The New Cabin Boy Toy

Story by Lizeron on SoFurry

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Warning warning : These gathered words below are a story of a homosexual nature, containing hypnosis and sexual activities between a 28year old Orca and a 19 year old Bat. By no means should this be read by minors and I am not to be blamed for anyone reading passed the warning.

_____________________ The New Cabin Boy Toy _____________________

In the ocean of Lamuran only the brave and fool dared to sail. That would be pirates with the strength of an army, which fear nothing! Not the storm, nor enemy ships. Dreadful vandals who raided small villages built on distant shores. Yo-ho, yo-ho! That ocean echoed with their songs. Their songs were filling the emptiness of the distance, they were erasing the air of war. All of the pirate ships were like that. So was his ship, the Snake Eye.

A huge ship, filled with bloodthirsty bastards. Feared everywhere, raiding not only what was common but even sailing to the ends of the world to steal legendary artifacts. Other pirates were turning away from them, the wanted posters had more zeros than anything else. And they were going back to their lair after their last success. The captain was Cold, a ruthless Orca, thirsty for power. His quest was simple: To acquire all the black magic possible and rule the seven seas with his loyal crew! Or so, he hoped. It was his father's dream, his grandfather's dream, his grandfather's father's dream. However only he was brave enough to hunt it down, raid and kidnap those users of such false arts. It was a plan of an old ghost's design who once suggested to him 'Become great! Become THE captain, not just the captain'.

The sea was smiling at him! He could feel it as he stood behind the wheel, seeing his crew do their errands. They all were brainless men, full of muscle and with no elegance. But they were proud creatures, living the life that they could. It was him though, who had to guide them. He had to offer them alot, he had to keep their respect with as little force as possible. He was their captain, it would be a shame to have losses because of insignificant displays of power. They could have almost everything they could get their hands on. They could keep a fair share of the loot, they could rape as much as their heart desired from each village, simply because he didn't care. His goals were people. Those targets of his, none had the right to harm them. They would treat them as king of pirates, not as objects nor as hostages.

He left his post, allowed a sailor to take control of his beloved ship and went down a floor. He wanted to make sure his men had a proper dinner, a piece of fruit and pleasure before their sleep. The cooking sure wasn't anything special, even if he was used to great cuisine, it was more than enough to keep his men happy. A long day of work and 5 big boars were already prepared for them to devour. Barrels of rum, as much as they could drink! Some pineapples from the last island they had been in. But when the whale entered the cabin boys' room, the boys weren't prepared to be offered to the shipmates.

It was something that they wanted, they loved serving the pirates, being held roughly and bred until they passed out. Despite the very fact that they were doing such a thing willingly, they didn't like to be raped or feel abused. His captain's personal boy toy had been injured during his last job. A young bat that happened to be the last to give the young otter a ride didn't seem to mind the pain and even beaten the twink before resuming his rocking motions without giving any attention to the begs for him to stop.

The captain blinked in disbelief, but seeing the young lad lying down full in bruises and scratches made him furious! It was his favourite one, always eager to try new things, always there to give him a massage after his hard work. It was more than just a perfect boy for him. He reassured the boys that they could resume their work without fear. He would handle the issue personally, he promised. He wouldn't let such a matter without the culprit go unpunished.

He summoned the young sailor in his very own room and the bat couldn't believe he was getting the chance to go in THERE. It was rich, with paintings on the walls, with gold in a corner and around a small chest. It had carpets and a bed and it was the only way to reach the prison of the ship. So was told to the crew of course. The prison was for them: the dark artists. Rooms of luxury, whine of age, comforts that shouldn't be given to even the captain himself. But it was them he needed and it was them who followed Cold. The bat looked stunned at the marvellous room, the one place that none but the captain and the cabin boys could step in.

'Do you know why you are here?' An empty voice asked and from the door behind him the orca entered his private place. The lad knew, but he was too afraid to admit to his crime. 'I heard you injured a member of this ship' the orca said and glared at him. 'It was an accident sir-'the bat began before a strong black hand grasped his muzzle and kept it shut. 'If it was such, I will accidentally break your skull and drink tomorrow's rum with it as my cup'. The captain wasn't one to take excuses, the boy knew that much.

'How do you plan to redeem yourself?' The bat could only close his eyes shut and let his legs betray his fear, shaking like waves to the blowing wind. 'An eye for an eye would be a nice punishment, but the boy u hit wouldn't want that' The orca continued, ignoring the pitiful younger pirate 'Ooooor... you could take his place'. The bat opened his eyes to look at his captain sit on his bed, removing the salt stinking shirt and revealing a beautiful muscled body, decorated with scars from fierce battles. 'Ai sir, I can't be a ... filly' the bat explained. The orca laughed 'Of course you can! You had your turns on my boys, I am sure you learned how it's done by now. But who knows if I am kind with you, eh?' He said, somewhere between a joke and a threat.

'Throw me in the sea and let the monsters eat me' The bat stated proudly. 'You deny your captain and you are so afraid than to take responsibility for your actions on my ship?' Cold asked heartlessly. 'Steal if you can. If you get caught though you'll be punished' He repeated the words he said to every new recruit he had on board. Great men don't become such because they are fair. They become great because they cheat without anyone noticing.

The orca removed his boots and threw his hat on his desk, before motioning to the boy to join him and get prepared for a demotion that his tail would need alot of time to forget, or recover from. The bat though just stood there, gathering his courage and denying his captain once again. He was a pirate, not some damned desperate sissy boy. The orca stood up and tightened his muscles a bit. The bat though had made his decision, he wouldn't bend over to Cold just because he was stronger than him. The captain punched him on the stomach and the bat kneeled, holding his abdominal in pain and helpless to defend himself. He could only whimper a bit when the killer whale dragged his hand and attached a chain on his wrist. 'The boys that serve for our lust are to be respected on this ship. You should already know that' He left afterwards, entering the corridors behind the cabin.

The bat looked at his chain in sorrow. How in the Kraken's tentacles was he in such a position. Even hearing his fellow shipmates Yo-hoing outside made him feel lonely and desperate. The footsteps of the captain were alarming him and he gasped as he saw Cold enter the room with an old lady behind him. 'This is Yama Mada' the orca introduced the monkey witch to his captive sailor. 'So, will you take my cabin boy's place, or should I ask her to help me out with you'

The bat pulled on his chain in an attempt to break free but in vain. 'You will use Voodoo on me? HER voodoo? Just for that?' He cried and tried to stay as far away from her as possible. Even her form was something demonic. She was old and her ears were strange, the bat had never seen such a thing before. They had holes on the flesh and the lower part was touching her shoulders. Her eyes had no pupils, a bone pierced through her nose and she had strange flasks of her so called mojo around her waist. She had nothing to conceal her upper body and her aged breast was flopping on her belly, leaves and an old cloth covering her legs.

The orca sat on his bed and removed his dirty pants, revealing a slit and right under it a pair of huge orbs as he was prepared to witness her magic. The spirits were talking from her mouth and she opened a small flask and put some dust on her hand. She began dancing in a dance of her natives, her feet echoing the music of her tribe in the room. She was unleashing strange words that made the atmosphere feel heavy and made the bat shiver in fear and gather his knees against his chest. She continued declaring her enchantment and to the sailor's dismay the woman was getting closer to him. She grasped his snout and pressed the dust on her hand against the young man's nostrils, forcing him to inhale from it. The smell was strange and reminded the bat of chicken right out of the oven, like the one his mother was making for him. It was warm and after a while watching the woman dance made him drowsy.

The woman continued to dance filling the mind of the bat with strange emotions that seemed out of order and out of place. There were strange forms dancing around them both, the lad could see them. They were embracing her and they were touching him in curiosity. Their colours were changing with each step they were taking. The room was whirling around and the bat could smell a really deep musk. Then he heard the woman talk in her language and strangely he could understand her. She was telling him to listen to the captain. The boy was giving sneak peeks on him blushing deeply.

He could see his captain's defined body glistering from his sweat in the soft light. His loins were feeling interested in him and he was the only thing not changing colours. To him all of a sudden, Cold was the only right thing in the world. His drugged state made him grin shyly before one of the spirits pulled his ear. The woman was resuming her hymn to her alien gods and spirits. The free will of the bat was drained from him, little by little. It was not needed, it was getting in the way. Morals had no meaning, pride was pointless. The bat felt lightheaded as if he was seeing a dream long forgotten and had an empty look in his eyes.

The chains that were holding him unlocked miraculously and fell on the floor. The bat was almost drooling and seemed very happy and content. He stood up mechanically and gazed at the nothingness in front of him. The spirits were dancing around him, smirking and laughing like devils.

'Is it done?' The orca asked the shaman who nodded with a grin. 'What is it that you wish as a reward?' The old monkey snickered... 'Mada wants a kiss and blood. So tell her the Voodoo! Hiahahaaah' the woman replied. Cold stood up and went in front of her with a sight of respect towards the woman. Their size difference was immense, the monkey was hardly shorter than his waist. The proud male took a knife and slashed through his thigh, looking at her taking position in front of him. She didn't seem to care about the man that stood before her, she just kissed the wound and gulped down the blood she was given.

'What's your name again?' The captain asked and the bat smiled, whispering Tristan. 'Tristan, why don't you show your appreciation towards this lovely lady?' the orca requested, resulting in the bat getting next to the monkey and kissing her lips. 'Hoohoohoo' replied the elderly enchanter. Hypnotizing was her art. But it was special. It wasn't momentary. It was forever. Making one fall under someone's control, then stay in his control without breaking the spell. If the orca asked him to say a joke, the bat would grow a second nature of humour. It was complicated, but Mada was the only person in her tribe who knew how to successfully possess someone. After a short while the spell would end, but the victim would have side effects for the rest of his life. It was thanks to her that so many other magicians inhabited that ship and followed that madman of a captain. But she enjoyed his dream and became his follower eagerly in exchange for her tribe and family to be spared and protected by the pirates.

'The voodoo are pleased, hihihi' the hag announced. She turned around and walked away, returning to her room. The bat didn't notice though, he was happily holding his captain's bicep, running his hand on the orca's arm. 'Why don't you take off those rags off lad?' Cold requested. Without any shame or hesitation the young male removed his clothes from his body, his moves as slow and gentle as a wave kissing the beach in a peaceful morning. Slowly the clothes that concealed Tristan's body were falling to the floor, one by one. First the shirt and then the dirty cloth of pants he was wearing.

The orca just laid on his bed, approving of the soft striptease the bad was giving him, his shaft emerging from his groin. It had been long since he last felt the pleasure of a virgin male, eager as well as innocent. It was a moment that he always enjoyed. It meant alot more to him than just taking any male. He thought of it as his duty to introduce a never-taken man to a world of pleasure. Slowly looking at the boy revealing all of his body to him made his blood rush to his head. 'Tristan, why don't you join me here? It is cold when you are have nothing to protect you from the breeze in this ship' He asked in a calm and deep voice.

The bat followed the orca's tail and observed the orca's body. He traced all details on his captain's form quickly and felt a strange security knowing that this very male would take care of him. Hands soon wrapped around him and pulled him on the captain's bed, closing him in an embrace that felt so right. The bat's heart was pouncing, his mind was protesting but his mortal existence was no match for sorcery of this level. Feelings enveloped his logic and the winged creature left a soft moan as soon as Cold began groping his buttocks.

Cold was getting more eager with every passing moment. He had to make sure that he had shown this kid what it meant to be a proper cabin boy. Every single one of his actions was serious. One more kiss than what would be needed and Tristan would fall in love with him, one harder slap on his little ass could turn him into a total slut without any self respect. Cold's cabin boys were something in between though. He squeezed the bat's sides and started licking on the boy's neck, being interrupted only to take deeper breaths as his huge orca rod was filled and begged for attention.

The young winged male moaned but didn't do more than that. Not until his captain asked him for some action. Tristan felt in love for the first time of his life and had a strong sense of purpose. He wanted to please his captain, he wanted to be a good boy for him and so he lapped his tongue on the captain's neck, feeling the male under him shiver in pleasure. His hands felt and explored the dominant male's ripped chest, exciting strong whistles from the huge orca as little fingers made their way up and down his body.

Cold held the boy closer and brought himself higher. They were chest to chest, sitting on the bed and the new cabin boy could feel a long and very thick male orca meat rubbing against his balls and butt, small trails of pre dripping down its length. The captain held the shipman's sides and humped in crazed need. The pleasure running through his nerves was mind breaking. He looked down at Tristan that was riding him and felt a strange twisted pride in him, claiming the bat for his own. Moments were passing slowly, yet the bat's penetration wasn't taking place.

The captain moaned in sweet bliss as his pre was coating the bat's locked anal entrance. 'What's wrong lad? Ya want it, doncha? Come on! Lemme hear ya say it!' Cold encouraged the boy to speak. It was that exact thing that mattered the most. It didn't matter to rape him. All that mattered was the bat asking for it himself. Cold was giving the young male to encourage him all possible attention to break whatever morals were left in him. Soon the boy's silence became agonised moans and a while later those very moans were words of lust and need for a male.

'I need to know how it feels captain!' and 'Just you! Please, lemme have you' were requests long repeated by the young man and the orca couldn't help but grab on the bat and lift him up, positioning his cock at aim for that little sphincter! That ass was a tight locked back door... and thankfully, Cold had the key! He held onto the younger sailor and commanded him to pleasure him and to go at his own pace. It was a breath taking sight, seeing a virgin getting impaled on the man's huge pride, falling down it's length with cries of utter pain. The bat took in that fat cockhead and pressed with force against the captain's chest. He couldn't take anymore than that and it was obvious that young Tristan was making a huge effort already.

Sweat was dripping down the bat's wings and head and a screech of pain filled the empty dark room. Even Cold felt a bit of pity and lifted the boy off his crotch for a moment, allowing that butthole wink in agony before his cock found bliss in its tightness once more. Inch after inch the fat pole made its way into the bat's deepest spots. Soft warm velvet flesh was spasming around the captain's shaft, pleased whistles of approval and moans being Tristan's rewards.

Tristan could feel the pleasure, yet he could no longer understand what was happening. He had become a vessel of pure emotion, no morals left, no judgement for such actions. He was panting and moaning deeply, meeting a pleasure like no other as his lust was mated with satisfaction. Hard thrusts were filling him, poking his stomach and rubbing his prostate with force. He knew he wanted more, he could now see what he had been missing for so long thanks to his ignorance. Purposes like claiming a male became nothing more than a distant memory, a false choice of his former self.

The new Tristan was developing, a fact that his captain had already noticed. He urged the younger male with licks and kisses on his neck, with squeezes on the furred chest and with a manly love like none else could give to the bat. Legs, hands, tongue, every part of the hung orca were working towards that specific goal of Tristan's submission. It was no longer a matter of pride towards the older cabin boy, it had nothing to do with the captain's demands. This was suddenly turning around Tristan, he was in the spotlight and everything was done for him and him alone.

The young bat felt an alien warmth coming from within him. He could see his body was pleasing the stronger male and he felt proud of himself. The knowledge that someone so powerful was mating him was making Tristan happy. Deep green eyes were locked on the very male that had enchanted him and small skinny hands were locked around the captain's neck. It was affection of a different level. Something between respect and love.

To Tristan this was an opportunity for a greater new future. He could remember how much he had been through during the raids, how many shipmates he had seen dying and how many more villagers being slain. He could toss everything aside. He could feel the love of his bloodthirsty crew instead of their hatred. He could be one of the few that could savour every single moment of every single muscled and hung male that ship could provide.

The spell was bearing fruits and Cold could see the eagerness in that little male. He was memorising this, every single moment, emotion, thrust, kiss, lick, touch. It was the one spell that needed effort from his part, so little opportunities to be used and yet every single time, that spell was a life changing effect and he could take part in it. Such a spell was the only thing he could participate in. And what man is not gentle inside? For as long as someone was under that spell, Cold could show a softer side of him, one that knew that all those magicians and power gathered could be used for something different.

Both males were enjoying those precious moment. Heavy orca musk and the scent of mating were piercing their nostrils. Sloppy sounds of a cock slamming on a pre covered asshole were echoing. So mature was their bonding that even old Yama Mada had come off her cabin to observe the couple and her spell's effect.

Cold had the bat locked in a strong embrace. He kept the boy warm and safe and pistoned his male flesh into and out of the bat with so much need for release. This was a cabin boy he could mate for a long time. Small paws tracing his muscles, deep breaths and moans drumming in his ear and a butthole tighter than anything he had ever felt. It felt as if the boy was breaking in two any moment now, but he handled it for his sake, just for his captain.

Blissful whistles made Tristan feel reborned. It felt so good like that, his cock rubbing on the male's chest. His prostate was pounced repeatedly and all he could do was hold tightly onto the male breeding him. Hit after hit of each jack hammering thrust was making him helpless in need for release. Needless to mention his climax was building in his groin and so was the captain's.

Tristan's body was too much for the captain to resist. His fat cockhead was throbbing aggressively and Cold knew he could no longer keep himself tapping that ass. With nothing more than a grip he pushed Tristan down, hilting the boy onto his whole length and murred audibly. Thick ropes of sticky hot orca seed were filling the butthole that had pleasured him so much, the orca's balls spasming between each fired jet of cum. Tristan's anal walls were already full with the orca's lovetool and soon the captain's precious fluids were dripping down the sailor's buttocks.

Cold chuckled as he looked down his chest, noticing a few spurts of white creamy lust on his abs. The bat couldn't express the satisfaction he had gained from that small orgasm of his. He just nuzzled the strong male under him in a show of affection, still feeling drugged from the sexual experience. He didn't think it was possible for anyone to breed with so much passion, it was something that he knew his former self could never do. This was were he belonged, to be mated by such males.

The orca smiled at him wholeheartedly and pulled the younger male into a kiss. His beak met with the muzzle of his submissive toy and his tongue pushed passed those black lips. Tongue wrestling with tongue, dancing only a heated couple could. Tristan had completed the enchantment Yama Mada had placed on him, his curse seemed more than a blessing now. He could now move freely again, he had control over his actions, yet... nothing else made sense. Only kissing his captain back seemed proper to him.

They enjoyed their sweet little afterglow, kissing each other in deep passion. The bat had now found something new to think about, his body and mind both welcomed this change of heart. And even when he knew it was a sorcery that changed him, he felt in debt to the old woman for doing such a thing to him. Why couldn't he see before how great his captain could be? Why couldn't he say he wanted this so much for his captain to charm him?

'So lad. Can I welcome you among my cabin boys, eh?' Cold asked and smirked. 'Yes sir! I will be doing my duty for my ship' the bat announced and Cold chuckled at him, rewarding the obedient boy by groping his buttocks. Cold removed his healthy meat from that tight orifice with a slow speed. The young bat couldn't help but shiver and squirm, clamping on his pride and wanting it to stay within him. It was right to him to be taken by his captain.

Moving naked around his cabin the Cold opened a closet and tossed Tristan a robe to wear. He was after all officially one of his crew's boytoys and he had to show it so everyone knew. He was sure that there would be alot that have been wanting to get a go on him for a while and for the bat to show off was the ultimate reward. Tristan wore it and stood up, looking the captain in the eyes and closing the gap between them.

It felt weird to know what he wanted, yet it was nowhere in his power to make it happen. Tristan reached for his captain's hands and just smiled, holding them. His captain was a cruel man, but not to his cabin boys. It seemed there was a soft spot in him, that of a guardian and a protector. Tristan pressed his back against his captain's chest and wrapped the orca's arms around his waist. Cold smiled and kissed his neck repeatedly, pressing the smaller male on his chest hearing the boy moaning quietly.

Tristan left a while later, heading to meet his new cabin. He had to apologise to the otter he had cause so much pain to. Away from the filthy shipmates that stinked of rum and into the captain's harem. He would do what felt right to him. He knew that this was what he wanted. Strangely even remembering the curse made him feel like it was something fake, like the sorcery itself was a bad joke with no effect. That this was a personal choice.

Cold stood on his bed with his huge lovetool throbbing with each heart beat. He looked in his room and smiled to Yama Mada, who was watching him with eager eyes. The woman stood there and laughed. Cold found her amusing, interesting and dangerous. She was a weird woman indeed. 'Say, o' wise Yama Mada. Do you know what changes the nature of a man?' He asked and closed his eyes, feeling her hands tracing his body. 'Oh, hihihihi' She said as she stroked the captain's member 'Yama Mada knows'. She even licked on the fluids covering the orca's privates.

'Yama Mada'

The orca laughed out loud at her reply. Truth was that men change while growing up as time flies, they love and hate, their nature changes. But that was the reason the old witch monkey was so special. She didn't hate, she didn't love, she was nothing in probably anyone's life. She was respected for her voodoo in her village, she was feared from the men in the ship because she could change someone's nature and no time will have gone by at all. What she did was a curse, but in Cold's hands it was a blessing. It was what he needed.

The end