as a complement. Kaster sniffed and the massaging stopped for a second or two. When he started up his tempo again, he said;

"You seem to be enjoying this! Your meat there is showing it." Again, this was a normal kind of thing for Kaster to observe, so I didn't worry.

"You bet I am, you know, I think you should stop taking Business and Financing, and become a stay-at-home-Masseuse."

"Why, so I could do this sort of thing more often?" I shake my head in confirmation.

"You got me... oh!" He had hit another spot, and my doghood slid out to a degree, so that it's pointed tip became reviled to the cool air. I felt Kaster grin behind me.

"You should finish up that cup. It's going to get cold." I obliged by finishing it off in a final gulp. A rush suddenly went to my head, and my arousal steeped upwards. His massage was really doing a toll on me, I thought. In an almost invasive action, a scene of me and Kaster going at it like feral animals flickered across my mind, I felt filthy. I wouldn't really do something like that... or would I? The thought gave me shivers. It was then I noticed that Kaster had stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"All the muscles up top have been loosened up, doesn't it feel great?"

"Oh, totally you can..." I stopped. The image again of the rutting between the two of us flashed before me. Why was I thinking this way...? It was all very strange. I tried to conclude that I really should stop the massage before things got out of paw, but something deep down made me change my mind. "I have some muscles messed up on my lower back, like around my tailbone. If you wouldn't mind, could you give that area a brief work through?" Kaster's laugh sounded conniving.

"Defiantly Swift lift up a little for me, would you." I smelt a new, more potent wave of heavy musk coming from the Black Panther behind me. I knew he was picking up on my strange fit of arousal, I knew he might be scheming, and I knew that at this point, he might as well have me in his paws, but I didn't care. Something was going on with me, and to my horror, it felt more than good.

In a slow drop, I felt the Eager Cat behind me slid his controlling paws down my back, pushing off my pajama shorts and underwear to the ground. After this task was done, he followed the highway of my spinal cord to home plate at the base of my tail. It was there he worked, massaging there and then, slyly moving down to my two tensed buns. His touch though rough, made a very good impression, and soon my cheeks had loosened up. Somehow feeling this, he brought one paw up to the lower ridge of my tailhole, and the other to the inside of my thighs, between my hanging sac and the skin at the inside of my shaky legs. In a very ambidextrous fashion, he began to rub across the rim of my tight tailhole, and the crook between my balls and my leg. This teasing rub went on till I could no longer bare it.

"Just get to it Kassy!" This was a rare name I used on him, one that I only uttered at the peak of emotional ups and downs. Momentarily, I was on an emotional high. The very fact of how taboo I was acting only lead to my cock, swollen now, to protrude half out and begin dripping a drop or two of pre-cum every minute or so.

"But don't you feel wrong doing this?" I said. This time his laugh was weighed down with a frightening arousal. I would have pulled away in any normal situation... but this was far from normal.

"Not at all. But apparently, you don't feel so wrong doing this either! Just now you begged me to simultaneously paw you off and finger you."

"I know but..."

"No, you don't know. Do you see now what I was talking about; when I explained the wonders of sex... you've missed out on the world, Subby." My heart skipped a beat.

"Why did you just call me 'Subby'?"

"Because that's what you're going to have to act like if you want any further treatment."

"So I should act submissive if I want any further treatment?"

"Oh, you're a smart puppy. For now, I'm going to be the Master here." It was strange. The commanding words he was using seemed so out of place coming from the carefree Panther's I had gotten to know, that I was foolish enough to take them too lightly.

"How about no... why can't I be dominant?"

"Why? Because you don't have an inkling of sexual knowledge on anything other than self pleasuring yourself. You're dealing with a real live partner here, the rules change, you need more experience, now lower your tail and ears... please." I shake my head.

"And if I don't comply...?"

"Then I'll force you too, but besides; would you really want to make your first encounter with another sexmate enjoyable..." His one paw slid to the right and cupped my tightening balls."...or un-enjoyable?" His grip tightened and he clenched down on my sac, instigating a quick and sharp pain... I wondered suddenly what the hell had I gotten myself into.

Taking his threat seriously, I complied by lowering the things he had requested. In a way, I felt embarrassed, but in another, I felt liberated... like I was finally getting a piece of what it was like to participate in a more intense form of sex. It was all new lands to me.

"Now that's much better." The Panther purred, and his voice was weighted with possession and elation. In silky moves, he caressed my furry sac, toying with the balls once in a while. His pressure alternated from hard to soft, but at either point, I would feel breathlessly pleasured. Up north, his rough paw-pad was tracing the outline of my puckered tailhole, tempting me cruelly by occasionally sticking the very tip of a digit in, and twirling about. I began to sweat and drool, a habit I adopted from my self-pleasuring sessions I'd endure about once every two months. Like the helpless and feral housedog, I hung my tongue from the corner of my maw. I found myself rendered almost senseless by the constant shivers induced by the stroking and prodding of both my tailhole and my now hardened sac. As a note, though I might have done either of these things before in my late night sessions, the sensations that Kaster was now provoking were far more intense.

In reaction to the intensity, my length had now extended to full hilt, and I began to spurt streaks of see-through liquid across my cloths, hugging right underneath my kneecap. More of the liquid splattered across the upper part of my knees and the floor, drying up and leaving behind sticky splotches. I heard something like a scoff from above.

"Your leaking everywhere pup... us felines don't have the wonderful cock you dogs have you know. Here let me help you keep that under control." In a sudden move he rolled me to my back and then pounced onto my chest. His prehensile tongue began to lap at my crotch, making me groan deeply.

"Oh god." I gasped, "Oh god." His lapping had become more insistent, his lithe body more tense. I could feel the barbs on his feline tongue tugging away at my swollen slippery doghood. Bringing both his paws down, he pinned my legs to the ground. I struggled, but couldn't escape his vice-like grip. My dangling tongue was right by his tailhole, and his feline sac, slightly smaller than mine, twitched and shuddered with his jerky body movements. The raw pleasure associated from the rough treatment was making my cock go haywire and like an inflating balloon, my knot began to form, quicker and more vigorously than it ever had before. I heard a hiss of animal-like enthrallment from down by my pulsing member.

"Oh, the knot..." his tongue began to caress the forming ball. "Little Subby, you are prime... it is a shame that you haven't put this blessing to good use earlier!' At one point in his frenzy of licks and nuzzles, his teeth started to occasionally nick my cock, making me gasp in pain.

"Could..." I could hardly speak. "Could you... ow... go a little lighter...ow...Kaster?" Though the Panting Panther's pace halted, he did not turn to speak to me directly.

"No I couldn't Subby. Now Instead of complaining, how about you make yourself a little useful and clean my tailhole... yes?"


"Pardon..." Suddenly, Kaster's tone dropped aggressively, he stopped his licking to turn and gaze at me. "You do not say no to a Masters wishes Swift. Normally you'd be punished for being so rude, but since this is you first time, I'll give you three strikes... and you've already used one."

"No way, are you kidding me...."

"Well now was that fast or what? You have a single strike left! You're not going to get anywhere at the rate you're going... so before I'm forced to punish you for your disobedience, let me ask you to choose your next words carefully." I growled in the frustration of being so helpless.

"Yes... Master." That last word was very hard to get out for some reason.

"Good choice." Kaster's head dipped back to my crotch. "And look here, your foolish stalling antics have made that knot of yours shrink a bit, that's carless, you know." The feline began to lap again, rougher than before. At first, the nips were unbearable, but as my cock became rock hard and my knot swelled to the size of a Clementine, the nips only made the overall experience more elating. Bringing my tongue to the base of his sweaty tailhole, I forced down whatever dignity I had left and began to lick. The scent that came from this area, combined with the feral muskiness wafting off his balls threw me into a fit of excitement. As usual, I felt my state of mind slowly ebb away from civilized, and creep to a new filthy and bestial train of thought. My delicate licks became more insistent, almost as though my tongue had a mind of its own. Reaching my paws to press his ass down harder on my muzzle, I began to eat out my Master's tailhole rather enthusiastically. In the distance, I heard the Black Panthers growling hisses as my tongue lathered his pucker, stimulating him to no ends. After under a minuet of this constant lapping, I fell into an almost hypnotic daze. My cock was on fire and slicked with saliva, nicked here and there by small teeth marks, my musk had gone wild, and it mingled with my Master's stronger one, leading to a noxious cocktail of animalistic fuck that I had never experienced before. As a whole, the room stank heavily of two lost-in-the-rut males, sweating profusely. The floor was dotted with marks of semi- translucent pre and drool, contributed by both of us.

All at once I began to feel my hips thrust into the air above me as my heavy set cock tried to find a hole to ram. Kaster did not supply the hole I needed, so my cock began to ache savagely as it's erection tried to hold up my dangling piece. I began to beg.

"Master, please satisfy my thrusting please..."



"Because I haven't gotten off yet, that's the rule."

"But..." he gave me a few more very rough laps, causing my craving doghood to burn. Whatever I was going to object against was quickly lost in overwhelming desire. "Then let me please you Master, please, I can hardly take the pressure at my balls. My air humping had become far more erratic and I shot a dozen strands of translucent pre up into the air. From the glimpse as it reflected light, I saw one of my strands land on Kaster's muzzle, and he eagerly licked it up.

"You taste so good, did you know that pup?" I shrugged. "Well you do, now how about you have a taste of me as well. You're in luck, us cats get off pretty quickly... and if the task is done proficiently I'll reward you by making you knot." My eyes widened in excitement, and my breathing sped up, the pain would leave soon.

"Yes Master, please let me suck on you."

"That's what I like to hear Subby!" In a quick move, Kaster swung his thighs to my shoulders, so that his hung ebony colored cock rested above me, and his tight sac, dripping with wet, hung right above my nose pad. Eagerly, I pulled him closer so that his cock could slide into my maw... his balls rested by my chin. Up this close to his scrotem, I could smell his sharp catty musk a hundred times stronger than the norm... I was far lost. It was so overwhelming in fact, that every time I took a breath in, I could feel it's humid state coat my black lips and throat, making it hard to breath.

Ecstatically, trapped in some primal animal state, I began to lap in long strokes, starting at his balls and then heading across his length to his tip, which was swelling before my very eyes. As the swelling continued, the scent increased as well. While before, I could relate his release of masculine musk as something overwhelming, now I could call it close to godlike. It was so irresistible; laced potently with the scents of sweat, passion, and domination, and held all together by a sickly bitter odor that invaded my mind through my nose and corrupted it. Between watery eyes I sucked, taking his great length in to the point of gagging.

Faster now I went, and my Master, losing himself to his own primitiveness, began to thrust deeply and without mercy, arching down in a hissing fit and pinning me to the floor. I noticed subconsciously that he was biting the couch in an attempt to contain himself. Pushing his pelvis as close as it could get to my sodden face, he stuffed his swollen cat penis down my throat as far as it would go, and then pulled out, leaving a trail of saliva which rolled down my muzzle and onto the soiled floor as it dripped off the bulk of his cock. I began to choke, but in a mad determination, resorted back to gagging. Quickly, I learned to breath between thrusts, when his cock had left my mouth and was preparing to go back in.

"Take it bitch." He growled, lost in the rutting, his ebony cock dripping semen across my ears and chest. "Take it well and you'll get that reward." His tempo increased from a heavy banging to something along the lines of jack hammering. My body jolted back and forth at the amount of force he was directing at my mouth. Instead of responding, I opened my throat some more and formed a perfect O with my battered maw, so that even at the pinnacle of the deep thrusting, when his pointed cock was far down the chute, he'd meet the soft tissue on the inside of my throat. Though he didn't say anything, lost in the fits of panting and hissing that he was, I could tell that this seemed to satisfy him, because at one point, he unclamped a paw to stroke me behind the ears. When he'd do such actions, I'd feel my cock, ostracized from the sexual activity, jump in desperate shivers of pleasure.

All at once, the climactic torrent of semen exploded from the Panthers cock, burning the back of my throat and covering me on all sides of my muzzle and neck. While savoring every gulp of the gloriously filthy stuff, I noticed that Kaster's semen had a far different taste then mine. While mine was more mild, his was as strong as his musk; inconsistent concentrations of saltiness, usually followed by sickly sweetness introduced a whole new line of tastes to my pallet. So, I had now tasted Black Panther cum, and for any who haven't before, let me reassure you that it was a rather satisfying experience. As quickly as it started, Kaster's stream ebbed off leaving me stunned and very matted and slimy. Overwhelmed by the utter enthralling experience, the knot in my own cock had swollen to its full size, that of a tennis ball. The added weight brought my member excruciatingly low down to my body, and the waves of pain began to overwhelm even those of pleasure.

"Was that good enough Master?" I whimpered, shivering as adrenalin and fatigue combated viciously for supremacy over my sodden wet and raunchy smelling body. "Do I deserve a treat?" I was truly assuming my rightful role as Subby now, and this seemed to be exactly what my Master wanted. After a teasing moment of hesitation, Kaster nodded.

"You've been a very good puppy you know, and you took me surprisingly well." All the while his words were inflicted by heaving gasps for breath. The fur on the back of his neck was standing straight up.

"Let me mock tie you, ok?" I whined in excitement, and as if on cue, my hips began to thrust again into the air with a renewed vigor.

"Thank you Master."

"Don't mention it." And with that, he spun back around, releasing my shoulders yet immobilizing my by sitting on my chest. Even in the serving seat, it became apparent that he still needed a sense of control. Bringing his paws onto my greedy member, he began to rub, very similarly to how he had massaged my back before. It was a trained touch, that much was clear to me, and in the state of kinky enlightenment I was in at the time, I assumed that at one point, Kaster had played the submissive role as well... I mean, someone must of taught him his strange ways of domination and submission, of fucking... he couldn't get that knowledgeable on his own accord, right? It was all a mystery to me, one that would be solved some other time, because momentarily, I had more important things to think about. Like how the pressure at my knot notified me that I would burst soon all over myself and Kaster, or how Kaster's cock had gone erect again, and hung warmly across my treasure trail by my belly button.


The events came about as they usually did. First a primal lust takes out any common thinking. Secondly, after being locked in a tie you release the copious amounts of semen to flood the females Uterus (or in this case, Kaster's Paw).Then comes that uncontrollable upchuck of raw lust for domination, when you howl or growl rather intimidating, to show your bitch who was knotting who. Finally, while locked in the tie you enter a realm of euphoria, as thick as the semen that you are ejecting into the pussy of a panting bitch. This particular occasion was no different than the others, and not worth describing in detail.


After what felt like an hour of lucid dreaming, I resurfaced on the floor of the living room. I was lying in a puddle of bodily fluid and smelling far more rank then I had the night I pleasured myself five days ago. Beside me and sweating still, Kaster lay, grinning wickedly at the ceiling. When he felt my gaze on him, he rolled his head to the side, ignoring the puddle of cum that had submerged the left side of his muzzle. His tongue was hanging loose, and I could smell the heaviness of rut coating his breath like an aroma in a flower store. My dick, dripping like a facet jumped a bit, but was far too exhausted to do much more. I concluded that if this was what having sex was like all the time, I would have to find a way to become more involved, even if that meant submitting to Kaster's dominating attitude every day.

"So you enjoyed that didn't you?" Kaster must of read my mind, because I nodded weakly. My chest was still pumping up and down sporadically. "And did you die?"


"Did you suffer any real harm?"

"No." My responses were simplified because it felt as though my mind had shut down on me.

"And did the world fall down around us?"


"Are you unprepared for tomorrow's present?" I hardly hesitated.

"No." there was a brief silence between the two of us, and Kaster brought a dripping paw up to rest on my shoulder.

"Are you a Virgin anymore?" I looked again at the roof and closed my eyes in delight.


~To be continued

Leather and Leashes - A Teaser For the Eager

General Warning. This story is intended for a 17+ audiance, and contains scenes of highly mature matter containing Pawing off. Read on with your own intentions. Happy...

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A Walk Not Forgotten

An Unbreakable Bond A Note Of Caution. The story below contains Adult rated stuff, falling under the themes of crude language and BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Domination/submission, Sadism/Masochism). If you are offended of disturbed by this form of...

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