According to Plan

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#2 of Jack Off With Your Tears!


After his nap, Tristan was able to enjoy the rest of his birthday in a more traditional way. His five friends came over, each one with a brightly wrapped present to give to the fox. For most of the afternoon, the cubs played games, and Ms. Webb handed out prizes to everyone, even Tristan. She made sure no one was left out, and when it came time for supper, all the cubs sang for Tristan as a cake with eight candles was brought to the table. they all cheered as the snow white kit extinguished the flames. They enjoyed pizza, cake, and ice cream, and for once, Ms. Webb was very discrete about Tristan's diaper. She whisper into her kit's ear, asking if he wanted to be changed and was kind enough to smile and nod when he declined.

The sun was setting, and it quickly came time for Tristan's friends to go. They all wished him a happy year before leaving. Once they were gone, the mommy knelt quietly behind her unsuspecting kit as he was waving his friends goodbye, and she swept her paws under his arms and scooped him up. "Okay big boy," She teased, "I know you need a change now." The kit yipped but didn't struggle. Instead he giggled playfully as he was promptly carried to his changing table. She lay him down gently, and while he stretched out, she undid his pants. Once the vixen had parted the fly, she clearly caught a whiff of Tristan's soggy, urine-soaked nappy.

Though the kit was embarrassed, his mom gave his face a few playful pets, distracting the boy as she gradually slipped his pants off. The kit closed his tired eyes and nuzzled into the warm comforting paw, and while he did that, the mother fox brought her nose as close as she could to the smelly sagging diaper and deeply inhaled the mellow scent. Though she was aware most of the potency of her child's scent was captured in the diaper, she also knew his couldn't match hers. She had her own private bathroom for more reason than the fact that it was attached to the master bedroom. It was also because her golden morning piss stunk of ammonia and her ruling scent which if not immediately flushed could linger in the bathroom's air for hours.

She inhaled deeply again before moving both her soft paws to carefully peel back the tapes from the diaper and uncover the young boy's matted preteen crotch. Tristan arched his hips while his mom slid the heavy diaper across the changing table, making a plastic brushing noise as she did. Next came the wipes, but before the powder, the vixen tenderly spread petroleum jelly over the kit's crotch and any other part of him that might have been steeping in piss for the last few hours. Though she only intended to prevent an irritating diaper rash, a thought spurred in her brain as she was applying the cool jelly to Tristan's delicate ass crack. The vixen brought her paw to the jar of petroleum again, scooping up a small amount with the tip of her finger. "Just once, to see how he reacts." With that she placed her lubricated fingers at her son's innocent virgin anus. The kit whined quietly as his mom swirled her finger around his sensitive pucker. The mommy cooed to her child and brushed her cool nose against his tender underbelly. The ticklish kit started to chuckle and tense up his entire body, even his rectum. The mommy simply continued to use her snout to make her kit tense until it looked like Tristan's body became even more tired. The mommy stopped at that point, and just as her son laid his head back on the changing table to relax, she managed to slip her finger into her boy's anus and feel the sphincter clench hard against the prodding digit. She withdrew her lubed finger quickly, the penetration lasting less than a second. She wondered if she could consider that as taking his precious anal virginity, and if it counted, her cub was taking it rather well, laying half asleep with his thumb in his mouth.

The image made his mommy smile, and she idly hummed a lullaby while she wrapped her son's waist in a thick overnight diaper. She then picked her kit up and cradled him in her arms for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his body against her breasts for a minute before setting him down on his bed, which she had cleaned up since his mistreatment from that day. The cub squirmed, groaned, and continued to comfort his mouth with his thumb while his mommy wrapped him snugly in his baby blue blanket. She stroked her son's hair. "Sleep tight dear. You have a very important guest tomorrow."

Tristan woke up the next morning like most mornings.The sun came through his window and shined over his face until his ears flicked and he sat up with a groan and a yawn. His interaction with his mom was close to minimal that day since she was hard at work on a webpage layout for a starting restaurant chain. She changed Tristan's pissy diaper that morning, this time without any foul play, and made cream of wheat and sausage for breakfast. Tristan sat in the same room as his mom on his own computer after that, playing a strategy game he'd gotten for his birthday yesterday. It was so captivating he could hardly keep track of the time. He was even a little surprised when is mom brought him a plate with two toasted tuna sandwiches with some raw cauliflower and a pickle.

"It's lunch time, darling. Pause it and take a break." Time really flies when you're having fun. The two of them casually ate together in the computer room. While they were eating, Ms. Webb's cell phone buzzed. It was a text message. Tristan didn't think much about it and continued with his lunch, but his mother was unusually perplexed. She read the message: "bab4$100." She rolled her eyes and sighed, but then she noticed Tristan's concerned expression and just chuckled. "Oh, don't worry, I just have a client that doesn't understand something. It'll only take a minute." She couldn't believe it though; the person who sent the text was the father of the bully that was coming over that afternoon. He was trying to negotiate paying $100 for his son to bully Tristan and receive a blowjob from her. She was no willy-nilly amateur though, and she replied to the message, asking for $800, thinking if her client was going to roll so low, she might as well roll high. Another message came. "bab$150, but you blow me." She shook her head and typed on her smartphone. Before that last text, she was willing to settle between five and six hundred, but she was getting irritated with the man's nerve. "It's $800 or your son doesn't come over. Want me to blow you too, it's a grand. I promise you it's a good price for what you're getting, but if you can't afford it, I have no problem letting my son play video games all day and make no money. Your call." With a decisive move, she sent the text.

Several minutes went by, and the vixen started to tap her hind paw on the floor while she munched on her sandwich. She didn't even realize Tristan had been staring at her the whole time until then. She saw the innocent look of hope and confusion in her child's face, and she had to look away. He would make her lose her nerve. He would make her regret. He would make her admit that she was a monster, and then what? Hasten the eventual emotional breakdown that part of her knew she deserved? She looked down at her plate and remembered there was half a sandwich she didn't have the stomach to eat. She noticed Tristan's empty plate and perked her ears up.

"Are you still hungry, sweety?" The kit nodded. She picked up the tuna sandwich and passed it over to her child, who accepted it with glee. A few tan crumbs fell from his lips onto his mouth as he stood up and leaned his body against his mom's lap. Though he was dangerously close to her moist crotch, potent with the scent of naughty anticipation, she braved the risk of strange questions and put her paws around Tristan, holding him close as he ate. "You know mommy loves you, right?"

The kit swallowed what he was chewing and looked up, slightly concerned again. "Yes mommy. Why?" he tilted his head.

The vixen just shook her head and smiled. "Oh, no reason." She quickly inhaled and slowly exhaled. Somehow Tristan eating her food felt more nourishing than if she had eaten it. A sudden buzz came from the smartphone as it rattled against the desk it sat on. Ms. Webb reached out and took a look. "A grand it is, and it better be good."

"Back to business then." She said out loud as she turned to work on the webpage some more. "Now really!" She exclaimed incredulously, "Who would pay that much for a bowl of yellow curry chicken?"

It was a few hours later. Tristan looked over the game and scratched his chin like a battle captain, weighing the risk versus reward of his attack plan and target. The campaign was getting intense and the situation delicate, and he had to take action soon. Would he attack now with what he had or move his base to buy time and create better units? The enemy's invasion was pending and the arctic fox kit froze. Shortly before his base would be descended upon by a ravenous army of enemy warriors, he felt a couple of warm paws wrap around his ears and scritch them. He looked up to see his mom.

"Guess what? More of your birthday present is almost here. It's time to go outside." She smiled.

Tristan's ears flicked and pinned back. "A-again mommy?" He started breathing a little faster, no longer concerned with his campaign.

The vixen nodded, "Oh it's not going to be exactly the same. That would just be boring and no fun. It's a new bully and everything."

Tristan didn't feel very reassured by his mom's enthusiasm, but he stood up and obeyed anyway. He recalled how much the punishment hurt the day before when he made his mom angry and he thought he'd rather just get dirty again and get the "gift" over with. The wimpy fox went outside and walked into the back yard. He held his paws against his body, partially for emotional protection and partly from the cool wind which sporadically tossed his long and wavy golden locks of hair. He sat down on the ground next to the sandbox and looked around. There was no sign of anyone yet. He could hear nothing but the sound of the summer breeze flutter against countless tree leaves. Normally, it was a calming white noise, good for daydreaming, but he could only wonder who it could be that wanted to be mean to him. Without knowing it, his mind wandered anyway and searched for an explanation for why this was happening to him or at least how this humiliating treatment was supposed to be enjoyable. Several questions formulated in his mind, but he had to put all those thoughts on the back burner as he noticed an older eastern dragon approaching from the front. He was big alright. The green scaley looked to be a little older and stronger than the husky had been the day before. He was quietly walking in a strait line to the kit.

The kit wrapped his quivering tail around himself and grasped the tip, hoping to keep it from falling into the bully's claws. Tristan fully expected the other boy to say something, but he simply closed in without words. In moments the two were only a few feet from each other. Tristan's heart started to beat faster, his lips quivered, and he could almost make out the letters on the lizard's black t-shirt when he couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Hi there," the dainty fox spouted. "I'm Tristan."

---Minutes earlier in the Webb house:

Shortly after sending her son outside, Ms. Webb heard a knock at the front door. When she answered, there stood two handsome eastern dragons who she knew to be Mr. Lang and his fifteen year old son Chris. "Welcome, you two. I'm glad you decided to come over." She smiled cordially and swept her hind paws as she let her guests in, her casual dress swaying to and fro as she did. The boys walked inside, and Mr. Lang took off his black running jacket and placed it on one the the recliners in the living room. He was a tall man since he was a dragon. Ms. Webb guessed he was 6'4". He didn't exactly tower over her since she was 5'9", tall for her species. The son wore a punk rock band t-shirt, the kind where you couldn't figure out the name even if you stated at the word at a reasonable distance. He was only five feet tall, his eyes reaching the vixen's collarbone.

Ms. Webb fetched her two patrons a couple of sodas and made small talk for a few minutes, but when it looked like the teen was starting to get bored, she grinned to him and said "Ready for some fun, Chris? Tristan's already waiting for you in the back yard. Just go ahead and do whatever you like to him when you want. I'll just be showing your father around the house. Sound good."

"That's awesome!" The younger dragon cheered as he went out the door and made his way to the back yard.

The door shut behind the scaly, leaving the vixen alone with the horny dragon. "We should move to the bedroom." The fox said with a chuckle. She stood up and beckoned the male with a finger to follow, unbuttoning her navy blue blouse as she walked, her swishing tail rising to lift the dress and unveil her soft bare backside. Mr. Lang didn't need encouraging though, and as he followed, he reached out to put his hand over the vulpine's curvaceous rear. She was walking too fast though. She had to get to the camera, aim it, and start recording all before the young dragon made it into the back yard. That didn't mean she couldn't remove her blouse on the way, tossing it on the bed When she reached the window and looked out, she smiled, noticing her son had chosen to sit the same place as yesterday. It wouldn't take long at all to aim the camera if it needed any movement at all. She turned the camera on, and as she pressed record, she felt the dragon's warm body stand close as he began to remove her bra. She flicked her ears happily as she let the garment fall to the floor. The muscular dragon arms wrapped around the topless vixen and stroked her soft furry breasts.

She noticed from the warmth of his body touching hers than he'd taken off his shirt, and he whispered to her as he groped her full and round tits which had for a long time provided tasty warm milk to her baby boy. Her gifted chest still helped put food in her son's mouth, but it was from the income she gained from selling herself. "How about that blowjob, whore?" Mr. Lang asked with a low, seductive hiss.

"Oh no, not yet. I won't be able to see the show. Don't worry dear. I'll make sure you don't leave the house unblown." She pulls her dress up with her paws and looks out the window. "In the mean time, watch your son work and enjoy my pussy." Mr. Lang's tongue flicked with excitement as he watched the vixen lean over and use her paws to spread her wet glistening labia.

Wham! Tristan yelped loudly and brought both his paws to the side of his face for comfort. He lay on the ground sniffling while the teenage dragon snickered, both of his fists clenched. He still hadn't said a word, but he reached down and pulled on the sissy's hair, painfully yanking him up so he could hold the femboy still while he wound up and delivered a left hook to match the right he'd just given the kit. Tristan started to flail desperately since his eyes were already welling up with fearful tears. He'd never felt pain like that before, not even the day before when his mommy slapped him. With all his might, the wimpy fox tried to block the next punches, but the lizard easily broke through the kit's defenses and drilled his knuckles into the child's face, right below his left eye. Chris laughed maniacally as he did this one...two...three...four more times in the same spot before letting go of the hair he'd been grasping onto.

The fox fell back in a mess, his hair every which way, holding his shaking paws up in both defense and surrender, his face scrunched from the humiliating pain, and his diaper leaking from the leg openings from all the scared piddling he'd done, which created a dark wet spot on his inner thigh. The dragon saw the kit's pathetic attempt to guard himself. The clumsy fox left his stomach exposed, so Chris knelt down and nailed the boy in his solar plexus with his clenched paw like it was the head of a hammer.

"Dah!" The kit's voice cracked as he curled up and coughed. He bawled more loudly than ever, forcing himself to open his eyes to look to his attacker. He crossed his arms in front of his stomach, feeling nauseous from the blow. He whined to the teen "Pleeeeaase stop. I don want *hic* I don wanna UHG!" Another right hook landed on the pitiful child's face between his snout and his left eye. Before he could even recover from the hit, Tristan felt one of his ears being twisted and pulled hard. "Stop! Sto-h-op!" He wailed and protected his ear only to have his other ear treated the same.

The kit's nerves became tense and he pushed hard against the bully, resulting in a second crushing blow to the stomach. Coiling again, the kit felt some of his lunch leap from his stomach, but fortunately he managed to swallow the chunky mass before it left his esophagus and start breathing again. He very much needed that air. Even a split second without his strained breathing made his chest hurt, and at that point, most of him hurt. Shame flooded his brain as he made a blind leap to scurry away, but he only ended up diving headlong into the next swinging fist. The kit toppled over with a sharp yelp, spit flying from his mouth as the hit made his head turn.

Suddenly Chris mocked the boy, speaking for the first time since he'd started. "Get up, little faggot." He took hold of Tristan again and stood him up on his feet. The lizard watched as the dizzy cub waddled in no direction in particular. "You stupid baby. First you piss your pants and then you walk around like a little toddler? Oh you deserve this."

Tristan could tell from the tone in the bully's voice that something absolutely terrible was going to happen, and the fear instantly made the hair on his body stick up. He shook his head wildly, though it made his body sway a bit. "No! Don't do it!" That's all he could say before he felt the dragon's hand wrap around his neck and squeeze tightly. Tristan fought to breathe and gasped in pain as his lungs demanded air more and more. He struggled to remove the hand from his throbbing neck when suddenly an onslaught of punches began. The bully's fist collided with Tristan's face and head rapidly, at least a dozen times. Here and there an upward blow would force the kit's hanging lower jaw up and clap his teeth together, sometimes with his parched tongue in the way. Neither could be sure about the number of hits though, since he nor his tormentor were keeping count. The thing that was clear to the pussy of a fox was that his entire body hurt.

Chris on the other hand was having the best time in his entire life as he repeatedly slugged the pansy in his tear sodden face. It didn't take long though before the lizard decided Tristan had had enough hitting and he was almost done. He held the whimpering boy up by his shirt and brought his own lips to one of the kit's closed eyes until he was less then an inch away. He then worked his wet tongue around his mouth for a moment before blasting the kit's eyelids with his foamy spit. He turned the degraded vulpine's face slightly and snorted hard, gathering a messy loogie before firing it over the other set of eyelids, some of the thick yellow snot rolling down his sore swollen face. That done, the lizard let go of the fox, letting his feeble body fall to the ground with a kerplunk noise.

Tristan inhaled noisily and curled up where he landed, putting a paw over his head to protect himself still. He whined and begged with swollen lips, unaware that the dragon had already started walking back into the house. "Pwease, no more. It weally weally hurths. Thtop hidding me." After a few moments of silence and peace, he forced his eyes open and sniffed, looking around. There was again no sign of him, and Tristan correctly assumed the teen was finished. He curled up tighter and laid his throbbing head against the cool ground and started to quietly weep. "M-mommy." He called out.

Ms. Webb gripped tightly to the window sill and braced herself as the tall adult lizard gripped her feminine hips and plunged his eleven inch dragon sausage in and out of the vixen's sopping wet cunt. She panted lustfully as the motion made her hanging tits sway back and forth. She felt her body tense for the umteenth time and moaned loudly, "I'm cumming again. I..." She trailed off as she clenched her pussy tightly around her customer's hot, fat cock.

Mr. Lang picked up the pace as he dug his claws into the whore's hips. "Me too!" he hissed. In a moment the two of them moaned as they came together, the dragon spraying thick, warm seed into the fox as she squirted hard against his orange sized balls. He had already ejaculated two other times since his son had been out, and his orbs dripped from her near constant cumming. The fox's used vagina dribbled a steady stream of pearly white cum onto the floor where a small puddle had formed.

It had been one of the most intense sexual experiences the vixen ever had, and she owed it all to her delicate little sissy boy. The whole time he'd been beaten up, his mommy watched and touched her face or stomach, imagining how the shameful beatdown felt. Mr. Lang noticed that his boy was coming back inside, so he stepped back from the fox, sliding his hot dragon dick out of it's snug playground, leaving Ms. Webb to kneel down on the floor since her knees failed her.

She blushed and huffed as more of the cum spilled out of her gaping pussy. While she rested one of her now relaxed paws on the wall below the sill, she brought her other paw to her labia, grunting softly as she pinched the small flaps together and stretched one of them to overlap the other. She managed to regain some of her composure and gestured to the proud looking dragon. "Hey...could you hand me that glass?"

Mr. Lang turned his head and pointed to a wide mouth wine glass. The vixen nodded, and the dragon passed it over to her. He then watched with dirty-minded interest as the whore carefully knelt with the crystal clear glass sitting stoically under her vagina. The slutty fox groaned happily as she moved her paw and let her tender flesh spread back into its previous position. The creamy seed dribbled out of her like a gentle babbling brook and flowed into the open waiting mouth of the glass.

As the mother fox was draining, the lizard couldn't help but chuckle lightly at something. He noticed her face change expression, so he said "It's a good thing you were drinking wine earlier."

They both laughed at this, but Ms. Webb carefully stood up, carrying the glass just between her legs with her paw as she did so. "Actually, I haven't had any wine for a while. I just know it's a good idea to keep one of these in your room." She paused and tapped on the glass with a foreclaw, "especially if you're a filthy whore that lets pent up strangers spray fountains of cum into your cunt." She smiled and winked, wiping the last of the dripping spooge from her pussy lips and scraping off the mess on the rim of the glass.

The adult dragon seemed impressed and sat down on the bed, naked, while the fox let her dress fall back over her legs and put her blouse back on. The navy blue fabric seemed a little thin without her bra on, and her perky nipples made small but noticeable bumps against the blouse. "I need to go pick up after your son now. He should be back in here any minute, so you should quick put your clothes back on." She opened the door and slipped out as quietly as she could. On her way out she encountered Chris, and there seemed to be a new glow about him. "Have fun out there?"

"Totally" the shorter lizard nodded coolly.

She chuckled and kissed the top of his head, "I'm glad. Give your father a few minutes. He's getting dressed."

"Oh ok." Ms. Webb didn't wait a moment longer. She needed to make sure her little boy was going to be ok. As she walked out into the breeze, she realized she forgot something. She needed to pee after cumming so much, and she needed to do it badly.

"Mommy" The battered kit cried, making 'hic' noises while he did that. He couldn't see through all of his tears, even after he'd wiped away the gross spit. His ears were ringing, making him unaware of his mom kneeling down beside and wraping her arms around him. She lifted his body and brought him close to hers. At first, the kit's whines got louder, but when he realized the touch he felt was actually peaceful and nice, he realized it had to be his mom and started to quiet down again. She took a close look at her son's face and noticed the places it was swelling.

"Oh baby, that must've hurt a lot, huh?" The mother's tone was casual. It was as if he'd skinned his knee and not had the piss beaten out of him. Tristan wiped his tears off on his mom's blouse as she began to carry him inside. "Mommy's here now, it's going to be ok." She smiled warmly to him as she looked over his swollen face. She realized that she should've been more careful when she arranged for him to have a bully that afternoon. While she wanted someone older and tougher than Tristan, a fifteen year old dragon was overkill. "Still," she thought to herself, "It really was an incredible show." She opened the door and stepped inside, looking around for a sign of either of her customers. From the looks of it, they were likely waiting in her room. She felt a little silly about that, not planning anything for them to do while she comforted her son. Even more, she would have to spend a few minutes in the bathroom after she tucked Tristan into bed for his nap.

The kit seemed to have stopped crying as the two of them ascended the stairway to his room. "Mommy?"

"Yes honey?" The mother's response was a little strained as she lifted sixty pounds of squishy fox up the stairs. She discovered a wet feeling grow around Tristan's thigh where she was holding him. She thought to herself that the kit must have been drenched and wondered if she needed to take time to wash her arm before tending to the two dragons. Those thoughts would have to stay warm on the back burners of her mind for the time being. For now, her one and only son had something to say to her.

"I wuv you, bud I don wan any more buwwies pwease. I weawy don wan a birfday pwesend anymore." Tristan had trouble speaking with his puffy lips and swollen tongue.

The mommy tisked and shook her head. "Now sweety, remember what I said yesterday. When you say that, it really hurts mommy's feelings." She laid him down in his bed and slid his blanket over his body. The kit didn't move. He was too sore. He just lay on his side and looked to his mom with scared eyes. "You really have to learn to be more considerate, or you're going to get punished again."

"Bud mommy," his ears perked up as he pleaded, "Dad buwwy hurd eben more than being punithed."

The mother was genuinely taken back. The dumb little kit was actually calling her out when she was bluffing. There was no way she would hurt him in a way that made him prefer the bullying to his punishment. An idea came to her though, so she scowled and pressed her lips together until they were thin. "Tristan Anthony Webb! I should smack that naughty mouth of yours!"

"Pwease don mommy!" Tristan frantically begged, tears starting to form in his wide blue eyes again.

"That's right," She nodded firmly, "that wouldn't feel too nice, and you know what else? Mommy can always punish you worse than your bullies can. Do you want that?"

Tristan shook his head immediately, "No mommy. I be good. I'm sowwy." The kit's eyes were wide and nervous. The mommy felt her new bluff was working, so she smiled again and brushed his headfur with her paw. She meant for it to be comforting, but the boy whined since she touched a sore spot.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry." This time she meant it and looked for a way to comfort him. It didn't seem like there was a spot on his body that didn't ache. "I'll be right back honey. I'm going to get something for the pain." With that the adult fox left the room and went down to her own bathroom. She opened the door and went strait for the medicine cabinet, but just as she was about to leave the room with a bottle of Tylenol, she glanced at the toilet. It reminded her of the strong urge to pee that she'd been repressing way too long. She gasped as she heard a soft padder against the hard tile and felt warm drops of liquid against her calves.

In that instant she felt both relief and tension at the same time. Her body gave up on her holding her bladder any longer and started emptying her smelly urine full blast on the floor. Even the vixen, shameless as she may have been, blushed and moved over to the toilet to finish there. She lifted up her dress and sat down right away. That is, at least she thought she lifted her dress. She found out after a few more seconds that she was urinating right on the inside of her dress. Some had already leaked through and the rest dribbled down the fabric. She just sat up and pulled the dress from under her, tossing the cloth back with a wet slap against the back of the toilet seat.

Almost a whole minute passed before she felt completely relieved. She sighed contently and giggled at her situation, telling herself how silly it was. It was over now though, she thought, and all she had to do before meeting the two boys waiting in her bedroom was give her precious kit some medicine for his pain. But wait, where was it? The vixen couldn't feel the plastic bottle in her paw, so she looked down. It wasn't there, so she looked around on the counter, the medicine cabinet, the floor, the shower, and then finally inside the murky yellow toilet water. There it was, the small white bottle, floating like a lingering turd in the porcelain piss pool, and what was worse was she could spot a point on the cap where small bubbles were slowly escaping.

She knelt down and gulped as she reluctantly put her paw into the foul golden water. "I-just-pissed-on-my-son's-medicine." She said slowly. She never thought she would say that and have it be true, but now it was. She opened the bottle and shook out the contents on the counter. She looked at all of the pills and picked out the two of them that had the least amount of fox urine on them and set out to care for her little boy.

She walked through the house with her paw and dress drenched in her scent and carrying a glass of clear, clean water. She went strait into Tristan's room to find that he'd already fallen asleep. "Tristan?" She called to him and chuckled at her luck. The kit woke up right away. He'd dozed off only seconds ago.

"Hey mommy. Whath thad thmell?" Tristan wondered out loud, twitching his nose awkwardly.

"Oh, don't worry your little head about that. Here." She handed the kit the pills and helped him sit up. "Here's some water hun. Remember, don't chew. You gotta swallow."

Tristan nodded and arched his head back, dropping one of the pills in his mouth. He gagged hard and nearly spat out the painkiller before helping the pill slide down his throat with the water. "Yuck! Id daths weawwy bad, mamma."

"I know sweety, but sometimes medicine is like that. You'll feel much better though, I promise. Take the other one now and then you can go to sleep, ok?" With that the kit nodded and swallowed the other nasty pill before laying back down to sleep. "Sweet dreams." The vixen stood up and walked out of the room, but she wouldn't be going to her own room right away like she knew she should have. She had to go downstairs in the basement and strip out of her clothes. She reasoned with herself that it wasn't so bad smelling like piss as it was wearing it all over her clothes. She took a deep breath and chuckled at the idea that her paying customers might like the surprise of her walking into the bedroom naked already. She just set her clothing inside the washer and shut the lid before climbing back upstairs in the buff.

Another idea struck her as she reached the stoop and she went into the kitchen, which was on the way to her room anyway. She fished out the same bottle of vodka from the high cupboard as she did for the bully the day before, but this time she grabbed two full sized glasses. She carefully but quickly filled the glasses two thirds to the top with pineapple juice and finished them off with the clear booze. A few ice cubes brought the level to the top. Perfect. She turned back around to put the vodka back in the high cupbord when she paused, unscrewed the cap again, and brought the bottle to her lips. Once...twice she filled her mouth and swallowed before putting the bottle upright again. She gasped and panted from the hot, stinging in her throat. She put it away then. It was enough to ease her mind and let her enjoy what she was about to do.

Grabbing the two drinks for her guests, she smiled as she strolled to her bedroom and carefully opened the door. "Hi boys, I'm so sorry th-" She froze and blinked at what she saw. First off, the two male dragons were both completely naked like she was, their clothes clumsily scattered about the floor. The father was standing up next to the bed, and his son was on the bed on all fours, his head being forcefully held against his own father's crotch. Chris's smooth cheeks bulged out around the adult dragon's enormous cock. Wet 'cluck' noises issued from the teen's throat as his father thrust his dominating hips back and forth. The movement shook the bed and parts of the boy's body, most notably the teen's diamond hard, precum oozing cock. That fat bulging fucker even slapped against the boy's stomach like a drum when his father sped up and arched his head back with a hiss.

"Oh my...oh" Ms. Webb's legs gravitated towards each other as she became insanely aroused. The two didn't even seem to notice she'd walked in, and she just stood there with sweating drink glasses in her paws. She hadn't even shut the door and forgot all about it. Her fluffy tail started to rise naturally as she took a step forward to get a better view, and then another step. She gasped when she noticed the teen dragon's face scrunched with pain. The vixen only got more chills of excitement as she moved her unblinking eyes down the boy's form slowly. There was a bulge in the young lizard's neck that rocked back and forth with his father's brutal thrusting. A couple of tears rolled down the kid's muzzle as he suffered the rough face-fucking, and Ms. Webb watched the shining tear roll down his face along a wet, line down to his chin and drip from his face right into the crystal wine glass filled with cum from earlier. Chris was holding the stem of the glass with both hands and supporting himself with his elbows.

HURK! The nude vixen heard a weird sound come from the young lizard which was followed by a similar sound and then again, all with his moaning father in the background. The fourth time he made the sound, his father withdrew his long pulsing dick from the boy's mouth, and with it came a thick rope of mature sperm that connected the cock tip to the back of the son's throat. Then suddenly Chris lowered his mouth to the opening of the wine glass and made wet sloppy gags while he rejected mouthfuls of gooey cock-milk. The glass was now nearly full, and the fox could tell it was warm since the drinks in her paws were still sweating in the summer afternoon air and the jizz glass wasn't.

While Ms. Webb was mesmerized by the display, the young dragon was breathing heavily in recovery, and Mr. Lang opened his eyes to notice the vixen standing right by the two completely nude and holding cold drinks. "Well look who's here boy, and it looks like she brought some refreshments."

Chris licked his lips and wiped his eyes, now able to look around again and admire the whore without clothes on. "Oh yeah, thanks." He breathed, "I could really use some right now."

Without thinking, the fox reached out one of the cocktails and exchanged it with the wineglass he was holding. It was really warm and thick as it didn't look like the sperm had settled to the bottom yet as it did whenever left in a container too long. She handed the other drink to Mr. Lang. "Ok, I'm surprised. What was that just there?"

"Face-fucking." Chris answered jokingly.

His father only hissed at him and cleared his throat. "My son and I have a very intimate relationship, as you can see. It has a very long history, but I can assure you he enjoys it as much as I do." From there, the three of them sat down on Ms. Webb's king sized bed and talked about the relationship between the two dragons, which they both were more than happy to share. There were several parts where the son would answer a question in a provocative way just to tease the two horny adults in the room. What she learned was that Chris was confused about his own sexuality around the age of thirteen. He already had a few strait porn mags, but he tried to do things to himself that the beautiful women did in the pictures. He would put his fingers in his mouth or grab his own chest, or even reach his own anus and try to finger himself. While he enjoyed the idea, he didn't identify himself as a girl, and so he felt weird doing what they did. Later, he heard rumor of a gay porn mag hidden in the girls bathroom at school, so he went inside, found it, and brought it back home where he found it a little more comfortable. He could really see himself as one of those men. One day though, his father caught him in the act, and though Chris was ashamed, his father was very supportive. The two talked about it man to man, and during the conversation, Mr. Lang had carelessly set his hand on his son's knee. After realizing what he did, he noticed his son's eyes light up with hope. The two of them gradually overcame a shared sense of shyness for each other over a few weeks. Then one day after the two had finished supper, they shared a wet, incestuous kiss. Things only escalated from there.

"But wait," The fox interjected. Her eyes were moving all over the place as she was having trouble making sense of what she heard, especially now that the alcohol in her system was starting to take effect. "If he's gay, then why did you proposition a prostitute?" She challenged the older dragon while still holding her wineglass-o-cum.

"Oh that's easy" Chris broke in since his dad had his mouth full of drink. "I'm not really gay. I like girls, but I just haven't been with one yet." The vixen nodded, understanding that this would be his first encounter with a woman, and judging from his relaxed posture and goofy smile, it looked like it was his first encounter with alcohol too. He made a small burp and covered his mouth. "You know though, you're a real MILF...a mom I'd like to fffff-" He trailed off.

"Fuck?" The vixen finished, taking the comment as gracefully as she could.

"No no, you're a mom I'd like to f-f-fill-with-my-dick-until-I-shoot." He nodded proudly at the end of his statement.

This made Ms. Webb burst out laughing and made her set the wineglass down on the nightstand. "Ahhahahaha! Wow!" She brushed a tear out of her eye and looked to the older dragon. "Jeez Mr. Lang, he's a real charmer. He ought to be really popular with the ladies. It's a wonder why he gets all of his sex from his father."

The adult male gave the hysterical vixen a wry look as he finished his drink. "Don't you owe my cock something? Your mouth, right whore?"

"What? Dad!? I thought I was going to be first." The teen complained. His hard-on barely wilted over the conversation. The nude vixen glanced awkwardly between them, strangely impartial to how they were going to use her body.

"Well you're taking too long, kid, but I'll tell you what. I'll fuck this whore's pretty little mouth, and you can fuck her pussy from behind. Don't worry, it's totally easy, isn't that right?" The older lizard looked to Ms. Webb with a grin.

"Oh yeah, that sounds like a great idea." She smiled to the two and sat up on her knees. The adult male seemed to lead the way and gestured to the center of the bed. Ms Webb found her rightful place on her paws and knees, lifting her majestic tail high into the air until it curled slightly forward and hovered over her back. She carefully situated herself for a wild ride while the two horny males knelt in front and behind her. Both of them seemed a little clumsy as they did so, the younger dragon roughly poking the fox's fluffy rump cheek with his cock while the older one managed to smack her forehead with his hard meat, eliciting an "ow" from her. She chuckled at the silliness of their crude movements, but if she hadn't consumed the vodka earlier, she might have been worried about receiving the same unkind treatment that her pussy son did. Chris was being very gentle though, bringing his hand in between her legs and stroking her humid furnace of a cunt. She panted and pawed at the bed sheets as natural lubricant seeped from her mound and onto the boy's hand.

While the son was exploring the sexy vixen's body with his hand, she used one of her front paws to guide the tip of the adult dragon's pecker to her lips to lick along the side and tip of it. She couldn't believe how salty it was, but then again, she'd never given a dragon a blowjob before. First time for everything, she thought to herself, but that train of thought was interrupted when she felt her pussy folds being suddenly pushed apart by a hot, blood-engorged lizard cock. The dragon and the bitch he mounted shared a moan, but Ms. Webb's was cut short as the male at her front grabbed a hold of the back of her head and pulled her face roughly into his crotch, forcing his plump dick into her oral passage. There was some resistance when the tip of the man's member tried to breach the fox's throat, and she was even trying to pull herself off, clearly not yet ready. That didn't seem to detour either of the boys as Chris took a hold of the whore's sides and used them as leverage to slide his dragon meat in and out. the father put both of his hands on the fox's head and held tightly, which hurt the vixen a little. Once again he started to push himself inside the slut's throat, grinning as he looked down at her eyes and saw an expression of nervous betrayal. "Down the hatch now, cunt!" The older lizard laughed and thrust himself forward, breaking past the fox's gag reflex.

Her body shook some, and she held onto the bed sheet for comfort. This wasn't her first time deepthroating, but she was never really ready to take a dick so girthy regardless of how many horsecocks she'd swallowed in the past. Her throat was only so wide. Nevertheless, she sucked and bucked her hips back in rhythm with the young dragon's thrusts, each time making a wet squelching sound before a dull smack as their hips connected. Although Ms. Webb wasn't a pain slut by any stretch of the imagination, she felt a thrill of dangerous pleasure being handled by the two males knowing she physically couldn't choose to end the session even if she wanted to.

"Oh yeah, you're such a filthy fuckin' whore, aren't you?" The older male sped up his thrusts and made his orange sized testicles knock against the fox's chin. Luckily for Ms. Webb the dragon pulled his dick back each time so far that she was able to take in some air through her nose. She could stand having her throat fucked much better so long as he kept making such long piston movements. Chris didn't say anything though. Instead he leaned his body against the furry cock slave and slammed his hips forward and hissed with pleasure.

After a few minutes of the hard fucking, the slutty vixen felt her body start to tense, her face scrunching up more than it already was. She closed her eyes tight and made a muffled scream around a pulsing, pre-squirting cock. "Oh dad, she's so hot! I...eyah!" A blob of warm lizard goo formed around the boy's tip inside the bitch's vagina. the blob grew and spread in jolts, precursed by the hard pulsing of the boy's veiny flesh rod. The father moaned and pulled himself out, leaving the fox confused, panting, and without her sticky ejaculate treat she'd expected. She opened her eyes and saw Mr. Lang jerking his throbbing cock fast. He told her to close her mouth, and she closed them, followed quickly by her eyes as a rocket of slimy cum splattered her snout and cheek.

She let her head droop since her last orgasm left her feeling tired and out of breath. Two more ropes of cum sprang out and left white trails in her hair. Eventually she wiped her eyes, even though they were already clean and opened them again. The adult lizard seemed pleased, so she looked back to the teen, who had spaced out in the afterglow, and wiggled her rear to get his attention. "Hey, having fun back there?" She joked.

The teen blushed and slowly slid his sloppy penis from inside the vixen, leaving her spread open cunt to drool a mixture of their messes. The boy looked to be about ready for a nap as she was, so she decided it was getting close to the point time where they should be on their merry way. She rolled onto her side and sat up, looking to the father who was already putting his clothes back on. "So I'm sure you stopped by the bank or something on the way here, right?" She tried to sound friendly and motherly, but she needed to collect her money, which was one of the hardest things for her to do. There was just no graceful way to go about it, not even with a smile and a thank you. It was the embarrassing reminder that though some whores where pretty, nice, and had interesting personalities, they were nevertheless all whores. Mr. Lang nodded and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a broken in brown leather wallet. From that he reluctantly pulled out crisp ten dollar bills set them on Ms. Webb's nightstand next to the wineglass. She scooted closer and looked at the stack. She felt like she was tempting the man to smack her and run in a last ditch effort to keep his money. The transfer itself is when people typically went crazy. She reached to the bills and counted each of them silently until reaching the last two. "...nine, ten. That makes us ok. Thank you." She smiled as she folded the bills and held onto them.

As she was seeing the two out, she made sure to keep eye contact with them. She learned that doing so made patrons more comfortable with what they'd just done. She hoped it would make someone consider hiring her again, but it rarely happened, especially not because of a cute and cum-covered facial expression. She lead the two dragons to the front door but kept a moderate distance back, not wanting to put her naked, used body on display for the whole neighborhood. As soon as they left and closed the door the vixen walked over to lock it. She then went back to her bedroom and stored the money in a small fireproof lockbox where it joined the payment from the bully the day before. She shut the lid, scrambled the combination, and walked over to her bathroom to pee again and to also be reminded of her accident from earlier.

She was ready for a nap, and as she relieved herself again, she had a morbidly funny thought that made her chuckle. She wondered what would happen if she fell asleep on the toilet and the house was broken into by police. Would they search her bedroom first or look for her child to rescue him? Would they see the drink glasses and used sheets in her room and be phased by what they would have noticed? Or would they find her naked in her bathroom unconscious with piss on the floor and a bottle of painkillers spread out over her counter? She wiped herself clean with toilet paper and flushed as she walked back into her room. "Maybe they would think I'm dead, at least at first." She said out loud to herself. She lay down and curled up in the bed sheet, not caring that it was dotted with seminal fluid. She turned into her side and snuggled into her pillow. She looked forward and saw on her nightstand a picture of her and her son when he was only four. She hadn't been horrible then. She hadn't discovered her fetish for sadistic abuse yet, and they were both happy. The joking spirit in her mind changed as she closed her eyes, thinking back to the police scenario. "Maybe...maybe it would be best if they really did find us that way."