Tales of the Paladin: Vander III (not complete)

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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This was a story I was working on for my Ex since he's a fan of the horror genre and th...

This was a story I was working on for my Ex since he's a fan of the horror genre and this was my first attempt at it and I think I may have over done it or under did it, I don't know. I figured I might as well post it though I'm not sure if I'll finish it. I hope someone here likes it because I don't think he did.

There is an Anthro in this mix but I'm not sure what race she is going be, most likely canine.

Vander III, home to a bustling colony of seven hundred million Archaians of mostly Saxon decent. It is one of the quietest colonies in the Federation with a violent crime rate under ten percent. That is why, what the police found on a raid in the even quieter upper class neighborhood in the department of Treisburg, was so disturbing. Disturbing enough to send a call for a specialist in these types a matters.

Based on a tip from concerned citizens, the Planetary Security conducted a raid on a suspected drug or weapons smuggling ring. The 3500 square foot house set on several acres of well groomed land and a very large basement that held secrets that no one had expected. That is why the maroon colored unmarked police sedan pulled up into the cavalcade of police and security vehicles outside the property on the street.

"It is an honor sir, I'm Sergeant Inspector Klaus and this is my partner Detective Inspector Rover. This is the first time anyone on this planet has had to call a Paladin. Didn't think you came all the way out here."

"We go where we are needed Sergeant. I'm Captain Accoyer of the Paladine Order. You said you had suspicions of cult activity."

"Yes sir, please follow me. We were surprised when I sent in the request they said someone would be here in the hour." They walked across the police line and the large lawn that kept the house away from the street.

"I was on my way to Capital when I got the call. How many suspected members are there?"

"We detained twelve and killed three. We believe there's at least eight more. I have officers out looking for them now."

"Have them brought to your station when they are found. Keep them separate."

"Of course." He gestured to the officer at the door who recorded them on the log. The entry way was covered in the trash of the breach with the door laying on the floor. They moved to the right into a sitting room that was covered in loose papers. There were crime scene techs documenting everything and a coroner working on the body of one of the suspects. From there was the dining room complete with a drug cooking station. Beyond that was the kitchen which had the leftovers from the last meal and every meal before that left everywhere.

"Be careful Captain of the vomit, Officer Perkins is the one who entered the basement first. He's going to make a great officer but a month out of the Academy hasn't prepared him for this."

"I can understand Sergeant."

"The stairs are over here." He hands a face mask to the veteran Paladin.

"No thank you Sergeant."

"Are you sure, sir? It is rather bad."

"Some creatures of evil, I do stretch the word creatures, give away their presence by smell. My nose must be unrestrained so that I can detect it."

"But we know who did it?"

"In a neighborhood like this, it wouldn't been too unlucky to find a cult of dark arts. You know, magic, witchcraft, vampirism. Rich kids get bored you know, but something as bad as you had described it to my superiors, you can't rule out possession."


"Yes, a dark spiritual presence inhabiting the mortal shell of another. You don't need to worry about it Sergeant, only weak minded people with no connections to the real world have to fear become possessed."

"That is, comforting. After you" he said dawning his mask.

The smell of putrefaction was heavy as they descended down the stairs. Under that was a strong hint of metal and the taste of iron filled the captain's mouth as he boots dredged up blood from the soaked carpeting. The main room was set up like a chapel with an aisle lined with seats. Scattered around them were various pieces of flesh and body parts. The ceiling tiles had been replaced with intestines that drooped and sagged down. The room was lit by several torches that were attached to the blood stained walls using ribcages. In the back of the room behind the alter was a large wooden "X" flanked by two skeletons in an arched pose towards the alter.

"What is it Captain?"

"It's a sacrificial alter. The ex is known as a chaos cross, much different than the Divine Cross we know. The victim is tied to it and then his or her organs are removed in a fashion that prolongs their suffering. I've never witnessed it but I've heard that the victim gets to see their beating heart before they die."

"Why would they do this, ritual."

"From the looks of the set up, it would have to be for Juniper."


"Once of the five Chaos Lords that we know about. Juniper promises true freedom to its followers. They have to make blood sacrifices to bring power to a ritual, hoping to free their dark lord. What they don't know is that Juniper promises true freedom from thought and expression, enslaving those foolish enough to follow it."

"What did you find for me this time Captain Accoyer" said an older man as he climbed his way down the stairs.

"I wish it was different circumstances Doctor, but it looks like I have a meat puzzle for you to solve."

"Oh, well I guess we should return these people as whole as we can to their families. I'm Doctor Hippocrates, the good Captain's favorite medical examiner" he said introducing himself to the two inspectors.

"Nice to meet you Doctor."

"I'm sorry Sergeant, but since this is related to a Chaos cult I'm going to have to take assert Paladin Authority. I'll need to get in touch with my superiors back on Bastion."

"Understandable, can we leave this cursed basement and do that. I'll need to talk it over with my superiors too."

"Of course, but you do understand that my Federal Authority trumps yours. Your superiors don't have a say in anything. "

"If you want to deal with this blood bath than have at it. I'm not going to lie and say that I know what I'm doing with all this cult stuff, but don't turn this into a pissing match about authority."

"Don't get hurt by it Sergeant, you'll still be helpful to me since you know more about this colony than I. Please, let's get out of the doctor's way and make those calls."

"Please don't, stop" she pleaded as her three attackers grew closer to her. She had told her boss that she hated to lock up the shop alone this late at night. She knew that something like this would happen.

"Don't be scared child, I promise it won't hurt much. You have to live long enough for the ceremony to be complete" said the leader of the attackers as they all chucked. He flashed his dagger at her coming closer as she backed into the wall. Cornered, she had nowhere to go.

She tried to scream but they rushed her knocking her to the floor. "Don't be a bitch, we're doing you a favor" exclaimed one of her attackers. He proceeded to give her a hard kick that knocked the wind out of her.

"Now now brother, that is not the way to treat our honored guest. " He opened a bag on his hip and withdrew tape to bind their victim. He placed a strip over her snout and then picked her up and threw her onto the counter. They bound her hands and feet under the table so that she couldn't move even though she struggled to get away. They brandished their daggers over their victim. "Here child, this will dull the pain." He injected into her a solution that set her head swimming. Everything felt warm.

"Virgin blood would please the master more" said the third attacker as he tore off her pants and stuck his hand up into her. "No luck" he said with a grim laugh.

"Calm yourself brother and relish what you have." He tore open her blouse and squeezed her breasts. "These just won't do child." He took his dagger and drew it slowly under her right and then left breast. He sliced into them deeply causing blood to slowly ooze as the drug slowed down her systems. The other attackers waited impatiently as their leader took his time removing her mammary glands and their associated body part. He dropped them to the floor and stepped back, letting his brothers have their turn.

The one who had kicked her started at the top, cutting open her chest, exposing her rib cage. The other started on her mid section, opening her abdomen and cutting the fibers that bound her entrails together, removing them in a frenzy. He pulled them out, flinging them around as his companion pulled out a tool to open her rib cage and the leader said strange words to bring power to the dark ritual. Their victim was smiling as the drug they had injected her with spread only warmth through her otherwise numb body.

"Halt! Stop what you are doing now! Planetary Security, put your hands where we can see them!"

"Brothers, the ritual must be complete!" He took his dagger and turned to the bright light that was the flashlights the unknown number of security officers held. He raised it high above his head and charged at them.

"What of the victim?"

"The medics said she's luckier than her attackers. The drugs they used on her slowed her system down, there wasn't much blood loss. They should be able to put her back together but they said its going to be months before she's fully recovered and back to the way she was. May never be that way. It will be years before the shrinks are done with her."

"It doesn't make any sense Sergeant Inspector Klaus, Juniper Cultists don't target Anthropoids for their rituals. They view them as dirty and if anything just to kill them. Maybe Thuul or Zuul cultists. Everything points to Juniper though. What was that Security Patrol doing here?"

"I had dispatched them for the shop keeper, the victim's boss. A Morris Thacker, a recent settler to this Colony. He had a connection to the Cult leader so I order him to picked up for questioning."

"Either there is a separate more basic cult here, they're connected, or someone had a problem with Mister Thacker, sent their lackeys after him."


"Cult members might find minor criminals who think similarly to them or can be persuaded to think like them and teach them some of the rituals. I figure the assailants belongs to one of the cult members and were here to cause some damage to Mister Thacker. Where is he?"

"He wasn't home but several teams are out looking for him and there's a general alert out on him. If he does anything either planet side or on the orbital station we'll know."

"Good work Sergeant, it's only a matter of time. We just have to think of what to do with these two, your men are very good shots."

"They are lucky that they are and that they only received shoulder and knee wounds. After they're patched up I'll have them transferred to the station. Maybe they know where Mister Thacker is."